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Forbidden Attraction: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 113

by K. C. Crowne

  Such a tease, I thought, squirming on the bed. Wyatt grabbed my breasts, his rough hands rolling my nipples as he held me in place.

  Ryder finally peeled his boxers down, his cock popping free, as hard and as strong as I expected from him. He was thick and long, like his brother.

  Wyatt released me from his grasp, and I moved to the edge of the bed until my face was even with his erection. Staring up at Ryder with wide eyes, I stroked his member, watching the pleasure roll over his face at the simplest of touches.

  I pressed the tip of him against my lips, then parted them, taking him inside my mouth. Ryder’s hands played softly with my hair as I took as much of him inside my mouth as I could. It wasn’t easy; he was so big that my hand had to make up the difference, stroking in perfect timing with my mouth.

  Strong hands grabbed my hips and ass and positioned me in doggy style.

  “Yes, Wyatt, fuck me, please,” I whimpered.

  Wyatt was on his knees behind me as I sucked Ryder’s cock. He grabbed my hips, holding me steady while his erection rubbed against my most sensitive parts. The head of his cock teased my opening before rubbing against my clit.

  I writhed, filled with a need that was growing in intensity. Wyatt spread my pussy lips with the tip of his cock, and with one glorious thrust, filled that need completely. I cried out, my mouth still wrapped around his brother’s cock. It still surprised me how big he was as he stretched me open, burying himself deep inside of me.

  Ryder stared down at me, his dark eyes devouring me. The way he looked at me, the way both of them looked at me, made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman on the planet. Nothing else mattered in that moment.

  No one else mattered.

  It was just the three of us.

  Wyatt’s thrusts were powerful, and I had to match his rhythm on Ryder’s cock to keep up. I moved up and down his shaft, my hand slippery from saliva. I took more and more of him inside of my mouth with each thrust from Wyatt.

  I clenched my core around Wyatt’s cock, feeling him against the walls of my pussy. Clench and release, I kept it up, milking his cock as his movements became more and more desperate. With each thrust, Wyatt growled, a deep, thunderous sound that shook us both to the core.

  As my own pleasure took hold, I cried out, Ryder’s cock falling from my lips. I stroked him as my head fell forward and my body trembled. Wyatt plunged inside me one last time, lifting my hips upward and toward him, burying himself as deep as possible with a low grunt. His cock throbbed inside of me, and that feeling sent me over the edge. My hands fell to the bedding, and I held onto it, balling my fists and clawing at it as I came with him, our bodies quivering together until every last ounce of his seed was deep inside of me.

  I collapsed onto my tummy, tired and sore, but not finished yet. I gazed up at Ryder lovingly as I rolled over onto my back and spread my legs for him, inviting him to take his turn.

  Ryder shot me a grin as he climbed on top of me. Wrapping my legs around him, I lifted myself upward until his hard cock rested against me. He kissed me deeply, his tongue pushing past my lips as his cock pushed into me. I was so wet, and he slipped right inside, our bodies becoming one.

  Ryder pumped his cock in and out of me while my hands explored that amazing body of his. Staring deep into his eyes, I watched his face transform as intense pleasure took hold. Each thrust was marked by a low, animalistic grunt, every one of them more desperate than the last.

  I’d already gotten him close with my mouth, now I just needed to finish him.

  Leaning upward, I nibbled his ear and demanded, “Come, Ryder. Come inside me, please.”

  My nails bit into his back as I held on for dear life. The next part of the ride was about to get wild.

  Lifting my hips upward, he buried himself deep inside me and released his load, pumping me full of his hot, thick cum. Our bodies exploded together in pleasure as his orgasm brought out another of my own. Writhing and moaning together, we shook until both of us collapsed onto the bed.

  Ryder rolled off me, sliding beside me and holding me close. Wyatt was behind me, his arms wrapped around me. I loved nothing more than being between them. It was the safest, most natural feeling in the world to be there.

  “I love you,” I said to them.

  “I love you too,” they said in unison.

  We fell asleep like that, and it would be the first of many nights where I slept between the two men I loved. There’d be no more running, no more hard decisions or secrets. We were lucky to have found our way back to each other, and there was nothing in the world going to tear us apart again.

  Absolutely nothing.

  I was home.


  Hazel - One Year Later

  I wasn’t sure what woke me. Whether it was the sun shining brightly in the window Wyatt had left open, or if it was the baby kicking inside me, I couldn’t tell. Or maybe it was Ryder snoring softly as he rested his head on my naked chest.

  Wyatt was awake next to me, reading something on his phone. When he caught me looking at him, he put his phone away and curled up beside me, his hand resting on my bare, swollen belly.

  “Baby girl practicing her gymnastic routines again?”

  “You bet she is.” I laughed, nuzzling my nose against Wyatt’s.

  Ryder stirred and then woke up, our talking no doubt pulling him from sleep, and I kissed each of them good morning. Both had their hands resting firmly on my belly, feeling our child’s movements. We’d just found out we were having a girl the day before, and both men were eager to be fathers, even if having a daughter scared the ever loving crap out of them. Especially knowing how hard-headed I could be at times.

  “Just like her mama,” Wyatt said. “She’s going to be a star athlete.”

  “Yeah, you won’t have to chase the boys away with shotguns, because they’ll have to catch her first,” I teased.

  “And kick their asses if they misbehave,” Ryder added.

  “Exactly,” I said, punching him playfully in the arm.

  “Hey, now,” Ryder said. “I wasn’t misbehaving. Yet.”

  He kissed my belly, then started to move lower before I grabbed his hair. “Not this morning, sweetie,” I said. “We have breakfast with everyone, remember?”

  “Ah, they can wait. They’re family, after all,” he said, trailing his tongue around my belly button. “I’d like my breakfast in bed.”

  I tapped him on the cheek and shook my head. “No, it’s important. My parents haven’t been home in a long time.”

  “Lila isn’t going to be there, is she?” Wyatt asked.

  I cringed at the mention of my stepsister’s name. For the most part, none of us had talked about her and I hadn’t really spoken to her since all the shit went down. I did confirm that the messages she’d shown me, the ones supposedly from the guys, were doctored. Boone even laughed at me for believing the terrible photoshop job— they were that bad. Clearly, I was out of the loop on photoshop frauds. At the time, I hadn’t known better, but now? Well, I knew who my guys were, and neither of them would have ever come on to Lila or pressured her for anything.

  “No, Lila is kinda in trouble with her mom right now,” I said. “Guess she’s been borrowing a lot from her and not paying her back. She’s in a shitload of debt.”

  “I knew it. There’s no way she made that much money working real estate,” Ryder said. “Not around here.”

  “Yeah, I dunno,” I said, lowering my voice. “I don’t really want to talk about her.”

  “Me neither,” Ryder said. “I’d rather talk about the things I want to do with you instead.”

  “Later, baby,” I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “Today it’s all about Christina and Boone.”

  My brother and best friend were getting married that weekend. With my folks back in town, it was going to be a nice day with the family, celebrating love and all that. My dad and stepmom were a little iffy about me being with two men at once, but ultimately
, my dad told me to do whatever made me happy. I was surprised but thrilled with his acceptance of my lifestyle choice.

  People thought it was strange, but let’s face it, most of them were like Lila— they were jealous I got two gorgeous mountain brothers all to myself.

  With a baby on the way, many asked us who the father was. We honestly didn’t know, nor did we care. It didn’t matter to us. We all loved each other and that was all that mattered. Both men were going to be fathers to our children, whether they were the biological dad or not. I knew they would step up and do what it took to raise our children— and yes, we had plans for several more in the future.

  Wyatt was the first one to express a desire in having kids, and I had to admit, I’d always wanted to be a mother. It was one of those wishes I never thought would actually be fulfilled. After I retired from stuntwork, we decided to try and got very lucky, very fast. Ryder was also eager to be a dad, which surprised me at first, but I learned that Ryder wasn’t the bad boy he used to be. He’d grown into a good man.

  The three of us got ready. My two boys looked hot as hell in nice dress pants and button up shirts. Ryder went for all black, because that was his style. Wyatt went for black pants and a grey shirt. A subtle difference, but it was a difference. Like many of their differences, it was hard to notice at first, but once you got to know them, you realized just how different they were.

  My belly was huge, so I settled for an empire waist dress. It was impossible to hide my seven months pregnant belly, so why bother? I chose to accentuate it instead. I’d never felt more beautiful anyway.

  Once we were dressed, we headed downstairs and out through the back. We walked through the creaky back gate— all three of us smiling knowingly since we’d snuck through that way countless times before as teens— and into my parents’ backyard. Well, it was actually Boone and Christina’s backyard now. Our dad and stepmom had gifted Boone and me their house, but since I was living next door, I let Boone take it. His family would soon be growing, and he needed all the space he could get.

  The backyard was much nicer than it had been in years. Christina had been gardening, a hobby she’d never gotten to appreciate in Los Angeles thanks to the lack of a yard in our apartment living. My mother’s tomato plants were growing plentiful and tall once more. I couldn’t help but smile as we walked past them.

  “There you are!” my father said, rushing out from the back door.

  He scooped me into his arms and hugged me tightly. It felt like it had been an eternity since I’d seen him. I knew more trips to Florida were in order, though he promised to visit us more often, especially with his grandbaby on the way. My stepmom followed him and we hugged, and she asked about the baby.

  “We’ve decided on a name, I think,” I said, smiling at my dad. “Once Boone is here, we’ll tell everyone.”

  “Is someone looking for me?” Boone’s voice bellowed from inside.

  Christina called out, “Better hurry. Everyone’s here, and they’re ready to eat.”

  My best friend came rushing down the stairs, looking as lovely as ever in a pink sundress. It was hard to believe she’d be my sister-in-law soon. I’d always wanted a sister, a real sister I could trust and confide in, and soon, I’d have one.

  Boone finally came down the steps, and once we were all together, I decided it was time to break the news.

  “So we’re having a girl,” I said, taking both of my men’s hands. “And we’ve decided to name her after mom. Caroline Marie Douglas will be born on September ninth, give or take a few days.”

  My family gathered around, all of them congratulating us. It was hard to believe that all of it might not have happened had Boone not gotten caught up with the drama he’d found in L.A. We’d not only survived the worst life could throw at us, we managed to thrive.

  And make a life for ourselves.

  Baby For The Mountain Man (Preview)

  As I watch the single daddy with his baby...

  I decide I don't care about the dark rumors of his past.

  And when this small mountain town reveals it's own hairy secrets...

  I wonder if Kellen will be the one to save it from destitution.

  Now a limited time promotional discount rate. Download your copy, and enjoy this book today!

  People say he's rude and barbaric.

  But I see a tortured man, broken and compassionate.

  He's hurting - and I'm all too familiar with that feeling.

  I know there's much more to him than meets the eye.

  But can I ever melt the ice around his broken heart?

  Baby for the Mountain Man is a secret baby, romantic suspense and part of the Mountain Men of Liberty series. Each book can be read as a standalone. Transport yourself into charming and magical small town of Liberty, Utah as we follow several rugged and possessive mountain daddies in their quests to find lasting love.

  Chapter 1


  “Come on, follow me.”

  He followed me into my office. There was a bell at the front if anyone came in, but I wasn’t expecting anyone. As soon as we were in my office, I locked the door behind me.

  Immediately, his hands were on my lower back and started to move down to my ass.

  Neither one of us spoke; we let out hands and kisses do the talking.

  His mouth moved from mine, down to my neck as he pushed me backward toward my desk.

  Lifting me up, then he gently moved me down on top of the desk.

  This was the perfect height to wrap my legs around him.

  His erection pressed into me, causing me to gasp at the size.

  But we weren’t going straight to fucking.

  He had other plans.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me, placing my legs over his shoulders. I was wearing a skirt.

  He pushed the skirt up and slipped my panties down my thighs.

  Trembling, all I could think about was how badly I needed to feel him.

  His head dove between my legs as he muttered, “God, I need to taste you.”

  I grabbed his head, my eyes widening as his tongue found my most sensitive parts. He circled my clit, just as I’d imagined. His scruffy beard rubbed against my thighs, reminding me this wasn’t a fantasy - it was reality.

  Pleasure coursed through my body as he devoured my pussy, sucking and licking as if it was the most delicious dessert he’d ever had the luxury of eating.

  And he was so fucking good at it.

  My legs tightened around him, and I pressed him down into me without even thinking about it. It just felt so damn good. He slipped a finger inside me. Then another.

  I was trying to be quiet, afraid that someone might overhear us, but that all went out the window as the first wave of my orgasm washed over me.

  I cried out, taken by surprise at how fast it came on. He never stopped, keeping the perfect rhythm with his tongue on my clit.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered, my body tensing. “Yes, yes!”

  He seemed to savor it.

  He devoured my pussy, sucking and licking my juices as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  “I’m going to cum,” I whimpered, writhing underneath him.

  He held my hips down on the bed, stilling me as he continued working me over with his magical tongue. I gripped the back of his head, and without meaning to, pressed him into me as I cried out in pleasure.

  God, I needed him so badly.

  My hands fumbled with his pant and I felt his erection in my hand.

  I could only get a sense of how big he was, but my eyes widened at what I felt. He was so thick.

  “Please. I need you inside me.”

  Chapter 2


  Ring. Ring.

  I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on my night stand.

  Six in the morning.

  “Just like clockwork. How’d you sleep Alice?”

  “Like shit. You?”

  “I’d rather be in your posit

  “Doubt that. If it isn’t the nightmares, it’s the baby kicking me,” she said softly. “Everything hurts these days.”

  “Just a couple weeks until the big day. Then the little devil can serenade you with cries all night.”

  “Thanks for words of encouragement, friend,” Alice chuckled.

  I was pulling her leg, when in truth, I felt for her.

  Being a single mother to a newborn on the way couldn’t be easy.

  I’d insisted she move closer, but she couldn’t leave the first house she and Henry bought together.

  And me… I couldn’t step foot in it.

  People handled grief in in different ways.

  Though, it was much more than grief for me.

  “I got the check in the mail,” Alice said. “We talked about this. You shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s not much,” I said. “Buy Matilda something nice.”

  Money was the least I could do.

  If I could live that horrible day again I’d put myself in his shoes, a thousand times over. I was the only one responsible for Henry’s death.

  Alice knew I was there for her, and I’d jump on a flight in a heartbeat whenever she needed. I owed it to Henry and Alice to make sure she was taken care of.

  Henry was my best friend.

  And after what I let happen to him, Alice became a widow at a young age.

  While my name was cleared, I was the one to blame. I never once gave a damn what others thought about me. I blamed myself enough. Every single fucking day.

  My nightmares were there to never let me forget.

  Alice didn’t blame me.

  She didn’t need to. I could see it in her eyes every time she looked at me - why Henry instead of me. I didn’t blame her for those thoughts. After all, my best friend had a wife and a kid on the way. I had no one.


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