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Luca Page 13

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Turning her head toward the window, fury sparked in her eyes. “You know, the more I think about it, the more I think I made the wrong plan.”

  “What do you mean, sweetheart?”

  “When things got bad in the end, I had to secretly call my parents when he wasn’t around. They were planning to come to save me. We had it all worked out. Then one day, he disconnected the phone line. After that, it seemed like Troy never left the house until the day he left his phone lying around, so I called them. A girl answered the phone. When I asked where they were, she told me the last owners died in a home invasion about a month earlier. When Troy got home, he could tell something was wrong. When I told him what happened, he laughed and told me to get over it.”

  Turning her head back to Luca, Evie spoke with an uncontained rage in her voice, “My parents had been dead for a month, and I didn’t even know. I let it break me. I ran like a coward. I should have used it as fuel to devise a plan to end him. Instead, I’ve been wasting my life running, Luca.”

  Damn, this woman had to be the strongest person he’d ever met.

  “Planning to escape when faced with someone with Troy’s training was smart, Evie. Running gave you time. Time to try to heal and time to make a plan. Now you have the guys and me.”

  “I don’t want him hurting people I care about to get to me again, Luca, and I don’t want to have to rely on other people to save me.”

  Gripping her hand tighter, Luca spoke in a firm voice, “You don’t worry about me, Evie. The guys and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. And you’ve been doing it all yourself for too damn long, maybe it’s time to let people help you.”

  Looking unconvinced, Evie absently nodded. Then seeming to remember something, she turned back to Luca. “He said something before he left. He said he’s coming for you.”

  Luca’s eyes became steely. “Let him.”

  Luca meant that. He welcomed Troy coming to him. It would save him the search because from this point on, he did intend to search tenfold to before. Then he could kill the guy sooner.

  With a sigh, Evie’s eyes fluttered shut. As silence descended into the room, Luca watched Evie’s chest rise and fall.

  “I wish I’d met you first.” The words were no louder than a whisper, but they may as well have been yelled; they were so clear. They tore at Luca’s heart.

  Leaning down, Luca pressed a kiss to Evie’s forehead. “You’ve met me now, and I’m not going anywhere. Rest, sweetheart. I’m not leaving the hospital. You’re safe.”

  Luca waited until her breath evened out before sending a text to the team to come in. Once they were all in the room, Asher spoke first.

  “How is she?”

  “Physically, she’ll heal. Mentally and emotionally, not so great, but she’s a fighter, and she has me. I’m going to make sure she’s okay.” Standing, Luca faced the team. These were the men that he trusted with his life. He needed their support now. “I’m staying here tonight.” The words were spoken without leaving any room for argument.

  Asher didn’t hesitate. “Roger that. Eagle and I will go to Marble Protection and see if we can find anything important.”

  Wyatt reached into his pocket to grab his keys. “I’ll hack the security footage of the surrounding areas and see what I can find.”

  Eden hadn’t taken his eyes from Evie. “I’ll guard the hospital hallway tonight.” Finally turning back to Luca, his eyes were filled with guilt. “I’ve been distracted, Rocket, and I’m sorry, but I won’t screw up again.”

  Giving his friend a nod of acknowledgment, he was glad to see part of his old friend returning. Grateful to have the support of his brothers when he needed them most, Luca finally released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “Cage and Ax are returning from their missions. They haven’t had much luck in locating the scientists, so when we told them what was going on, they were keen to get back,” Bodie said.

  “Will be good to have their support,” Luca acknowledged as he sat back down next to Evie. “When she’s released, I’m going to take her to my place. I’m not leaving her side.”

  Asher’s hand squeezed Luca’s shoulder. “Take care, man.”

  Then they filtered out and left Luca with Evie.


  EVIE FELT LIKE she had been hit by a truck. Rolling over, pain radiated through her ribs, causing a grimace. Letting out a small groan, she wrapped her arms around her middle.

  When the bedroom door opened, Evie shot up into a sitting position and felt the air whoosh out of her. A new round of pain hit as Luca was by her side in an instant.

  “Jeez, Evie, be careful. Are you okay?”

  Grabbing onto his arm, Evie tried to take some deep breaths before looking up. “I’m okay.”

  Glancing around for the first time, Evie noticed they weren’t in her house.

  “I’m in your room.”

  A hint of a smile touched Luca’s lips. “That’s correct.”

  Swinging her gaze back to Luca, Evie cocked her head to the side.

  “Come on, my place has central heating and cooling, no holes in the wall plus a king-size bed. You can’t beat that.”

  Well, the bed was comfy. Plus it smelt like Luca.

  Not having the energy or willpower to argue, Evie leaned back into the pillows.

  “I feel like I could sleep all day.”

  Leaning down, Luca pressed a kiss to Evie’s forehead. “Then that’s what you should do.”

  Just as she was closing her eyes, the sound of banging on the front door had them popping open.

  “Stay here, I’ll check who it is.” Feeling some nervous tension return to her shoulders, Evie pushed herself into a sitting position. She didn’t have to wonder who it was for long as a hysterical woman’s voice sounded from downstairs, followed by loud footsteps.

  Before Evie could blink, Lexie plowed through the bedroom door. With tears building in her eyes, Lexie stood there for a moment, unmoving.

  Jeez, she must look worse than she thought.

  “Oh my god, are you okay?” Walking over, she sat on the edge of the bed. “I want to give you a hug, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  At Lexie’s words, Evie had no idea what to say. She hadn’t had a friend for so long that it felt foreign to have someone care about her.

  Leaning over, Evie wrapped her arms around Lexie. She felt the twinge of pain, but it was worth it.

  Lexie’s arms wrapped around her. Only a few months ago, she had felt lost and alone. Survival was the only thing she could spare any thought for. Now, having people who cared made Evie want to hold on tight and not let go.

  Reluctantly pulling back, Evie leaned onto the pillows.

  “Thanks for coming, Lex. I’m okay, a few fractured ribs and some bruises. All will heal.”

  Placing a hand on Evie’s uninjured cheek, Lexie leaned close. “You are such a strong woman. I can’t imagine what you went through last night.”

  Shrugging, Evie’s eyes dropped. “It’s nothing I haven’t experienced before.”

  Releasing a gasp, Evie looked up to see Lexie’s eyes widen. “Someone’s hurt you like this before?”

  Deciding it was time to trust her friend, Evie nodded. “My ex. We started dating right out of high school. I thought he was a good man at the start. Now I don’t even know. I don’t think I’m a very good judge of character. At some point, he changed, so I ran, and here I am.”

  “No!” When the tears fell from Lexie’s eyes, Evie felt like she should be the one comforting her. “I’m really sorry that happened to you, Evie. Is he out of your life now?”

  Evie paused before answering, “Actually, he’s probably the one who did this.”

  Lexie’s eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head. If the situation wasn’t what it was, Evie might have actually laughed.


  Wasn’t that the magic question. “I don’t know. Since I got away, I’ve had
time to think about it. Maybe he saw me as his property or something, and now he’s pissed I got away from him.”

  Shaking her head, Lexie’s hand went to Evie’s knee. “I’m glad you’re safe now. You ran to the right place. If anyone could protect you, it’s Luca and the guys.” Noticing the hesitation in Evie’s eyes, Lexie frowned. “What? You’re not still unsure about Luca, are you? The guy is infatuated with you, Evie! Gosh, he’s beside himself right now with worry.”

  Fiddling with the blanket, Evie glanced down. “I know. I don’t deserve him.”

  “Evie Scott, look at me.” At Lexie’s stern voice, Evie glanced back up. “Find your damn courage, girl. There’s this woman inside of you, and she’s fucking brilliant. Got it? Don’t let some asshole make you think otherwise. You are deserving of love and a future, and so is Luca. Believe in what you have found and have faith.”

  Weren’t they the same words that Evie had tried to tell herself about a hundred times? Making herself believe them was another thing entirely. “I want to, Lexie, I really do, but trusting another guy feels like the scariest thing in the world.”

  “I know, but if you care about someone, trust them. Tell them that you care, Evie. Even if it scares the shit out of you.” Evie caught the pain flash through Lexie’s eyes. “If I had, what you and Luca have, I wouldn’t question it for a moment.”

  Eyes softening, Evie took Lexie’s hand. “I’m sorry if things haven’t been working out with Asher, Lexie.” Evie leaned forward slightly. “I know I always seem to have a million things going on, but you can talk to me, Lex. I want to be there for you too.”

  Shaking her head, Lexie’s lips pulled up in a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thank you, sweetie, but it’s nothing I swear.”

  Evie knew that smile. She had perfected it over the years. It was the smile meant to mask the pain, but it rarely worked. Evie wanted to push, but she knew from experience that a person would share when they were ready.

  Moving to stand next to the bed, Lexie gave Evie a soft hug. “I need to get to work. I just had to check on you first. I’m going to come back after my shift. What can I bring for you? Soup? Comfort bear? Peanut butter M and M’s with a side of Twinkies?”

  Even though it hurt, Evie couldn’t hold the laugh from escaping. “I’m okay, Lex. Just seeing you is like medicine. I swear.”

  Lexie’s gave a small smile. “Okay, but call if you need anything. Promise?”


  With a nod, Lexie turned and left. Then Evie was alone again.

  For the first time, she glanced around the room, noticing how clean it was. Everything seemed to have a place. It was masculine, too, the room a mixture of greys and blues. The bed she laid in was huge—much bigger than her own double bed and much softer too. She felt like she could melt into the satin sheets.

  As the bedroom door opened, Evie’s eyes swung around to meet Luca’s. He looked big and fearless like no one could break through his armor.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “Like I’ve been kicked in the face.” Evie cracked a small smile while Luca’s expression turned steely. “Sorry.”

  Walking further into the room, Luca handed Evie a glass with some pills. “Pain meds.”

  Taking both things from Luca, Evie turned and popped them on the nightstand. “I don’t need these, Luca, but thank you.”

  Reaching over, Luca picked them back up. “You need to take your pain meds, Evie. Doctor’s orders.”

  Rolling her eyes, Evie put her hands in her lap. “I’ve been through this before and never had pain meds, Luca.”

  At Luca’s distraught expression, Evie immediately wished the words back. Taking the pills and water, Evie swallowed and lay back on the pillow.

  “Will you lie with me until I fall asleep?”

  Features softening, Luca walked around the bed and got under the covers. Placing her head on his shoulder, Evie closed her eyes and let the cocoon of Luca’s arms lull her to sleep.

  With silent steps, Evie crept into the office. Troy had left the door unlocked for the first time. She was a prisoner in these four walls of a house and couldn’t even access every room.

  He was outside and would be back any minute. She had only moments to find out what she could.

  Heart thundering, Evie moved toward the open laptop on the desk. She knew that if she got caught, the consequences could be deadly, but she needed to know. Did the laptop hold the answers? Would it tell her what had happened to Troy? Why her life had become a hell that she had no way of escaping?

  Troy was not the same man she had met in high school. He barely even resembled a man. He was a monster. Something had happened to him, and she needed to know what. Why was he so evil, and why could he do things which were impossible for a normal man to do? He was too strong and too fast. He heard things that it shouldn’t be possible for him to hear and could see everything, regardless of how far or how dark. It made escape impossible.

  Sitting down on the chair as silently as possible, her eyes scanned the screen. A file was open.

  Project Arma. The words sat at the top of the document clear as day. What was Project Arma? Reading the information under the heading, there was talk of drug trials and weapons.

  Weapons for what? Skipping further down, she saw a list. There were names. Lots of names.

  Before she could look at it further, footsteps sounded outside the door. Evie’s heart went to her throat. How had he gotten to the door so quickly without her hearing?

  There was no time to run or hide. Evie stood as the man of her nightmares entered the room. His eyes glimmered with evil, and he took a slow threatening step closer to her. It reminded Evie of how a lion would hunt its prey.

  “Care to tell me what you’re doing in my office, honey?” He spat the last word like it was acid on his tongue.

  Swallowing hard, Evie tried to make her voice work. “I was just looking for a phone to call my parents.”

  That was partially true. She did desperately want to speak to them. It wasn’t the full truth, though, and Troy knew that.

  “Why do you lie to me, Evaline?”

  Glancing down, her eyes fixed on his fists, clenching and unclenching, like an open threat. Taking another step toward Evie, she felt cornered and helpless.

  As her breaths started to come out shorter, her next step back was halted by the wall.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered the words. What else could she say? She had known what the consequences would be if she was caught, and she’d done it anyway.

  Troy took another menacing step closer to Evie. She thought she might pass out from fear. She prayed that she would, knowing the cloak of darkness would protect her in the short term from whatever Troy had planned.

  When he was a mere step from Evie, his face contorted in anger. It was like she was standing in front of a predator, waiting for it to end her.

  Before she could blink, Troy swung his fist, hitting her in the jaw and sending her back into the wall then the floor.

  The pain set her face on fire as blood trickled from her head. Opening her eyes, she saw Troy lean down and grab her wrist. His fingers tightened until she felt the small bones snap. Crying out, Evie grabbed at his arm, trying to stop the pain, knowing it was a futile effort.

  “You come in here again, and I will break your legs so that you can’t stand for months, got it?”

  Scrunching her eyes shut against the pain, Evie nodded.

  “SAY IT.”

  Opening her eyes, Evie was about to utter the words when she noticed the man who held her wrist in a death grip was no longer Troy. It was Luca.

  Eyes popping open, Evie gasped from terror.


  At the feel of hands on her shoulders, Evie cried out and yanked herself free. Pushing back into the head of the bed, Evie wrapped her arms around her legs as terror threatened to choke her.

  “Please leave me alone. Don’t touch me. Please don’t touch me

  Ignoring the pain in her ribs and the ache of her face, Evie let the terror of the nightmare wash over her.

  Hunched over, Evie made herself as small as possible. Troy would never leave her, not in mind or body. The memory of him would always haunt her, and now it was jeopardizing what she and Luca had.

  After a few minutes her breaths started to return to normal. As the nightmare receded, reality set in once again. She was in Luca’s room, and she was safe. For the moment.

  Slowly raising her head, Evie gained the courage to glance up. Seeing Luca sitting next to her, he had a pained expression on his face. His hands remained by his side as he sat there, looking helpless.

  A wave of guilt crashed over Evie at the knowledge that he looked that way because of her. This perfect man was trying so hard to help her, and she was doing nothing but hurting him.

  Gently, she moved onto her hands and knees and crawled into his lap. When his arms didn’t immediately wrap around her, Evie wrapped hers around his middle and hugged as tightly as she could. Eventually, she felt the warmth of Luca surround her as he pulled her closer to him. He was careful with her like if he moved too quickly, he’d scare her off.

  Resting her face to his chest, Evie closed her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t…‍”

  “Don’t apologize, sweetheart. Don’t ever apologize for him. I want to help you so bad. I want to go in and protect you, but I can’t protect you from the past, and that kills me.”

  Snuggling closer Evie pressed her face further into his chest. If she could, she would crawl into his body. It probably still wouldn’t be close enough.

  “You being here is the most healing I’ve experienced since I got away.”

  Luca’s face nuzzled her hair. “I care about you, Evie.”

  Evie was a mess. She didn’t know why this perfect man cared about her, but she didn’t want to question it. She’d done enough pushing him away.

  “I care about you too, Luca. So much.”


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