by Jodi Vaughn

The door opened, and Killian stepped inside. His hair was still wet, and he was dressed in his usual color of black.

  “You wanted to see me, Barrett.” Killian stood in front of him with a resigned look on his face.

  Barrett frowned. He wasn’t used to seeing the happy-go-lucky Were look so serious.

  “Killian, this is Jack Welbourn.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Welbourn. I wish it were under better circumstances,” Killian said politely.

  “Why don’t we all sit.” Barrett walked over to the couch and took a seat. The other two followed.

  “Killian, I have some questions for you.” Barrett stared at him over his glass. “You were sent her for recon. And in less than a few days, you managed to involve a civilian female Were who was shot and kidnapped, executed a roomful of red Weres, and burned down a bakery.” He took a sip. “Is that correct?”

  Chapter 47

  “It sounds way worse coming from you.” Killian grimaced and looked at his Pack Master.

  “Why didn’t you contact me when you found out they were shipping the drugs to that strip club in Memphis?” Barrett glared.

  Killian took a deep breath and met his gaze. “Because I wanted to have Emmett Reece in custody and the situation contained.”

  “That’s opposite of what happened,” Jack muttered.

  “You are right.” Killian nodded. “When we got back to Monmouth, I realized Lilliana had been taken. She left a clue that she was at the Natchez Bakery. My goal was to get her out before apprehending Emmett Reece, who was manufacturing the drugs in the basement of the bakery. When I discovered that she was being held in a roomful of red Weres who were going to harm her…”

  “You slaughtered them.” Barrett finished the sentence.

  “Wait, there were red Weres in the basement?” Jack straightened in his chair.

  “Yes.” Killian looked at him. “Emmett was using them to cook the meth. They were cooking it in the basement and venting it out into the sewer.”

  “Humans would never know that’s what was going on because they don’t have our keen sense of smell,” Barrett added.

  “How many red Weres were there?” Jack set his glass down and waited for an answer.


  “Emmett knows about werewolves. I ran a background check, and he has never been in any kind of military so he wouldn’t know about them from there.” Barrett rubbed his temple.

  “I can’t believe there are red Weres in my state that were cooking meth.” Jack frowned. “This won’t look good. Not good at all.” He shook his head.

  “Well, nobody’s going to know now. Not since Killian handled the problem.” Barrett pointed at him with his bourbon glass.

  Jack looked at him and cocked his head. “Tell me about the female.”

  “Lilliana Beckway. She works here at Monmouth. And she’s a fabulous cook and baker. She had taken on some extra work by baking and delivering Hummingbird Cakes. Emmett Reece had the idea of taking the cakes and cutting out the middle. He would then load up the packages of crystal meth inside and that’s how he would distribute the drugs to the Silver Moon Strip Club. I’m sure the Pack Master of Tennessee will be happy to get that information. Since we’ve burned up where Emmett was making the drugs, all he has to do is crack down on who was buying the cakes.”

  “Good thinking, Killian.” Jack stood and held out his hand. Shocked, Killian took it.

  “Does this mean you’re not mad about me blowing up the Natchez Bakery?” Killian asked.

  “I’ve already talked to the chief of police, and they are ruling it as a gas leak. He knows that any bones he might find in the building need to be dumped in the Mississippi River.” Jack turned to Barrett.

  “I have all I need. We have stopped one of the largest drug rings we have ever had in Mississippi. On top of that, we managed to kill some rogue red wolves. I need to go make some calls. I appreciate your help with this, Barrett.”

  Barrett stood and shook Jack’s hand. “I’ll see you for dinner.”

  Killian watched Jack leave the room and then looked over at Barrett.

  “Well, if you don’t need me, I need to find Lilliana.”

  “We are not finished, Killian. Sit,” Barrett ordered.

  Killian bit back a reply and obeyed.

  Chapter 48

  Lilliana watched as Jack Welbourn exited the room that the two Pack Masters and Killian had been sequestered in. She’d not seen Killian since after the building blew up. Despite the lies he’d told her, she needed to go check on him to make sure he was okay.

  “They will be a while,” Brutus said over her shoulder.

  “Jeez.” She jumped and spun around. “You could have given me a heart attack.” She pressed her hand to her chest.

  “Not likely. Werewolves are highly resistant to heart attacks,” Brutus said stoically.

  “It’s a figure of speech.” She glared and headed into the kitchen. He followed her.

  “I hear we are having a full table of guests tonight so if you don’t mind, I need to start prepping.” She lifted her chin.

  “Killian likes you.” Brutus cocked his head. “And that’s unusual.”

  She turned and gave him her full attention. “That he likes someone?”

  “No. That he likes you. You’re not like the other girls he’s been with.”

  “What do you mean?” Her heart jumped in her chest.

  “He usually likes blondes with brown eyes.” Brutus shrugged.

  “Maybe he’s changing it up.” Her heart fell. He didn’t like her; she was just another notch on his belt.

  “No. He feels something for you that he’s never felt before.” Brutus sighed.

  “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter, does it? He lied to me about being an Assassin. I know the rules. Assassins don’t mate or marry. Their job is their spouse.” She pulled out some vegetables and placed them on the cutting board.

  “Assassins usually don’t mate. Not because they don’t want to but because it’s so unusual for them to find their one true mate.” Brutus picked up a carrot and took a bite. He chewed thoughtfully. “I think it’s fate’s way of making sure we have a strong female who can handle what we do.”

  “Like slaughtering a roomful of Weres?” She tried to act casual, but something in Brutus’s words gave her hope.

  “Yeah. I’ve never seen Killian execute like that. He prefers a silver bullet to the head. Instant death and its clean. But when he saw that you were in danger, he went full-on possessive alpha.” Brutus stared at her.

  “He lied to you to keep you safe. He will always keep you safe. Now you have to figure out if you can handle that. Can you handle being loved by a Were like that?” He took another bite of the carrot and started for the door.

  What Brutus said was true. A smile crossed her face.

  “Brutus, wait.”

  He turned. “Since I’m cooking dinner tonight, I was wondering what you think I should make for dessert. I’m pretty tired of Hummingbird Cake.”

  A ghost of a grin crossed his lips. He opened the door and tossed the next words out of his mouth. “Twinkie Cake. I think you should make Twinkie Cake.”

  Chapter 49

  Killian waited for Barrett to speak. He was no pussy, but Barrett Middleton was putting him on edge.

  “I know what you are going to say. And you’re right.” Killian looked at Barrett.

  “Really? What am I going to say?” He took a slow sip of his bourbon.

  “That I fucked up. That I should have called and updated you about who was making the drugs and how they were being distributed. You are going to say I should have waited to go in the Natchez Bakery when I found out they took Lilliana.”

  “You are wrong.” Barrett gave him a thoughtful look. “You are partly wrong.”

  Killian waited to hear what the male was going to say.

  “You should have updated me as soon as you knew where the drugs were being transported. But you did one thing right.

  “Really? What’s that?” Killian frowned. To him, he felt like he’d fucked up the whole entire operation.

  “You did right by getting in there and getting the female out.” Barrett nodded.

  “Lilliana. Her name is Lilliana.” She would probably never speak to him again. With her, he really fucked up.

  “Lilliana.” Barrett cocked his head. “If I were in the same situation, I would have let nothing stop me from getting to her and getting her to safety. I’m not really even mad about the mess you made with the red Weres. We did some digging, and they were part of Edward Boudier’s original team who kidnapped Ava. For killing them, you get a pass.” Barrett shrugged.

  “And the building?”

  “Not my state, not my problem.” He nodded at the closed door. “It sounded like Jack wasn’t so worried about it either.”

  “So I’m good to go?”

  “Not so fast.” Barrett set his glass down and stood. “I want you to be honest with me.”

  “Of course. I have nothing to hide.”

  “Are you happy with your life?”

  “Of course. I love being an Assassin.” He shrugged. “I didn’t even mind doing the recon.”

  “Didn’t find it too boring?” Barrett raised an eyebrow.

  “It was actually a lot of work.” Killian cringed. “Not as easy as I thought.”

  Barrett smirked. “No shit.”

  Killian studied the floor and then looked back at Barrett. “Barrett, I want to apologize. I went into this mission thinking it was beneath me. Once I got involved, I realized how much work Guardians really do and how much danger they face on a daily basis. I should have given you an update as soon as I found out everything. I apologize.”

  “Jesus. How bad did that hurt?” Barrett took another drink.

  “More than you will ever know.”

  “Good.” Barrett stood, drained the glass, and set it on the table. He walked over and slapped him on the back. “Glad that is all settled.”

  “That’s it? You’re not going to fire me? Kick me out of New Orleans? Strip my rank?” Killian eyed him warily.

  “No. I think you still have bigger problems.”

  “Like what to do with Emmett Reece? I’m not sure we can hold a human in our prison system. He knows too much about Weres to just release.”

  Barrett grinned. “Emmett Reece is already handled. We went in to interrogate him about how he found out about the werewolves. Someone beat us to him.”

  “Who?” Killian frowned.

  “A female Were by the name of Edith. Apparently she followed Brutus back to that warehouse on the outskirts of town. We had taken possession of the building and were holding Emmett there. Edith talked her way in and shot him.”

  “Damn. Did she say why?”

  “Says he never would sell her a Hummingbird Cake. Said she wanted it for her first husband.” Barrett shrugged. “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

  “Wow. I guess you never know.”

  “No, you don’t.” Barrett laughed. “I think you have someone else you want to talk to. A very pretty female who’s in the kitchen.” Barrett gave him a look.

  “Right.” Killian started for the door.


  “Yeah.” He turned.

  “You say your female knows how to bake?” Barrett cocked his head.

  “She’s an expert. Never had anything like it.” Killian grinned.

  “Good. Now you don’t have the need for Jacey’s cookies.” Barrett glared.

  Killian blinked. He had the feeling it was a warning. “Yes. Absolutely.” “Good. Now we’re clear.” Barrett eased back into the chair and picked up his drink.

  Killian nodded and exited the room.

  Now he had to face Lilliana. And try to convince her how much he needed her.

  Chapter 50

  She smelled him before he even walked into the kitchen. Her heart slammed into her chest. When he stepped into the room, her longing washed over her.

  She continued to chop the vegetables on the chopping board. She needed him to speak first.

  “Hey.” His deep voice washed over her like a warm wave.

  She cleared her throat. “Are you done with your meeting with Barrett and Jack?”

  “Yeah. I am.” He stepped closer. Her resolve to not look at him waivered.

  But she had to hold her own and listen to what he was going to say.

  “Lilliana, I need to talk to you. And I would like to look you in the face when I do.”

  She put the knife down and took a deep breath. The last image she had of him was standing in that basement covered in blood.

  She slowly turned.

  He stood before her, dressed all in black. “I am sorry that I lied to you. I wanted to keep you safe. I thought by not telling you I was an Assassin that I was keeping you safe. Instead, I put you in the path of danger.” He swallowed. “Lilliana, I’m so sorry for that. I would never do anything to hurt you. I hope you know that.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like what you did in that basement,” she admitted.

  “I’m so sorry. I am not like that…normally.” He grimaced.

  She crossed her arms. “So when you have to go execute people, do you normally get that messy?”

  “No. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.” He sighed. “I usually just shoot them in the head. With a silver bullet. Sometimes I stab them in the heart with my knife but never what I did in the basement.” He forked his fingers through his hair. “It’s just when I saw those red Weres trying to hurt you, all I wanted to do was kill every one of them.” He studied the floor. “I know you probably think I’m some kind of monster.”

  Her heart broke for him. “You know, Brutus said you don’t normally kill like that.”

  “He’s right. I don’t.”

  “In fact, he said you did it because you loved me.” She swallowed, waiting for his response.

  He jerked his head up and looked at her with pleading in his eyes. “He said that?”


  Silence stretched between them.

  “Well, he’s right.” He took a step closer. “I do love you. I loved you the first time I saw you in the garden.”

  “And you spit out my cake?” She cocked her head.

  “Yeah.” He grinned and came closer until they were inches apart. “Lilliana, I know it’s hard to see what I did. But I love you. I want you to be my mate. Now and forever. I’ll even give up being an Assassin and move to Natchez to be with you, if that’s what it takes.”

  Tears burned behind her eyes. “You would?”

  “I would.” He bent his head and covered her lips in a kiss so full of love, she thought she would melt on the floor.

  When he pulled away, he pressed his head to hers.

  “I love you too, Killian.”

  He smiled. “Good, then it’s settled. I’ll go talk to Barrett right now and turn in my resignation.” He pulled away, but she grabbed his hand.

  “Wait. I don’t want you to do that. Being an Assassin is part of who you are and why I love you. I would never ask you to choose between me and your brothers, Lorcan and Brutus.”

  “You wouldn’t?” His eyes widened. “But what about Monmouth and you wanting to open a bakery here?”

  She bit back a grin. “I already have that planned out.”

  “You do?”

  “Barrett came in here to see me while you were in the shower.” She looked up at him. “He wanted to know how I felt about you and our relationship. I told him I had nothing to do with the drugs in the cakes, and he believed me. He asked me about my family, and I told him about my mom.” She took a deep breath. “Killian, Barrett said if you were smart enough to make me your mate, then he would find a property in New Orleans where I could open up my own bakery. He said he would consider it a gift for us.”

  “He did?” Killian’s handsome face split into a grin.

  “Yeah, he did.” She l
aced her fingers behind his head and pressed her body into his. She frowned. “He said something about you needed to get your cookies from a different distributor, and it would help him out. Do you know what he meant by that?”

  Killian broke out in laugh. “No, sweetheart. I have no idea.” He pulled her into his chest and kissed her thoroughly.

  “I promise to love you for the rest of my life, Lilliana Beckway.”

  “And I promise to love you, Killian Black. Forever.”

  Killian held her tight, making her realize that she’d finally gotten everything in life she had ever dreamed about.

  The end

  About the Author

  Jodi Vaughn is a USA Today best-selling author of over twenty novels. She is a National Reader’s Choice finalist for best paranormal. She spend her time creating worlds with werewolves, Fae, and vampires, with an occasional witch thrown in for good measure. She lives in Northeast Arkansas with her family, three dogs and a fickle swan who roams the neighborhood in search of greener pastures. You can keep up with her latest releases on her website at or sign up for her newsletter here

  Also by Jodi Vaughn








  RISE OF AN ALPHA MOON Volume 1 (Book 8)

  RISE OF AN ALPHA MOON Volume 2 (Book 9)

  RISE OF AN ALPHA MOON Volume 3 (Book 10)










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