by Jodi Vaughn



  Jodi Vaughn

  Jodi Vaughn

  Copyright © 2019 by Jodi Vaughn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  This book is dedicated to all my fans who have followed and loved my werewolves from the first book, BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON.

  I love you all.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  About the Author

  Also by Jodi Vaughn

  Chapter 1

  “Are you ready for this, Brutus? The very first official meeting with our new Pack Master, Barrett Middleton.” Killian Black shoved another chocolate-coated cookie in his mouth and sighed. He fell into step with his fellow Louisiana Assassin and savored the sugary goodness.

  The dawn was just breaking over New Orleans, and the cooler weather had crept up in the South just a few days ago. It had gone from a balmy ninety degrees to a cool sixty-seven. “I hope Barrett doesn’t make us clock in. I heard he made the Arkansas Guardians clock in.” Killian loved his job as an Assassin. He only went out when someone needed executing. And he worked with the two other Assassins.

  He, Brutus, and Lorcan had a rhythm when it came to being Assassins. They worked like a finely tuned machine that always dealt out judgement and execution when they were ordered to. Which wasn’t that often and not since Barrett Middleton had come into the office of Louisiana Pack Master.

  “If we have to clock in, then you’ll be out of a job. Your sorry ass is always late.” Brutus continued down the street toward Barrett’s house. He cut his eyes at Killian and frowned. “Where did you get those cookies? I didn’t see any like that at the Compound.”

  “That’s because I swiped them all when Jacey brought them in this morning.” He shoved another one in his mouth.

  “She brought those for all of us.” Lorcan caught up to them and punched Killian in the arm, loosening his hold on the sugary delicacies.

  Lorcan caught two in one hand while Brutus caught the other.

  “Hey. Those are mine.” Killian scowled.

  “You need to learn to be less selfish. When the Pack Master’s wife brings a gift like this, you have to share.” Lorcan took a bite and sighed. “Damn. This is really good.”

  “I know. Why do you think I didn’t want to share?” Killian glared.

  “Because you’re an asshole,” Brutus offered.

  “Am not.” Killian rolled his arm where Lorcan had slugged him. How was it his fault that he was a sugar addict? Alcohol and drugs were never his thing, but put a donut in front of him, and he’d cut off his big toe for a bite.

  “And I’m not always late either.” Killian glared at the two alphas who were more like brothers than coworkers.

  “The last few weeks you’ve been late every time we’ve pulled out to patrol the area.”

  “Patrol.” He shrugged. “We are Assassins. When have we ever patrolled?” He looked at both of them. “Now, when we are hunting down a target to kill, have I ever been late for that?”

  “No. But you did miss when you were trying to shoot Braxton with a silver bullet,” Brutus pointed out.

  “Which happened to be a good thing by the way. He was innocent.” He lifted his chin.

  “Yeah, well, it just worked in your favor.” Lorcan stopped at a local art vendor in Jackson Square and studied the painting.

  Killian inhaled deep. The scent of beignets washed over him. “I love the smell of New Orleans.”

  “The smell of vomit and urine?” Lorcan arched his brow.

  “No, dumbass. The scent of chicory coffee and sugar-coated beignets.” He glanced at his watch and wondered if he had time for a quick bite.

  “No,” Lorcan scowled.

  “What?” He gave him his best innocent look.

  “You’re not getting a donut. Or anything else to eat for that matter. We are not going to be late for this meeting with Barrett.” Lorcan groused.

  “It’s not like we haven’t had meetings with him before. He’s been Pack Master for almost three months.” Killian didn’t know what the big fucking deal was anyway. “Besides, we’ve not had any orders to assassinate anyone since he became Pack Master. I mean, I don’t miss Boudier one bit, and I’m glad that fucker is dead, but to tell you the truth I’m getting kind of bored.”

  “That explains the spare tire you are starting to get.” Brutus poked him hard in the stomach.

  “Spare tire?” He stopped in his tracks and rubbed his stomach. He didn’t feel any extra inches of fat. He did read somewhere that when people gain weight, they never notice until it was too late.

  “Come on, lazy ass,” Lorcan called over his shoulder.

  He caught the eye of a young female carrying an armful of flowers.

  “Excuse me.” He shot her a smile. She stopped. A blush spread across her cheeks.

  “Say, do you think I look a bit flabby?” He leaned down and whispered.

  She shook her head. “I think you look perfect.” She hurried away, giggling as she went.

  He lifted his chin and stared at the other Assassins. He smirked. “Yep, just what I thought.”

  Chapter 2

  Barrett Middleton pushed the coffee cup away and grabbed Jacey around her waist as she walked past the dining room table. He pulled her into his lap.

  “What are you doing?” She giggled and leaned into his back. “You have a meeting in ten minutes.”

  “I can think of a better use of my time. Like satisfying you.” He nuzzled her ear. God, he loved the way she smelled. He was constantly in a state of arousal whenever she was near. And when she wasn’t, she was always on his mind.

  “I want more than ten minutes of your attention.” She turned in his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him in for a long kiss.

  Her sweet taste exploded on his tongue. She sighed as she held him close.

  He loved the little sounds she made whenever he kissed her.

  The doorbell sent a melodious c
hime throughout the house.

  “Fuck.” He pulled away and scowled.

  She laughed. “I would get yourself under control before you meet with the Assassins. You don’t want the pretty one to think this is for him.” She gently squeezed his crotch.

  “Which one do you think is pretty?”

  He scowled. He pretty much already knew she was talking about Killian with his long, black hair, gray eyes, and rock star attire.

  She laughed and shook her head.

  “Jacey, do you think Killian is pretty?” He growled.

  “I love it when you get jealous like this.” She picked up his coffee cup and deposited it in the kitchen sink. He watched her tight ass as she left the room.

  He looked up at the ceiling. He took some deep breaths and thought about accounting. Once he’d gotten his arousal under control, he walked over and opened the massive glass and wrought iron door.

  The three Assassins stood on the other side.

  “You’re early.” Barrett scowled.

  “See. We’re not late at all.” Killian lifted his chin at Brutus and Lorcan.

  Lorcan glanced at his watch. “We are two minutes early.” He met Barrett’s gaze. “Hope that’s okay.”

  “Come in.” He moved away and let them enter. His gaze lingered a little longer on Killian.

  “Come into the living room, and I’ll have Jacey bring some coffee.”

  “Does she have any of those cookies left?” Killian asked hopefully, his eyes shining with excitement.

  Irritated, he glared.

  “No.” Barrett growled softly. He didn’t want Killian anywhere near Jacey’s cookies. Or anything else of hers. “Killian, you let your hair grow out.”

  “Felt like I needed a change. You know how it is.” Killian smiled.

  Barrett narrowed his eyes on the Were.

  “You have to forgive our friend, Barrett.” Lorcan shook his head. “Killian is a sugar addict.”

  “Is that right?” Barrett glared.

  “I am not.” Killian gave Lorcan a hard look. “I just appreciate cookies…”

  “And cakes, and candy bars, and soda, and donuts…” Brutus deadpanned.

  Killian grimaced. “I’m sure our Pack Master isn’t interested in my eating habits.”

  The Assassins waited until Barrett sat. Then they all took a seat. Barrett leaned back in his chair. An idea blossomed in his mind. He rubbed his chin, aware that all eyes were on him. “Actually, Killian’s sugar addiction might come in handy.”

  The room grew silent. He let the silence stretch. He had been Pack Master long enough to know the power of the unspoken word.

  “I need someone to investigate something.” Barrett finally spoke.

  “Investigate? Shouldn’t you be asking the Guardians? Not the Assassins?” Killian asked.

  Lorcan and Brutus turned and glared at Killian.

  “What?” Killian looked around. “Don’t give me that look, Lorcan. You know that you and Brutus were wondering the same thing.” He relaxed in his chair. “No offense, Barrett.”

  “Rather be out assassinating Weres, would you, Killian?” Barrett cocked his head.

  “That’s why we are called Assassins and not babysitters.” Killian chuckled.

  Brutus stood, walked up behind Killian, and slapped the back of his head.

  “Owwww. What’s that for?” Killian rubbed his head.

  “For being disrespectful.” Brutus snarled.

  “I’m not being disrespectful. Barrett asked my opinion. I thought when we got rid of Boudier, Barrett wanted to have an open dialogue with his Assassins.” Killian scowled.

  “And since Barrett has been Pack Master of Louisiana, we’ve not been sent on any missions to assassinate anyone,” Lorcan said between gritted teeth.

  Barrett caught the look of confusion on Killian’s face. “Killian, are you happy with your job as Assassin?”

  Killian’s smile began to fade. Barrett could see the little hamster turning in his head.

  “Don’t answer that.” Barrett held up his hand. “I was going to send all three of you to investigate a situation for me. But I think now that Killian has voiced his complaints . . . I’ve changed my mind.”

  Shit. He’d said something wrong. Not that it was the first time, but damn, never to a Pack Master.

  “I wasn’t complaining.” Killian stood and swallowed. “I love my job. I have no complaints at all.” He looked at the other two Assassins for help.

  Brutus gave him a look of disgust. The Were probably thought Killian was acting like a little bitch. And Lorcan. God help him, Lorcan looked like he was ready to skin him alive. Which was saying something considering that Lorcan’s brother Lucien was nearly killed that way.

  “I had considered sending all three of you to do some recon near Natchez.”

  “Natchez? That’s in Mississippi. Wouldn’t that be Jack Welbourn’s problem since he’s the Pack Master of Mississippi?” Brutus asked.

  “It would. Except he’s still a little miffed at me for not capturing and returning the Witch of Yazoo City.” Barrett rubbed his temple.

  “The Witch helped bring you back from the dead. I thought he would be appreciative.” Lorcan leaned back into his seat.

  “He would except that she keeps leaving a trail of bodies in her wake. If we can do some recon on a suspected Were drug operation in Natchez, it would smooth things over with Welbourn.”

  “We’d be glad to go. No problem.” Killian offered.

  “Good. Cause I’m just sending you, Killian. I have different jobs for Brutus and Lorcan.” Barrett trained his gaze on him.

  “Wait. They’re not going with me?” Killian looked at Brutus and Lorcan. “We’ve always gone on missions together.”

  “This isn’t an assassination mission, Killian.” Barrett glared. “Are you refusing an order?”

  His gut clenched. His stupid mouth had almost gotten him in trouble.

  “No. Of course not. I’ll do the job.” Killian lifted his chin. “What kind of place is this? A red wolf hideout? A meth lab? A sex trafficking operation?”

  Barrett grinned and handed him a pamphlet. On the front was a picture of a chocolate cake. “It’s a bakery.”

  Chapter 3

  Killian stuffed a pair of jeans into the leather swing arm bag of his Harley Davidson Breakout and growled.

  A fucking bakery. He was on a mission to bust Little Debbie.

  He fastened the straps on the bag and clenched his jaw. He should have known his smart-ass mouth was going to get him in trouble one day.

  He just didn’t expect it to be with the new Pack Master of Louisiana.

  Brutus leaned a hip on his own black Breakout. “Bring me back a Twinkie Cake.”

  Killian jerked his gaze up to him. “There’s no such thing as a Twinkie Cake, dumbass.”

  “Yes, there is.” Brutus straightened. “I saw it on Pinterest.”

  Lorcan chuckled as he walked up to join them. “While you’re at it, I’ll take a dozen strawberries and cream cupcakes. I fucking love strawberry.”

  Killian stood and curled his hands into fists. “How about I shove my…”

  “Enough,” Lorcan held up his hands. “Shit man. For someone with a smart-ass mouth, you sure can’t take a joke.”

  Killian forced his hands to unclench. He took a deep breath and looked around. “Do you know how this is going to ruin my reputation if it gets around?”

  “What reputation?” Lorcan snorted.

  “Dude. I’m an Assassin. If this gets around that I’m investigating a fucking bakery, I’ll never get laid again.” Killian lowered his voice. “This will ruin my street cred. Forever.”

  “You need a life, Killian.” Lorcan’s bored tone indicated he didn’t realize how serious the situation was.

  Killian turned his glare on Lorcan. “If Barrett had told you to leave behind all your Assassin talents, and go investigate a place that makes cupcakes and cake pops, are you seriously telling me that yo
u wouldn’t have an issue with it?”

  “I’m saying that after years of executing criminal Weres, some more deserving than others, I would jump at the chance at a reprieve of doing something mindless. Like checking out a bakery and still getting paid.” Lorcan sighed. “It would give my conscious a vacation from all the blood I’ve spilled.” Lorcan shrugged. “Not judging. But some of us are more cold-blooded than others. That’s just how we’re made.”

  Killian studied Lorcan’s face. It was the first time he saw regret in his friend’s eyes.

  “Don’t sweat it, Killian.” Lorcan clapped him on the arm. “Just think about this assignment as a vacation from our normal duties. You’ll be back to assassinating the bad guys in no time.”

  Killian watched Lorcan’s retreating back. Lorcan did make a point.

  “Don’t forget, Killian. Twinkie Cake.” Brutus barked out his command before pushing off the Harley.

  Chapter 4

  Killian was up before the sun came up over the sleepy town of Natchez, Mississippi. He had ridden into Natchez on fumes last night. He had gassed up at the small gas station before hunting down a hotel room. It was springtime and a lot of the hotels had booked up due the Spring Pilgrimage Tour. The annual spring event brought people from all over the world to tour all the plantation homes in the city.


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