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Cherished Page 15

by Laura Sutton

  Leaning over to her ear, “I want your cum to coat my cock. Come Now!” He ordered as she erupted around him. His name screamed from her mouth as he kept pumping into her as another orgasm started to build and he started to pump faster, and he grew inside of her and he unloaded his seed.

  He started to move, and she stopped him. “Please just stay, just a moment.” Nate saw the uncertainty in her eyes. He stayed laying on top of her and kissed her. He did not want to move from this spot even if he had his choice. Soon he moved to the side and pulled her on top of him. They lay their quietly, coated in their juices, enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms.

  Nate finally broke the silence as he stroked Violet’s head that was laying on his chest. “Violet I’m sorry that I shut you out on the expansion of The Manor. I know you have great ideas for an expansion. I did not want you to have any stress on your plate.”


  “No. Let me finish.” She moved her head up so she could look at him. “I have treated you with kid gloves because I have been trying to protect you. Problem is, you don’t need me to protect you. You are a strong amazing woman.”

  “Thank you, Nate.”

  “Woman let me finish.” Nate rolled his eyes at her. “I want to give you a project that’s all you.”

  “Are you serious?” Violet quickly went up to her knees, straddling his body. “Seriously? You’re not joking with me or leading me on.”

  “No Violet I’m not joking with you and I would never lead you on.” Violet leaned down kissing him deeply. Her fully waxed pussy rubbing against his lower abdomen. “Do you want to hear about the project before you make me take over,” Nate said as he looked down to her pussy. She stopped moving quickly.

  “Please tell me about it, Sir. The anticipation may actually kill me.”

  “Well, the board and I met…”

  “Ugh. Do you hate me that much?”


  “The board of arrogant pussies that whine more than baby Submissive’s.”

  Nate’s laughter filled the room. “The other board, baby. I have officially bought out and gotten rid of the other board.”

  “Really?” Violet’s smile was back on her face in full force.

  “Yes. The board and I decided that instead of expanding fully in the area that we want to start another location in a large city.” Nate smiled as he saw the confusion on her face. “We are going to open a new location in Los Angeles, and I would like you to head up the team. We already have the land and the location but everything else will be up to you.”

  “Eeek!” Violet screamed as she jumped up from the bed, dancing around the room. “I can’t believe this. I still don’t believe it. You are really letting me run point on a project this huge?”

  “Yes. We all believe you are perfect for this job.”

  “I promise. I will make you proud.”

  “You already do.” Nate slid to the side of the bed as he watched her excitement. She walked back up to him, kissing him. He slid his hands around her waist, pulling her to him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Violet was glad to finally have a project to focus on. It had been a week, but she was still getting sick. Violet slid from Nate’s bed, looking back at his perfectly sculpted body. She bit her lip as she forced herself to go downstairs. She wanted to get some errands done on her day off before Nate was awake. She jumped into her SUV and slowly drive off The Manor’s property. She had a list of groceries she wanted, in order to make Nate a special dinner that night. She was glad that she had a purpose and Nate was trusting her with a project of this magnitude.

  Walking down the aisle, she filled the cart with food. The longer she was in the grocery store, the more nauseous she was becoming. She walked down the last few aisles to the pharmacy. She was out of her birth control. She froze the moment she passed the pregnancy tests. She’s already taken a blood test and it was clean, but she had also been told that it could be too soon. Violet bit her lip, freaking out about the possibilities if it’s true. Nate had never spoken of wanting to have children. She knew that he had lost a child and his previous wife, and he loved his niece but even as they spoke of a future together, children were never a part of the conversation. Violet grabbed several different tests and quickly went to check out. Putting everything into the back of the SUV she grabbed the pregnancy kits and pushed them into her purse.

  After stopping at a few more places in downtown Denver, she drove about to the remote property. Being away from the whole town was a nice little escape. She liked the quietness and the solitude of The Manor and people could not just wander onto the land because of their security. The horses and fences lined the beginning of the land and the fences ran the length of the property so that no one went off the property without knowing. Also, it helped the members know the boundaries between the sex club and the horse ranch. Violet loved the Beverly Hills Mansion that they had purchased and all the stops she was doing to make sure that it was the greatest elite club out there. It was a choice she was excited about. She had even made a few calls to friends with elite clients to make sure they had the elegance that would be expected so she could make it more. She smiled at the thoughts as she drove up into their driveway. She opened the back truck and started to grab groceries when Nate, Colton, and Tyler, carrying Sammie, all came down the steps. They all started to grab the groceries. “You guys know that I can grab….” The looks that all three of the men gave her made her stop mid-sentence. She knew that they knew she could get the groceries, but this was a way that they could take care of her. “Fine, give me Sammie at least.” She smiled as she pulled Sammie from Tyler’s arms and walking up the stairs into the kitchen. She pushed her purse onto the small writing desks chair and pushed it in, hiding it.

  The boys were right behind her with all of the groceries. She loved these three guys; they were family. Once all the bags were on the countertops the guys kept jabbering. Nate looked at her and the bags, “Are we having a party and I didn’t know about it?”

  “No.” Violet looked at him, very confused.

  “Babe. There is enough food to feed an army with all this.” Nate waved towards the bags.

  “Hun. There isn’t even a ketchup bottle in your fridge. It was a lot of stuff that needed to be purchased. Plus, it’s not all grocery stuff. There are other things as well.”

  Violet looked a little guilty and Nate thought that is was adorable. Tyler walked over, and Sammie was instantly reaching out his hands and babbling towards him. Tyler took that little girl and started throwing her in the air and catching her. The little giggles filled the air and made Violet’s heart soar and her stomach plummet. “Come on I’ll make you guys a sandwich.” Violet started to empty the sacks of groceries as she listened to everyone talking with one another. As she was slicing some tomatoes, she heard Colton and Tyler talking about wanting to find a Submissive to share and settle down with. Violet turns around the knife in her hand. “I know the perfect girl for you two. I’ll set it up.” They were both quick to say ‘no.’ “You guys were just saying you wanted someone and now you’re turning it down.”

  “It’s not that. It’s hard to find someone who can…”

  “Handle you both.” Violet snorted as Nate looked over at her. “The girl I know likes both of you. She knows about both of your preferences. She has never talked to you because she does not think that either one of you would give her the time of day outside of her professional capacity.” Violet watched them both look at each other. “Let me set it up or I could point her out and you guys can run your little tests on her.”

  “Little One, Careful.” Violet looked to him.

  “You don’t what it is like… I know her. I know how she feels and why she stays away. She’s like me… she comes from nothing. Why would a kick-ass Detective on the rise and an heir to a horse racing empire even notice someone as lowly as her?

  “Wow you don’t think very highly of us, do you?” Tyler asked, his eyes
showing disbelief.

  “Actually, I do. It’s why I told her that you’re wrong and she’s perfect for you two.” Violet shrugged. “I know what it’s like to feel like I’m not wanted.”

  “You are wanted,” Nate said as he stepped up behind her hugging her close to him.

  “I know that now. When you didn’t offer your collar that night… I thought it was because you own this empire and a well-respected Doctor, and I was just some middle-class girl that was living with her family because I couldn’t afford to live on my own.”

  “You think I gave a damn about that.” Nate was surprised as he moved around her, so he could see her face.

  “At one point, yes. Sylvia vouched for you and now I’m forwarding the favor and vouching for you two.”

  “Come on Colton. We can at least meet the girl.”

  “Let’s meet her in an official capacity, feel her out.”

  “Good. You can meet her at the next major Manor event.” Violet gave a smile as she turned to finish making the sandwiches. She was happy that they finally agreed. She had been trying to find a way into talking them both into meeting the woman

  Colton looked at his schedule and saw a wedding was the next event happen on The Manor’s property. “A wedding? Wait, the wedding planner? She would never be into a ménage.”

  “No, Bethany Tolin is not your style. The caterer, Lizzie Wells, is the perfect woman for you two. Though…” Violet bit her lip getting a little nervous at the decision. “Just don’t hurt her. She deserves the best, hence why I thought of you two.”

  “The things that I do for my soon to be sister in law.” Colton rolled his eyes as he bit into his sandwich. Tyler nudging his shoulder.

  “You’ll thank me later,” Violet said smugly as she slipped under Nate’s arm, welcoming his touch as she passed him his plate and she took a bit of her own sandwich.

  Chapter Twenty

  The night had been long with Colton and Tyler. She did not even remember coming to bed but it is where she woke up that morning. She looked over and smiled as she saw Nate sprawled out in the bed in his favorite pair of sweats; the sheet kicked away from him. She turned over and laid there watching him for a moment. She still could not believe that she was engaged to this amazing man. She stood up and suddenly the room started to spin. She quickly ran to the bathroom and got sick.

  Nate woke to quiet sounds of crying. Looking over to Violet’s side of the bed and seeing it was empty he quickly got out of bed. Listening to the sounds, he walked to the bathroom quickly. Opening the door, he saw her sitting next to the toilet, naked, with a rag on her head. She opened her eye when she heard the door open.

  “Hey, Nate.”

  “Sick again?” Nate asked as he grabbed one of the large fluffy towels and wrapped it around her shaky body.

  “Can you grab my purse for me? It’s downstairs on the writing desk chair.”

  Nate took one look at her and left the bathroom with barely a nod. When he returned, she was still sitting in the same spot. He hands her the purse.

  “Thanks, Hun.” Violet bit her lip as she looked up at him. “I’m still getting nauseous. Really nauseous. I brought another pregnancy test to check again. I know the tests were negative, but I don’t know what else this,” Violet motioned to her whole body, “is all about.”

  “Then let’s take a test.” Nate opened her purse and pulled out one of the tests.

  “We’ve talked about the future before, but we have never talked about kids.”

  Nate picked up her chin so that she was looking at him, “I would be thrilled if we had a child together. Let’s take the test first before we hatch any eggs.” Nate tightly smiled as he helped her stand.

  Violet was seriously starting to hate peeing on sticks, especially with Nate in the bathroom with her. At least this bathroom was huge, and she could pretend that he was in the other room. She laid the stick on the counter as she sat down on the fluffy rug in front of the sinks. She had slept the night, but she was still exhausted from all the throwing up. Nate sat down beside Violet.

  “Little One, talk to me.”

  “I didn’t hold back. I told you.”

  “I know. That’s not what is making me… nervous.”

  “What is making you nervous?”

  “Nate what if I am pregnant?”

  “So, what if you are? We have money, we have a house, land and a business where we will never be fired from. What makes you so nervous?”

  “What… what if I am not a good mom? You have already been a dad and I see you with Sammie. You’ll be amazing, but I won’t be.”

  Nate turned to face her, sliding his hand on her thigh. “You are going to be an amazing mom. You always put everyone first. You have worked hard, and you are a strong woman. Any kid would be lucky to have you as a mother.” The timer went off above Nate’s head as he reached up and grabbed the pregnancy test. “Are you ready?”

  “I am a strong woman.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Let’s do this.” She held out her hand as he handed it to her. Looking down she saw the word “pregnant” staring back at her strongly from the test. “We’re having a baby.” She smiled as she looked over to Nate.

  Nate’s smile was amazingly huge as he helped her up off the floor. He picked her up and twirled her around the room. “We’re having a baby! We’re having a baby!” Nate’s excitement made Violet start giggling.

  “If you keep spinning, I’m going to puke on you.” Violet laughed as Nate stopped quickly.

  “Are you ok?”

  “I’m more than ok.”

  “Is it too early to go shopping for baby stuff?” Nate asked with a smile.

  “Yes.” Violet chuckled. “Plus, we both have large projects that we need to finish and complete. Including a wedding at some point Mr. Fiancé.” Violet smiled.

  “Marry me tomorrow.”

  “That’s a bit soon.”

  “Ugh. You’re going to make me wait aren’t you.”

  “No, because I want to be married before anyone can see that I’m pregnant. Could we maybe have a wedding in a month? I know a wedding planner who can do it.”

  “I guess I could wait a month.”

  Violet laughed. “It’s not like you will not be getting lucky until the wedding. You will be getting very lucky in fact.”

  “I like being lucky.” Nate picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Backing her against the cold tiled wall. He quickly thrust into her. She was pregnant with his child. He could not believe he was lucky enough to be engaged to this amazing woman and he was about to become a father again. “I love you, locket!” He pushed into her to punctuate each word. Imprinting the words within her.

  “I love you, Sir.” She breathed as they both came together, and he carried her back to their bed.


  One Month Later

  Violet felt like a Princess as she walked down the purple carpeted aisle on the side of the mountain at The Manor. Nate, Colton, and Tyler all stood at the front in black tuxedoes and white shirts with black buttons. Violet’s white dressed opened up in the back to a purple opening with purple accents all over the dress, with purple laces. She had instantly fallen in love with the dress the moment that she saw it. Seeing Nate’s reaction as she walked down the aisle gave her butterflies.

  The ceremony was perfect and saw the ring slipped on her finger and she was named Mrs. Dawkins she could not help but give a huge grin. She could not remember the last time that she was this happy. Kissing her new husband practically made her giddy. She walked down the aisle, arm in arm, with her husband and they made their way to their house.

  “Well Mrs. Dawkins, I’m thinking about skipping the dinner…”

  “Oh no Mr. We are going to eat some delicious food that I picked out. Plus, I kind of what to see what Colton and Tyler do about their perfect girl.”

  “Baby, I love you, but you meddle too much!” Nate shook his head as he stepped up behind V
iolet, places his hand on her stomach. “Let me go feed you and our baby. Then I get some playtime on our special getaway.”

  “Where are we going? Can’t you tell me now?”

  “No, it’s a surprise.” Nate kissed her, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “But you’re going to love it.”

  “I know I will as long as you are there.” She gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Come on, they won’t start without us and I’m hungry.”

  Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wells quickly pulled back the strands on her short brown hair, smiling as she looked at her best friend, Violet. She straightened her violet colored, button-down shirt with her “Sugar & Spice” catering business logo. Lizzie could not help but be a little jealous of Violet’s white dress and happiness. She was happy for her friend but also jealous of her friend’s good fortune. Violet spotted her and moved towards her with a smile on her face. “Hey, you! Thanks for doing this on such short notice.”

  “Anything for you Vi!” Lizzie hugged Violet.

  “I made sure your two hotties looked extra delicious for you.” Violet teased.

  “They are not my hotties.” Lizzie was quick to protest and then noticed the jokingly look in her eyes. Lizzie shook her head with a smile on her face. “Happily-ever-after looks good on you Sis.”

  “Come on, at least give them a chance.”

  “They don’t know I even exist unless they want something to drink and think I’m a waitress.” Lizzie tried not to smile. She had lived off those memories for over a week. “Now you have guests and I think your husband is looking for you.” Lizzie nodded over to where Nate was looking around.

  “Yikes. I better go.” Violet turned to walk away but quickly turned back to Lizzie and hugged her tight. “You deserve a happily-ever-after as well. Love you, Sis.” Violet said as she quickly walked away back towards Nate.


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