Stage West - Dalton

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Stage West - Dalton Page 16

by Annie Pelle

  “I guess I am forgiven now for inviting him?” Greg called from their patio

  Sarah and Dalton detoured to the main house. “Yes, and thank you. It was a wonderful surprise.” Sarah beamed at Dalton.

  “Good, go get cleaned up and come back for dinner.” CeCe chimed in.

  Sarah and Dalton left to do as instructed. When they arrived at the cottage, Dalton pulled her into him again “I’m a wonderful surprise now.” He glowed. “I like that.” He said as he lowered his head and kissed her. She answered him without words as he deepened the kiss.

  They both showered and changed. Dalton knocked on her door as she was finishing dressing. “Come in”.

  “I am just finishing up. I have to put some lotion on and finish my makeup.”

  “I’ll do the lotion.” He came and took the bottle from her and sat her on the bed. She was wearing a halter style top and casual shorts that showed a lot of her gorgeous legs. He never broke eye contact with her as he poured lotion into his hands and began to smooth it into her skin. She had gotten a tan while she had been here and her skin was irresistible.

  He started at her shoulders and massaged the lotion down towards her hand. As he reached her hand he massaged and kissed each finger with tenderness. Sarah groaned with each kiss. Dalton just smiled and moved to the other shoulder and started the process all over again. He was just as loving as he reached her hand again. Each finger received the same tender kisses. Sarah closed her eyes at the sensations he was creating.

  Dalton then knelt down on the carpeted floor in front of her and reached for her foot. He lifted it so that it would sit on his thigh as he massaged the lotion into her thighs, calves and feet. The time he kissed her along her leg as he went. When he had reached the end of that leg, he gently returned her foot to the carpet and picked up the other leg to repeat the process. That leg too received kisses as he worked his way down from her thigh.

  When that pleasure had ended, he urged her to stand up and turn and face the bed. “Lie down and let me do your back.” Sarah was too dazed to object so she lay face down on the bed. She felt the bed give under his weight as he moved beside her. He reached for the tie that held her shirt on and moved the fabric aside. His hands began the sensual massage from her shoulders down. He paused frequently to kiss her suntanned skin. He brushed his hands down her side to barely skim the sides of her breasts with his fingers. Sarah was drowning so deep in the pleasure that she didn’t realize the Dalton had retied her shirt until he whispered in her ear to turn over and move up to the pillows.

  She moved as if in slow motion because he had turned her senses on full throttle. As she got comfortable on her pillows, Dalton began to mesmerize her even more. “That was the best most pleasurable thing I have ever done with a woman. When we are married, I am going to do that again but even better. I will see all of this glorious body and I will massage lotion into parts I can only see in my imagination right now.” As he was talking he was moving his body over hers in an imitation of times to come. He started spreading her hair out across the pillows still talking about the future. “I am going to spread this spun gold hair out on my silk sheets and revel in your body. I am going to kiss you here.” He kissed her ears. “And here” he moved to her neck to sample her sweetness there. “And here” he had moved to the low vee neck of her shirt and kissed her between her breasts. “And here” was the bare skin that was displayed between her shorts and her shirt.

  He moved back up to lie on her and took her hands in his and moved them until they were positioned above her head. Their bodies were in complete alignment and she could feel his desire. She groaned and closed her eyes as he lowered his head to hers. He sweetly kissed her lips until they broke open and he sealed their mouths together as their bodies were.

  She couldn’t stand not touching him so she tugged her hands from his and moved them to his back. She ran her hands down his rugged muscles and savored the strength in them. He felt so good to her.

  Several minutes later they broke the kiss and stared into the other’s eyes. Dalton moved to lie beside her but did not stop his caressing. “That was unbelievable. Thank you for letting me do that.”

  “Good Heavens Dalton! That was so incredible for me and you are saying “Thank you” to me. You got that backwards. Thank you!”

  “It was my greatest pleasure.”

  “Each second got better and better. And when you talked to me I almost melted. You are so good to me. You feel so good to me.”

  “I plan to be good to you for a very very long time, my Sarah. A very long time.”

  Sarah moaned in pleasure. “Now I am supposed to go to dinner with my bosses. I think I need a minute. I have to go finish my makeup.” She got up off the bed but he caught her arm gently.

  Dalton was sitting on the side of the bed and Sarah was standing between his legs. He waited until she was looking at his face then spoke softly “I love you Sarah Dawson.” Sarah gently cupped his face and kissed him to give him her reply.

  Sarah took Dalton’s hand and led him into the other room with her. She couldn’t bear to be apart from him right then so she had him with her as she applied her makeup and re-brushed her hair. Dalton didn’t mind one bit to be near Sarah. As she was brushing her hair, he leaned over and spoke softly to her. “I love your hair. When we get home tonight, will you let me brush it for you?”

  She paused for a moment to study his face. She nodded and went back to her task. She finished a few moments later and they headed to dinner at the main house.

  Dinner with Greg and CeCe was a wondrous affair. Their cook had prepared some of the local favorites for the “mainlanders” to try.

  CeCe asked Dalton about Matthews International and he started to describe its various parts. “My father started it several years before he died. It was originally the umbrella name for the businesses he purchases to further enhance the ranch. He purchased feed companies to he could control the quality of food the horses received. He purchased equipment companies so we would have the best equipment.”

  “My dad was good at ranching and at business. He had a gift for succeeding no matter what. His ranch grew and his businesses grew. Eventually, David took over the ranch as he became more and more involved in the breeding program. When I graduated from college, I worked at Matthews while I got my Masters. Then after about a year of very hard tutelage by my father, he decided I was ready to run the joint and he retired. He and my mother spent their last couple of years together traveling and enjoying life.”

  “Lindsay decided she wanted to do both so she combined both and handles the ranch business now. Matthews has branched into more businesses that promote the ranch and other areas as well. We have about thirty restaurants and hotels in the US and Canada. And we have a charitable foundation that distributes grants to those who deserve it. Like the HQ Service Foundation.” He closed with a look and a wink to Sarah.

  Sarah blushed but turned to CeCe “Have you heard of the restaurant, Fantasy?”

  “Yes, we have been planning to go there.”

  “It is glorious and you just happen to know the owner.” She said with a wink back to Dalton. It was now his turn to look uncomfortable under the scrutiny.

  “We will plan a double date when we get back.” Greg interrupted. “I think my assistant can arrange that.”

  “With pleasure, boss.”

  “Somehow I thought that might be your response.” Greg commented knowingly

  “What about you CeCe, how did you get into acting?” Dalton asked.

  “It’s all in the family you might say. Even though it isn’t a hugely publicized fact, my mother was the late actress Deena Carters.”

  Dalton whistled and said “Well, that explains how her diamonds were an auction item at the gala.”

  “Yes, it is a great cause and I know she would be glad they were used for good instead of locked in a vault. Anyway,
we don’t look much alike so I have been able to make my own name in Hollywood without using the family name.”

  “I have enjoyed your movies, CeCe.” Dalton said “I hope you plan to do more.”

  “I do. I am taking off for a bit while I review some scripts. I am getting anxious to start again though.”

  “Me too.” replied Greg. “I am final stages of negotiations with some studios and next summer I will start filming in New York.”

  “So tell me, how did Sarah go from working at Davis Enterprises to personal assistant to the stars?” Dalton asked the group. They each looked to each other to begin the story. CeCe and Greg kept silent as Sarah began to talk.

  “The day before your birthday all those years ago, I received a job offer from Davis Enterprises to be a management consultant. My job was going to be to review the workers and determine efficiency changes and things like that. I ended up really enjoying it and being very good it.”

  “When I got sick, I started attending a support group for people with chronic illnesses. I met CeCe there. I wasn’t real knowledgeable about movie stars and she came with some disguises so I didn’t recognize her. We would talk at the meeting and go for coffee after some of them. She finally confessed who she was and we got a great laugh at my expenses. We would compare “horror” stories and we became friends. CeCe asked me if I would become her personal assistant and I thought about it for a long time. It was my dream job but I was enjoying my other job also. One time we went out for coffee and she was still trying to convince me to be her assistant. She asked me where I worked and when I told her Davis Enterprises, her mouth dropped but she didn’t say anything else. The next week, I was called to the office of the president of Davis Enterprises. I walked in and CeCe was sitting in the chair in-front of Greg’s desk and she introduced me to my boss her husband. We all had a great laugh about how none of us had connected the dots that we all knew each other. They asked me to be their personal assistant and I agreed. And then the foundation idea came along and now I do both.”

  “With tremendous success, I might add. We love her.” CeCe exclaimed and Sarah blushed again.

  “That’s my Sarah.” Dalton beamed

  “So let’s talk about that some more.” Greg commanded.

  Sarah balked and said “No, let’s don’t.”

  “What did you want to know?” Dalton asked ignoring Sarah’s gasp of surprise

  “What exactly are your intentions towards our Sarah?” Greg asked without remorse.

  “Greg!” Sarah exclaimed and covered her face with her hands. “This is not happening.”

  Dalton reached for her hands and brought them from her face and spoke to Greg without turning away from Sarah. “I plan to marry her when she believes that I love her with all my heart and that I can take whatever life brings our way.”

  “Good answer.” Greg said in his fatherly voice. CeCe was too moved by Dalton’s declaration to do anything but cry with joy for her friend.

  The talk between the two couples turned to much lighter subjects. Dalton shared stories of his family, his best friend Nick. Greg, CeCe and Sarah shared stories of some of their travels together. Sarah decided it was getting late and they needed to return to the cottage. As they were moving away, Greg called to Sarah “You officially started your vacation the minute Dalton arrived at the gate. Enjoy it!”

  Dalton escorted a stunned Sarah back to their cottage. She came around to reality when they hit the back porch of the cottage. “A vacation?” Sarah mumbled to herself.

  “What a coincidence that I am on vacation too? Want to spend it together?”

  “You better believe it. I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither. Now go get ready for bed then bring that brush out to the sofa on the porch.”

  “Ah, Dalton, remember that comment about the sexy underclothes, umm, that applies to the night clothes too. Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure. Go!”

  “Do you want some juice or something while you wait?”

  “I’ll get it, do you want something?”

  “Just some water. I’ll be right back.”

  Several minutes later Dalton had settled onto the sofa on the patio. He had looked forward to this since Sarah had brushed her hair before dinner. He had removed his shirt because the night air was the perfect temperature. He was reclining on the couch when a noise startled him. He opened his eyes to see Sarah admiring him from the doorway. She must have gasped when she came through the door. “What’s wrong?” he asked

  “Nothing. You are gorgeous! I knew you were well built but mercy me.”

  “Oh Sarah, you are the gorgeous one. Those night clothes are spectacular.” And they were, she was wearing a pale peach nightgown and robe set that almost reached her knees. The gown had spaghetti straps and was made of silk. She felt beautiful and desirable when he looked at her.

  “Come here.” He motioned with his hand. “Are you going to be hot with that robe on? I want you to be comfortable.”

  “I’ll take it off if you will be comfortable. The gown is pretty revealing.” She replied slightly embarrassed.

  “Take it off. I’ll be fine.”

  She reached to untie it but his hands beat her to it. He kept his eyes focused on hers as he untied the bow and separated the fabric until it slid to the floor. The he sat back down on the couch and positioned Sarah in front of him so he could brush her hair.

  “Are you sure you are not too tired? I don’t want you to feel bad tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be fine. I can sleep in if I want too. How did you know that being tired makes it worse?” Sarah inquired

  “I had Tyler fax me some information on your illness and then I read up on it off the internet.”

  “That was so sweet of you. Thank you. It makes me feel very special that you would do that so you would know how to help me.”

  “We will talk more about this later. But I just want to say one thing before we start on the fun part of the night. Are you listening to me?”

  “Yes, I’m listening.”

  “I will do anything in my power to help you with this illness. Now relax and let me enjoy you.”

  Sarah smiled at him and relaxed while he brushed her hair. He didn’t talk much, he wanted her to concentrate on feeling special. He would whisper “I love this hair” every once in a while. Pretty soon he sat the brush aside and had her recline completely against him so he could put his arms around her. She sighed and snuggled into him. He continued to caress her face and hair as she lay on his chest. “I could really get used to this treatment. It is wonderful.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I am enjoying it immensely. Anytime you are in my arms is pure heaven for me.”

  “That is a nice way to put it.”


  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. Just relax and enjoy.”

  She did as instructed and relaxed against him even more. Finally. He thought, she is beginning to trust me. He moved his hands from her face and her to her shoulders and arms and then her hands. He loved her graceful hands and spent a long time concentrating on making her feel what he was feeling.

  “When I make love to you, I want to feel these hands everywhere possible.” He whispered to her. “I can imagine them caressing me just as I caressed you earlier.”

  He shifted his hands back to her shoulders and moved the strap of her gown down. He moved her head so he would be able to kiss her neck and shoulders with ease. He lifted her arms above his head so he could caress her body. “I’m going to touch you some Sarah, so you can get used to my caresses. Just relax.” She nodded.

  He moved both hands to the outsides of her breasts and began to touch her through the gown. She momentarily stiffened until he reminded her to relax and enjoy. He moved to the insides of her breasts with a gentle stroke his wrists moved over her nipples. He could feel her response and whispered aga
in. “How does that feel?”


  “Good, I will spend much time with these whenever possible. They will be sweet to taste. They will like it and so will you.”

  “I already do.”

  “Shh, just relax.”

  He left her breasts reluctantly and moved to caress her hips. “I will place a kiss here and here because your body is fabulous. And I won’t be able to stop kissing you.”

  He continued his caresses from her neck to her hips all the while whispering his plans for her body when he made love to her. “Sarah?”


  “You are trembling. Are you scared or excited?”

  “Maybe a little of both. I have never experienced this before. I liked how you talked to me about what you were going to do to me. It was incredible.”

  “It will be incredible and exciting when we make love. This excitement from tonight will just be the beginning of what you will feel with me.”



  She relaxed back against him and closed her eyes as he returned to caressing her. A few minutes later he could tell she had relaxed enough to almost fall asleep. “Come with me beautiful. It is time for you to go to bed.”

  Dalton led her to her bedroom and pulled back the covers. She climbed in and snuggled into the pillows and blankets. He kissed her lips gently and told her he loved her and left her to sleep. He went to his own room and climbed in his bed. It has been a fabulous day.

  Chapter 15

  Sarah was still sleeping when Dalton quietly opened her door the next morning. He didn’t require much sleep but she needed it. He went over to the bed and pulled back the covers so he could join her in the bed. He settled himself on one of the pillows and gently reached for her. She snuggled into him as if they had been sleeping together for years. He watched her sleep for many minutes. She gradually started to come to wakefulness and was startled to find him holding her.

  “Good morning my Sarah”

  “What are you doing in here?”


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