Chosen by the Alien Doctor

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Chosen by the Alien Doctor Page 8

by Sloane Meyers

  She wanted this courageous Zocronian to be hers. And, wonder of wonder, he wanted her to be his. What more could she ask for? She was tempted to overthink things—to insist that they talk first and work out all of the details of their relationship before they went any further physically. But that was her reasonable, logical side talking. And for once, Anya was way too turned on to be reasonable. She had never felt this attracted to anyone, and that fact alone was enough to make her keep going.

  She had longed for this her whole life. She had wanted to feel pure, unbridled passion for someone. To be so caught up in desire that she could not hold back. To know what it felt like to truly burn for someone.

  She was burning now. Kromin’s fire consumed her. Every movement of his lips against hers, every touch of his finger, was another spark, adding to the inferno. How was it possible to feel this hot without actually going up in flames?

  Kromin knew just how to build up the intensity of his touch. He had started out slow and steady, but he was gradually moving faster and with more intensity. He’d had his hands on the side of face, caressing her cheeks with his giant thumbs as he drove his tongue deep into her mouth. But now, he moved his hands down to tear off the plain green scrubs top that she was wearing. He pulled it off her head, only breaking their kiss for a split second as he removed the shirt. Then he tore at her bra, not even bothering with the clasp as he ripped it away from her body, leaving her breasts open and exposed in front of him.

  He did break their kiss then, leaning back slightly to look down and admire the parts of her body that were newly naked.

  “You are incredible,” he whispered, cupping one full breast in each hand. Anya closed her eyes for a moment, drinking in the sensation of his hands on her breasts. Those hands of his were so strong and warm. She felt like putty, melting at his touch, and free for him to mold and move however he wanted. Her nipples were hard with desire, and she ached for him to explore them as well. She wanted his fingers all over her, but especially on her nipples.

  Either he sensed her desire, or he was simply overcome with desire of his own. Either way, in the next moment he did something even better than just putting his fingers on her nipples. Instead, he put his lips there as well. With one hand, his warm, rough thumb rubbed against the hard nub of one nipple. The other hand cupped her other breast as he lowered his lips to the second nipple. When his warm, wet mouth closed over that nipple, Anya thought she was going to die from sheer ecstasy. Electricity sizzled between his tongue and her hard, sensitive nub, and the tingling shock of it spread through every part of her. When he switched to using his teeth to nibble at her, she nearly lost it.

  “Kromin,” she cried out. She could only say his name, but it was enough for him to know that she was pleased. He grunted happily, then switched his teeth to her other nipple, sending a fresh wave of electricity through her. Anya had never had a man move so slowly and with such deliberation. It’s like Kromin was taking his sweet time, making sure that he was doing exactly the things that would pleasure Anya the most.

  And oh, was she ever feeling that pleasure. She almost felt like she could fall over the edge into an orgasm just from what he was doing to her breasts. Was she going to be able to contain it at all when he started to move lower?

  She was about to find out.

  He stood suddenly, holding her up by her ass as he did. Then he let her legs slide to the floor so she was standing in front of him. He moved to push down her pants and underwear, making her completely naked within seconds. He stepped back and admired her for a moment, just the way he had admired her breasts when he first took her shirt off.

  “Sludge me,” he said in a husky whisper as his eyes grazed over her. “I’ve never seen any woman of any species look so beautiful. Your curves are just…phenomenal.”

  Anya looked down at her feet, feeling suddenly self-conscious. She had always been on the curvy side, and over the years she’d been teased about it quite a bit. Was Kromin truly being sincere now, or was he just teasing her? She wasn’t sure, and she wouldn’t be able to bear it if he decided to make fun of her. But in the next instant, he put her mind at ease.

  “Hey,” he said softly, stepping closer to her and once again lifting her chin so that she was forced to look into his eyes. “Why do you keep doing that?”

  “Doing what?” Anya was trembling at his touch.

  “Every time I give you a compliment, you look away or look down, like you don’t believe me.”

  Anya shrugged. “I guess I’m just not used to people complimenting me, especially about my body. In my experience, if someone is saying something about my body directly, they’re making fun of me.”

  Kromin’s eyes widened, as though he couldn’t believe what she was telling him. “Are you kidding me? I’ve never seen anyone as intoxicating as you. And I mean that.” He lifted his hands and cupped her cheeks, then slowly let his palms slide down her neck, over her shoulders, down her arms, and onto her stomach. He reached behind her and grabbed her ass, then used that leverage to pull her closer to him. Anya’s breasts felt like they were on fire as they pressed up against his chest, and she could hardly stand the passionate pressure building within her core as Kromin’s huge erection pressed against her mound, just above her dripping wet entrance. She only hated that he still had his clothes on. Her skin craved him. She wanted to feel him without this thin layer of fabric between them. But Kromin wasn’t thinking about his own clothes right now.

  “Look at me, and listen to me,” he ordered. She looked up at him, surprised to see how much the color in his eyes had changed. It had gone from a light gray to a dark, velvety black. Anya only trembled harder when she realized how much emotion he must be feeling for his eyes to turn that dark.

  “You are beautiful,” Kromin said, his voice taking on a note of authority. His tone said that he would not be argued with on this point. “I don’t make idle compliments, and I don’t make a habit of making fun of women’s bodies. When I tell you that you look incredible, I mean it. Understand?”

  Anya nodded, her lips pressed together as she desperately tried to still the shaking she could still feel across her entire body.

  “Good. Now that we’re clear on that, let me tell you exactly how I feel about your body. It is absolute perfection. Looking at it underneath your scrubs was always enough to turn me on, but seeing it completely with nothing hindering my view is almost more than I can bear. I think I’m going to have to claim that perfect body of yours right now.”

  With every word he spoke, the tingling warmth inside of Anya grew. She wasn’t going to last more than a few seconds if he put that giant dick of his inside of her. But she didn’t care. She had never wanted anything more. With a sudden rush of boldness, she reached for the hem of his shirt.

  “Well, if you’re going to claim me, then you’re going to have to get rid of these clothes. Besides, it’s only fair. If I’m going to be completely naked, then you should be too.”

  She pulled the shirt up and tried to pull it off his head, which wasn’t an easy task since he was so much taller than her. She managed, though, and after a few moments of struggle his chest was bare in front of her. She took in its beauty, its broad, blue strength, the same way that he had taken in her curves. And then she moved on to pushing off his pants and underwear. She made quick work of that—the task was somewhat easier since unlike when she removed his shirt, the fact that he was taller than her didn’t matter here.

  She didn’t let herself look directly between his legs as she got rid of his clothes. She felt shy and like she wasn’t quite brave enough to look directly at his dick. But finally, she took a deep breath and dared to take a peek. She couldn’t help but gasp at what she saw.

  He was huge. Absolutely enormous. She had known this, of course, but she hadn’t been able to tell by feeling him underneath his clothes just how enormous. His stiff rod was the biggest thing she had ever seen on any man across the Seven Galaxies. Not only that, but it was ridged.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” she asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. “You’re this big? Really? And ridged?”

  He looked confused by this. “Of course I’m ridged. Aren’t all men?”

  Anya shook her head. “Um, no. Maybe all Zocronian men, but not all men. Definitely not human men. Holy shit, Kromin. You want to put that thing inside of me?”

  He grinned. “Sludge yeah, I do. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “Um, no. Definitely not a problem.”

  “Good,” he growled out, growing quite serious once again. “Because I’m determined to have you, right here and now. Enough waiting.”

  He stepped forward and picked her up again, his hands easily lifting her underneath her ass as though she were as light as a feather. Instinctively, Anya wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her back to the chair. She could feel her juices dripping all over him, onto his stomach and onto his thick, stiff shaft which was poking just below her entrance right now.

  When he sat down in his chair, he positioned her a little bit back on his legs so that he could look down at her sex.

  “Perfection,” he murmured. “Absolute perfection. And I’m going to make it mine.”

  With that, he slid her forward, angling her so that she slid right onto his erection. He moved her slowly, letting just the head of it slowly poke into her soft folds at first. Even that was enough to stretch her out, and Anya shivered with delight.

  “How are you so huge?” she whispered, wonder filling her voice.

  He looked into her eyes with that characteristic intensity of his. “How are you so perfect?” he countered. Then he slid in a little more. Slowly, inch by inch, he began to fill her, drawing her body closer and closer to his even as his dick moved deeper and deeper into her body. Anya closed her eyes, concentrating only on the magnificent, hot pressure building deep inside her. She had never felt anything as amazing as Kromin, and just when she thought he couldn’t possibly go any deeper, he did. Finally, she had reached the point where her body was pressed up against his, and he was as far into her as he could possibly go. Anya’s breasts were pushed against Kromin’s chest, her hard nipples rubbing against his rough skin and sending more fresh little waves of pleasure all through her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head against the side of his, wanting to drink in the feeling of this moment completely. She never wanted to forget what it felt like to be here, safe and secure in the arms of her big, blue Zocronian. She never wanted to forget what it felt like to feel claimed.

  He began moving then, thrusting his hips forward and back with impressive dexterity, especially considering the fact that he was sitting on a chair. But he continued to move faster and faster, thrusting so rapidly that the chair began to creak in protest. But Anya wasn’t paying any attention to the creaking sounds. She wasn’t paying attention to anything except the throbbing between her legs. Kromin’s dick was causing that throbbing to grow stronger with every passing moment. As if his sheer size wasn’t enough to drive her wild, the ridges on his dick teased and tugged at every sensitive spot as he continued to move back and forth inside of her.

  Anya arched her back and tried to lessen the pressure a bit, wanting to draw out this moment forever. But it wasn’t easy to shift away from him even a little bit while she was literally sitting on top of him. He pulled her closer, and she finally stopped the little bit of resistance she’d been putting up. She gave herself completely over to the heat and pressure, and in the next moment her release was washing over her in fiery, intense waves.

  Her inner muscles clenched around him over and over again, squeezing his giant ridged dick and claiming it as her own. The fire within her grew to an inferno, and all she could do was throw back her head and scream his name loudly as the best orgasm of her life tumbled across her body in never-ending tremors. A flood of emotion filled her as she realized that for perhaps the first time in her life, she felt truly beautiful. She felt like a goddess, like a woman with something to offer a man. Kromin had brought that out in her, and she knew that now that she had been with him, there was no going back. There would never be anyone else who could ever satisfy her, no matter how long and how far she searched into the Seven Galaxies.

  There was only him.

  Kromin let out a low growl of satisfaction, clearly pleased that he had been able to make her feel this way. And then, he too found his release. With one last, final thrust, he stiffened and drove himself deep, deep into Anya’s throbbing inner walls. He pulsed into her, emptying himself deep inside of her in a hot, wonderful stream of himself. He roared as he came, and Anya clutched her arms tightly around him, amazed at what a beast he could be when he wanted to.

  They sat there, bodies connected and hearts intertwined, for quite some time. Still, when Kromin finally started to stir, it was too soon for Anya. She wanted him to stay with her, connected to her for eternity. It was getting late, though, and she knew they both had things to do before they could leave for the day. Reluctantly, she let him lift her off of him and set her feet down on the floor next to the chair. The papers strewn about had become even more of a disorganized mess than before, with several of them torn or bent where Kromin and Anya had stepped on them in their lovemaking frenzy.

  Kromin didn’t seem to mind. He looked down at the papers ruefully and shrugged. “I’m tempted to throw away all the supply records and just start over. Maybe if I hire an assistant who knows how to order stuff he or she can just figure it out without my wasting a bunch of time on this.”

  Anya laughed. “You have turned over a new leaf, haven’t you?”

  Kromin shrugged, then laughed. “I suppose I have. Why? Don’t you like it?”

  Anya smiled up at him, filled with such admiration that it was hard to believe she had ever hated him. “It suits you,” she said softly. “I think things are only going to get better from here.”

  A dark shadow crossed Kromin’s eyes. “Maybe for you and me, yes. But I have a feeling that tough times are ahead for Zocrone.”

  Anya slipped her hand into his. “Even if that’s the case, we’ll make it through, together.”

  “Together,” Kromin repeated. He leaned down and kissed her then, and Anya let her worries slip away. She knew the storms were still raging outside on Zocrone’s surface, but surely, love was stronger than any storm.

  And she was pretty sure that she loved Kromin, despite all the odds against it.

  Chapter Ten

  Kromin had never seen Black Hole Brews so empty. Even on a weeknight like tonight, the place was usually full. But the ration situation meant that the mood around town right now was somber, and most people didn’t feel like going out to have a good time. Not only that, but the bar was not allowed to serve beer on tap. You could only get the bottled stuff tonight, and everyone knew that the bottled stuff wasn’t nearly as good as the stuff on tap here. The price of food had also gone up quite a bit. If you wanted to eat at the pub, you better be prepared to pay out a pretty penny. Kromin didn’t mind paying extra for food. He’d been working as a doctor for years, and had saved most of his salary since there hadn’t been much to spend it on after he bought a house. That meant that his robust bank account could handle the extra credits he had to spend to get dinner tonight. He insisted on treating Anya, too, even though she tried to pay for her own dinner.

  “What, is this a date?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

  He gave her a growl in response. “I’m not taking my woman out and letting her pay. I don’t know how you humans do things, but here in Zocrone a man takes care of his woman.”

  Anya grinned at him. “So I’m your woman now, huh?”

  He leaned across the tablet so that his face was only inches from her own. “I claimed you, didn’t I?”

  “By banging me? Is that how things work here in Zocrone?” She was talking to him in a sing-songy voice, and he knew she was just teasing him and trying to get a rise out of him. But sludge it, i
t was working. She was making all his jealous, possessive, alpha instincts kick in.

  He grabbed her wrist and held tightly to her hands, smirking in her face as she kept grinning back at him. “Yes, that’s how things work. You got a problem with being claimed? You want to try to get away?”

  She only grinned wider. “Nope. No problem.”

  Kromin sat back, shaking his head at her and taking a sip from his beer. “You’re just trying to drive me crazy on purpose.”

  She didn’t even try to deny it. “Is it working?”

  Kromin found her foot under the table with his foot, and rubbed against it. They’d both kicked off their shoes earlier when they did a few rounds on the dance floor, and had never bothered to put them back on. There were some bars in Zocrone where you’d get kicked out for going barefoot, but this wasn’t one of them. Kromin was glad for that. He loved the feeling of Anya’s bare skin against his, even if it was only their feet.

  “You always drive me crazy. You know that.” Then he winked at her. “Sometimes, when you drive me crazy, it’s even in a good way.” She gave him a good, solid kick under the table, and he howled, pretending that she had really hurt him. She wasn’t fooled, and rolled her eyes.

  “When do I drive you crazy in a bad way?” she asked. “When I force you to get your sludging hospital organized?”

  Kromin gave her a sheepish smile. “I don’t think it’s fair of me to be mad at you for that, even though it did drive me crazy to do all that organizational work. I know it was necessary.”

  Anya grinned at him triumphantly and took a long swig from her beer. It had been a week since they’d gotten back from the mines, and Anya had been riding him hard about getting the hospital in order. They had no patients right now, so they’d spent all their time cleaning up the supply room and making a list of supplies that needed to be ordered on an ongoing basis. They’d also made a list of people they wanted to hire as hospital support staff. They would be looking for at least two more doctors, so that hopefully all four doctors could get a good rotating schedule going on. There would also be support staff. Receptionists and general assistants should be easy enough to find on Zocrone. Nurses, however, were another story. There were no nurses on Zocrone as far as Kromin knew, just like there were no doctors. Anyone who wanted to go to university for any sort of specialized career had to leave the planet, and not many people were interested in doing that. Not when there were plenty of good careers to be had here. Almost everyone in Zocrone worked in the mines, worked in the military, or owned some sort of retail shop or restaurant.


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