My Crazy Life

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My Crazy Life Page 3

by Katrina Kahler

  “Thank you, sir,” I said.

  Principal Peters looked me in the eyes. “I was talking to your brother. I haven’t decided about YOU yet,” he told me. “It’s kind of weird to get new students a month into the new school year.”

  “Yes, I understand, sir,” I said slowly. “My parents had a harder time finding a house here than they thought they would.”

  The principal shook his head at me.

  “Yes, sir, the move took longer than expected,” Frank said. “Plus, a lot of my dad’s science stuff was super heavy!”

  The principal smiled at Frank. “Yes, I can imagine. I understand your dad is an inventor.”

  Frank nodded his head. “Yes sir, he invented me,” he said eagerly.

  Principal Peters laughed and put a hand on Frank’s shoulder. “I like you, Frank. You are funny yet sincere.”

  “Thanks! I like you too,” Frank said. “Though I admit, I am a little scared of you.”

  The principal smiled. “Good, I like having the students respect me.”

  My first urge was to point out respect and fear weren’t the same thing, but then I figured that wouldn’t help me here at all. I sensed I needed to tread lightly. This guy had taken a natural disliking to me. Usually, most people took a liking to me. Mom called it my vampire and tiger charm. This was different. Not sure why.

  “My brother and I plan on being model students,” I said.

  “I don’t want to model. I just want to study and play sports!” Frank said.

  Principal Peters laughed. “I LOVE your sense of humor, Frank.”

  “Ah gee, thanks,” Frank said.

  The principal gazed down at me. “I’ll be watching you, big city Nina!”

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  “Yes, sir!” Frank said.

  The big man grinned. “Just call me Principal P, like my favorite students do.”

  “Thanks, Principal P!” Frank said.

  “Yes, thanks to Principal P,” I said.

  The big man shook his head. He pointed at Frank. “I meant him. Not you.” Glancing down at me. “You haven’t earned it yet, Nina.” He paused. “Dismissed. Now off you go to homeroom.”

  “Right!” I said.

  “Right!” Frank said.

  “Frank let me walk you to your homeroom,” the principal said.

  “Gladly sir.”

  I watched them walk away.

  “You are going to play b-ball here. Right son?”

  I heard Frank hesitate and then say, “That’s basketball. Right?”

  The principal laughed. “Yes, love your sense of humor!”

  “Yes, sir I am quite good!” Frank said.

  I turned and walked away slowly.

  Nina Note: Mom and Grandma have often talked of vampire hunters. People who exist to hunt down vampires! Some of them branch out and chase werewolves and other “monsters” also, but a lot of them specialize in catching vampires. They don’t like the fact that we don’t die of natural causes. Mom says they are jealous. Even though a vampire can, in effect, live forever, we aren’t invulnerable and we can be killed.

  Ruby tapped me on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s get to homeroom.”

  “Right, homeroom,” I said.

  Ruby took my arm and led me down the hall. “Our homeroom teacher is Mrs. Shade, she’s a cool old lady.”

  “Wait how do you know we have the same homeroom?” I asked.

  Ruby smiled. “Small school. All the eighth graders are in one homeroom.”

  My heart jumped another beat. “Does that mean that Jimmy will be there?” I asked far more anxiously than I would have wanted.

  Ruby patted me on the back, the smile still on her face still there. “Yes, girlfriend, he will be.” A little pause... “He sits next to his best friend Robert Valentine, they do almost everything together. They’ve known each other since forever. Robert thinks he’s the world’s gift to girls.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I know the type.”

  Ruby nodded. “Yeah, I bet you do. He’s not quite as handsome or charming as he thinks he is…”

  “But he’s not one of those guys to let reality get in the way of his thoughts,” I said.

  Ruby nodded. “Yep, you know it.”

  Walking into the room. I felt all the eyes in the class turn to me. Yep, I was the new girl. The unknown. The topic for the day. I had to think about my every move and word. It’s hard enough being the new kid in class when you are normal, but when you are half vampire and half weretiger everything gets more complicated. Walking by Jimmy I gave him a slight smile.

  He returned my smile.

  I worked hard on keeping my smile steady. Not letting it grow at all. The last thing I needed right now was for this boy to think that I liked him.

  Nina Note: Yes, I know they say it’s best to tell the truth and the truth will set you free, but sometimes you have to hold back the truth because it complicates matters. If there really are Glitters around, which I felt pretty sure there was...the last thing I need was to be distracted by a boy. I don’t care how cute he is.

  The teacher, Mrs. Shade, was tiny and really friendly looking. She noticed Ruby and I walk into the room.

  She smiled. That made me feel better. I could tell she wanted to make me feel at home. She wasn’t the type of teacher who wants you to know they are the boss.

  “Well, well, class, I see our new student Nina Thorn has arrived. Nina, I’m sure you will find this place to be a wonderful experience. We aren’t as big as your old school, but I know you will like it here. We are a friendly bunch. Right class?”

  The class answered very unenthusiastically: “Sure”, “Yeah”, “I guess”, “Yep…”

  Ruby ushered me to a seat next to hers. “You can sit next to me,” Ruby told me.

  I certainly didn’t want to argue. I wanted this to go as smoothly as possible. I sat down between Ruby and a girl with the darkest black hair I had ever seen.

  Mrs. Shade walked up to me. She turned to the girl with the jet-black hair. “Barb, can you please grab Nina a book from the shelf?”

  Barb looked up from the doodles she was writing on a piece a paper. “Why me? Aren’t you the one getting paid to be here?”

  “Yes, I am. I’m being paid to teach you. Right now, I am teaching you how to be a good classmate.”

  Barb looked her teacher in the eyes. “Do I get extra credit for this?”

  Mrs. Shade crossed her arms. “You get my thanks and you get a chance to make a friend,” she said.

  “I don’t need friends. Friends, at least not friends my own age, won’t help me get into a great college.” Barb stood up. “But fine, I will do your work for you.” Barb walked towards the bookshelf. “I am sure you will take this into account when it’s grading time.”

  “Oh, I so will,” Mrs. Shade said.

  Ruby whispered to me. “That's Barb Bash, she’s super smart but also super mean. I think she might be a witch…”

  I shook my head. “Nah, she doesn’t smell like a witch,” I said without thinking.

  Ruby laughed. “You are so funny!”

  “Right, right, that was a joke,” I insisted.

  Barb walked up to me and dropped a book onto my desk. “Here,” she said.

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  “Yes, thank you,” Mrs. Shade said.

  Barb looked at me. “You look like a cheerleader.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not a cheerleader.”

  Barb laughed. “It wasn't meant to be a compliment.”

  “Okay…” I said slowly.

  Barb gazed into my eyes. “Hmmm, your eyes don’t have that empty look like most of the kids around here.”

  “Ah, thanks…” I said.

  Barb pointed at me. “You’re smart! Aren’t you?”

  I shrugged. “My dad is a scientist with a bunch of Ph.D.’s and my mom is a psychologist so I’ve been exposed to a lot.”

  “Listen, I am going to be number one in this class,” Bar
b said.

  “Barb please sit down,” Mrs. Shade said strongly.

  Barb eased back into her seat.

  It would have been easy enough for me to just agree with her. Instead, I replied, “We will see.”

  Barb pointed at me. “I’m not sure if I tolerate you or if I hate you...but trust me you don’t want me as an enemy.”

  “Ditto,” I told her.

  I heard the class all go, “Oooooh.”

  Mrs. Shade cleared her throat. “Well enough of these introductions. Let’s start class!”

  Nina Note: This Barb Bash girl was different. I didn’t get the feeling that she was a vampire hunter. I also didn’t get the feeling that she was a witch, nope didn’t have the smell. Witches always smell of garlic. Nope, she was just a normal, annoying person. I knew normal people could be as much of a pain as other vampires, dark mummies, Glitters and vampire hunters. I decided that I should be careful around her. But something else told me (probably my history) that I wasn’t going to be. Part of being a vampire and weretiger is that you can be a bit, how can I put this, aggressive. Normally, I keep my aggression in check and under control. But this Barb girl brought out my tougher side. My side that didn’t want to turn the other cheek. If she tried to go after me I would show her who the boss was. And believe me, she did not want to see my angry side. Hopefully, for her own sake, Barb was smart enough to see that. A part of me though, hoped she would try to do something. I liked the idea of putting her in her place. Yeah, I admit it. I have issues.

  Distracting myself from my issues, I thought about Ruby and I liked her a lot. She was a sweet caring girl and I knew we would be good friends. Sometimes my tiger side just knew things. And, I’ve got to admit that I liked being in the same homeroom with Jimmy. Yeah, I could let myself be distracted. But not yet. Not until we figured out this Glitter thing. Still. I liked having him around.

  Oh and Mrs. Shade seems cool.

  Chapter 6: Hanging Around

  Being the first day of school, of course things were more than a little crazy. I had so many names to remember and books to collect. Even though the school was pretty small compared to my old school, it still felt like I had to walk through a maze to get from class to class. Luckily for me, Ruby stayed by my side.

  Stopping at my locker to drop off some books, I smiled when I noticed Jimmy’s locker was just two lockers down from mine. Jimmy stood there looking into his locker as Robert talked and talked.

  “Did you see that catch Jackson made last night in center field? The man may be the best centerfielder ever. That is until I get up in the majors. Yep, Jimbo. You pitching, me running down fly balls in center field. We will be golden. We’ll have cash…girls…the works!”

  Yeah, Robert wasn’t one of the deeper minds in the school.

  “Sure, Bud,” Jimmy said without taking his eyes from his locker. He shook his head. “Man, I must have left my math book at home.” Jimmy hit himself in the head and went, “Duh.”

  “Don’t sweat it, man! We’re going to have agents to do our math for us!” Bobby told him.

  Jimmy subtly rolled his eyes. “Well, dude, until then I really need to do my own math. And well, my homework was in my book.”

  Robert patted Jimmy on the back. “Don’t worry, man, Miss Mars is way mellow. I’m sure she’ll let you bring it in tomorrow. If not, I will give her the old Robert smile.”

  I think I threw up a little in my mouth listening to Robert. He certainly thought he was the Universe’s gift to our world.

  Ruby tapped me on the shoulder. She whispered, “Jimmy is as handsome as Robert thinks Robert is,” she laughed.

  Before I could respond, Randi and Sandi Dunn positioned themselves between Jimmy and me, blocking my view.

  “I see you like Jimmy!” one of them (I think it was Randi) said.

  “He’s cute,” I admitted.

  “I don’t think you have a chance at him,” Sandi started to say.

  My hotheaded side snapped out at me. Thrusting a finger at Sandy I said, “What makes you think that?”

  Sandi held up her hands. “Slow down, breathe, and relax, count to ten.” She backed up a step. “You didn’t let me finish.”

  I actually did what she said. I took few deep breaths. “Please finish.”

  “Look, Nina. You are obviously a nice-looking girl, and I can tell you are athletic. I have a knack for these things,” Sandi said. “That’s why I am head cheerleader.”

  “Your point?” I said.

  “If you really want to impress Jimmy, then become a cheerleader. One of the girls, Jenny Li, just transferred out of the school, so we have an opening. I know you would be great!” Sandi said.

  “She truly does have a gift for this kind of thing,” Randi said.

  Nina Note: I had to fight back my hotheaded side. It would have been so easy to make these girls into my minions. Just gaze into their eyes and totally take away their will do anything but massage my feet at the end of the day. But yeah, that would have been wrong, but oh so tempting!

  In a weird way, I knew Randi and Sandi were actually trying to help me out. I really shouldn’t have been upset that they thought of me as pretty and athletic. After all, those were good things. These girls weren’t bad girls, they were just shallow.

  “Yeah, sorry girls, but jumping up and down in front of others while yelling ‘Ra Ra’ isn’t my thing,” I said.

  “Mine either,” Ruby said.

  “We didn’t ask you!” Randi said.

  “Don’t say we didn’t try to help you,” Sandi said.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I won’t,” I retorted.

  The two strutted off, noses held high.

  I decided to make a bold move. I would go over and talk to Jimmy. I had no idea what I was going to say. I had no idea why I was going to do this, but there was just something about this guy that I liked...there’s nothing wrong with saying a friendly hello. As I approached, Frank beat me to him.

  “Hey, Jimmy!” Frank said, giving him a high five.

  Jimmy actually had to jump off the ground to reach Frank’s high five. Frank found that funny.

  “Man, you are a big one,” Robert said to Jimmy. “What position do you play in baseball?”

  “I’m a pitcher and first baseman,” Frank said. Frank could be a little slow with some things, but not with sports. My brother knew his sports.

  Robert elbowed Jimmy in the stomach playfully. “Oh bud, your role as numero uno starter may be in jeopardy.”

  “I look forward to the competition,” Jimmy said. “Whatever makes the team better.”

  “Don’t worry, Jimmy. My brother has a great fastball.”

  “I do!” Frank said.

  “But his control and pitch selection is less than stellar,” I said.

  Frank nodded. “That is also true.”

  “From what I understand about your pitching, I’m sure Frank will learn a lot from you,” I said.

  “I’m sure I will too!” Frank said.

  Jimmy’s face lit up. I like to think it was from seeing me, but it was more likely from my words.

  “Thanks,” he told me with a smile. “Do you play softball?”

  “Shortstop on my old team,” I said.

  “And she was so good!” Frank said. “I think part of it’s because of her tiger DNA…”

  Nina Note: When my brother gets excited sometimes he forgets we’re not quite a normal family.

  Jimmy, Robert, and Ruby stood there.

  I shot Frank a look. His eyes popped open. He laughed.

  Ruby laughed.

  “Yes, my family always kids me that I am half tiger because I can be so competitive, and I am quite the fighter,” I said covering up.

  Jimmy smiled. “I like that in a girl.”

  Frank raised a finger. “Though actually, you’re….”

  I stopped him from going on with a quick elbow to the gut.

  Nina Note: I knew he was going to mention my vampire DNA, and that would have be
en a lot harder to cover up.

  Jimmy looked into my eyes. “I like your style,” he said.

  My heart skipped a beat. I looked away. I didn’t want to meet his eyes. But there, hanging overhead was a Glitter. A glowing blob of a Glitter. The Glitter hovered over the teacher hall monitor, Coach J.

  “Oh no!” I yelled.

  Coach J heard me and walked over to me. The shadow above him followed.

  “What’s the matter, young lady?” Coach J asked.

  Lowering my head, I said, “Oh, nothing…”

  The coach looked into my eyes. “You’re new here. If you have a problem, let me know.”

  Looking up at him. I wanted to say everything’s fine, but I saw the Glitter drawing closer to him, covering his head with, well…glitter.

  “I feel like pulling a sickie and going to the beach,” the coach said with a silly grin.

  “Get away you creep!” I yelled at the Glitter.

  Of course, the Coach, who was a very large man, thought I was yelling at him. He thrust his hands on his hips. “How dare you talk to me like that,” he said. The good news was that I had snapped him out of the Glitter’s influence. The bad news...he sure was angry with me.

  Throwing my hands over my mouth, I stuttered. “I am so, so, sorry. It must be the nerves of a new school and everything. Believe me, I’ve never done anything like that before in my life. I understand I will need detention for this. I gladly accept my punishment.”

  Now the coach looked down on me, his arms crossed. “My office, after school. There are a lot of old stinky towels that need to be washed. You are just the girl to wash them!”

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  I watched as the coach walked away, shaking his head. The Glitter hovered near him and it twinkled away.

  “Wow, that was awesome!” Jimmy said.

  “Amazing!” Robert added. “Coach J even scares me, but you seem to have no fear or no sense.”

  “Believe me guys it wasn’t on purpose,” I said. “I let it slip out.”

  “Still cool!” Jimmy said.


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