The Highlander's Captured Bride (Steamy Scottish Historical Romance)

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The Highlander's Captured Bride (Steamy Scottish Historical Romance) Page 19

by Eloise Madigan

  “The river,” he said, “If ye are interested, we can go there after we eat.”

  “Be careful,” she begged while turning back to the food.

  Kissing her cheek quickly, he nodded, “Will dae. Lock the door behind me and just for ye to ken it's me when I dae come back, I’ll knock thrice.”

  * * *

  After bathing and dressing, Ethan sat on a dry rock at the bank of the river and stared at the sunlight glinting over the water. His worries had not been washed away in the river as he had wanted and now the fears were swirling in his head much as the river was twirling around the rocks.

  He felt as if something or someone had just come in and cut his legs out from under him, rendering him hamstrung. He still felt that his place was back in the castle but…his gaze drifted up to the direction where the cabin was. Inside it, was a brave woman who needed him to be strong.

  If nay for me, I must dae it for her.

  Standing, he grasped the filled buckets and took the path back up to the house. There he went to the porch, rested the buckets there and rapped on the door three times. When Violet tugged the door open, his eyes dipped to the droplet of sauce she was licking from her plump, red, bitten lips and his worry was gone.

  Instead, another urge took its place, and it was one—that if fulfilled-—he might hate himself after, but it was too persistent to ignore. The time was not right, the situation was even worse, but the longing could not be denied much longer.

  He reached out, nudging her head up with his knuckled and at his touch, her breath hitched. Her rich brown eyes were vulnerable… but still heavy-laden with hope.

  “God above, Violet,” he said hoarsely. “I want ye.”


  His admission nearly turned her knees into water. Edging closer, she felt his smoldering gaze run over her skin.

  “I’m right here,” she whispered. “I’m nay going anywhere.”

  Temptation warred with her common sense and when he lifted his hands to cup her face in his hands, they were trembling. Perhaps he was just as unsure as she was. Under his thumbs, he felt her petal-soft skin, and dipped to kiss her plush mouth. But before he laid his lips on hers, he rested his forehead on hers.

  She did not know where this came from; if it was something he had been thinking about at the riverside or if it was just a culmination of all the emotions he had tried so valiantly to hide. It did not matter, what did was that despite the many times they had kissed, if he kissed her, she knew she’d be lost forever.

  It was this feeling, the look in his eyes, the tremble in her body, the zing in the air…it felt binding. There was little more than a spare inch between them it felt like a mile and with no bravery to meet his lips and seal the bond in place, she stood still.

  Her lips parted and unintentionally wet them with the tip of her tongue. Ethan looked haunted but then his expression cleared, her name was hoarsely whispered before his mouth was on hers, and she thought no more.

  He ran his tongue over her lower lip, teasing her lightly before his teeth gently pulled at it with his teeth before slating his mouth over hers. Gladly lips parted, and he opened them further, he thrust his tongue in and then slowly withdrew, three spine-tingling times. Soon, his kisses changed to hot, sensual and utterly claiming.

  Sliding her hand in his hair, her body sunk on his chest and his left hand held her hips close. A deep, guttural sound came from his throat and she replied with a soft whimper. His right thumb caressed her jawline and the fingers slid around the back of her neck made her shiver.

  But he pulled away, “We cannae dae this. I want to but…” he pulled away, “ye deserve more than a mere pallet on a rough floor.”

  Her stomach sunk. But she had to accept his words. “If ye see it that way…” she twisted and breathed deeply, “Um…come eat.”

  When she plated out the warm stewed meat, she smiled, “I’m going to give the horses water.”

  “Nay, I should—”

  But she was gone before he could fully protest, grabbing a bucket and was out of the house. Stepping out into the backyard, she held unto the logic that he was right, losing her virginity in such a discomfiting way, not the way any woman would have wanted it. But then again… would she find another man like him?

  The horses were resting under the sprawling limbs of the tree and the thick shade it provided, eating away at the grass. Setting the bucket in front of one, she let it drink to halfway, then went to the other. They would need more water, but he did not think she could face Ethan so quickly.

  Glancing at the sun’s position high in the sky, she sagged. Mayhap anytime soon either.

  Sitting with her back to the tree, she leaned on the trunk only to feel something odd. Twisting, she read F. M and E. M. carved into the dark bark. Touching them she realized they stood for Finley and Ethan. With the carved names— visible proof of the history the two brothers shared— she wondered how many more memories this place was forcing on Ethan. Then, shame that she had been selfish began to settle on her chest.

  The man was having a hard time and what she wanted from him was just physical attention when he had to be suffering mentally. How could she be so shallow? Resting against the tree, she pieced together the words she would need to apologize to Ethan but none of them sounded right.

  He might not have had a good night but she had not had one either. Facing away from him last night had been her saving grace, making him believe she was asleep and now she was feeling the weariness crawl back to her. She drifted asleep there.

  A horse’s nose snuffling at her face was what woke her and, in her fright, she jerked away from the bulbous nose only to find that the day was gone. The skies were the deep purple-grey of growing dusk and insects were chirping in the air. Scrambling to her feet, they rushed to the cabin, entered through the backdoor and bent to brush her dress off and was apologizing profusely when something caught her eye.

  The two pallets were merged into one and piled onto it were both of their sheets. A tall tallow candle was lit and the firepit had a small blaze but she doubted it was there for cooking anything.

  Straightened, she called to the figure in the corner, “Ethan?”

  He stood and her throat went tight. He was shirtless. As before, both hands cupped her face in his hands. Then, without a word, he brushed his lips gently over hers. The touch was soft, barely there, but it was as if the ground shifted beneath her. Ethan pulled back, and looked at her as if searching for permission to continue and when she did not push him off, he brushed his lips against hers again.

  Violet’s eyes shifted to the makeshift bed and daring to not hope what he might be implying with that display, she bit her lip. “I…I must apologize, Ethan, I dinnae mean to pressure ye into—”

  “Hush,” he whispered. “I ken, and it was more of wanting more for ye than what I can give ye here, but then…” his eyes were glimmering with sincerity, “I dinnae want to lose what we have now for what we might never get. I dae love ye, Violet, and if ye want me to show ye, I will.”

  “Please, but what dae ye…what are…” the words would not come out.

  “Ye’ll see,” dipping, Ethan swept her into his arms, carried her to the bed, though it was only a few feet away and gently laid her down. Perched over her, his large hand moved from her hip to smooth her sable curls away from her eyes.

  He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Ye’re certain ye want this, mo leannan? It’s nay much but—”

  “I daenae need much,” she replied covering his hand with hers. “I just need ye.”

  The look of reverence and adoration he gave her, as if she was a divine goddess, had her warming inside. They moved almost simultaneously with her canting her head to the side, he kissed down her neck, the tickle of his hair brushing over the sensitive skin he had just passed over, had her biting his lip.

  When he nipped her earlobe, she made a sound halfway between a gasp and a whimper, but when he whispered, “Forget yer shyness, love, I ken there
is a part of ye that just wants to let go of all the rules ye’ve been told.”

  “And—” she moaned. “—How d’ye ken that?”

  “Ye went to a girl’s school, aye,” Ethan said and he rucked up her skirts. “I’d imagine they gave ye rules of propriety and whatnot. How to act with a man…”

  Impatient with the layers that separated them, she lifted her body for Ethan to pull the dress off her. But before he did, he stood back and disrobed. With every stitch that he pulled away, her mouth went dry and her body tight.

  His frame was surely—surely—made by the gods of old. Broad shoulders, led to a granite chest with planes of pure muscle. A splattering of darker blond hair was over his chest but not thick enough to hide his perfection. His stomach was sculpted, ridged and magnificent but when he stripped off his trews, her attention was captured on him.

  The candlelight and fire had shadows dancing over his corrugated abdomen, and down the deep cut of his belly down to his pelvis, and the hollows of his hips. And there, hanging between his muscular thighs…her breath caught at the sight and size of him.

  She reached out to rest a hand on his stomach and felt the tiny ripples there. He took her hand and kissed it before reaching to pull her dress off. Dropping it, he gently pushed her back and followed her down. Her apprehension disappeared when his hand cocked her hip over his and his deep, searching kisses stole her breath.

  Her whole body tightened as she felt his hand slide into her inner thigh and then a soft stroke over her folds, making heat and flare inside, sliding over a place where she ached to be filled.

  “Ye’re tempting, love,” he whispered. “But I want more of ye.”

  More how?

  There were so many sensations ricocheting through her, she had not the strength to ask. But she felt it, as he kissed down her body, stopping to suckle at her breast, feasting on her tiny buds and sucking marks into her skin. Her hands dug into his hair as his slid further and cocked her hips up to slot against him. She bit down on her already abused bottom lip to stifle a cry when his mouth rested on her dewy flesh.

  Her cry was uninhibited as he licked her, his tongue making long, languid strokes over her wetness. Her wanton pleas filled the room with him sucking on her pearl and she nearly screamed when he stiffened his tongue, pushing right into her entrance.

  Pulling away he whispered on her thigh, “Sweet like a summer peach, love.”

  Opening her folds, he slid one finger in, then two, slowly stroking her tender walls and spreading her wetness. The invasion felt odd at first but as he kept on, her arousal grew stronger. He added a third finger, and Violet moaned at the fullness.

  “Relax, love,” Ethan murmured against her skin. “I daenae want to hurt ye.”

  Her body was locking up and a strange sensation had her toes curling but she managed to gasp out, “If that’s best.”

  “It is,” he chuckled, then dipped his head to suck on her pearl again.

  The moment his mouth touched her, her body spasmed and she clenched over his fingers. Tumbling over the peak had her back arching and white streaking through her mind. Violet grabbed Ethan’s hair and cried out without restraint.

  Breathing raggedly, she felt when he withdrew his fingers and his mouth found her nipple. As he leaned into her, she could feel his turgid length in her inner thigh.

  Pulling his head up she asked, “Was that…how it’s supposed to be?”

  His grin was slanted, “Aye, but it will be much better when I’m inside ye.”

  She blinked, “I can…again?”

  “Ye might,” he whispered while crawling to rest his body on hers.

  He kissed her, and she kissed him back, wrapping her legs around his waist and running her hands down his back. His hand curved over her leg and he slid another finger inside her and her lungs lost air. His body was a hard, sturdy, welcoming weight on top of hers and her slighter frame rocked with the soft thrust of his finger. Ethan seemed to have a fascination with her breasts because his mouth was always on one of the other.

  “They’re not too small for ye?” she gasped out as he tongued her.

  “Nay,” he mouthed on her skin. “They’re perfect, all of ye is perfect.” He paused to look her directly, “If we do this, love, if ye let me take yer innocence, there will be nay going back. I will never let ye part from me.”

  “I daenae mind,” she replied. “I have nay regrets. Please, ye have me.”

  Her words had a fire blazing in his eyes and after searching hers once more, a look she met with resolve, he kissed her. Fitting himself against her, he notched his length against her and pushed in with a slow, steady stretch that made her suck in a deep breath.

  “Tell me if ye need me to stop,” he whispered against her lips.

  Clenching her eyes tight in preparation of him breaking her maidenhead, she tensed as he slid deeper, inside her. Ethan’s mouth covered hers as he paused. She felt his chest heaving as he kissed her deeper…then a swift thrust and pain.

  She gasped out but he swallowed the sound. Her limbs trembled while her body adjusted to him. It was clear why he had used three fingers to stretch her as his girth was substantial.

  Ethan pulled away and kissed her ear, and his hand was rubbing up and down her thigh in a soothing stroke, “I ken it hurts, love, but ye feel sublime around me.”

  Slowly, oh so slowly, the pain ebbed and when she was able to kiss him back, he took the cue and began to move. Soft withdraws and thrusts back in. The feeling was strange but the oddness began to shift to pleasure. The heat, closeness, slick slid of skin and the movement of her lover inside her had her momentary discomfort a distant memory.

  Her hips rose to meet his thrust, but his member opened her more and her pleasure spiked. Ethan increased his tempo a little, and she met his thrusts with eagerness.

  “Feel good, love?” He husked in her ear.

  “Aye,” she gasped, slipping her hand under his arm to sink into his back. “More, I want—” Her back arched as his thrust grew harder and pleasure was spiraling out from her core to every part of her body. Too soon, she was nearing another peak when Ethan suddenly slowed and she peeled her eyes open, “Ethan?”

  He kissed her pulse while he took on a slower, sensual pace inside her. She felt seduced again as he moved his hips in slow sensuous circles and whispered in her ear, “I dinnae want ye to end, ye feel too good under me. I want this to last.”

  Cupping his face, she asked, “Are ye…”

  “Aye,” he claimed her lips again, “I’m making love to ye, because I dae love ye.”

  The coupling took on a sweet turn, now it was not just slaking of lust, it was an emotion of the heart, acted out by their bodies. Ethan’s mouth never left hers, and the soft desire from their coupling flared hotter. The newness of them being joined this way, the intimacy of his touch, and the smoldering need she saw in his eyes made her want him more.

  His movement was slow but like a constant tide, the momentum built and soon she was toeing the line of bliss. Her ears were ringing, her skin hot, her body trembling, as so many sensations bombarded her from all points; where he touched her, where he kissed her and the slow movement of him inside her.

  “Let it out, love, let me hear ye,” Ethan breath was hot against her cheek as he began to speed up. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Let me hear ye.”

  White erupted in her mind as her body exploded in sensation, in her mind and she gasped his name out as her body squeezed his shaft in spasm after spasm. He stilled her hips, and he pulled himself out but continued to shudder against him. His face was in her neck and she felt him gasp and curse under his breath.

  She did not know what he was doing as her pleasure was still lingering in her body but began to ebb away. When time started again, and Ethan slipped to her side, she felt him tug her to his chest and press a kiss to her cheek.

  “I hope I dinnae hurt ye,” he whispered.

  “Nay,” her word was hushed and her throat was working.
“Nay, ye dinnae.” She shifted and cocked her knee over his. “I feel…” After thinking. she realized that they were no words to describe what she felt. Twisting, she laid a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank ye. I’ll never forget that.”

  “Me neither,” he replied. “But I still want ye on a real bed.”

  Her heart punched her ribs, “Are ye saying ye’d like…to dae it again?”

  His body shook with laughter as he bent to kiss her, “Aye. I told ye I love ye? I’d like to show ye that, as much as I can, but only if ye’ll have me.”

  She giggled, “I’m sure I won’t refuse ye.”


  Pausing to wipe sweat from his eyes, Ethan glanced at the cabin to see Violet duck her head guiltily. He knew she had been watching him cut the wood they’d need for their fire from the moment he had stepped out into the backyard and shucked his shirt off.


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