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Cherished Page 8

by Laura Sutton

  Walking into his office she closed the door and quickly knelt beside his desk. Her butt resting on her heels and her palms upwards on her thighs. She put her head down as the hair fell into her face. Calmness overtook her as she closed her eyes and waited.

  Soon the door opened as Nate walked in and squatted down in front of her. “Beautiful.” He picked up her chin. “Tell me, what made you smile in that last meeting?”

  “I thought they whined worse than an untrained horny sub.” She smirked as Nate laughed. “May I ask a question, Sir?”

  “You may, little one.”

  “Why have shareholders in the horse side of The Manor when you are doing so well. I mean, they seem to take a lot and only want more for themselves. Wouldn't it be better to buy them out or at least some of the... trouble... ones and not have to deal with their bullshit?”

  “Language little one.” Violet bit her lip and blushed. She wasn't one to use a lot of languages, but she'd been hanging around several of the Dom's lately and cursing was second nature for them, but any sub would be punished for their language. “You make a good point. I haven't done it yet because they were all a part of the business with my father. Maybe we can discuss this over a dinner soon. Right now, I want to be buried deep in your hot tunnel, hearing your moan in my ears.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Violet trembled in excitement at his words.

  “Stand.” Putting his hand out to her, she took it as he helped her to her feet. Lifting her dress, he smiled at the sight. “Why Ms. Elling, I do believe you forgot your panties.”

  “No Sir, just tired of ruining my panties.”

  “Why would you ruin them little one?” Seeing her blush, he knew that he was pushing one of her buttons. She had been raised to now speak of sexual things, but he loved hearing it. “Tell me. Use your words little one.”

  “You excite me too much.”

  “Too much how?”

  “Every time I see you I...”

  “Say it or I'll edge you all night and not let you come.”

  She gave a little growl as he glanced at her. “Fine.” His glance darkened.

  “Watch the attitude little one.”

  “Whenever you come into the room I'm instantly gushing with wetness. After last night, all I can think about is your hard-throbbing cock pushing into me. Which is making me even wetter. I want… no, I need you Nate, Sir. Please.”

  “Never have to ask me twice.” He smirked as he lifted her to sit on his desk, keeping her dress pulled up. She shivered as her butt touched the cold glass sheet that sat on top of his desk. Nate unbuttoned his pants and stepped up, pushing into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he gripped both of her hands behind her back with one hand. She started to lay back and felt a sharp poke in her back. “Ouch.” She muttered as she sat back up quickly. Nate growled as he reached around her and pushed all the stuff off the desk. The things clattered to the ground in a crash as Nate pushed Violet's bra over both of her mounds as he took her left nipple into his mouth and sucked as his hand slid down her body and rubbed her clit roughly as he plunged into her quickening his pace.

  “Sir... please... I can't hold on.”

  “You will. No coming until I tell you.” He said as he smacked her upper thigh and she arched on the desk. Sweat rolling down her forehead as she clenched herself, so she would not shatter before he gave permission. One of his fingers rimmed her small, tight little hole as she screamed, gripping the edge of the desk with all her strength. The sensations were overwhelming as she held back her release barely.

  “Now. Come hard little one.” He said as his finger pushed into her ass. Her vagina clenched around his thick, long shaft as her release jetted from her. He kept pumping without mercy as a second orgasm boiled inside of her. She grabbed his arms, nails digging into him as his lips swallowed the screams of her second release as he swelled and pushed into her one last time. He ejaculated into her burning out channel; completely spent he slowly pulled himself out. Their cum mixing on his penis. Breathing deeply, he helped Violet sit up on her desk. A smile plastered on both of their faces as he leaned in and kissed her. “So, who were you texting at the table?”


  “Besides me smart ass.”

  “Sylvia. I owed her an apology.”

  “What did you do little one?”

  “I lost it on her.” Violet blushed and looked down.

  “Lost it how?”

  Violet shrugged. Nate pulled out a package of wipes, cleaning himself off and then Violet. He pulled on his pants and helped her off the desk. “Little one. Tell me. Lost it how? I won't ask again.”

  Violet lowered her head, but Nate lifted her chin with his finger. “I saw you with a sub, there,” she pointed to his carpet next to the chair. “I couldn't take seeing you with a perfect flawless skinned, submissive. Not when I...” Violet froze. The three little words lodged in her throat.

  “When you? Keep going.”

  “Not when I was in love with you and you didn't want me. I yelled at Sylvia, like always. I was just so tired of feeling like no Dominant wanted me. That I was too broken and disgusting. Everyone had turned me down and I'd heard people whispering around me. I didn't know that you had collared me. I was freaking out with everything that I've bottled up for months. She was at the end of my rant.”

  “You should have spoken to me a long time ago. You're a trained sub. You know that communication is key. Though we are both guilty of a lack of communication it seems. Sylvia is the one who told me how you were feeling and Colton. How much more are you keeping from me?”

  “I bottle stuff up until I explode. It's what I've always done.”

  “Not anymore. Do you hear me, little one?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Sylvia also mentioned that you're burning the candle at both ends. What are you doing besides this job because I know how much I've put on your plate? I've watched that at least.”

  “We're going to be super late for our meeting.”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  “Actually, it is Sir. You pay me to worry about those things.”

  “I texted all of them to let them know to push the meeting back a bit. We have time.”

  Violet tried not to pout but she was hoping that the meeting would save her, at least for a little bit. She'd wanted to talk to Nate for so long. Now she was finally able to, yet anxiety flooded her body. “Be careful what you wish for.” She muttered under her breathe.

  “What was that?” Nate crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at her.

  “Nothing Sir. I've... well I've been taking two business classes online when I get home from work.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Not like I had anything or anyone else to do. Plus, when I wasn't here or working on my classes, I've been emptying out my Grandmother's house.”

  “How much is left of the house?”

  “Maybe a few more shifts over there. I'm hoping by the end of the month.”

  “You have a head for business, I've seen it. I have even looked at some of your sketches in your office. You also picked up one of your own folders when giving me the training applications the other day.”

  Violet's eyes were huge. “Why didn't you say anything?”

  “I've been waiting for you to come and talk with me. I told you when you began that I wanted to hear your ideas. Did you think that I was lying or just being nice to you because you're my assistant?”

  Violet toyed with her lip as she listened to him. Had she thought he was lying. No. She trusted Nate, always. “No Sir. I was scared.”

  “Why? You've told me that you trust me, and I've never done anything to betray that trust. Why are you holding back?”

  “My whole life I've been the joke of the family. I didn't want you to see me as a joke as well.”

  Nate's eyes softened at the glimpse she'd just given to him about her previous life. “I could never see you like that little one.” Stepping up to her he pulled her into a hug. “I
want to know all about your hopes and dreams and fears. I want to know everything about you, little one. I want to be the Dominant that let's your submissive out and helps you to grow.”

  “I want that as well.” She admitted as she clutched tight to the man she loved.

  “Come we better get to the meeting. Afterward, you and I are going to your grandmother's house to see if we can speed along the process. You are too stressed.”

  Violet nodded with a smile as she ran her hand through her hair. She was excited to finally have someone that cared and would look after her. She knew all too well the amount of stress that she put on herself all the time. She wanted everything to be perfect for Nate. She knew that a submissive's action was the Dominant's action and she never wanted to embarrass Nate; even before she knew that he had collared her.

  Violet rushed into the conference room, glancing at the clock. Many of the Dominant's that were partners or co-owners in the club were standing around talking and laughing. Colton's familiar frame was lounging in a chair with his feet up on the table laughing with Tyler Payne who was still wearing his police uniform. He had been over security and safety on the ground of The Manor.

  Ashton Ainsley's dark hair was shaved on both sides with the extra hair on top that he had slicked back for the meeting. His Colorado Fire shirt fighting tightly against his slim body. He was the first one that Violet had asked to Dominate her after she had healed enough in her eyes. He'd turned her down nicely and since then they had become good friends. She almost saw him like a brother now. They'd spent many nights together along with the small group when Violet had some dinner parties at her house. Seeing him walking towards her she lowered her head as her hair fell around her face. She knew that her face was still flushed and knew how perceptive that Ashton was.

  “Hey, flower. You ok?” The worry in his voice had her looking up quickly, almost worried.

  “Of course, Ash.”

  “Well, you're flushed. Plus, I was one of the calls Sylvia made...”

  Aaron Hughes laughed loud from behind Violet, making her jump, as he walked into the room with three others. “Hell, Sylvia called all of us.”

  Violet groaned. “I'm perfectly fine. Security...” Violet emphasized, “blew everything out of the water.”

  Tyler leaned forward to look around Ashton's body. “Should I bring up the video of you running and driving like you were on fire? I even got a wild Sub code at work.”

  Violet did not think that it was possible to blush any brighter, but she could feel her face flaming. Tyler smirked as he sat back. “Overact indeed.” Tyler snorted.

  Brian Reece was a muscle filled suit wearing silent partner in the Manor. His smile could make any girl's panties melt with one look but Violet's time with Nate made her immune to his charms. “Don't listen to them, Little One; as long as you're ok... and safe.” The comment was innocent, but Violet heard the question. As she was about to answer Nate walked into the room.

  “Leave my girl alone. She's good.” Nate wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her. Shock flooded Violet's body, but it didn't stay long as she melted into his arm. “Sorry about the wait, we were detained with business.”

  “'Bout damn time man. Most of us were about to break the code just to keep her sane.” Ashton slapped Nate on the back. Looking about to Violet, “You know who to call if he starts being an ass again.”

  “I do... Sylvia.” Violet challenged with a smirk. She'd always enjoyed pulling Ashton's chain and knew his super protective streak of her. She knew if she needed it that he'd be the first in line to take on Nate for her if it ever came to that.

  “Did I hear my name?” Sylvia asked as she walked in pulling her hair back. Nate glared at Violet until she heard all the Doms laughing. More of them congratulated her and gave some word of encouragement to her before they even approached him. It was not normal behavior and he saw just how much he had been missing. She may have been a sub, but she'd gained the respect and loyalty of the Dominant's that were some of his closest friends.

  Sitting down Nate was about to start the meeting when Sylvia looked around. “What's missing? I swear somethings missing.” Sylvia was looking around the room. She hated when something felt off.

  “Everything,” Violet mumbled under her breathe. When Nate looked to her she got up quickly and opened one of the cabinets. She quickly handed out the waters, pen, pencil, and a special pad of paper.

  “She was busy,” Colton whispered loudly towards Sylvia.

  “Getting fucked, I know.” Sylvia's words were snarled and crude. The voice had Violet dropping one of the water bottles, glancing toward Sylvia, dropping her gaze quickly. She quickly finished handing out the rest of the supplies and sat down. Her heart raced within her body as she kept stealing glances at the woman while she took notes from the meeting. The cruel sound from Sylvia was something that Violet had only heard once.

  “Evening Sylvia.” Violet smiled as she saw her former trainer and best friend standing at the back door that Violet had all her company come through to avoid bothering her aunt and grandmother. Sylvia came into Violet's bedroom and paced back and forth. Violet stayed quiet as she watched the woman quietly. Violet knelt curled up on her couch as Sylvia kept almost talking to her but stopped.

  “Please tell me what's wrong Sylvia. You know that I won't tell anyone.”

  When Sylvia looked at her, Violet saw the pain and anguish in Sylvia's eyes. “Days like today make me hate my job.” Sylvia sat down on the couch, turning towards Violet.

  “This stays confidential.”

  “Yes, Mistress. I would never speak about anything we talk about together.” Sylvia watched her for a second and nodded.

  “Three months ago, I flew with a team to a serial rapist case that was raping the women and beating them to death. It started out as strippers and then turned to another woman. I and one other agent figured out that the women were in the BDSM scene. The brutal bodies of the submissive's and the dungeon that he had to torture these women he took were terrifying. He pretending to be a Dominant and lured the women to his den.” Sylvia got up and started to pace the room. Silent tears trickled down her face. “Court was today. After all the evidence he only got acquitted for the murders. They said the rape was consensual because the women went with him without a fight.” She shook her head. “There is no justice in this world anymore. The system is too flawed and lax. He'll be out in a few years. No one cares about those women or his crimes. He'll get out and more people will die.”

  Violet got up and wrapped her arms around Sylvia, hugging her tight. “You care. You fight for those women each day that you go into work. You help keep us all safe from the bad guys as much as you can. You keep the subbies in line at the club and keep us safe. Don't ever think that no one cares because as long as one-person cares then they aren't alone.”

  “You are perceptive little one.”

  “I know that if he gets out, you'll make sure to put him away again. Or we could always make a call I'm sure there is a good hitman out there somewhere that could end the problem.” Violet smirked as she leaned back enough to look in Sylvia's eyes.

  “I'm the head of the FBI. We can't hire a hitman.”

  “Well, it's the least the rapist and torturer deserves.”

  “Death would be too easy for the bastard,” Sylvia said. The harshness spoke bitterly from her mouth.

  Rapist. Torturer. Freedom from the prison without justice. Violet's breathing was labored with her fear. The hand on her arm had her reacting as she punched outward in protection. Sylvia barely moved as she left the air from Violet's punch going right by her cheek. Violet pushed back her chair, on impulse, ready to fight for her life; her eyes wild with fear. Hearing the crash of a chair, Nate turned quickly. “Shit” he cursed as he and the other Dominants quickly moved towards her.

  “Stay back,” Sylvia ordered, pushing her hand back. Her eyes never leaving Violet's face. Stopping the others as they stepped forward to help.

sp; “Violet... Violet. It's me it's Sylvia. Just breathe. Calm down.”

  “I know you...”

  “Yes, it's me, pet. It's Sylvia.”

  “No, I know you S. That tone...”

  Suddenly remembering the last time that they had a conversation when she was as upset as she was now. “Fuck.”

  “How long has he been free?”

  “Don't think about that.”

  “Tell me. Now!” The shouted demand made all the Dominant's straighten in the room. Nate's fist clenched as he tried to make sense of the whole scene. Ashton moved up behind Sylvia.

  “Little flower...” he warned.

  “Raymond was released from prison two hours ago. The judge was dismissed because of his previous knowledge and friendship with Raymond. The new judge and jury allowed for bail to be posted until the trial.” All the Dominant's in the room quickly understood the anger that poured off both women.

  Violet's shoulder stooped in defeat. “Ok,” Violet said quietly as she packed away her stuff in her briefcase that she'd bought for herself with her first paycheck. She turned and walked out of the room. She had heard her name multiple times by several people, but it was as if they were far away at the end of a long tunnel. She kept walking as she went outside and drove her golf cart back to her house on autopilot.

  Chapter Ten

  The moment that she stepped foot into the sanctuary that was her house did Violet start to break. She had pushed down the torture and abuse that she had suffered from Raymond for so long. She thought that she'd mourned her family and the life that she'd lost. Yes, she'd gained a second life with Nate, but it was still different. Unable to take another step the burden of the abuse, surgeries, and most importantly all the pain that she kept within her came to the surface. She tripped and fell to the tiled floor of her cabin. Curling into a ball she sobbed uncontrollably. Memories of her time with her family, the bad times and abuse with Raymond, the pain from the surgeries, the good times at The Manor with her friends that she'd made, and even the bad times where jealousy had gotten the better of her. Words flowed through her mind of what Raymond had told her over the time that she was with him. He had threatened to kill her so many ways. She had heard the threats so often that she had stopped listening to them and reacting. Now she remembered those paralyzing words, “I will slice you into pieces and dump your body in so many different places that no one will be able to piece you back together to identify you.”


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