Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Daphne’s gran had been strict about her privacy and rules.

  He watched her now as she bent toward a large, thick mass of roses. She pressed her face against them, inhaling their sweet scent. He expected her to take one of the harsh flowers and snap it off, but she didn’t. She merely took her time inhaling the scent.

  She reached out, touching one of the petals.

  He’d give anything to be those blooms.

  “Why are you following me?” Daphne asked. She glanced over her shoulder, her dark-brown gaze penetrating his. Did she know what he was thinking? How he wanted her? Craved to feel her naked curves wrapped around his body? To drive his cock so deep within her that she couldn’t think straight? Rather than say those words, he watched her. She stepped away from the bed and took off past a couple of large trees and over a small bridge under which a trickle of water filtered through. He didn’t know how her grandma came to inherit such a beautiful piece of land, but the two women had improved on it, he was quite sure.

  When they got to the gazebo, Daphne spun around and held her hands up. “Stop. Okay? Just stop. The silent staring was acceptable in high school because I knew you were thinking up your torture plans, but it’s not okay now. We’re grown adults.”

  “But you liked me watching you.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  He reached out, touching her face. So soft and gentle was the feel. “Yeah, you did.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  “No, delusional is believing that after everything I put you through, you’re going to pick me.”

  She frowned at him. “You make absolutely no sense.”

  “No, and what about this?” He sank his fingers into her hair, gripping the strands and tilting her head back as he slammed his lips down on hers. She held on to his shoulders but she didn’t once try to push him away.

  Her nails dug into his flesh, and he imagined she’d have drawn blood if it wasn’t for his t-shirt.

  Wrapping her hair around his fist, he tightened his hold, moving her back so there was no escape from him or the gazebo. She cried out, and he plundered her mouth, tasting her.

  Sliding a thigh between hers, he brought it up, rubbing against her core. Her teeth bit down on his lips and he pulled back, smiling. There were no cries for him to stop.

  “It’s rather warm out here,” he said. Her nipples were rock-hard.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I think you want me to fuck you. I bet your cunt is dripping for me. Tell me, Daphne, how many men have you taken? How many cocks have been inside this pussy?”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  “And you want me.” He slid his hand down, pressing against her pulse before cupping one of her large tits.

  She started to moan but suddenly stopped as she bit her lip.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Try to hide what I do to you. I know the truth and this body wants me.”

  “You’re insane, Dean. There’s no way I could ever want you.”

  “Oh, but I think you do.”

  “Why? You’ve always thought that ever since I saw that cheerleader giving you head in the girls’ bathroom.”

  He smiled. “I remember very well. She was going to yell at you, but I made sure her mouth was stuffed with cock. I didn’t care that it was her lips on my dick or her throat that swallowed my cum. I thought about you the entire time. I imagined it was you pulling me into that fucking bathroom. Your hands getting my cock out and your lips wrapped right around it.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. So tempting. “You’d have swallowed me, wouldn’t you?”

  He moved down to wrap his fingers around her neck, gripping a little tighter. “I’d be able to feel you swallowing my cum right here. I bet you’d love it. I’d lick your cunt until you came all over my face. If you want to know what I’ve been thinking about for the last twelve years, then it’s quite simple. I’ve been thinking about you. All you.”

  She shoved him away hard.

  He could have quite easily kept her trapped, but he knew she needed to get away. He’d bombarded her senses enough for today and being a master at this game meant knowing when to back down.

  “I haven’t thought about you, Eric, or Micah once. I don’t want you here, and if you had any mercy at all, you’d leave me in peace. You had your fun years ago.” She ran back toward the house.


  That hadn’t gone exactly as he’d planned. If he’d touched her pussy, he would’ve gotten an answer to his question. For now, he was just going to have to be happy with what he did actually get, and that was a taste of her beautiful, full, ripe lips.

  Soon, he’d have her in his bed.

  He wasn’t chasing Daphne for the win against his friends. He wanted her, plain and fucking simple.

  Walking back to the main house, he saw Micah on the patio, staring back at him. She’d run from two of them. Now it was up to Eric to see if he could make her fold. He hoped she made him suffer just as the same. Smiling to himself, he whistled all the way back to the main reception.

  He loved his friends like brothers, but there was no fucking way he was sleeping in the same room as them.


  This could not be happening to her.

  Daphne made her way back into her home, going straight to her own quarters of the house. She never lived in a separate part of the house, preferring to be here whenever guests needed her. Before her grandma died, she’d watched her do the exact same thing. A thriving business needed constant love and attention.

  Now, as she sat on the floral sofa her grandma had picked out nearly twenty years ago, she had to wonder if she’d made the right decision.

  Her body was on fire. She pressed her thighs together and felt an answering heat between them. Closing her eyes, she tried not to think about Dean or how his touch had awakened her.

  He was a fucking bully.



  Yet, she couldn’t deny the answering heat rushing through her body at his mere touch.

  It was insane. Covering her face with her hands, she shook her head. There had to be something she could do to stop feeling this way.

  Licking her lips, she leaned back, sliding her hand down her body, grazing over her breast before settling on her stomach.

  For the longest time, she’d been alone.

  There hadn’t been a man in her life, ever. She imagined the mortification if those three men ever found out that she got her kicks from porn and a wild imagination. In her mind, there was never any question. She liked her sex hot and dirty. Nothing would be off-limits, including anal. She groaned. Why was she even thinking like this?

  After high school, she’d worked for her grandma, doing several night courses. The few men she’d been on dates with hadn’t exactly rung her bell, as her grandma would put it. Then, after her grandma died, Daphne had put all of her focus into running the bed-and-breakfast. There had been offers of dates, but she’d turned them all down flat.

  She was a thirty-year-old virgin.

  Pitiful. And now three bullies were living with her.

  Sliding her hand down her body, she cupped herself through the hard denim of her jeans. She whimpered as she was close to her clit, driving the fabric a little harder against herself.

  She pulled her hand away, wishing Dean, of all people, hadn’t set her body aflame.

  “I need a shower.” She got to her feet, determined to wipe the memory of his scolding touch from her body. After turning the shower on, she stripped out of her clothes, tempted to burn them all so she’d never see the evidence of her arousal ever again, or what she’d nearly begged Dean to do. How could she even want that man? Twelve years hadn’t changed much.

  All three men would bully her, and now it seemed they’d changed the game rules. Coming to her place of work after this long. She couldn’t figure it out. The way Micah had talked to her, even flirted. He’d been the one who rarely bullied her, but he’d still been part of it all, lau

  She shoved those thoughts aside. Her grandma always told her she was a strong woman, and while they never saw her break down, it made her the winner. Still, after being naked in front of the high school because of their pranks and jokes, she’d gotten a whole lot of stick for it. As one of the biggest girls in the school, the names had just been awful.

  Rather than dwell on the painful past, she stepped beneath the warm spray of the water, tilting her head back to bask in the feel of it as it washed over her sensitive skin.

  For several seconds, she merely stood beneath it, trying to find the calmness she had prior to finding three bullies in her home.


  Staring straight ahead of her, she slowly slid her hands down her body. The shower wasn’t helping to calm her nerves or dull her senses. She needed some touch. At her breast, she stroked her nipple, pinching the hard bud for a shot of pain before moving down to her stomach.

  She hesitated. If she did this, it would be admitting that Dean turned her on. Closing her eyes again, she could almost feel his lips at her neck, not to mention the touch that held the promise of holding her throat as she sucked his cock hard.

  Daphne cupped her sex before sliding a finger between her slit. She stroked over her clit, gasping. Slamming her palm to the tile floor in front of her, she spread her legs a little more.

  Keeping her eyes closed, she ran her fingers back and forth across her clit, teasing up and down, left to right, adding a second finger.

  She imagined Dean coming up behind her, his tight grip on her hips as he pulled her back. She whimpered, just imagining how hard he’d be. When he pushed her up against the gazebo, she’d felt some of his hardness. Had Dean been holding back?

  She didn’t know the man to judge him, and quite frankly, she didn’t care. He’d touched her, set her body aflame with need, and now as she imagined him biting her neck, roughly cupping her tits, and pressing her body against the cold tile wall, it was all she needed to come.

  Her orgasm took her by surprise, her moans filling the air as she rode the wave of pleasure with each stroke of her fingers. Working her clit until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  She dropped her head to her hand, trying to catch her breath. It had been a couple of weeks since she’d brought herself to orgasm. This was the first time it had been so intense. She licked her lips just thinking about the pleasure Dean had inspired.

  Deep down, she knew she should hate herself for even responding a little bit, but she couldn’t help it. Her body knew what it wanted, and right at that moment, she wanted Dean. It didn’t for a second mean she was going to succumb to the pleasure. With her thoughts back in the right place, she turned the shower off, grabbed a towel, and opened the curtain only to scream at Eric leaning against her doorframe.

  “Well, that was certainly hot as fuck.”


  Daphne tried to cover her body from him, but he didn’t look away, catching sight of her pussy, cleanly shaven, and her full, ripe tits. Coated in water, all he wanted to do was lick them off.

  Dean had looked happy with himself. Micah was pissed. Now it was his turn.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  “God, don’t you know anything about personal space?” she asked, trying to cover herself.

  “You don’t have to do that on my account. I rather like the way you look.”

  She glared at him. “Get out.”

  “I wanted to talk.”

  “And can’t you see I’m busy?” she asked.

  “Yes, touching that pretty cunt, and I have to say, the orgasm was hot, but not nearly as good as I can do it.” He wanted to be her hands.

  It had taken every single ounce of control he possessed to keep his distance. It was so fucking hard, especially at her cries. She’d tried to contain them. When a woman came, it needed to be loud. Only then had she lost complete control, and when that happened, it was such a beautiful sight. One he’d love to show her.

  She opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again. “I can’t believe you just said that. You need to leave.”

  “No can do. Didn’t the cops already tell you that?”

  She got the towel wrapped around her body and moved toward him, glaring. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, and I don’t like it. The best thing you and your friends can do is wait this out until you can leave.”

  She tried to brush past him, but he wasn’t letting her leave so quickly. Holding her arm, he pulled her close, pressing her against the door.

  “Let go of me,” she said.

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back so he could look into her pretty brown eyes. “Did you know you cried out Dean’s name?” he asked.

  It was subtle, hot as fuck, but it was there.

  Eric didn’t think it was possible, but her cheeks went an even deeper shade of red.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Her hands were on his shoulders, but she’d yet to push him away. Her lips were telling him to do one thing, as her body begged for another. Eric leaned forward, sliding his tongue across her pulse. Her hands fluttered as if she couldn’t quite contain her reaction.

  He placed his palm flat on her stomach.

  “You thought about him while you rubbed your pussy. I think Dean will be disappointed to know you failed to give yourself a proper orgasm,” he said.

  “What do you want?” She cried out as he cupped her pussy. He moved the bath towel out of the way and felt her naked folds. No hair, smooth. He groaned, liking what he felt. Her lips were wet, but not as soaked as they needed to be.

  “Push me away. Tell me to stop,” he said, pressing a finger to her swollen clit.

  Sliding his tongue across her pulse, he nipped at her flesh, hearing her moan. It was deep. Her hands lowered from his chest and he waited a few seconds to see if she’d try to push him away again.


  With an easy flick of the wrist, he had the towel in a heap on the floor, where it was meant to be.

  “Fuck, baby. You have no idea what you do to me.”

  Her eyes were wide. Her teeth sank into her lips.

  Cupping her chin, he tugged her lip back.

  “No, you don’t get to hide so easily.” He moved his hands down to her core, circling, getting his fingers wet.

  She went to grip his hand but as he came back up to her clit, she let him go.

  “Lift your hands above your head,” he said.

  Eric expected her to argue, but she did as he asked, one hand going into the palm of the other as she placed them above her head.

  With his free hand, he took hold of her wrists, keeping her in place.

  He bent forward, capturing one of her nipples and sliding his tongue back and forth over the peaked bud.

  She cried out his name and he smiled. Dean may have gotten her all hot and bothered, but he hadn’t been the one to taste her. “You keep those hands right where they are.” He kissed his way down her body, sucking on each nipple before coming to her pussy. Opening her thighs, he stared at her. Such a pretty pussy, and he was going to enjoy tasting her.

  He sucked her into his mouth, moaning as her arousal coated his tongue. So pretty. So juicy. Flicking his tongue back and forth, he let her go, touching her, wanting more.

  She whimpered his name and as he grabbed the curves of her ass, holding on to her, Daphne surprised him as she came hard against his tongue. He lightly touched her clit, drawing every single last piece of pleasure from her pussy until she likely couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Let’s just see how wet and tight this cunt is.” He pressed his finger at her entrance and suddenly, Daphne stopped him.

  “No, stop. I’m a virgin.” She stumbled out of his arms. If he hadn’t gotten to his feet quick enough, she’d have fallen and hurt herself. He caught her in his arms.

  Those three words.

  He’d never had a woman say them to him before.

  Daphne scrambled ou
t of his hold and grabbed the towel, holding it against her. She licked her lips and shook her head. “You need to leave.”


  “This was a big mistake. You’ve got to go.”

  Seeing her closed off, he held his hands up and knew he’d have to come back another time. Daphne was a virgin. It was an unexpected revelation.

  Chapter Three

  Micah was jealous.

  So far, Eric and Dean had gotten close to Daphne while he’d been kept swiftly at arm’s length. He was the one who hadn’t hurt her as much back in high school. He hadn’t been the biggest bully going around, and yet, here he was, being kept in the dark.

  Now Eric had gone and given them all that revelation.

  He was pissed.

  “You’re sure she didn’t just say it to push you away?” he asked.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “This is … it’s fucked up, right? I’m not the only one seeing how messed up this all is?” Micah looked at Dean and Eric.

  Both of his friends hadn’t said much of anything in the last few minutes. They were all marinating with the virgin revelation.

  He hadn’t been with a virgin since he’d lost his own damn V-card, and that was a long time ago. Back when he was thirteen, he’d been with an older woman. In fact, all three of them had been with the same woman. She’d taken all of their V-cards. They never talked about losing their virginity. Other than a couple of girls they’d screwed, they rarely talked about the women they’d been with.

  “Are you two backing out?” Dean asked.

  Micah glared at him. “You know this changes things.”

  “What exactly does it change? We came here with one purpose, to find out who would win. One of us is going to claim Daphne as their own. I’m not backing down. So, she’s never had a guy before. When she picks me, seeing as it was me she was thinking of in the shower, you two can leave us the fuck alone. I’ll teach her what she’s been missing out on. She won’t even remember you boys.”

  “Don’t forget, you may have gotten her to the shower all hot and bothered, but she brought herself to a lame-ass orgasm. I’m the one who tasted her sweet cunt. I know how her orgasm tastes. She’s not yours,” Eric said.


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