by Jodi Vaughn

  “Oh, so you’re a…”

  “A Guardian. Brutus is a Guardian too,” Killian added. He looked at Brutus.

  “Well, here you both are.” Mrs. Spell stepped out from the back door of the kitchen. “I was wondering where you two had gone off too.” She lifted her chin when she spotted Lilliana. “Lilliana. You seem to be doing better.”

  “I am.” She smiled. “I guess just some rest was all I needed.”

  Mrs. Spell gave her a nod. “Well, I have to say you need to thank Killian and Brutus. They cooked an amazing meal that had all the guests raving.”

  “Really?” She looked at Killian who studied the night sky with a grimace.

  “Why, yes. They are saying the meal was extraordinary. Our guests from France said they had never had anything tastier.” Mrs. Spell smiled at Killian and Brutus. “Well, I have to get back in to serve the sherry in the library. And Killian, thank you so much for your help tonight.”

  “Anytime.” Killian nodded and looked back at Brutus. His expression shifted into annoyance.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  Killian stared hard at Brutus. “Dude, I can’t believe you served that to those people. That was supposed to be a fancy dinner.”

  “So.” Brutus seemed unbothered. “They all said it was quite tasty.”

  “They said it tasted like pork.” Killian gritted his teeth.

  “Or brisket.” Brutus added. “That old lady with the blue hair said it tasted like brisket.”

  “Wait. What did you guys cook?” She crossed her arms and studied the interaction between the two males. She could feel the irritation coming off Killian in waves.

  Brutus jerked his head toward the direction of the wooded area behind the house. He squinted. “Did you see that?”

  “See what?” She stiffened. Had those men who had shot her finally tracked her down to Monmouth? Were they coming to finish the job?

  “Looks like a possum.” Without saying another word, Brutus jogged toward the tree line.

  “What was that about?” Lillian blew out the breath she’d been holding. She felt the tension float off her shoulders.

  “That’s typical Brutus.” Killian shook his head.

  “You still haven’t told me what you guys cooked for dinner.”

  He took a deep breath and sighed. “We cooked a stew. Kind of.”

  “What do you mean kind of? And where did you get the meat? There was a roast in the freezer, did you use that?”

  “Not exactly.” Killian cringed. “Our meat was fresh.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, she didn’t really want to know anymore. Yet she had to ask.


  He turned toward her. “Brutus killed a beaver and put it in a stew.”

  “What?” She blinked.

  “A beaver.” Killian groaned. “I didn’t realize that’s what he had used until it was too late.”

  “How did you not know he was cooking a beaver? I mean, is that even safe? It didn’t have rabies, did it? Do beavers carry rabies?” Her heart sunk to her stomach.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think so.” Killian frowned.

  “Does Mrs. Spell know?”

  “Absolutely not. She asked what the meat was in the stew. I told her it was an old family recipe.” Killian shook his head.

  “I can’t believe you served beaver meat to the guests.” She shook her head.

  “Well, the guy can cook. He served up something while we were camping. I thought it was squirrel meat. It was really good. “

  “So he cooked squirrels? That’s not so unusual. I’ve heard of people eating squirrel meat in soups.”

  “Turns out it wasn’t squirrel.” He cringed. “It was nutria rat.”

  She pressed her hand to her stomach. “You ate a rat.”

  “Under false pretenses. In all honesty, I thought I was eating squirrel meat.”

  “That must have been a really large squirrel.”

  “Yeah.” Killian cringed. “The size should have tipped me off.”

  Chapter 32

  “I can’t believe you told the female you were a Guardian.” Brutus glared at him.

  Despite the darkness, Killian could see the anger in the Assassin’s gaze. “I didn’t tell her I was a Guardian. She assumed I was a Guardian.” Killian sighed heavily and propped his hands on his hips.

  When Lilliana went inside to talk to Mrs. Spell, he had gone after Brutus.

  “Did you catch your possum? What were you going to do with it anyway?”

  “I was going to make breakfast with it. I make a mean possum sausage. And no, I didn’t get him. He ran off when he saw me stalking him.” Brutus’s glare intensified. “And stop deflecting the conversation. We are talking about why Lilliana thinks you are a Guardian.”

  “She knew I was here on some kind of mission. Hell, man, I thought she was about to say she knew I was an Assassin. So when she said she knew I was Guardian, I just went along with it.” He shrugged. “Besides, Assassins have the same tattoo on their backs as a Guardian.”

  “And we also carry our Assassin mark as well.” Brutus held his gloved hand up to Killian’s face.

  “She’s not seen it.’ Killian lifted his chin. “I made sure of that. When I had her on my Harley, I made sure to wear a gator around my neck so she wouldn’t see my Assassin’s tattoo.” He scrubbed his hand across his face. “I’m not an idiot, Brutus.”

  “Make sure you keep her away from the truth, Killian. You don’t want to give Barrett a reason to fire you.” Brutus shook his head.

  “Thanks for your help tonight,” Killian ground out.

  “You suck at gratitude, Killian.”

  Killian frowned. “I’m still shocked you served the guests beaver.”

  “Stop being a pussy.” A ghost of a smile settled on his lips. “Besides, real men eat beaver.”

  Killian chortled. It was hard staying mad at either of his Assassin brothers.

  “So what’s the plan?” Brutus crossed his arms over his massive chest.

  “I managed to put a tracker on the vans last night before I went inside the warehouse.” He pulled out his cell phone. “When they start moving, I plan on following them all the way to Memphis and wherever their destination is.”

  “Great. When do we go?” Lilliana stepped out from the dark.

  They both spun around and looked at her.

  “You’re not going.” Killian took a step closer. “You were shot last night. There is no way you’re going back.”

  “I’m going with Killian. He’ll have more than enough backup.” Brutus grunted.

  “I’m all better. I can go too.” Lilliana crossed her arms and lifted her chin. Her beautiful eyes narrowed on him.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. But you are not going. Just me and Brutus. Besides, you need to get those cakes made for the Natchez Bakery so he won’t be suspicious.”

  She opened her mouth, and he figured she was going to argue with him. She lowered her hands to her sides and curled them into fists. “Fine.”

  His stomach fell. Anytime a female said the word fine, she was anything but.

  He was officially in dangerous territory.

  “Lilliana…” He reached for her, but she stepped back.

  “I have to go. I need to start baking for tomorrow.” She spun on her heel and stormed back to the house.

  Brutus let out a laugh.

  Killian rounded on him and shot him daggers with his eyes.

  “Looks like you won’t be getting any for a while.” Brutus slapped him on the back and headed toward his Harley Davidson Breakout.

  “Fuck.” Killian growled and looked at the mansion that Lilliana had disappeared into.

  Lilliana was hurt and mad, and he was going to have to make it up to her somehow.

  Right now, he had a mission to complete.

  Chapter 33

  Lilliana cringed at the sound of the two Harleys driving away from Monmouth.

  She pulle
d out the mixing bowls from the cabinets and slammed them on the counter.

  “What’s all this noise?” Mrs. Spell came rushing through the kitchen door. She gave Lilliana a horrified look. “It sounded like the whole kitchen was coming down.”

  “Sorry, Mrs. Spell.” Lilliana sighed. “I’m just frustrated.”

  Mrs. Spell gave her a knowing look. “And would you be frustrated over Killian?”

  “What?” She jerked her head over to the older woman and froze.

  “Honey, I’ve been living long enough to know when a woman fancies a man.” She grinned and walked over to the cabinet. She pulled down two crystal wine glasses and the bottle of red wine she kept for the dinner guests. She set them on the counter and proceeded to pour wine into both glasses.

  She handed one to Lillian.

  “Thank you.” Lilliana took a sip and looked at the woman over the rim of her glass. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yes. And I think he likes you too.” Mrs. Spell took a sip.

  “Really?” She tried to play it cool. “I mean, he’s been very kind. I just wasn’t sure of his feelings.”

  “Men don’t ever voice their feelings, honey. That’s why you have to speak to them through their stomachs.” She smiled brightly. “The only thing men like as much as hoochie coochie is food.”

  Lilliana’s mouth dropped.

  “Now I’ll just leave you to get started on your baking.” Mrs. Spell took another dainty sip of her wine and headed out the door.

  “Certainly wasn’t expecting that to come out of her mouth,” Lilliana muttered. She took another sip of wine and then began gathering her ingredients to start baking Hummingbird Cakes.

  Chapter 34

  Killian and Brutus had been driving for almost five hours. He liked riding his Harley at night. Something about the darkness and the cool air always made him feel more alert and alive.

  He was grateful that the forecasted rain had held off. He didn’t really mind driving in the rain, but he didn’t trust other drivers.

  He glanced at the time on the Harley’s dash. By now, Lilliana would be finished baking her cakes, and she’d soon be taking them over to the Natchez Bakery after she got some sleep.

  He really didn’t want her involved with this whole thing, but right now she had to keep up appearances. She had to keep doing it until he could track down whoever was responsible for distributing the drugs.

  He checked his tracker on his phone. The truck had turned off the next exit in Memphis.

  He eased into the right lane and took the exit. Brutus followed.

  There was still activity in the city of Memphis, even in the early morning hours. He inhaled the scent of asphalt and gasoline.

  It was a lot different than the sleepy town of Natchez.

  He shook his head and glanced at the tracer map on his dashboard. He was quickly closing in on where the delivery trucks had been headed.

  He finally slowed his speed as he came upon the industrial part of town. He drove a few more blocks until he came to his destination.

  The Silver Moon Strip Club.

  Despite the late hour, there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. He found a place to park and killed his engine. Brutus parked beside him.

  “It makes sense. A strip club is the best place to move drugs,” Brutus said.

  “Yep, plus all that cash flow can easily be laundered.” Killian got off his bike and stood.

  He looked around at his surroundings. The parking lot was surrounded with cyclone fencing with barbed wire at the top. “I hate leaving my bike here.”

  “I dare someone to touch my Harley. It will be the last thing they ever do before I put them in the ground.” Brutus growled.

  “Let’s do this.” Killian started for the door with Brutus at his side.

  The bouncer outside the door barely gave them a glance before opening the door for them.

  They stepped inside, immediately hit with the scent of cigarette smoke.

  “I fucking hate humans,” Brutus groused. “Why the hell would you willingly inhale smoke?”

  “No idea. Just try to blend in,” Killian muttered.

  “Yeah. Right.” Brutus headed toward the bar.

  Killian ordered a beer from a passing waitress. She smiled and leaned in too close before she headed off to fill his order.

  He eased into a seat at a small table and assessed his surroundings.

  The place was lit with blue and pink lighting. The stages where the strippers danced were illuminated with spotlights. There were only a couple of dancers on the smaller stages yet the place was still crowded.

  “Here you go, sweetie.” The waitress set the beer on the table.

  Thanks.” He gave her a ten-dollar bill.

  Brutus slid into the seat next to him. He took a long pull on his beer.

  “Ask for some dessert. That’s what the bartender told me to say if I wanted something more than just a dance,” Brutus stated.

  “What if they think I’m talking about sex?” Killian gave him a grim look.

  “Since when do you turn down sex?” Brutus arched his brow.

  “Maybe I don’t want meaningless sex with a stranger,” Killian countered.

  “Maybe you are stuck on a pretty wolf back in Natchez.” Brutus smirked.

  “Brutus, can I ask you something?”

  “You will anyway.”

  “Have you ever thought about mating?”

  “No.” Brutus scowled. “I’m an Assassin. And we don’t mate. Ever.”

  “And why not? I mean Guardians mate all the time.”

  “Yeah. And look at how that’s all worked out,” Brutus groused.

  “Looks like it’s working out just fine. Damon and Ava are happy and are having a baby. Lucien mated with Catty, and they are doing well. Hell, even Barrett mated with Jacey. And together they took down Boudier.” Killian smirked.

  “Yeah, but there’s fallout from all that.”

  “Fallout. What are you talking about?”

  “As males, we don’t see it. How do you think Ava and Catty and even Jacey feel every time their mates leave out the door? Do you think they don’t worry every second of the day when they are on a mission? Even though Barrett is Pack Master, he still has enemies. Especially with his position. He has a loyal following, but there’s always someone out there wanting to take what is his.”

  “But we are Assassins. We are different than Guardians.”

  “We move in the shadows and exact justice on those who deserve it. Our position is more dangerous than a Guardian.”

  Killian sighed. “You really aren’t a romantic at heart, are you, Brutus?”

  “I am a realist. That’s why I know how to live off the land and make possum sausage.”

  “And why you never get laid.” Killian snorted.

  “Dude. I assure you. I get more ass than you ever did.”

  Killian stared at the Were. “As long as I’ve known you, I have never seen you pick up a female at a bar.”

  “I don’t pick up females at bars. I have other ways.”

  “Like paying for it?” Killian gave him a strange look. “Dude, that can be dangerous. I mean you don’t know if she’s going to steal from you or her background or—”

  “Relax. Asshole. I don’t pay for sex. Don’t have to.” Brutus graced him with a smirk.

  “Brutus, you never fail to surprise me.” Killian shook his head and took another drink of his beer.

  “Hey, baby. I’m Mercedes.” A petite blonde sauntered up to their table wearing nothing but a bikini top and some incredibly short shorts. “Can I interest you in a personal table dance? We can go over to one of the rooms for some privacy.” She smiled.

  She was beautiful and had a great body. But she had too much makeup on and smelled like cheap perfume and cigarette smoke. He preferred a particular brunette with beautiful eyes and a stubborn streak.

  “I’m not interest…”

  Brutus cleared his throat and kicked h
im under the table.

  Killian scowled and looked at Brutus.

  “I think he’s looking for something else. Something sweeter,” Brutus stated.

  Killian blinked. Understanding washed over him. He looked back at the waitress. “I actually was looking for some…dessert.”

  He felt like a complete idiot even asking. But if this is how you got drugs then he was going to look like an idiot.

  “Ah.” Her smiled spread across her face. “I see. And I think we have exactly what you want.” She reached for his hand and pulled him to his feet. “And after you have a taste of this dessert, you may want a little something extra.” She winked and licked her lips.

  He resisted the urge to pull away.

  He knew then that Lilliana had his heart. And she always would.

  He followed Mercedes toward one of the private rooms. All the rooms had glass doors. He passed a few, and each one had a guy getting a lap dance with a topless dancer. They were not supposed to touch the dancers, but he guessed if you were in a private room, all rules were off the table because there was a lot of touching going on.

  “Here we are.” She led him inside and shoved him down on the couch. She went to the wall and pressed some buttons. Slow music spilled into the room.

  Unease snaked up his spine. He sat up ready to exit the room if Mercedes started taking off her top.

  “Relax, baby. In order to get the ‘dessert,’ you have to get an appetizer first.” She nodded toward the bar. “They need to make sure you’re not an undercover cop.” She blinked and frowned. “You’re not a cop, are you?”

  “Fuck no. I’m no cop.” Killian growled.

  “Good. Then settle back and I’ll give you what you need.”

  Chapter 35

  Lilliana frowned and read and then reread the text on her phone.

  Emmett Reece had sent her a text early in the morning insisting she deliver the cakes at five instead of seven.

  She punched in his number and didn’t have to wait long before he answered.

  “Lilliana, I see that you got my text. About time. I’ve been waiting to hear back for half an hour.”


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