31. This is the third of three basic principles in Jon’s book The Righteous Mind.
32. We are using “tribalism” in a way that overstates the degree of closure and conflict of real tribes. For a description of how real tribes often draw from one another’s practices and form alliances to reduce conflict, see Rosen, L. (2018, January 16). A liberal defense of tribalism. Foreign Policy. Retrieved from http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/01/16/a-liberal-defense-of-tribalism-american-politics
33. To learn more about how the campus trends described in this book are now influencing high schools, and to find resources for high school students who want to find a more open and intellectually diverse culture in college, please visit heterodoxacademy.org/highschool
34. Rauch, J. (2017, November 9). Speaking as a . . . The New York Review of Books. Retrieved from http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2017/11/09/mark-lilla-liberal-speaking
35. King (1963/1981), p. 52.
36. King (1963/1981), p. 51.
37. Mascaro (1995), p. 2.
38. Bellah (1967).
39. King, M. L. (1963, August 28). “I have a dream . . .” Retrieved from https://www.archives.gov/files/press/exhibits/dream-speech.pdf
40. King (1963); see n. 38. You can listen to an audio recording of the speech here: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
41. Most whites at the time did not see it this way. In a Harris poll a few months before he was assassinated, nearly 75% of Americans expressed disapproval of him, although he had been substantially more popular at the time of his 1963 I Have a Dream speech, and he is wildly popular now, with approval levels above 90%. It took time, but the ideas in his 1963 speech changed the country. See Cobb, J. C. (2018, April 4). When Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, he was less popular than Donald Trump is today. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/04/04/martin-luther-king-jr-50-years-as sassination-donald-trump-disapproval-column/482242002
42. Pauli Murray College. (n.d.). About Pauli Murray. Retrieved from https://paulimurray.yalecollege.yale.edu/subpage-2
43. Murray (1945), p. 24.
44. MainersUnited (Producer). (2012, November 2). Yes on 1: Mainers United for Marriage—Will & Arlene Brewster [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rizfhtN6UVc
45. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of The Righteous Mind (Haidt, 2012) provide a literature review in support of this claim.
46. We have quoted the version given in Haji (2011), p. 185.
47. The essay was removed, but screen shots of it can be found here: Coyne, J. (n.d.). Texas college newspaper publishes op-ed calling white DNA an “abomination” [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/texas-college-newspaper-publishes-op-ed-calling-white-dna-an-abomination. (The first line is actually a variant of a line from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become white, destroyer of worlds.”)
48. Cohn, A. (2017, December 13). Students, faculty, and administrators launch attack on Texas State University newspaper. FIRE. Retrieved from https://www.thefire.org/students-faculty-and-administrators-launch-attack-on-texas-state-university-newspaper
49. Defund the racist University Star. (2017, November 30). Retrieved from https://www.change.org/p/bobcat-liberty-council-defund-the-racist-star
50. Cervantes, D. (2017, November 28). Editor’s note. The University Star. Retrieved from https://star.txstate.edu/2017/11/28/letter-from-the-editor-3
51. More details are found in Cohn (2017); see n. 48. See also: Trauth, D. (2017, November 28). Message from the president regarding University Star column. Texas State University–Office of Media Relations. Retrieved from http://www.txstate.edu/news/news_releases/news_archive/2017/November-2017/Statement112917.html
52. As Marcuse explained in a postscript to the essay, added in 1968: “The Left has no equal voice, no equal access to the mass media and their public facilities—not because a conspiracy excludes it, but because, in good old capitalist fashion, it does not have the required purchasing power.” Wolff, Moore, & Marcuse (1965/1969), p. 119.
53. Marcuse referred to “official tolerance granted to the Right as well as to the Left, to movements of aggression as well as to movements of peace, to the party of hate as well as to that of humanity.” Wolff, Moore, & Marcuse (1965/1969), p. 85.
54. Wolff, Moore, & Marcuse (1965/1969), p. 109.
55. Wolff, Moore, & Marcuse (1965/1969), pp. 100–101.
56. Wolff, Moore, & Marcuse (1965/1969), p. 110.
57. Columbia Law School. (2011, October 12). Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies established. Retrieved from http://www.law.columbia.edu/media_inquiries/news_events/2011/october2011/Intersectionality
58. Crenshaw (1989).
59. Degraffenreid v. General Motors Assembly Division, 413 F. Supp. 142 (E.D. Mo. 1976).
60. Collins & Bilge (2016), p. 7.
61. TED (Producer). (2016, October). The urgency of intersectionality [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/kimberle_crenshaw_the_urgency_of_intersectionality
62. Morgan (1996), p. 107.
63. Morgan (1996), p. 106.
64. Morgan (1996), p. 106.
65. A video of the encounter is embedded in the documentary Silence U, which is available here (the scene begins at time 7:53): We the Internet (Producer). (2016, July 14). Silence U: Is the university killing free speech and open debate? We the Internet Documentary [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/x5u aVFfX3AQ?t=7m55s
66. TED (2016); see n. 61.
67. For example, Creighton University posts on its website an exercise that is “designed to bring a group to certain conclusions regarding the concept of privilege and disadvantage.” Based on various questions, people either step forward or step backward. It begins: “Few White people in the history of the U.S. have ever been convicted and executed for killing a person of color. All White persons take a step forward.” Next: “The high school dropout rate for Latinos, Native Americans and African Americans is over 55%. Latinos, African Americans, and Native Americans take one step back.” At the end of the exercise, whoever is at the front of the room has the most “privilege,” and whoever is at the back has the least. The instructor then says, “Notice what groups of people are in the front and what groups of people are in the back.” See: Privilege exercise (race focus). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://people.creighton.edu/~idc24708/Genes/Diversity/Privilege%20Exercise.htm
68. We do not know if ideas related to intersectionality were included in CMC’s orientation process; the ideas may have come from their courses or from other students. But intersectional language is common in the video of the confrontation with Spellman: The CMC Forum (Producer) (2015, November 11). CMCers of color lead protest of lack of support from administration [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlB7Vy-lZZ8
69. Friedersdorf, C. (2017, May 8). The destructiveness of call-out culture on campus. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/05/call-out-culture-is-stressing-out-college-students/524679
70. Barrett, K. (2016, September 22). Walking on eggshells—How political correctness is changing the campus dynamic. The Sophian. Retrieved from http://www.thesmithsophian.com/walking-on-eggshells-how-political-correctness-is-changing-the-campus-dynamic
71. For extensive analyses of survey data showing that the campus dynamic related to speech has changed in the last few years, see Stevens, S., & Haidt, J. (2018, April 11), The skeptics are wrong part 2: Speech culture on campus is changing. Retrieved from https://heterodoxacademy.org/the-skeptics-are-wrong-part-2
72. Friedersdorf (2017); see n. 69.
73. Zimbardo (2007).
74. Eady, T. (2014, November 24). “Everything is problematic”: My journey into the centre of a dark political world, and how I escaped. The McGill Daily. Retrieved from htt
75. For an extended argument that political activity generally interferes with a scholar’s ability to find the truth, see: Van der Vossen (2014).
76. Alexander (2010).
77. Balko (2013).
78. Silverglate (2009).
79. Right on Crime. (n.d.). The conservative case for reform. Retrieved from http://rightoncrime.com/the-conservative-case-for-reform
80. Hirsh, M. (2015, March/April). Charles Koch, liberal crusader? Politico. Retrieved from https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/03/charles-koch-overcriminalization-115512
81. Lilla (2017), p. 9.
82. For an edited version of the interaction in an extraordinary video, see: Now This Politics (Producer). (2017, September 8). This unexpected moment happened when Black Lives Matter activists were invited on stage at a pro-Trump rally [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/NowThisNews/videos/1709220972442719
83. Hains, T. (2017, September 20). “Black Lives Matter” leader wins over Trump supporters: “If we really want America great, we do it together.” Real Clear Politics. Retrieved from https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/09/20/black_lives_matter_leader_wins_over_trump_supporters_if_we_really_want_america_great_we_do_it_together.html
Chapter 4: Intimidation and Violence
1. Mandela (2003), p. 545.
2. Warzel, C. (2016, July 19). Twitter permanently suspends Conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos. BuzzFeed. Retrieved from https://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/twitter-just-permanently-suspended-conservative-writer-milo
3. In the words of Milo Yiannopoulos, “Trolling is very important. . . . I like to think of myself as a virtuous troll, you know? I’m doing God’s work.” Moran, T., Taguchi, E., & Pedersen, C. (2016, September 1). Leslie Jones’ Twitter Troll Has No Regrets Over Attacking the ‘Ghostbusters’ Actress. ABC News. Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/leslie-jones-twitter-troll-regrets-attacking-ghostbusters-actress/story?id=41808886. See also Yiannopoulos’ statement: “A real troll, of course, does aim to provoke. They do aim to cause mild rage. They aim to prank, to goad, to wind people up. . . . So trolls, my message to you today is: once the election is over, get off your laptops and head down to your local campus.” Yiannopoulos, M. (2016, August 20). Trolls will save the world. Breitbart. Retrieved from http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/20/trolls-will-save-world
4. Scott Crow, former Antifa organizer, explains: “The idea in Antifa is that we go where they [right-wingers] go. That hate speech is not free speech. That if you are endangering people with what you say and the actions that are behind them, then you do not have the right to do that. And so we go to cause conflict, to shut them down where they are.” See Suerth, J. (2017, August 17). What is Antifa? CNN. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/14/us/what-is-antifa-trnd/index.html
5. Kell, G. (2017, February 2). Campus investigates, assesses damage from Feb. 1 violence. Berkeley News. Retrieved from http://news.berkeley.edu/2017/02/02/campus-investigates-assesses-damage-from-feb-1-violence
6. Lochner, T. (2017, February 1). UC Berkeley: Protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulos event, clash with police. East Bay Times. Retrieved from http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/02/01/uc-berkeley-cancels-breitbart-provocateur-milo-yiannopoulos-event
7. Park, M., & Lah, K. (2017, February 2). Berkeley protests of Yiannopoulos caused $100,000 in damage.CNN. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/01/us/milo-yiannopoulos-berkeley/index.html
8. Riot forces cancellation of Yiannopoulos talk at UC Berkeley. (2017, February 1). CBS SF Bay Area. Retrieved from http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/02/01/berkeley-braces-for-protests-at-yiannopoulos-talk
9. Park & Lah (2017); see n. 7.
10. Arnold, C. (2017, February 1). Violence and chaos erupt at UC–Berkeley in protest against Milo Yiannopoulos. USA Today College. Retrieved from http://college.usatoday.com/2017/02/01/violence-and-chaos-erupt-at-uc-berkeley-in-protest-against-milo-yiannopoulos
11. Riot forces cancellation (2017); see n. 8.
12. Rioters break windows, set fire to force cancellation of Breitbart editor’s UC–Berkeley talk. (2017, February 1). Fox News. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/02/01/rioters-break-windows-set-fire-to-force-cancellation-breitbart-editors-uc-berkeley-talk.html
13. RTQuestionsMore (Producer). (2017, February 1). Kiara Robles talks to RT International [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUQdlc8Gc-g&feature=youtu.be
14. Park & Lah (2017); see n. 7.
15. CNBC with Reuters and AP. (2017, February 1). Trump threatens UC Berkeley with funds cut after Breitbart editor’s speech is canceled following riot. CNBC. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/01/uc-berkeley-on-lockdown-amid-protest-over-milo-yiannopoulos.html
16. “The demonstrators caused an estimated $100,000 in damage on campus, the university said, and an additional $400,000 to $500,000 elsewhere, according to Downtown Berkeley Association CEO John Caner.” Kutner, M. (2017, February 1). Inside the black bloc protest strategy that shut down Berkeley. Newsweek. Retrieved from http://www.newsweek.com/2017/02/24/berkeley-protest-milo-yiannopoulos-black-bloc-556264.html
17. Freedman, W. (2017, February 1). VIDEO: Trump supporter pepper sprayed at Milo protest. ABC 7 News. Retrieved from http://abc7news.com/news/video-trump-supporter-pepper-sprayed-at-milo-protest/1733004
18. Mackey, R. (2017, February 4). Amid the chaos in Berkeley, a grinning face, covered in blood. The Intercept. Retrieved from https://theintercept.com/2017/02/04/amid-chaos-berkeley-grinning-face-covered-blood
19. Freedman (2017); see n. 17.
20. K. Redelsheimer & J. Jennings (personal communication, March 1, 2017). See also: Fabian, P. (Producer).(2017, February 2). Protestors beating people at Milo Yiannopoulos event @ U.C. Berkeley [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSMKGRyWKas
21. K. Redelsheimer (personal communication, March 1, 2017).
22. Gale, J. (2017, February). EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Anarchists smash windows and riot at UC Berkeley after Milo Yiannopoulos’s talk is canceled. The Tab. Retrieved from http://thetab.com/us/uc-berkeley/2017/02/02/exclusive-footage-anarchist-group-smashes-windows-sets-fire-sproul-riots-uc-berkeley-milo-yiannopouloss-talk-cancelled-3244
23. P. Jandhyala (personal communication, July 11, 2017).
24. UC Berkeley Campus Police tweeted: @UCBerkeley Milo event cancelled. Shelter in place if on campus. All campus buildings on lockdown. #miloatcal. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/ucpd_cal/status/826978649341440000?lang=en
25. Riot forces cancellation (2017); see n. 8.
26. Zoppo, A., Proença Santos, A., & Hudgins, J. (2017, February 14). Here’s the full list of Donald Trump’s executive orders. NBC News. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/here-s-full-list-donald-trump-s-executive-orders-n720796
27. Helsel, P. (2017, February 2). Protests, violence prompt UC Berkeley to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos event. NBC News. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/protests-violence-prompts-uc-berkeley-cancel-milo-yiannopoulos-event-n715711
28. Lawrence, N. (2017, February 7). Black bloc did what campus should have. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from http://www.dailycal.org/2017/02/07/black-bloc-campus. See also a similar claim: Meagley, D. (2017, February 7). Condemning protesters same as condoning hate speech. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from http://www.dailycal.org/2017/02/07/condemning-protesters-condoning-hate-speech
29. When we contacted the UC Berkeley Office of Public Affairs, it refused to disclose whether any students had been disciplined by the university in connection with the protests, citing federal privacy laws. It later clarified that, in the month of February, two students were arrested: one for vandalism and one for failure to disperse. As far as we can tell, no students were punished by the university in any way, so there
was no punishment that would act as a deterrent for future violent protests.
30. Bodley, M. (2017, February 2). At Berkeley Yiannopoulos protest, $100,000 in damage, 1 arrest. SFGate. Retrieved from http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/At-Berkeley-Yiannopoulos-protest-100-000-in-10905217.php. See also: Berkeley free speech protests: Arrests, injuries, damages since February. (2017, April 25). Fox News. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/04/25/berkeley-free-speech-protests-arrests-injuries-damages-since-february.html
31. In 2016, at California State University, Los Angeles, the university president canceled a speech about diversity by conservative Ben Shapiro, requiring that, instead, he “appear as part of a group of speakers with differing viewpoints on diversity” (something that had not been required of any other recent speakers). Eventually, the president relented, but at the event, students locked arms to prevent people from getting in. Some who tried to enter were pushed to the ground. After UC Berkeley failed to prevent violence on campus in February 2017, and Ben Shapiro was scheduled to speak there later in the year, threats of violence in response to his presence required approximately $600,000 of security. At least nine people were arrested, three of them reportedly for “banned weapons” (including an oversized cardboard sign), but otherwise Shapiro spoke without incident. (In 2016, Shapiro had spoken at Berkeley without significant protest.) See: Logue, J. (2016, February 24). Another Speaker Blocked. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/02/24/cal-state-los-angeles-cancels-conservative-speakers-appearance. See also: Steinbaugh, A. (2016, February 26). CSU Los Angeles President Fails to Prevent Shapiro Talk, But Protesters Try Their Hardest Anyway. FIRE. Retrieved from https://www.thefire.org/csu-los-angeles-president-fails-to-prevent-shapiro-talk-but-protesters-try-their-hardest-anyway. See also: Gomez, M. (2017, September 15). Nine people arrested at Ben Shapiro event at UC Berkeley. The Mercury News. Retrieved from https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/15/nine-people-arrested-at-ben-shapiro-event-at-uc-berkeley. See also: Alliance Defending Freedom. (2017, February 28). Cal State L.A. agrees to drop discriminatory speech policies, settles lawsuit. Retrieved from https://adflegal.org/detailspages/press-release-details/cal-state-l.a.-agrees-to-drop-discriminatory-speech-policies-settles-lawsuit. See also: UC Berkeley declares itself unsafe for Ann Coulter. (2017, April 20). The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/04/uc-berkeley-declares-itself-unsafe-for-ann-coulter/523668. See also: Fehely, D. (2017, April 11). Conservative writer David Horowitz’s talk at UC Berkeley cancelled. CBS SF Bay Area. Retrieved from http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/04/11/uc-berkeley-presses-campus-republicans-to-cancel-another-conservative-speaker. See also: McPhate, M. (2017, September 15). California today: Price tag to protect speech at Berkeley: $600,000. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/15/us/california-today-price-tag-to-protect-speech-at-berkeley-600000.html
The Coddling of the American Mind Page 32