Idol (VIP #1)

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Idol (VIP #1) Page 10

by Kristen Callihan

  He smiles, small and smug. “When you threatened to shoot me.”

  “I hated you then.”

  A low hum vibrates in his throat. “You found me irresistible. You would have caved.”

  “I would have bitten you.”

  “Bite me now.”

  That husky whisper has me moving, seeking his lips. I nip his lush bottom one, tugging at it gently, and he groans, drawing me in, slipping his slick tongue along mine. “Tell me you want this too, baby doll.”

  “Want what?” I can’t think, my head is heavy, my limbs fumbling.

  His dark eyes meet mine. “Everything.”

  My finger shakes as I trace the dark line of his brow. His lids lower, his head tilting to follow my touch. I lean in, kiss the corner of his eye. “Only with you.”

  Chapter Nine


  Libby weighs next to nothing in my arms, but my knees are weak as I stumble into the bedroom. I barely see where I’m going. I can’t stop kissing her. God, she tastes good. I don’t ever want to stop.

  We tumble onto the bed, me protecting her fall and bracing myself over her.

  But she’s a greedy girl, tugging me down, wrapping her lush legs around my waist to grind herself against my cock. I love it. Love the way she kisses me like she’s starving for it. Love the way she strokes my skin with a strange mix of tenderness and possession.

  It is not bullshit or bluster to say I’ve been adored by millions. I’ve been pursued by countless women. But I have never felt as wanted as I do now. Being on stage is addictive, but it’s nothing compared to this.

  My fingers fumble on the snap of her jean shorts. She lifts her sweet butt to help me pull them off. We’re both panting. It’s too hot to be doing this. I couldn’t give a fuck. No way am I stopping. I want her so badly right now, I can barely see straight.

  Her shorts fly over my shoulder, and I kiss my way down her slick body, pausing at her tits, because they need to be worshiped just a little bit more. I could spend all night here. But I’ve caught a glimpse of what waits for me.

  I can’t get there fast enough, settling down on the bed and gently spreading her legs to make room for me. Heat licks over my skin, and my balls draw tight. “Oh, God, you have such a cute little pussy.”

  Her head wrenches up, and she glares at me down the length of her body. “Do not call it cute.”

  “But it is,” I croon, placing a soft kiss on her pink bud, loving the way it jumps under my touch. I hum in satisfaction. “So fucking cute.”

  She plops back onto the pillow, her voice weak. “Fine. Whatever.”

  I know she loves it. Every dirty word that comes out of my mouth gets her wetter. I stroke my knuckle along her swollen lips, watching her glisten. My voice is low and rough. “We’re going to have to work at getting my cock in here.”

  She whimpers, her hips canting, trying to follow my touch.

  I push my own hips against the bed. “It’ll be so tight, this little pussy.”

  Jesus, I almost come right there. My breath whooshes out, and I’m slightly dizzy. I lower my head. A groan tears out of her as I gently suckle her clit. Hell, I moan too because she tastes like butterscotch, rich and sweet and fucking perfect.

  Everything gets hazy, thick and dark. I’m so hot my skin prickles and shivers. There’s nothing but me and the feel of her against my tongue, the sounds she makes—little whimpers—and the wet suck and slide of my mouth. My palms grasp her plush thighs, hold them steady as she writhes.


  I pull back from my feast, loving how hot I’ve made her, and give her a smile. “For you, I’ll answer to both.”

  A cute growl escapes her. She’s quick, grasping the back of my head and tugging me close. “More.”

  I chuckle, low and pleased. “Yes, ma’am.”

  And when she comes on my tongue, my fingers pumping deep inside her snug box, it’s gorgeous. She puts her whole body into it, arching off the bed, tits pointing skyward, her slim body glowing and damp.

  She falls back, weakly grasping the sheets. “Fuck.”

  “Soon, baby doll.” I’m scrambling to get my pants off because I need to be in her.

  Libby lies prone, gazing at me down the length of her body. And I pause to take it in. My breath catches in my throat, and I can’t help running my palm down her thigh. “Look at you, all open and wet for me. And so fucking beautiful it makes my heart hurt.”

  Her breasts tremble as she giggles. Giggles. I made my reclusive girl giggle. “Just your heart?” she asks.

  “Oh, my dick hurts too.” I palm it now. I’m so hard it’s weighed down. No give to it at all. “It needs a hug.”

  Her smile is sunshine, spreading warmth over my skin. “Come here,” she says.

  And I’m done.

  The bed creaks as I shove my shorts down and kick them free. My arms are unsteady, fucking shaking, as I lean over her. My dick pushes against her entrance, and she gazes up at me. When our eyes meet, my throat closes. “Libby.”

  She touches my cheek but then frowns. “Wait.”

  I freeze. I think my heart stops cold. I want to beg at this point, but I manage to speak without cracking. “What is it?” Please don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind.

  She gives me a weak smile. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Something? I have no clue. My dick is doing all the thinking now, and he is pretty much yelling, let me in!

  Her brow lifts. “Condom?”

  Reality is a long crash down. I stare at her blankly before groaning long and pained. “Mother fucker.”


  Some sick part of me wants to laugh at Killian’s agonized expression. But mainly I want to sob. Because it’s clear he doesn’t have a condom.

  His head sinks to my shoulder as he sighs. “Shit. I haven’t… I haven’t needed them for a while.”

  Call me a jealous slag, but warmth fills my chest. “Me either.”

  He gives me a squeeze. “I didn’t plan this. I mean, I’ve fantasized about it constantly, yeah. But I didn’t think it would happen tonight.”

  This endears him to me even more. I wrap my arm around his broad shoulders and kiss his cheek. “I know.” If I had any sense, I’d have stocked up on my own.

  “I’m clean,” he says, almost hopefully. “Never gone without a condom before. Test regularly. I should have said all that before.”

  “I am too.” I wriggle a little beneath him, because he feels so damn good against me. The tip of his cock is broad and hot. It actually hurts not having him push into me, I want it so badly. “But I’m not on birth control.”

  He sighs and, as if he can’t help himself, rocks his hips just a bit. That thick, wide head nudges me. We both make a noise of want. I close my eyes, lick my swollen lips. “Killian…”

  “Just the tip, baby,” he whispers, half laughing-half groaning. “I swear, I’ll be good.”

  I laugh too. Not much, though, because I’m tempted. But he doesn’t push it.

  His body trembles, his muscles locked tight. “I’m going to the store.”

  “The power is out. It’ll be closed.”

  Killian whimpers, his cheek resting against mine. “I’m going to cry.”

  I snort, but I empathize. I want to cry too.

  “I’m serious,” he grumbles as his body shakes. “Full-out man-baby bawling.” With a groan, he rolls off me and flops onto his back. Naked and glistening with sweat, he’s so beautiful, I have to grip the sheets to keep from jumping on him.

  Breathing deep, he rests his forearm over his eyes. “Just give me a minute. Or sixty. Or kill me. That might be better.”

  “Drama llama.” I laugh and then launch myself at him.

  He catches me with an oof, his arms going around me instantly. I kiss his damp neck, licking a spot—salty, tasty Killian—and he groans. “Libby. You’re really going to kill me.”

  “Mmm…” I kiss my way along his jaw. “Just because we c
an’t fuck doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.”

  His hands slide down my back, possessive, hauling me closer. “Don’t say fuck in that sexy voice of yours. I might come right here and now.”

  I nip his chin. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  He scowls, nipping me back. “I would. It would be humiliating.” He smiles a little. “At least before I got you off.”

  “You already did. Thoroughly.” I kiss his lips, soft, slow, then pull away, loving that he follows, wanting more. I give him another one. “Let me get you off now.”

  His hips nudge against my belly, that thick cock jumping. “It won’t take much.” He nudges again, a little more insistent. “Just put your mouth on it. Give it a little lick. I’ll blow like a fucking canon.”

  I smile as I skim my lips down his chest. His hands slide into my hair and cup the back of my head, not pushing, just holding me. His abs twitch, those tight muscles clenching. I could touch him for days.

  My tongue dips into his little belly button and he groans, his body stretching taut. But when I move lower, his head jerks up. “Libs, wait—”

  He shuts up as I come face to face with his cock. And gape like a frightened fish.

  “Uh…” I say. And then I remember a joke I once heard in college. About Killian. One of the girls at a party had called him Don’t Kill-Me-an. Because, as she had laughingly explained, groupies claimed his dick was so thick and long that a girl was in danger of being split in two. I don’t want to think about Killian and other women. At all. But the evidence is staring me right in the face.

  He lifts up on his elbows, which does lovely things to his abs. He’s panting faintly, his chest gleaming in the evening light. “Yeah, about that.”

  I hold up a shaking hand to silence him. “Just…let me get acquainted.”

  Because his dick? It’s big enough to need its own name. Maybe its own address. Sure, I’ve seen it before, but he was hanging limp and cursed with a severe case of whisky dick at the time. Now it’s hard as iron and thrusting upward as if begging to be stroked.

  I oblige the beast, gently running my hand over its silky, hot length, and it twitches, nudging against me. He has a beautiful dick, tawny colored, well-shaped, and straight, the tip wide and smooth. Beautiful. And on steroids or something. Because it’s just…

  I wrap my fingers around it, and my sex clenches. I can imagine this meaty girth pushing its way into me. It’d be rude work, filled with raw grunts and deep groans. I clench again, giving him a squeeze. So very firm.

  “We’ll go slow,” he rasps, almost desperate as I slowly trace the wide, round crown of his cock.

  “Yeah, we will,” I mutter.

  “And you don’t have to— Oh, fuck, that’s good,” he groans as I lean over him and suck on the fat tip. It fills my entire mouth, the crown fitting into the curved roof. And I groan too, because it is so good sucking on him. Better than anything has a right to be.

  Killian mutters rough curses, makes pained, pleading noises as I work him, sucking and stroking—because there is no way to take all of him in. I’m so turned on, I can’t be still. Just the sight of him, his strong arms stretched overhead, hands wrapped around my wrought iron headboard, his abs bunching, his hips rocking, sends heat rushing through me. I suck him deep, lick around the weeping head.

  His dark brows knit, his lips parting as he whispers my name again and again. His thick thigh slides between mine and pushes hard against my aching sex. I groan against his cock.

  We come together, Killian filling my mouth, me riding his thigh with shameless abandon. I stay with him until he softens against my tongue. He’s panting hard when I release him and rest my head against his firm stomach.

  His hand smooths over my hair. “I’m dead,” he whispers, then hauls me up, wrapping me in his arms. His lips find mine. “You’ve killed me.”

  I stroke his damp temple. “Good. Then I can have my way with you all night. And you won’t be able to protest.”

  “Do your worst. I’ll just lie here and take it.”

  We might not have the damn condoms, but he keeps me well satisfied for hours, until I fall into a dreamless sleep, Killian’s strong body pressed against me. Even as I fall, I want to hold on, stay awake. Because being this happy cannot be real. It can’t last. Can it?

  Chapter Ten


  The pillow beneath my head is…fucking fantastic. I mean, it really is. Like a squishy cloud or something…

  I’ve been here before. In this bed. On this pillow. I fully wake in a rush of memories. Kissing Libby. Touching Libby. Libby making me fall apart and then putting me back together.

  Her head is resting on a pillow next to me; her gray-green eyes meet mine.

  And my chest floods with warmth. “Hi.”

  Her voice is soft and slightly rough. “Hi.”

  We’re wrapped up in each other. I hadn’t noticed before now. It feels natural, where I’m supposed to be. I touch her cheek and thread my fingers into her hair to pull her closer. I kiss her softly, and she opens to me on a sigh. It would be so easy to roll over her, part her legs, and sink it.

  If I had a condom.

  “Would I look like a total dog,” I ask against her lips, “if I left you here and went to get condoms?”

  I feel her smile. “Well, it’s Sunday so—”

  “Don’t,” I growl, nipping her lip. “Don’t fucking say they’re closed on Sundays.”

  She sighs, kissing me back. “Not saying it won’t make it any less true.”

  “Mother. Fuck.” I lean back a little. She’s smiling at me, her golden brown hair falling into her eyes. I ease a strand behind her ear. “Fuck that, I’m driving off the island.”

  “I’ll wait right here.”

  But I don’t go. I kiss her some more, run my hands over her curves because she’s soft and warm. And mine.

  “What’s it like?” she murmurs between kisses.

  “Being with you?” I nuzzle her neck. “Fucking perfect.”

  Her chest vibrates with a chuckle. “No. Being on stage. Performing in front of all those people.”

  Resting my head in my hand, I look down at her. A lot of people have asked the same thing. I’ve never really cared. But with Libby, a lick of excitement runs down my spine. Because I can see her up there under the hot lights, her voice owning the air. It would be beautiful. “The Animal is like nothing else on Earth.”

  “The animal?”

  “That’s what I call the crowd.” I run my fingertips over her arm. “It’s a living thing, Libby. More than just individuals, a whole entity. You can feel it swelling up around you. It’s like…” I bite my lip trying to put the feeling into words. “How do you feel when you sing?”

  She blinks in clear surprise, and her cheeks flush pink as she thinks about it. “I don’t know… Sometimes it’s the only way to get all the pain out of my soul. Other times, it’s like I’m flying.”

  “Exactly,” I say, stroking her side. “Now imagine it at full throttle. You’re flying at supersonic speed. And all that energy just lights you up, until you’re hotter than the sun.”

  “It must be something.” She’s gazing up at the ceiling as if picturing it.

  “The rush is addicting.” I lean down and kiss the tip of her nose. “Almost as good as sex with you.”

  Her pink lips quirk. “We haven’t had sex yet.”

  “Don’t remind me.” I find that fragrant spot on her neck that makes her shiver. “Fooling around with you is better than anything I’ve done before.”

  It’s the truth. Shocking, and yet it fills me with a strange relief, as if I’ve been wandering forever and finally come home.

  Libby cups the back of my head, holding me to her. Idly, her fingers move through my hair. I close my eyes in pleasure, and her voice comes out soft. “I used to…”

  “Used to what?” I prompt. That fine blush grows, chasing down her neck. I follow the heat with my fingers. “Libs.”

takes a quick breath and talks in a rush. “I used to dream about what it’d be like performing at a concert.”

  I rise up on my elbows. She tries to avoid my gaze, and I touch her cheek. “You have the talent. Why didn’t you try?” Why is she hiding here? This place is slowly suffocating her. She has to know this.

  Libby shrugs a shoulder, her attention focused on my tattoo. “I’m a homebody. Hell, going to class in college was adventurous for me. And my parents…” She shrugs again, turning her head to the side, the pillow cradling her cheek. “Well, what they had to say about the life wasn’t entirely complimentary.”

  “Warned you away, didn’t they?” I can understand that. There’s a lot of shit in my world. Still, it pisses me off. They had to know she had talent, that she was curious to see where it could lead. And they stomped it down before she could even try.

  She pushes out a self-depreciating breath and glances at me from under her lashes. “They’d flip their shit if they knew I’d taken up with you.”

  “Are you with me?” I ask carefully. If I have to fight ghosts, I want to know now.

  Warmth floods my chest as she reaches up and traces my eyebrow. “I’m in this bed, aren’t I?”

  “Fuck yeah, you are.” I kiss her mouth because I have to taste her again.

  She makes a hum of pleasure. “I’m torn between demanding you go get those condoms and keeping you right here.”

  My hands roam lower, filling themselves with her plump ass. “If it wasn’t for my blue balls shouting at me, I’d be all for staying right here.”

  “Talk to you a lot, do they?”

  I grin against her neck. “Yes. Right now, they’re saying, ‘If we don’t get acquainted with Libby’s pretty pussy, we’re going on strike, and we’re taking the dick with us.’”

  She laughs. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “It’s a bluff. They’ll cave in a heartbeat. Besides—” I lift my head and grin. “My dick had decided never to leave your side.”


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