Alien Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance

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Alien Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 12

by Penelope Woods

  Now I can see the full truth. Earth Federation is complicit. Always has been. They are responsible for the Syndicate’s sex ring. Did Ax know this from the beginning?

  Is this why we invaded Planet Kurrek? Did we take over a peaceful planet purely for pleasure’s sake?

  The music stops, replaced by the noises of harsh moaning and guttural grunts. A strange voice resounds behind me. “You came to see the leaders of the Syndicate, soldier?”

  It is one of the generals. He zips up his pants and clears his throat, waiting for an answer.

  Clara throws her arm around my neck and brings me to her chest. She is holding me so tight I can feel her heart ricochet off her sternum.

  “I have a bounty to collect,” she says. But it’s obvious she is terrified, and the general just laughs. He looks more than eager to torture us next.

  “We do not honor bounties here. Any hunter will know that,” he says. “My darlings, I’m afraid you have come to the wrong place.”

  Clara stutters. “But your guards... This woman is a rare shipment...”

  Ignoring her, he places the back of his hand against my cheek. Gently, he wipes away a small tear that falls from my eye, and I droop forward. “What’s the matter? Everyone loves a good party, no?”

  His hand falls to my stomach. Every nerve in my body twists tightly. I can barely fucking breathe.

  “I’d like to leave, now,” I whisper as my tears drip from my eyes. The words fall from my mouth, regardless of how stupid they sound. I taste my salty tears on my tongue as I open my mouth to breathe.

  The general’s palm swivels around my navel. “You are pregnant with alien child. It is against the law to procreate with the beasts,” he says, kneeling down to my level. “Are you the woman that was led here by the halfling physician in the Red Sands? I paid well for his help.”

  I can’t respond. I’m shocked to the core. The halfling betrayed me. My brain can’t comprehend this.

  He keeps talking. “You see, the bounty came on her own accord. In the end, there was no need to pay for the middleman.”

  I’m going to die here, I think. I am going to be fucked and thrown into the Kalyx River, never to be heard from again.

  The other generals take notice and watch as his hand traces down to my pelvis. With two fingers, he slides them against my pants, right where my zipper ends.

  Another general comes from behind and subdues Clara, ripping off her mask. He throws it onto the floor, cracking it under the weight of his boots.

  “You are both so guilty,” he says.

  I try to look away, but he brings his finger under my chin and forces me to look into his stern eyes. I have looked at many terrifying eyes, but I have seen none as cruel as his.

  “Would you like to know what we do to guilty little cunts such as yourselves?” he asks.

  Before I can scream a resounding “no,” he forces my head down. He twists it toward an open door to my right side.

  In this moment, it is as if time itself stops. My perception is so shattered I can hardly believe what I’m seeing inside the room.

  Snot runs from my nose as I let out a shrill cry. Inside the room is an alien trapped in a full leather body suit. The only thing allowing him to breathe is a small tube that flows into the mouth. I recognize his body in an instant. It’s Ax.

  All of the generals break out into sadistic laughter. “That’s him, correct? Your beast?” the general asks.

  “Yes… Don’t hurt him.”

  But it’s far too late to fight their coercion. They have us cornered.

  No options left. We lost...


  Where do you go when the lights turn out?

  Open a door. Turn a key. Examine your heart, and make a decision.

  I have been beaten. Broken. Abused. I have been given every ounce of my own medicine. I’d cry if I didn’t deserve it. But I do.

  In a way, I’ve been waiting for this, my punishment for acting against the human order. I’ve relived my past, and I got through it. When I thought I might receive redemption, I was given more brutality. I feel what she feels now. Anna. My one love, the connection to something more beautiful than this horrid fucking existence.

  I feel her pain.

  I would have never thought I’d find someone so pure. Someone beautiful. And now that I’ve had a taste, I can’t let her go.

  Right now, I’m not in the best position to barter with these pricks. The heat of my body suit is unbearable, and I can barely fucking breathe. But somehow, I’m still holding on.

  I just keep thinking of her face.

  Everything I’ve gone through has taught me not to believe in love. Keeping the genetic chain unbroken through seed is one thing, but love always seemed like some fairy tale bullshit.

  She opened my eyes. The Syndicate has tried to blind me, but I see the world in a different light. The darkness I once clung to has vanished. There’s a planet waiting for us on the other side of the horizon. We just have to get there.

  We’ll get there.

  Hours pass. Finally, my captors take off my leather slave mask. They let me out of my suit, but not without forcing a gag into my mouth and shoving me to the ground like a lame beast. They chain me so I can’t move.

  To my horror, Anna is there, as caught as someone can possibly be. She watches the whole thing unfold.

  Clara is with her. Guards keep her against the wall. Earth Federation generals surround us, and I can see now that we’re in a large mansion. I have transported many aliens to these facilities, but I have never seen this place before.

  Weeping, Anna tries to run to me, but she is quickly subdued. Thrown to the floor, they force her back on her knees.

  Blood boiling, I roar, “Get the fuck off of her.”

  Not sure what I expect, the reality is a boot to the face, a whip against my back, and a gun to my head.

  “Shut your mouth, slave,” the General says.

  “General Kyev,” I mutter. “You were responsible for—”

  Another swift kick to the jaw sends stars to the eyes. The general finishes my sentence. “I was the one who set your village on fire,” he says.

  “You mean...”

  Kyev laughs. “I guess this is a better time than ever to fill you in on a little truth, boy. You have been working under me this whole time,” he says.

  “No...” I groan and hang my head.

  The general steps forward. “It’s sad, really. As you grew, I watched you carefully. For many years, I thought you were going to be the one I tested on. But here you are, insolent as ever.”

  I remember the super-aliens on the Earth Federation starship. They were huge. “So it’s true? You are designing aliens to your specifications.”

  A proud grin forms on his face. “It has taken us some time to understand, but biology was meant to be conquered,” he says. “We have come a long way since our initial experiments.”

  Anna throws a glance at me. “Cut to the chase. What do you want with us?” Anna asks.

  “I am not the one on trial,” he says. “If you’d like to survive, you will listen to our demands. You are good at listening, no?”

  Anna locks eyes with me. I can tell she wants to fight back, to yell and scream, and claw and spit. But I shake my head, and she keeps quiet. Right now, the best thing we can do is see what they want.

  They are pleased with our silence. After forcing us to comply, the general clears his throat and marches toward the door. Lip twitching, he makes a quick motion with his hand.

  “If you’d like to see our progress, I will gladly show you,” he says. “Let the savage inside. The woman is ready for consummation.”

  Clara forces her body forward, against the alien guards’ arms. They hold her back as she cries, “Take me instead.”

  Smile twisting, the general’s eyes go cross-eyed. “Two birds with one stone. What a wonderful idea. Subject 3, are you ready?”

  Both women are held to the ground. The generals pull their h
air back and place them on their knees, shoulder to shoulder. They look proud of the evil that runs in their blood; proud they can ruin anyone that tries to stand against their new world order.

  A super-alien is brought into the room. He is naked and looks deformed, like some sort of fucked up science experiment. His cock is at least two feet long, and it’s the width of my thigh.

  One of the guards slides a needle into his neck and injects a foreign substance. His cock hardens and solidifies above the women.

  The guards yank on his collar and kick him forward. Every vein on his body pulses, and when he opens his mouth, saliva froths and flies forward. Horns have grown from his head. This alien is the alien of all aliens, a super beast that cannot be tamed, and I’m left searching for a point of weakness. Anything to lay the bastard down, flat.

  There is nothing. He is a powerhouse, a true testament to the cruelty of the human race. Anna, of course is the opposite. She is good, and everything that her race should strive to be like.

  What the fuck am I going to do?

  “Please,” Anna begs. “Let us off this planet and you’ll never see us again.”

  The general stiffens, but does not respond. His grin has turned into a stern expression of disdain. He gives the guards one look and nods his head. “Release the beast. The consummation must begin.”

  “No!” I roar and try to move, but it is impossible.

  The guards let go of his collar. The horned beast rears his head and falls over Clara. To her horror, he begins to mount, but something is wrong. He bucks back and roars.

  He is not as quick to taking her as the generals would like, so they prod him and beat him with a baton. Kyev sweats and shouts, “Get on with it. No time to waste.”

  The beast becomes noticeably angry. His pupils turn narrow and small like tiny pins. He jerks away from the women.

  General Kyev’s voice shakes with wariness. “Guards! Subdue this creature at once!”

  The guards rush forward, but the beast lunges his horns into their guts. The super-alien stomps on their skulls. Upon seeing this gory display, the other generals try to run, but they too are stopped before they get to the door. The beast lunges and mounts one, rutting his cock right through his body as he eats the other in one bite.

  I’m not sure if I should be terrified or satisfied by the cruel and unusual punishment, but the fact is that the generals are dead.

  Trembling, Kyev pulls out his gun, firing where the beast’s heart should be. With blood dripping from his lips, the beast smiles. The general can’t stop him.

  He fires twice more. The beast swipes his massive hand forward, sending the general flying into the wall, denting in the plaster.

  It’s over faster than it started. The general is dead. Well, sort of.

  The beast turns to me, eyes widening with curiosity. The anger seems to have dissipated, replaced by unusual curiosity.

  “Let us go,” I say. “We are not your enemy. Be free.”

  The beast clenches his teeth together, noticeably pained. He grunts, “Never free. Always enslaved.”

  I nod. Even if this plantation is burned to the ground, there are more of them out there. We don’t have the power to end them all. Earth Federation is far too powerful.

  But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to help when we can. Before I met Anna’s innocence, I believed the world was a dark place, full of all types of evils. An ounce of good can change everything.

  The beast raises his fist to my skull. I brace for my end. He swings down, and I feel the rush of wind against my face. I close my eyes and think of Anna.

  To my surprise, the sound of gunshots rings out. I open my eyes again, astonished I’m still alive. The beast slumps to the floor, and Anna stands above me, wielding the general’s gun. She appears to be in full control of her faculties with no noticeable fear in her eyes.

  She drops the gun and runs forward, quickly unzipping the leather body suit that has kept me prisoner for the last twenty-four hours.

  When I’m free, I rush to take her in my arms, to hold her. I’ve been dreaming of holding her for so long. I’ve gone through hell and back to find her, and it’s almost unbelievable that we did it. We made it out alive.

  I caress her head, tenderly dropping it back for a deep and longing kiss. My tongue snakes around hers, pulls back as my mouth closes around her lips. She is perfect, and I can’t wait to start our family. First things first. We have to get off this doomed planet.

  “Anna, you saved my life,” I whisper.

  “You’re damn right, I did,” she says with a grin.

  I picture her when we first met. She was alone and afraid. She was sick with a degenerative disease, and I wasn’t sure how long she would survive. Though I was the one who healed her fever, she was the one who mended my heart. Looking back on it, it is pretty incredible we made it this far.

  “You are big and strong now,” I say.

  She kisses me one more time, rolling her hand between my legs, cupping my balls firmly. “Just because I’m tough, doesn’t mean I don’t need a spanking or two.”

  I reach around and grab her ass, feeling the soft fat cheeks that cover her holes. My cock starts to grow. “Better make it three,” I growl.

  There is nothing I would like more than to rip her panties past her creamy pussy. I fixate on the memory and taste of her wet cunt against my tongue. The smell of her flowery perfume wafts into my nose. It makes my cock drip with absolute lust. It puts me into a fucking frenzy, but I guess now is not the time to drain my seed into every orifice. No, that would be a wrong that would feel too right.

  I’ll just have to wait like a good boy...

  Behind Anna, Clara waves to get our attention. “Uh, guys? Hate to break up your weird, little make out party, but we got some women to save,” she says.

  Anna backs away and clears her throat. “Oh. Yeah,” she says, looking down at the giant dead alien. “What the hell was that thing?”

  “Looks like they were planning on releasing some super alien,” I say, grimly.

  “Jesus,” Anna whispers. “They’d go that far?”

  Clara puts her hand on her shoulder. “Earth Federation is knee deep in the fucked-up,” she says. “It’s time to shut this place down for good.”

  Without hesitation, Anna picks up and cocks a gun. “What are we waiting for? Let’s do it.”

  Responding the same, Clara grabs a shock prod and blade from one of the dead alien guards. “Ready to rock.”

  They both glare at me, so I step over one of the dead generals and pick up my own gun, as well as the keys to the facility, and I march forward, through the door and out of the building. We filter through the center of the facility, toward the outside farm silos that house the pregnant aliens.

  “Do we have a plan of attack?” Clara asks.

  I try not to laugh. “You mean other than spraying every alien guard with bullets? Sorry, sweetheart. Haven’t thought that far ahead.”

  Anna pulls me back and puts her finger against her lips. Delicately, she whispers, “Twelve o’clock. A whole group of Syndicate aliens.”

  I’d look, but I can’t stop staring at her perfect tits. The way they balance teases the hell out of me. Even in the center of a battlefield, the woman knows how to keep an alpha’s cock hard.

  She grabs my chin and twists it so that I’m staring right at the Syndicate soldiers. “Over there, you, insatiable beast.”

  I see the targets. They’re sitting below the guard tower, enjoying a smoke break. They’re laughing hard about something. It brings me back to when I used to make the big drop-offs. My stomach churns at the sight.

  “I got this,” I say.

  But it’s too late. Weapons drawn, Anna and Clara both run ahead of me. They start firing, and the alien bodies drop like flies. As the sound rings out, I hold my breath because I know what’s about to happen.

  The alarm goes off, blaring like a nuclear siren. Aliens scatter outside like insects on a damp night, b
ut the women are fucking banshees, and they are slaughtering each and every one of them. It even stuns me.

  Clara runs toward a beam, balances on the edge, and screams, wielding her blade high into the air. “Come and get it, bitches!”

  As a massive beast of an alien runs toward her, she uses on of their own shock prods against his neck. He goes down for the count, twitching and seizing up violently. Of course, there are more of them, but she wastes no time in fucking up their night. She leans on her heels and does a backflip, spinning the blade outward. She slices the necks of three brutes at once.

  “Stay down!” she cries.

  I’m stunned, but another wave is coming our way. This time, they’re running toward me. Their eyes burn with fire and hate, but an idyllic image of my future life with Anna pops into my mind. I look back, only for a second, and witness all of her beauty.

  Her freckles.

  Her dumb, cute smile.

  The way her hazel eyes scrunch up when she’s stressed. She gives me all the energy I need.

  Standing next to her, I open fire. Rows of Syndicate aliens come at us, but they are no match against what we have. They pile up in front of the caged, pregnant women, and eventually, there’s no more of them.

  When the last one falls, I feel a rush of endorphins. Everything happens so fast. I lunge toward the cages, quickly freeing the women inside. However, when I step back, they do not move. They just stare at us in horror, as if we’re the bad guys. Well, it’s no wonder. I used to be a pretty bad guy, so I step away and let Anna and Clara take over.

  Anna falls to her knees. With tears in her eyes, she takes the first woman in her arms. “It’s okay. You are free,” she says. “Tell the others, too.”

  One woman shakes her head. She is malnourished and small, and the color in her scales has nearly vanished. “How can I be free if I have no home to return to? We have no family and no safety net. We cannot even remember our old names. We are the ones everyone forgot about. No one will take us now,” she says.

  Anna came here because she needed to save them. She won’t accept no for an answer. She says, “Then come with us. On the other side of the compound is a starship. We will all find another planet to live on.”


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