Dark Dream’s Trap

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Dark Dream’s Trap Page 11

by I. T. Lucas

  “Much appreciated.”

  The guy nodded.

  Turner handed Julian a card. “We are on the ground floor. I’m number three and you are number five.”

  As he followed the guy down the corridor, Julian rubbed his jaw. “If Lokan has Ella followed to her hotel, he might notice that the majority of the guests are men. It could tip him off.”

  “I’ve thought of that. We will have female company.”

  Hopefully, he didn’t mean the paid kind. Maybe the other guys would be happy about it, but Julian didn’t think his mother would appreciate it if her mate arranged for it.

  He stopped next to Turner as the guy opened the door to his room. “What kind of female company? Are we talking agents or call girls?”

  “Neither.” Turner got inside and motioned for Julian to join him. “Remember the women we rescued from the Doomers a while back?”

  “What about them?” Julian closed the door and looked at the room.

  Crappy, that was what Ella would’ve called it. Then again, it was probably what Vivian could have afforded on her own, so it fit the profile. Except, that was not how he wanted to spend a romantic weekend with Ella. Once the mission was done, he would get them a nice room in a luxury hotel.

  “You were away at school, so I don’t know how much of the story you’ve heard.”

  Julian sat on the bed. “Only that the Guardians rescued the girls and then torched the place. Also, something about taking them to a retreat in Hawaii.”

  “After the rescue, Amanda thralled them to forget that they had been held captive by the Doomers. She made them believe that they had spent the missing time training for a new job. Kian hired all of them to work in the clan’s new hotel in Hawaii, and many of them stayed on.”

  “Cool. I’m glad that they were taken care of. But what does their story have to do with this?”

  “I was getting there. We got them tickets to a hospitality convention in Washington D.C. and booked their stay right here in this hotel.”

  “Smart. Was it your idea or Kian’s?”

  “Actually, it was your mother’s.”



  “I have to go,” Sylvia said after the rough edit on the first video was done. “I still have homework to do.”

  It seemed that Sylvia didn’t like to work hard, or maybe she had a soft heart and the stories had disturbed her, but she was embarrassed to admit that. The result was the same, though. Ella was left to do the rest on her own.

  “Thanks for your help. It would have taken me forever to figure out the editing software if you weren’t here to show me how to use it.”

  Sylvia smiled. “I’m glad I was able to help at least a little. I’ll come back tomorrow if I can.”

  That didn’t sound promising. “Thanks. I really appreciate you doing this for me.”

  “No problem. Good night.”

  After she left, Ella sighed and went back to work. The truth was that without Sylvia it would have taken her the entire evening just to learn how to do the most basic things, and she would’ve gotten none of the editing done. Now, she might be able to finish the first two videos tonight.

  When her phone rang long hours later, Ella snatched it off the charger and plopped on the bed. “Hi, Julian.”

  “You sound tired.”

  “I’m exhausted. I’ve been working on the recordings since morning and I only have one and a half done.”

  “Is Sylvia still there?”

  Ella snorted. “She went home hours ago, saying she had homework to do. I think she either got bored or upset over the story we were working on.”

  There was a slight pause before he asked, “How are you holding up? It must be difficult for you.”

  Ella closed her eyes and sighed. “Maybe the first round was. But after that it became technical. I don’t really listen anymore. I guess I’m like a surgeon, performing the operation on the organ without thinking about the patient. It’s easier that way.”

  “Whatever works, sweetheart. I wish I could be there with you and help you out.”

  The truth was that Ella preferred not having Julian work on the editing with her. Spending time together could have been fun, but the subject matter was too difficult for him to stomach. It would have killed him to have to listen to those stories and be unable to do anything about it.

  Ella hadn't realized that until she’d started the editing process, but the most potent emotion she’d experienced hadn’t been pity for the girl. It was an intense hatred for the scum who’d hurt her and a powerful need to avenge her.

  It would’ve been so much more difficult for a guy like Julian who had the soul of a Guardian.

  “How are things in our nation’s capital?” She changed the subject.

  “All I’ve seen is the hotel and the Georgetown campus. We’ve spent most of the day scoping the place and getting acquainted with the grounds, which are sprawling. It’s a beautiful place, though. Maybe we can tour it together after this is over.”

  Smiling, Ella lowered her voice. “Did you get a solo room?”

  “I did, but it’s not the kind of place I want to spend time with you.”

  “Why, is it dingy?”

  “Kind of. It’s old and moldy.”

  “My mom and I are going to stay there too, right?”

  “Yeah. But that’s different. This hotel is part of the setup. It’s close enough to the campus without being too pricey, so it fits the profile of students coming in for a tour. In fact, Turner arranged for us to pose as potential football recruits. We even had a fake meeting with the coach who is a friend of Turner’s from his military days.”

  Ella could only imagine what the guy had thought when he’d seen Turner. “How did he explain his youthful looks?”

  Julian chuckled. “With his usual lack of expression, Turner told the guy that he’d gone for a hair transplant and a laser resurfacing on his skin because he’d married a much younger woman and didn’t want to look like her father. He even showed him my mother’s picture.”

  “Bridget is beautiful.”

  “The coach thought so too. It’s good that Turner is not the jealous type because there were a few hubba hubba’s and whistles thrown in.”

  “You like Turner, don’t you?”

  “He’s okay. And he is a perfect match for my mother. Not to mention a real asset for the clan. Even before Turner’s transition, Kian relied on him to organize complicated missions. But back to us. I think I like your idea of staying over the weekend. Not here, of course. Somewhere nicer. If you’re still game, I should make reservations before there are no decent rooms left.”

  That was different from just staying a little longer in the same place. A romantic weekend in a nice hotel was a much bigger deal. She would be obsessing about it and imagining what was going to happen, which could be a problem when Logan entered her dreams. Until he was captured, she needed to keep coasting on neutral with Julian.

  “I don’t want to jinx it. Let’s wait until this is over.”

  “It was your idea.”

  He was right. It had been momentary bravado. Or perhaps it had been just a good moment. She had those occasionally, feeling like her old upbeat self, but they didn’t last long. That was the downside of the project she’d undertaken. It was a daily reminder of what she’d been through.

  “I know, but making reservations in a different hotel takes it to another level. Besides, my head is full of organizing the fundraiser. I can’t concentrate on anything else.” Hopefully, that was enough said for Julian to understand. “I have one video ready, and I need to figure out how to put it on YouTube, and then how to upload it to the fundraising site. It’s all new to me, and I’m freaking out a little. I think I bit off more than I can chew.”

  She was talking a mile a minute to hide her discomfort, but that didn’t mean that she was making it up. Up until now, she’d talked a big game without having the knowledge to back it up. Not that she couldn’t figure it out,
eventually she would, but it was stressful.

  “I was lucky that Sylvia was familiar with the editing software and showed me how to use it. If not for her, I would still be struggling with it. But I don’t have anyone to help me with the other things. Do you know anyone who puts up videos on YouTube? Because I’ve never done it before.”

  “You could ask Roni or William. Not that they post anything there, but I’m sure it will be easier for them to figure it out than it will be for you.”

  “That’s an awesome idea, but how do I get to them? Do I just ask someone where the lab is and go there?”

  “First of all, yes, you can do that. But you can also call Roni. By the way, you should ask him what to do to get more views. I don’t know much about it, but there are keywords and phrases you can include that will make it come up in more searches and suggestions.”

  “Good idea. I’ll do that. I didn’t even think about search engine optimization because I don’t know anything about it. Do you think Roni or William do? They are not into marketing or promoting stuff.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Those two can figure anything out.”

  “Yeah, but do they have time? I’m sure they have better things to do.”

  Julian chuckled. “You’re tired, Ella. Go to sleep and tomorrow everything will look less daunting.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I should.”



  Before getting in bed, Ella browsed the internet, looking up information about Georgetown. If Logan entered her dream tonight, and she had a strong feeling he would, her head would be filled with tidbits about the university, the grounds, the dorms, the cafeterias, and all the other things a prospective student would be interested in.

  It was what Logan would expect from someone who was excited about actually going to a prestigious place like that.

  As Ella drifted off, images of the various academic halls were playing like a slide show in her head, and when the dream began, she was strolling along a path on Healy Lawn, with Logan at her side.

  “Do you like it here?” he asked.

  “It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to actually see it with my own eyes instead of on a computer screen.”

  “You are seeing it.”

  She turned to him and smiled. “Are you creating the scenery, or am I?”

  “It’s coming from my memory. I’ve been to the campus recently, and I walked down this path.”

  “Oh, yeah? What were you doing there?”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist. “Talking with my friend about a certain young lady I wanted him to admit to the undergrad program.”

  He was tipping his hand, revealing that he was in Washington. The question was whether it had been a slip, or had he done it on purpose, hoping she would suggest a meeting?

  “I can’t thank you enough for arranging this for me. I’ve never dreamed of getting into such a prestigious university. President Clinton went there, Justice Scalia, the CIA Director, several congressmen and Wall Street moguls. I will probably feel like the country mouse visiting the city. Royalty from around the world sends their kids to Georgetown for heaven’s sake.”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. Ordinary people go there too. Not that you’re ordinary, far from it. You’re more extraordinary than all those snobs whose parents are famous politicians, which makes them American royalty, or those who are royal by birth. And if you are concerned about not having money to flaunt, I’ll take care of this for you as well.”

  Crap. She needed to think fast because that could be a test. If any of this were real, she would not accept money from him, but if she said so, she might blow the whole thing up.

  What to do?

  “I can’t take money from you, Logan. A favor is all I can accept.”

  “It's not going to be my money. My friend will arrange a full scholarship for you, and whatever you planned on spending on tuition and living expenses, you’ll be able to spend on things to impress your new snobby friends with.”

  Was this another trick? Was Logan a compulsive liar?

  Because if he was planning to snatch her and her mother, there was no reason for him to arrange a scholarship for her. Why make it up? She was coming for the interview anyway.

  “That’s awesome, but I feel guilty about accepting this. I’m sure there are more deserving students than me for a full-ride scholarship.”

  He hugged her closer to him. “You are more deserving than most. You’re smart, resourceful, and you are willing to work hard. Besides, you need it. I’m sure that with no father to support the family, finances are tight. Last I checked, dental hygienists don’t make much.”

  Why didn’t it surprise her that he’d investigated her?

  Did he think that she was desperate for money and he could use it to his advantage?

  But then if she never got to actually study at Georgetown, she would have no need for it.

  She sighed. “Thank you. I really need a scholarship because I can’t afford a place like that. I can take out student loans and work part-time while I’m studying, but I’m afraid that as a nurse I will not make enough to repay the loans in a reasonable time. The financial burden would be suffocating.”

  Logan seemed so pleased with himself, so genuinely happy to be able to help her, that Ella was starting to seriously doubt his motives.

  Perhaps Julian and Kian and the others were wrong about Logan, and he wasn’t rotten to the core. What if he was helping her just to gain her approval and get her to date him?

  Have sex with him?

  Seemed like a lot of trouble to seduce a girl, when it was obvious that Logan could have anyone he wanted. Not only was he incredibly handsome and rich, but he could also compel or thrall compliance.

  Still, it might be an ego thing. Even a Doomer might want to seduce a girl the old fashioned way, by courting her and making himself indispensable to her, and her falling for him because she thought he was wonderful.

  Especially someone like Logan who wasn’t an ordinary Doomer. He was the son of their leader, which made him Doomer royalty.

  Curiosity burning hot in her gut, she had to find out even though asking point-blank was risky. “Are you going to be in Washington when I’m there?”

  A sly smirk lifting one corner of his lips, he looked into her eyes. “I might. Do you want to see me?”

  She shrugged. “You still scare me a little, but after all that you have done for me, I should at least invite you to dinner. My mother would have to come along, of course, but given your traditional upbringing, you shouldn’t be a stranger to the concept of a chaperone.”

  Pausing their stroll, Logan turned to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “You must realize that if I want to abscond with you, your mother is not going to be an obstacle for me.”

  “Do you still want to kidnap me? Or would you rather I came willingly?”

  She was playing with fire, but the game demanded that she act as if it was real. Anything else would seem suspicious to Logan. He was smart, and he didn’t trust anyone. A man not easily fooled.

  “Would you come willingly to me?”

  Stretching on her toes, she kissed his lips lightly. “That depends on you. I expect to be treated like a lady and courted properly. If you ask me on a date and don’t try anything shady, then I’ll gladly agree to another one, and then the next, and the one after that.”

  The sly smirk was back. “I was under the impression that you are a modern, liberated woman, and that you feel free to hook up with whomever you choose.”

  “I am all that, but I also have standards. A guy has to work hard to get me to open up to him, and he has to prove that he’s worthy of me.” She grimaced. “I thought like that before the degrading experience I went through, and even more so after.”

  His expression somber, he hooked his finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “I’ll treat you like you are my princess and I’m your knight.” He kissed her softly, his arms wrapping around her

  A lover’s kiss.

  The guy was either the best actor on the planet, or she’d misjudged him completely.



  “Ready to go home?” Vivian glanced around the makeshift studio Ella had organized in the classroom.

  She was impressed. Ella was making this happen without much help and with no prior training. Maybe it was the advantage of youth because Vivian couldn’t imagine undertaking such a huge project. Heck, organizing the sewing class had seemed like a big deal to her.

  Ella still believed that she could conquer the world, and Vivian had a feeling she could. Her daughter was incredible.

  “Yeah. I’m done. Let me just stow the camera away.” She put it back into its case. “The lights can stay where they are. It took me over an hour to get them positioned just right, and Vanessa said that I can leave everything like it is for the next shoot.”

  “How did it go?”

  “I only did one today. With the hours it takes to edit them, I’m in no rush to tape more. Besides, I didn’t have an assistant. Sylvia couldn’t come.”

  “Did you talk with Tessa?”

  Ella slung the camera bag over her shoulder. “I did. She said she’ll be good to go by Monday, but I told her we were leaving for Washington, and she’d have a longer break. I don’t think she should come back though. No reason to make herself miserable.”

  They walked out of the classroom and headed out to the parking lot.

  “You’ll need someone to drive you. I’m not here every day.”

  “I don’t plan on being here every day either. And besides, after we are back from Washington, I’m asking Kian for a car. I’ll take it as payment for entrapment services rendered.”

  “Every clan member gets a car. It’s not a payment since it doesn’t really belong to them. The cars are owned by the clan.”

  Ella put the bag in the trunk. “I know. But it's cool to think that I’m getting paid.” She grimaced. “Although perhaps it is better that I’m not. I dream-shared with Mr. D again, and he was so super nice that I’m really starting to doubt that he has nefarious intentions. He said he’s going to arrange a full-ride scholarship for me. Why would he do that if he knew I would never use it? And there wasn’t even a reason for him to lie about it. It’s not as if I’ll cancel my trip to Washington because I’ll suddenly realize that I can’t afford Georgetown.”


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