Leahy, Robert, 37, 241–42
LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy), 20–21
learned helplessness, 158
Let Grow, 164, 238–39
Licence, 238–39
Levitsky, Steven, 131
Lexington High School, 190
Lilla, Mark, 74–75
Limbaugh, Rush, 132
locus of control, 46, 70, 158
Louisiana State University (LSU), 199
Lythcott-Haims, Julie, 165, 169–70, 190
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 265
Mac Donald, Heather, 88–89, 126
Maher, Bill, 48
Mandela, Nelson, 81, 98
Manning, Jason, 209, 210
Mao Zedong, 100–101
Marano, Hara Estroff, 170
Marcus Aurelius, 95
Marcuse, Herbert, 64–71
marriage equality, 61–62
Martínez Valdivia, Lucía, 93
Marx, Karl, 64, 254
Marxism, 64, 65
matrix, matrices, 9–10
May Day, 201
McChrystal, Stanley, 251
McElroy, Wendy, 26–28
McGinn, Lata, 37
McLaughlin and Associates, 86
McNally, Richard, 29
McNeese State University, 203
McWhorter, John, 86
media, 130–32, 137
Meng Tzu (Mencius), 19
mental health, 26, 140, 143–61, 266
of college students, 156–59
in girls versus boys, 149–51, 154–56, 160, 161
self-harming and, 151, 195–96
and social media and phones, 146–47, 152–56, 159–61, 265
see also anxiety; depression
#MeToo Movement, 12, 27
microaggressions, 40–46, 51, 71, 77, 145, 205, 210, 260
Middlebury College, 12, 87–88, 90, 103, 127
Mill, John Stuart, 248
Millennials, 30, 31, 156, 160, 175, 178, 184–85, 188, 213
Milton, John, 34
mindfulness, 242
mind reading, 38, 41, 212, 277
Misoponos, 1–4, 14, 34, 50
moral dependency, 209–12
moral judgments, intent versus impact in, 43–44, 46
moral matrices, 9, 10, 58
moral values, 61–62
Morgan, Kathryn Pauly, 68–69
Murray, Charles, 87–88, 103, 127
Murray, Pauli, 61, 62, 75–76, 260
Nader, Ralph, 24
National Association of Social Workers, 220
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, 166, 168
Nazis and neo-Nazis, 12, 63, 64, 90–92, 133, 139, 140
negative filtering, 38, 177, 277
negative partisanship, 131–32, 140
Neuromancer (Gibson), 9–10
New Jersey Transit, 203–4
New Jim Crow, The: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (Alexander), 74
New Left, 65, 67
New Republic, 6
Newsome, Hawk, 75–76
Newton, Isaac, 125
New York, 106
New Yorker, 205
New York Sun, 163
New York Times, 6, 26, 88, 92, 95, 127, 133, 190, 226
New York University (NYU), 204–5
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 2, 22
1960s, 213–14, 216, 230
No Child Left Behind, 188
Noonday Demon, The: An Atlas of Depression (Solomon), 143
Northern Michigan University, 200, 211
Northwestern University, 208
Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan (Tucker), 207
NW Anxiety Institute, 163
Oakton Community College, 201
Obama, Barack, 11, 96, 140, 214
Obama, Malia, 250
Oberlin College, 24–25
Occupy Wall Street, 129
Oliver, Kelly, 106–7
Olivia (Claremont student), 53–55, 175
Once and Future Liberal, The: After Identity Politics (Lilla), 74–75
On Liberty (Mill), 248
oppression, 6, 44, 46, 57, 64, 65, 68–71
Orlando nightclub shooting, 12
Ostrom, Elinor, 191
Ostrom, Vincent, 191, 192
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis (Putnam), 173–76
overgeneralizing, 38, 39, 50, 277
overprotection, 13
in parenting, 126, 148, 164, 165, 167–72, 183, 201–2, 235, 236, 266
see also fragility; parenting; safetyism
overreaction, 201, 203
overregulation, 201–3
parenting, 125, 126, 163–79, 192
and actual versus imagined risk, 167–68
and arrest for neglect, 171–72, 266
and assuming capability in children, 237
and child’s walking to places alone, 169–70, 237–39
cognitive distortions and, 177–78
concerted cultivation style of, 173, 174, 176, 179, 235–36
free-range, 164, 211, 238, 266, 268
Let Grow License and, 238–39
natural growth style of, 174, 179
overprotective (helicopter), 126, 148, 164, 165, 167–72, 183, 201–2, 235, 236, 266
prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child, 23, 237–40
risk taking and, 238
school policies and, 245–49
social class and, 173–76, 179
societal pressures and, 171
suggestions for, 235–51
Parker, Sean, 147
Paros, Mike, 118
Patz, Etan, 165, 166
Paxson, Christina, 27
“Paying the Price for Breakdown of the Country’s Bourgeois Culture” (Wax and Alexander), 107–8, 121
peanut allergies, 19–21, 23–24, 30, 164, 236, 237
Peck, Don, 10
personalizing, 277
Pew Research Center, 128
phones, 30, 146, 147, 152–54, 159–61, 194, 214
and limiting device time, 249–50
school and, 247
see also social media
Pinker, Steven, 264, 265
play, 125, 126, 178, 181–94
brain and, 181–84, 193
free, 183–86, 188, 189, 191, 193–94, 235–37, 245–46, 266
importance of, 181–83, 193–94
outdoor, 184, 186, 266
playgrounds, 183, 238
risk and, 183–85, 236, 238, 246
polarization, 121, 125–41, 251, 265
affective, 129, 131–32, 141
outrage and, 133–38, 261
police, attitudes toward, 219–20
political correctness, 46, 94–95, 202
Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations (Chua), 267
politics, 213–14
alt-right, 81, 84, 118, 139, 266
bipartisanship in, 131
birth year and, 213–14
filter bubble and, 130–31
left-wing, 5, 110–13, 126–27, 132–38, 141, 199
negative partisanship in, 131–32
from 1940s to 1980, 130
right-wing, 5, 63, 110–13, 118, 126, 127, 132–38, 141
universities and, 110–13, 121, 126–27, 132–38, 141, 199, 258
see also polarization
Pomona College, 89–90
positives, discounting, 38, 177, 277
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 25, 28–29
53, 66
intersectionality and, 68
prejudice, 25, 40–44, 46
see also racism
Princeton Review, 189
principle of charity, 42, 51, 55, 243–44, 260
privilege, 68–71
problems of progress, 13–14, 170, 264
procedural justice, 217, 219–22, 227, 230, 231
political perspectives of, 110–13, 121, 258
retraction demands and, 103–4, 107–8, 121
social media and, 137, 141, 201
trust between students and, 205–6, 212
viewpoint solidarity and diversity among, 108–13, 121, 258
proportionality, 217–19, 224, 227
proportional-procedural social justice, 220–23, 231
Putnam, Robert, 173–76, 236
racism, 6, 42, 44–45, 64, 71, 140
civil rights movement and, 60–61
Halloween costumes and, 56, 102, 165
intimidation and threats, 138–40
Jim Crow laws, 221
white supremacists, 12, 86, 87, 89–91, 94
Rage, The: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far Right Extremism (Ebner), 266–67
rape culture, 26–28
rape law, teaching of, 205
Rational Optimist, The (Ridley), 264–65
Rauch, Jonathan, 59, 267
Rawls, John, 213
Redelsheimer, Katrina, 82
Reed College, 93, 127
regret orientation, 278
American civil, 60–61
rituals in, 100
Renaissance, 136
“Repressive Tolerance” (Marcuse), 65–67
Republicans, 129–31, 213, 216
see also politics
rider-and-elephant metaphor, 35, 36, 51, 62
Ridley, Matt, 264–65
Righteous Mind, The: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (Haidt), 9
Right on Crime, 74
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces (Balko), 74
risk, 185, 237
actual versus imagined, 167–68
play and, 183–85, 236, 238, 246
see also safety
rituals, 100
Roberts, John, 192–93
Roman statues, 136–37
Roof, Dylann, 139
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 74
Sacks, Jonathan, 53, 64
safety, 6–7, 9, 14, 24–25, 29–30, 96, 148
and actual versus imagined risk, 167–68
crime and, 167, 186, 238, 266
improvements in child safety, 168–69
meaning of, and concept creep, 24–25, 27, 246–47, 259
threats and, 138–40, 260–61
safetyism, 29–30, 85, 104, 121, 125, 164, 165, 194, 203, 246–47
on campus, 12, 24–26, 96–97, 125, 145–46, 148, 195–212, 268
cognitive distortions and, 177–78
dangers of, 168–71
exclusion and, 246–47
iGen and, 30–31, 156, 158, 161
overprotective parenting, 126, 148, 164, 165, 167–72
rise of, 24–26, 121
safe spaces, 26–31, 96, 145, 210, 259
school and, 236
trigger warnings, 6–7, 24, 28, 29, 31, 145, 210
Salem witch hunts, 99–100
San Bernardino attack, 12
Sanders, Bernie, 213
Savio, Mario, 84
schemas, 36–38, 57, 150, 177
Schill, Michael, 92
school (K–12), 59, 185–89, 194
college admissions and, 189–91, 194, 235, 236, 257–58, 268
debate teaching in, 248
discussions on coursework in, 248
first-grade readiness checklists, 186–87, 238
grades in, 190
homework, 185–86, 245
ideas for elementary schools, 245–47
ideas for middle schools and high schools, 247–49
identity politics and, 244
influencing policies at, 245–49
kindergarten, 185, 187–88
phones at, 247
recess at, 245–47
safetyism and, 236
year of service or work between high school and college, 250–51, 257
Schulz, Kathryn, 244
“see something, say something,” 203–4
Seligman, Martin, 158
September 11, 2001, attacks, 200, 203
Service Year Alliance, 251
sexism, 6, 44, 71
sexual misconduct and assault, 27
law education and, 205
#MeToo Movement and, 12, 27
Shakespeare, William, 34
Shapiro, Ben, 83
Sheskin, Mark, 218
shoulds, 277
Shuchman, Daniel, 238
Shulevitz, Judith, 26–28
Silverglate, Harvey, 74
Simmons, Ruth, 259
Singal, Jesse, 106
Skenazy, Lenore, 163–65, 169, 171, 172, 177, 185, 211, 238
sleep, 250
smartphones, see phones
Smith College, 72
snowballs, and danger, 236
social class:
parenting and, 173–76, 179
universities and, 174, 176
social justice, 111, 125, 126, 213–32
and correlation as causation, 227–29, 231–32
definition and use of term, 217, 220–21, 223
equal-outcomes, 223–27, 230, 231
major news stories related to, 214–16
proportional-procedural, 220–23, 231
social media, 5, 10, 30, 130, 133, 139, 145, 194, 203, 259
call-out culture and, 71–73
curation and comparisons in, 154–55, 161
Facebook, 49, 55, 105, 107, 130, 146–47, 207, 265
impact on girls, 154–56
and limiting device time, 249–50
mental health and, 146–47, 152–56, 159–61, 265
positive trends in, 265–66
professors and, 137, 141, 201
Twitter, 81, 130, 135–37, 147, 265
virtue signaling and, 73
Socrates, 49, 50
Solomon, Andrew, 143
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, ix, 243
Soviet Union, 130, 243
Spellman, Mary, 54–55, 57, 71, 102–3, 105–6, 134
Spencer, Richard, 139
Spock, Benjamin, 174
sports, 152, 189, 225–26
Title IX and, 224–25
spurious correlations, 152, 228
Stalin, Joseph, 243
Stanger, Allison, 87–88, 103, 127, 140
Starmans, Christina, 218
statues, Greco-Roman, 136–37
“sticks and stones” saying, 210
Stoicism, 95–96, 98
Stone, Geoffrey, 255, 279
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 84
Sue, Derald Wing, 40–42
suicide, 5, 24, 30, 143–44, 152
academic competition and, 190
rates of, 150–51, 160, 183, 190
sharing thoughts of, 195–96
Suk Gersen, Jeannie, 205
summer camps, 240
Supreme Court, 61
Tajfel, Henri, 57–58, 76
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 22–23, 28, 164, 170
Tannen, Deborah, 154
Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta, 135–36
Tea Party, 129
/> telos, 253–55
Tenbrink, Tyler, 139
terrorism, 11–12, 204
September 11, 2001, attacks, 200, 203
Tetlock, Phil, 229
Texas State University, 63–64, 67
Theodoric, 34
Theory of Justice, A (Rawls), 213
Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts (Duke), 248–49
threats, 138–40, 260–61
Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (Silverglate), 74
Thucydides, 108–9
Title IX, 206–8, 223–25
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 191, 195
tolerance, 65–66
transgenderism, 104–5, 205–6
transracialism, 104
trauma, 25–26, 28–29, 31–32, 33
PTSD, 25, 28–29
Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders (Leahy, Holland, and McGinn), 37
tribalism, 57–59, 76, 130, 131, 153, 267
see also groups
trigger warnings, 6–7, 24, 28, 29, 31, 145, 210
Trump, Donald, 12, 82–83, 87, 96, 112, 114, 127, 135, 139, 140
Charlottesville and, 91, 94
supporters of, 75–76, 81, 83
truth, 253–55, 268
Tucker Carlson Tonight, 118, 133, 134
Turning Point USA (TPUSA), 138
Tuvel, Rebecca, 104–7, 121, 127
Twenge, Jean, 30–31, 146–49, 152–54, 159, 160, 164, 185
Twitter, 81, 130, 135–37, 147, 265
Tyler, Tom, 219–20
Tyranny of the Majority, The (Guinier), 222
UCLA, 92
Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life (Lareau), 173–75
unfair comparisons, 278
universities, 5, 8, 10, 11, 59, 125–26, 214
admissions to, 189–91, 194, 235, 236, 257–58, 268
amenities at, 199, 211
bureaucracy at, 125, 126, 192, 194, 195–212
canon wars at, 7
Chicago Statement and, 255–56, 268, 279–81
consumerist mentality at, 198–200, 211
corporatization of, 197–98, 211
cross-partisan events at, 261
distorted thinking modeled by administrators at, 200–203
diversity among professors in, 108–13, 121, 258
diversity among students in, 43, 258, 260
expansion of, 197–98
freedom of inquiry at, 255–57
free speech at, 5–6, 31, 65, 84, 200–203
heckler’s veto and, 257
iGen and, 31, 145, 148, 156–59, 174–75, 185
intellectual virtues and, 258
intimidation and violence at, 81–98
mental health and, 156–59
as multiversities, 197, 253
political orientation and, 110–13, 121, 126–27, 132–38, 141, 199, 258
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