Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Wrapping his arms around Daphne, he picked her up, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around. “Can I fuck you?” he asked.

  “The doctor has said that she is in perfect health—”

  Micah didn’t even allow Eric to finish what he was saying. Carrying her inside the house, he didn’t go far, taking her straight through to the sitting room. She burst out laughing as he pressed her over the end of one of the sofas.

  All his. Touching her pussy, he found her not as wet as he’d like.

  Wetting his fingers, he went back to her pussy and started to stroke her clit, moving down to plunge inside her.

  Dean and Eric walked back into the room as he got her nice and wet. Her giggles turned into moans of pleasure as he teased her. His cock was so fucking hard.

  When she was wet enough for him, he plunged inside her, filling her tight pussy. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to just enjoy the feel of her surrounding him.

  “Do you like what he’s doing to you?” Dean asked, causing him to open his eyes.

  “I love it.”

  “Then fuck her, Micah. You’ve got her all to yourself.”

  He groaned and began to thrust inside her. He wasn’t in any rush, and as he felt his orgasm start to build, he slowed down and pressed his hand between her thighs, stroking over her clit, making her come for him. She screamed his name and with her orgasm still flooding her body, he started to fuck inside her, prolonging her release.

  She was perfect.

  “I love you, Daphne,” he said. “I love you so fucking much.”

  He did. He loved her more than anything in the world. All he wanted to do was to bind her to him. To never become invisible to her. To show her with words and actions that he loved her.

  When he came, he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. This was what he wanted to do every single night.


  Dean stared down at the ring he’d purchased.

  Daphne was now nearly four months pregnant. The restrictions on everyone were being lifted, but he, Eric, and Micah had other plans.

  “It’s a beautiful ring,” Micah said. “Do you think Daphne is going to say yes?”

  Eric chuckled. “Why wouldn’t she?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Dean stared at his two friends. It was one of the rare times they were alone. All of their energy these past four months had been in cementing their place in Daphne’s life. He knew she loved them. Had no doubt in his mind and soul that she was with them for life.

  “We’re all going to ask her to marry us, but only one of us can do it for the real world,” Micah said. “Kind of sucks.”

  Dean glanced over at Eric. They’d both talked about who should be the one to marry Daphne. Their woman had confided in them what Micah went through as a child. Dean had an inkling of something not being quite right for him, but he didn’t realize how bad it was. Everyone knew how devoted Micah’s parents were to each other. He could only imagine what it was like to always feel alone. His parents were workaholics, but they’d made time for him. He always felt their love, but from what he’d learned, Micah didn’t even feel that.

  He wanted to make it up to him in some way.

  Dean handed him the ring. “Eric and I want you to be the one to marry her.”

  Micah frowned and looked at the ring. “But you purchased the ring.”

  “I know.”

  “I couldn’t do that to you.”

  “You’re not doing anything to me,” Dean said. “I know my place is by Daphne’s side.”

  “As do I.”

  “I don’t need this,” Micah said. “You should be the one to marry her. You set all of this in motion.”

  “You’re going to be the one to marry her. You’re not going to be alone. You’re not second best, nor are you third best. You’re loved,” he said.

  He saw tears in Micah’s eyes. He couldn’t recall his best friend ever crying.

  Micah’s jaw clenched and then he wiped beneath his brow. “I can do this.”

  “Of course, you can.” He gripped Micah’s shoulder. “We’re all here.”

  “I know people will think this is fucked up, but I’m glad I’m going to get to share my life with you. With all of you,” Micah said.

  “While we’re all sharing our fucked-up feelings,” Eric said. “Don’t let me turn into my father with my kid. I would never forgive myself if I was to hurt him or her. I … don’t let me.”

  “Eric, man, you could never hurt our child,” Micah said. “Can you believe how fucked up we all are?”

  They heard Daphne’s humming coming closer.

  “And yet, she still loves us,” Dean said. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  All three of them made their way into the kitchen where Daphne sang to herself, swinging her hips to a beat.

  She had started to get a rounded stomach. It wasn’t as pronounced, but Dean couldn’t wait until she was fully pregnant. Her tits had already started to get bigger. He had no choice but to buy her large bras to accommodate. She refused to go completely bare.

  Still, he loved removing them.

  He cleared his throat and she looked up, smiling. She put down her knife as she’d been slicing some strawberries. She came toward them, but Micah with all of his nerves, dropped to one knee, offering up the closed velvet box and mumbling the proposal.

  Daphne paused.

  Micah glanced up. “Marry us.” He spoke the words so fast that even Dean had a hard time hearing him.

  “What he means to say,” he said, “is we love you. We all love you and want to spend the rest of our lives with you and our baby. Will you please do us the honor of marrying all of us?”

  “I can’t marry all of you.”

  “We know,” Eric said. “To us, we will be married together. We are bound to each other, but in the eyes of the law, you’ll be married to Micah.”

  “If you want me,” Micah said.

  Daphne’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Is the ring ugly?” Micah asked. He cursed and quickly opened the box. “Shit, sorry. Please, marry us.”

  “Micah, stop begging. Of course, I’ll marry you. This is all just a little unexpected.” She went to Micah, cupping his face and kissing him hard.

  Once she broke the kiss, Micah got to his feet, took out the ring, and placed it on her finger. Surrounding her, Dean kissed her, then Eric.

  Tears fell down Daphne’s cheeks and the smile on her lips was going to stay with him forever.

  “I don’t know how we’re going to make this work, but I love you. I love you all so much.”

  They all held her as she laughed, holding each of them and kissing them. Each time she got close to him, he felt the bump of their child. He couldn’t wait for their family to begin.

  They were all broken from their past, but together, they had found each other and what they really wanted. He knew without a doubt Daphne could heal them all, just as they could all heal her. They were never going to be alone again.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he nodded at his friends to follow.

  “I’m making dinner,” she said.

  “You can make dinner later. Right now, I think it’s only fair that we make love to our fiancée. I know it’s been too long since you were on my cock.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you are a romantic?” she asked.

  “I just know when to say the right things.”

  With Eric and Micah at his back, he carried Daphne to their room. This was how their life was going to be. All of them together, making it work. It was a future he’d always wanted, and one he knew was coming, just like their woman was about to.


  Ten years later

  Daphne carried out the large bowl of potato salad. She came to a stop when she heard the screaming and growls coming from the yard. She watched as Micah chased after their three sons, Paul, Phillip, and John. Eric held their newborn in his arms, Rebecca. Their other two gir
ls, the twins, Jane and Star, were around Dean, who was barbecuing on the porch. It was one of their rare occasions where they’d closed the bed-and-breakfast for the weekend and were just spending time together as a family.

  She had invited her best friend Bethany, but she was enjoying the weekend with her own family.

  “Mommy’s got food,” Micah said.

  Before she knew what was happening, the kids rushed toward the table as Micah came toward her. He grabbed the bowl from her arms and kissed her hard. “I’d love to be chasing you.”

  “I am not going to run, thank you very much.” She put a hand to her swollen stomach where their second set of twins lay. She wasn’t due for another four months, but she was already the size of a tank.

  Eric and Dean each kissed her as they loaded up the table with food. She sat down and helped dish out food to their children. Rebecca had fallen asleep and was resting in her crib.

  Enjoying the food, she listened to the kids argue and bargain for more ice cream, then proceed to beg for a water fight.

  Dean was known for the water fights and often had everyone in fits of giggles.

  “Do you want to join us?” Eric asked, coming to her side.

  “No, I think I’ll sit this one out,” she said, laughing. “Me and running do not mix well.”

  “You will always look sexy to me.” He pressed a kiss to her neck and she closed her eyes.

  Dean, however, wasn’t having any of it. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re not sitting this one out. You’re going to have fun.”

  He put his arms around her waist, holding the gun in his arms. He was so much taller than her that as they marched around the garden, firing their weapon, she couldn’t stop laughing. The kids were loving it.

  Eric and Micah were there as well. They were all laughing.

  Ten years of wedded bliss. With her family around her, the happiness on all of their faces, Daphne knew that for the next fifty-plus years, they were going to be just as happy.

  They had everything they wanted.

  Each other and love. It was all they needed.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Breeding Season, 2

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2018

  Sample Chapter

  Caleb White tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for his brother to finish collecting their mail. He hated coming to town, but once every couple of months, they made the long trek from their cabin back to civilization. They had to buy food supplies for their pantry. In another three months they’d make the same damn trip but it would be to stock up for a lot longer as they were forecast to have a rough winter.

  Damon was taking too damn long, and it was starting to piss him off. He nodded at the townsfolk and played the polite card, when in truth, he couldn’t give a shit about what people thought about him. The only reason he played along was so it made life easier.

  Their parents had decided to live off the grid before they were born, and it had been the only life they knew. When their parents got killed in a bear attack, they’d been shipped off to the city to live with their estranged uncle.

  Going from complete freedom to living within boundaries, and constantly being told what they were doing was fucking wrong, it had gotten tired real fast for him.

  They’d done their time in the city, going to college, building a business, and finally, selling up, and returning back to their old life, which Caleb loved.

  At forty years old, he’d finally found the life for him. His brother, being two years younger, felt the same way. The only problem? They were … lonely. It had been an unexpected variable. When they were kids, living off the grid was perfect. They never thought about women, too busy helping their father build and farm.

  It didn’t take long after moving back home as adults to realize something was lacking. But they didn’t just want any woman.

  It would have been easy to phone up an escort, meet her in town, and then go back to their life, but they didn’t want that.

  They both wanted a woman to share, and who’d love to live their life with them outside of the parameters of society where they could make their own rules. What woman would want that life? He doubted they’d ever find the woman for them.

  “Come on, Damon,” he said, starting to lose his patience.

  Finally, his brother came out of the shop, carrying their letters with a huge smile on his face.

  “Took you long enough,” Caleb said the moment he got in the truck.

  “Stop your whining. If you’ve got an issue with how long I take, next time you go in, and stop fucking riding my ass.” Damon chuckled. “She was flirting with me, and so I was flirting back with Dana.”

  “She’s married with three kids.”

  “And I’m this strange guy from the wilderness. Give me a break, will you?” His brother sat back. “I heard they’re doing one of those self-discovery camping trip things again.”

  Caleb cursed. “Why do they fucking bother?”

  “It’s big money. A bunch of rich people pay to think they’re one with nature,” Damon said.

  “Most of the time they end up lost and we’re the ones that have to find them, and I don’t want to be the one to have to deal with that.”

  “At least they’re not doing it in the dead of winter this time. I nearly froze my dick off because of them last year,” Damon said and rubbed his crotch.

  “We don’t have time for a bunch of people who are out of their depth. We’ve still got to finish canning the fruit.”

  “Please, do not say canning while anyone can hear. I don’t want the guys in town to know that while they were chasing women, we were learning the dangers of canning the wrong way.”

  Caleb burst out laughing. Even though they’d been with their uncle, he’d known he was going to go back to his parents’ way of life one day, and so he spent every available second learning what he could. He remembered a lot from when they were teens, but hadn’t paid attention to many of the important elements of survival.

  “Maybe there’ll be a woman in this group, and we can, you know, lure her into our cave. Convince her that being around us is better than the whole world, make her fall in love, and we can have lots of sex and babies.”

  Even though Damon tried to make a joke, Caleb still heard the yearning in his brother’s voice. They both wanted a woman together. To love, to cherish, and to fill her with their child.

  They’d shared women in the past, and it felt right to the both of them to have a woman between them. They hadn’t found one worth keeping.

  “We’ll find her, Damon,” he said.

  “Yeah, we will.”

  Each time they came to town, his brother lost a little more hope along the way. Caleb hadn’t lost hope yet. He did truly believe there was a woman out there who’d like to live their lifestyle.

  Neither of them spoke for the rest of the drive, arriving back to their cabin, and working in silence.

  They carried out the large abundance of cans, tubs, dried pasta, rice, and everything that would keep them going.

  Once their pantry was full, and organized by date, he liked to keep everything in its appropriate spot. Then he headed out into the garden to finish harvesting potatoes while Damon got the canner ready.

  For a couple of weeks, they harvested the ripe fruits and vegetables from the
ir garden, and preserved them with their canner.

  He loved this life more than anything else, leaving the smallest footprint possible, but each night he fell asleep holding on to a pillow. He’d remember his parents and the love they shared. They were taken away too soon. Now it was just him and Damon.

  This was what he wanted, but he’d not planned for the loneliness, or the need for a woman’s touch against his skin, or the sound of her laughter filling the air.

  He couldn’t give up hope, otherwise he’d failed his brother. Even though there were only two years between them, his father always told him to take care of, and look out for his brother, and he’d keep doing that.

  They’d find a woman, and then their dream would be complete.


  “You’re too fat, Opal. You need to lose weight. There’s nothing you can do about being ugly, but you should lose the weight. Are you thick or stupid?” Opal Clark held on to her hiking bag as she made her way through the forest, wondering if she actually was thick and stupid. At least talking to herself made her feel less alone.

  She paused near a tree, leaning against it and wiping the sweat from her brow. She didn’t believe coming out to the wilderness would help her in any way. All of her life she’d been told what a waste of space she was, how useless, and pathetic, and annoying she was. That she’d never be good for anything, and it had all taken her to the edge that one Friday night. She’d gotten drunk and started to take some pills. Only they hadn’t worked fast enough, and so, slamming her fist in her bathroom mirror, she’d grabbed a shard of glass, and placed it against her wrist.

  For thirty minutes, she’d sat poised and ready to end her miserable life.

  Then, through her thin apartment walls, she’d heard the subtle sound of a baby cry, and something snapped inside her.


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