Brick Solid (Voodoo Troops MC Book 1)

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Brick Solid (Voodoo Troops MC Book 1) Page 4

by Jewelz Baxter

  Now it was Thursday. Nealy was closing out the cash drawer at the teller window as she considered yoga class. Tuesday she had skipped class. She had messaged Venus and told her she was too busy when in reality she wasn't ready to face her friends. Today she regretted that lie. Grabbing her purse and lunch bag, her decision was made. Leave the past in the past.

  Venus and Chelle were already at class when she arrived. Chelle sat on her mat. Venus stood and stretched on her mat next to Chelle’s.

  “Hey, Nealy. Missed you Tuesday,” Chelle greeted as she patted the floor next to her. Nealy rolled her mat out next to Chelle, sat down, and began untying her shoes.

  “How’s it going, girls?”

  “So good,” Venus squealed then plopped down and in almost a whisper continued. “I got a job from a man last weekend that owns a bar. I start this week. How exciting is that! I can go to school during the day and work at night. I mean not like I work now. This will be a steady paycheck.”

  “That's great. I didn’t know you were going to school.”

  “Beauty school. At least, I want to. That way I can help women feel beautiful. And talk. I can carry on a conversation so they relax and…,” she paused. “I just love helping people. I can help people that way.” Her bubbly personality was never faltering.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I told you that program would be good. We all did well. I got a job. Chelle got a bonus. She hasn’t decided what to do with it yet. Maybe start school too or maybe save it. And you, you were claimed right off. Lucky you!”

  “It was something all right.” Not wanting to insult her friends or discuss details she steered the conversation. “How about those photos? When should we get them?”

  “About a couple weeks. He picks the best and when they are ready, he'll call. This time I can actually pay for them with cash.” Another squeal and high-five.

  Fortunately, the instructor walked in and began class.

  * * *

  “Hey guys! What’s up?”

  Sly greeted Brick, Rash, Ghost, and KO as they entered the small building that served as his studio. Sly was a tall wiry man in his thirties. Six foot one with short dark hair, a thin mustache, and stubbled chin. He seemed to always need a shave but it never got long enough to be called a beard.

  The studio was small but efficient; a long counter lined the back wall adorned with beautiful photos and camera gadgets. To the right of the counter was a hallway that lead to two more rooms: a dark room to the left and a work room past that.

  “Inspection,” this came from Brick.

  Sly's eyes bugged. “No, no, no. You said in two weeks. It’s not even a week. I still have photos on the computer and a drive not developed. You can’t come in here yet,” he pleaded.

  “I said within two weeks.”

  Sly stepped in front of them pushing on KO's chest. He was no match for the biker. KO pushed him to the side against the wall and they all stepped past him, then proceeded through the door to the work area.

  As they surveyed the area, Rash noticed it first. He moved to the computer and leaned closer. “What’s this?” He twisted to Brick and nodded at the screen. “Your girl.”

  Brick stormed to the computer.

  Nealy was on the screen. Nude. She stood in front of a mirror putting up her hair. A shower behind her.

  Brick's blood boiled. His veins pulsed. Hidden cameras. He slammed the lid closed and turned on Sly.

  “That’s private and personal,” the photographer yelled. He pushed at the bikers to reach his laptop, only to find himself restrained.

  “That’s in my home. My personal property. You have no right to that.”

  “Her body. Her property. You have her consent?” He growled.

  KO had Sly, his arms secured behind his back. He was powerless.

  Brick stood inches from Sly's face. His fingers pressed into each side of the photographer's neck.

  “They all signed waivers,” Sly spat.

  “You crossed a line. No going back,” Brick growled in a low voice.

  “Waivers. Computer. Drives. Film. Everything,” He ordered Rash and Ghost. Then turned to KO. “Take him out back.”

  This thrilled KO who was a new patch. The club had found him fighting underground before inviting him to prospect. He longed to fight and hone his skills. KO grinned.

  Rash loaded up all the equipment he found.

  Ghost searched for contracts and other informative documents. “Do you take photos of kids? Families? Anything like that?”

  “No, only women. Beautiful women. And let me say they are very appreciative when they see what I’ve done,” he smirked.

  KO drug Sly through the back door.

  Brick entered the dark room. He was surrounded by women in various stages of dress. Some posed. Some candid. He jerked down photos. He gathered more from the workroom and put them all in a large manila folder. Taking one last look around, he took a cigarette from a pack on the counter and lit it as he walked back to the darkroom. He dropped it among the chemicals and ran out before the reaction occurred, causing a small explosion that was clearly heard by those within the area, and a fire soon engulfed the building.

  “You son of a bitch! That was my life!” The photographer stared helplessly as his career burned in front of him.

  “You cross the Troops, you pay,” Ghost replied matter-of-factly as he patted Sly's swollen cheek.

  The now ex-photographer sat in the backyard against his wooden fence. He held his bruised and bleeding head in his hands that were propped on his knees. Suddenly dropping his hands, he reached for his phone to report the “accident”.

  In the distance four Harleys roared to life.

  * * *

  Nealy stood at the small bar that separated the kitchen from the living area, putting muffins on a cooling rack. She felt much better after yoga and visiting with Venus and Chelle. She had fretted over nothing.

  She loved to bake. Growing up, her family had a cook so she never learned to cook or bake. Only since moving on her own two years ago had she learned. Cooking meals and special dishes were still a challenge to her but baking she accomplished right away. So she baked often. It made her feel good. Something she could do and do well. Most of what she baked she took to work to share. There was no way she could eat it all.


  “Come in!” She called out and looked up as she set the empty pan on the counter.

  The door opened and was filled in the next instant with man. All man. Six foot two with broad shoulders, and tattooed arms, tanned from many hours in the sun.

  “Should know who you're asking in,” his deep voice rumbled across the room.

  “Well, hello to you too,” she smiled.

  He stepped in and pushed the door closed. His face was hard. He stood inside the door with a large envelope in his hand and glanced around.

  It was a small mobile home. Nothing fancy but it was cozy. The kitchen and living room were open, only separated by a bar. To the right was a cream-colored sofa and chair with colorful throw pillows. Bar stools, also brightly colored, sat in front of where Brick stood. Across the bar was a small kitchen with white walls and multi-color appliances on the counters. Next to the front wall was a hallway. He knew it led to a bedroom and a bath. There was no room for anything more.

  Her heart raced at the sight of him in her home.

  “Sit.” He stepped forward and pulled a bar stool out for her.

  Without hesitation, Nealy came around the bar and perched on the stool facing him.

  He opened the large folder as he leaned around her and slid the contents onto the bar.

  She turned to the bar and recognized the photos from last weekend’s photo shoot. She picked them up one by one. A photo on the motorcycle. One in shorts and his cut by the tree. Some were by the pool. They were good. How sweet that he delivered them to her.

  Her smile faded. The next photo of her was in her nightclothes. A robe and bare feet brush
ing her hair facing the camera. But she knew she had actually done this standing in front of a mirror in the bathroom. She glanced at Brick.

  He was standing out of sight of the photos but she knew he must know what was in them.

  He nodded for her to continue.

  She did. In the next one she was nude. Her arms up pulling her hair into a bun on top of her head looking again at a mirror only she knew was there.

  “I didn’t....,” she began but her voice trailed off.

  “Never thought it.”

  She finished flipping through them and sat with elbows on the bar, holding her head. She felt numb. Violated. How could someone do this? It was beyond her thinking.

  “Are there anymore?” She asked without looking up.

  “No. Got them all. It’s handled.”

  Her head shot up as she spun to face him with wide eyes. She shrieked, “Others have seen these?”

  Brick stood there, hands on his hips, but did not move. He sighed, closed his eyes and replied, “No. I found them. I took them. Oz cleared and destroyed everything. We got to him before it went on the net.”

  “What about the other girls?”

  “Gone. No need for them to know.”

  “But why? Why tell me?”

  “So you understand what’s out there. You can’t trust people. I may not be there next time. Use your gut. Listen to it.”

  She nodded without looking at him. “Thank you…again.” Her voice was low.

  He laid the envelope on top of the photos while eyeing the freshly baked muffins.

  “Want one? They’re banana and walnut,” she offered without emotion.

  He picked one up and peeled back the paper. Two bites, it was gone.

  “Good. Really good.”

  “Help yourself. I make a whole batch and end up just eating one and giving the rest away. Besides, I'm not hungry anymore.”

  He took one and handed it to her and took another for himself.


  She took it and sat it on the counter as she sighed and stood up. “I'll get you some milk.”



  “Get us milk.”

  She nodded and got two glasses from the cupboard.

  “What’s your favorite?” She asked weakly.

  He shrugged, “Never had homemade. Maybe blueberry. Blueberries are like freedom. Tried a grocery store one once. Not good.”

  “Freedom?” Nealy stopped pouring the milk and wrinkled her forehead.

  He nodded. Sighed. Looked to the ceiling then back at her. He should just leave. But he couldn't make himself. Not yet.

  “Parents would get in a mood or drunk or high, learned quick to hide ‘til it passed. Lived off blueberries and creek water many a day. Most would hate them after that. I don’t. Reminds me I made it out. I’m stronger than that.”

  He had never shared even that much of his childhood or past with anyone. But he had just invaded an intimate time for Nealy so he shared something to put her at ease.

  Her sweet smile told him he had made the right decision.

  “I would offer you supper, but as you can see,” she pointed to the stove, “I burned it.”

  Brick chuckled and grabbed two more muffins and put them in front of them. Nealy slid one glass in front of Brick and took a sip from the other. In silence they had a meal of muffins and milk.

  Chapter Six

  Nealy pulled into the parking area in front of the clubhouse. It was a large building, two floors. A porch stretched across the front with chairs scattered. A double door was just off center to the right with the words Voodoo Troops MC painted to the left of the door. Red bulbs stuck out from the wall equally spaced above the name and a string of clear lights hung at the edge of the roof.

  She turned off the engine and took in her surroundings. There were three bikes in front of the building to her right. A truck sat angled to her left. None of them she recognized as belonging to Brick.

  Should she go in?

  Should she leave?

  Might as well go in.

  She opened the car door and reached across the console for the kitchen tin. Slowly she stepped out of the car, shut the door and walked to the building.


  No answer.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Still no answer.

  Nealy turned to leave as the door opened.

  “Darling, you don’t have to knock. Just walk in,” Nova greeted as he held the door back and motioned for her to enter.

  Slowly she did so and followed him to the bar.

  “Have a seat. Want some breakfast?”

  Breakfast? It was almost noon on a Saturday. Friday after work she stopped at the grocery store before heading to the farmer’s market for fresh blueberries. She had been up long enough to make fresh muffins and talk herself into driving here.

  “No, thank you. I just want to leave this here for Brick if that’s all right.”

  Everyone's attention turned to the large round tin she held. It was black with words randomly written around the sides and top. KO sat at the bar to her left eating cereal. Rash stood behind the bar with a pizza box. He opened it and slid it onto the bar: apparently last night’s leftovers. Cowboy came down the stairs behind Mac pulling a t-shirt over his head.

  “Sure, we’ll see he gets it,” King stepped next to her and reached for the tin.

  She gasped and stiffened, “Um…thank you.”

  “Relax, Honey. You’re safe here,” he hesitated, but she did not move or relax. “We’re all family here. We back each other. Brick made a call to protect you. You’re protected.”

  She twisted on the stool then and recognized him. He was one of the two that moved to stand by Brick that day at the auction. She nodded.

  “You’re always safe here,” he smiled at her. He had long light-colored hair and bright eyes. Normally she would think how attractive he was, but there was no attraction.

  “I’ll put this on his bed. He worked last night. He doesn’t drive back here after work. But I'll make sure he knows it's here.”

  She opened the lid and pulled a folded paper from her bag.

  “Whoa, where’s the icing?” Nova's brows shot up as he leaned across the bar to look in the tin.

  His question brought each of his brothers to peer into the tin.

  “Cupcakes need icing,” Rash demanded.



  “They’re muffins, not cupcakes,” Nealy informed them.

  “Whatever it is, it smells good.”

  “Well, thank you. Homemade blueberry muffins.”

  “Next time, we need twice that many with icing,” Nova teased.

  In the tin sat a dozen warm blueberry muffins. Each in a brown paper wrap tied with a string. She placed the note on top and closed the lid, then slid it to King.

  With it in hand, he disappeared into the same room she had been in the day of the auction. He placed it on the bed and come out closing the door.

  “It'll be safe from these heathens,” He laughed.

  * * *

  Brick sauntered into the clubhouse giving a chin up to the guys playing poker at one of the round tables. They returned the greeting and kept playing. King stood behind the bar opening a beer. He grabbed a second one and slid toward Brick as he leaned on the bar.

  “Your girl was here today.”

  Eyes narrowed on King. “Don’t have a girl.”

  A short, curvy brunette he couldn't forget filled his mind. If he could have a woman, she would definitely be it. She was perfect in every way. And that was the problem, she was perfect and from a perfect world. He had even told her she came from a bubble. Nothing bad had ever touched her until she met him. He was far from perfect. She was sweet and innocent. He was evil. His mother had taught him that early on.

  “Left something on your bed,” He smirked and raised his beer toward the door leading to the room Brick had claimed as his own.
  Brick pushed the door open to his room. A large round tin box sat there. He stood drinking his beer for long moments staring at it. Finally, he sat the beer on the nightstand, lifted the tin, and opened it. One corner of his mouth turned up when he saw the muffins and inhaled deeply at the delicious aroma. Taking the paper out, he dropped the box and lid onto the bed. He unfolded it and read:

  You have no idea how glad I am that I met you. Who would have thought a knight in shining armor could be an amazing man in leather on a motorcycle!

  Hope you enjoy these!


  There it was again, her fairy tale view on life had him all wrong. He was far from amazing; inside or out.

  He folded the paper back and slid it in a drawer. Even though he knew what he was, her version of him sounded good and gave him a warm feeling if only for a minute.

  The muffin was heavenly. Fresh and moist. He stood and savored the first one alone. Then grabbed the rest, and his beer, and headed back to the common room. Without a word he slid the tin on the bar and nodded for the others to get one.

  He reached and took two more. He handed one to King and kept one for himself.

  “Meet tonight?”

  “Yeah,” King nodded. “I believe it’s time for a change. A new adventure. You said you had a plan?”

  Brick nodded.

  “Let’s do it.”

  * * *

  The rest of the weekend had passed. She had not heard from Brick but hoped he had gotten his gift. The week had begun just like any other. She sat behind the teller window where she greeted and made small talk to people, and took care of their monetary needs. Lunch and break time were the highlight of her workdays. She spent them with her friend where they talked and laughed. Because she could not stop thinking about him, she finally told Edna more about Brick; not all the details, but enough.

  Late afternoon yoga was her recreation. Occasionally she went to the park to walk or run the trail. It became her social life as well. Visiting with Venus and Chelle was always entertaining. About twice a month she went with them for a salad before or after class. But, her life was predictable. So anyone who knew her always could find her. Today was no exception.


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