Mustang Belle: A small town, rock star, cowboy romance (Mustang Ranch)

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Mustang Belle: A small town, rock star, cowboy romance (Mustang Ranch) Page 11

by Eva Haining

  “Come on, Johnny, you know what my dating track record looks like. I can have the career I want, but I can’t have it all. That’s a fallacy, and I’m okay with it. I want this deal and a life on the road, so please, don’t analyze me. I made my choice, and I’m happy about it.”

  “Maybe this is a stupid question to ask, but why do women feel like they can’t have it all? We guys expect it all. Career, home, wife, kids, fame, and fortune. The whole nine yards.”

  “Yeah, well, the world isn’t as woke as you think it is.”

  “Jesus, it’s bad when you start using words like ‘woke.’ And before I say anything else, I’m going to beg you never to use that word again. Next, you’ll be talking about being ‘down with the kids,’ and if that happens, I’ll need to pierce my eardrums and will never be able to hear music again. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  “Are you in love with him?”

  “I can’t bear to hear myself answer that question out loud, so it’s time to cut my losses.”

  I hear the creak of the front door and quickly end my call with Johnny.

  “Hello? Knox, is that you?” I peek my head around the corner to see him standing in the doorway looking impossibly handsome and disheveled.

  “You left this morning.”

  “And you crept into bed with me last night.”

  “When you say it like that, it sounds bad.” He scrapes his hand over the stubble on his jaw, pinning me with his smoldering gaze.

  “It wasn’t bad. In fact, it felt really good.”

  “And I can see by the look on your face that you’re about to say something I’m not going to like.”

  “It’s time for me to go.”

  “You said you had another week, maybe even two. What changed?” The rapid rise and fall of his chest make me ache.

  “Me. I can’t do this, Knox, not with you.” The look on his face breaks my heart, only confirming what I already know deep down—I’m completely and utterly in love with him.



  Why won’t my mouth form any words right now? She’s standing here, telling me she wants to leave, and my brain is at a fucking standstill. I lunge forward, striding to where she stands, crashing my lips down on hers. The smell of her perfume invades my senses, making me crave her in ways I can’t control. She doesn’t push me away, instead raking her nails down my back, pulling me closer, anguished moans escaping her.

  When I can bring myself to stop, my breath is ragged as I rest my forehead against hers. “I’m not going to beg you to stay, Belle. I’d never do that to you. But you have to be the one to walk away. You gave me time, and selfishly, I want every minute until it’s time for you to go back to your life. I want to commit your body to memory and listen to the soft lilt of your laugh as often as possible. In return, when you need to go, I won’t try to keep you here in this small town because I already know you’re too good for this place. I want you to have everything your heart desires and more. I…” My words are lost on her lips as she silences me with a kiss.

  “Please, don’t say things like that. I won’t be able to go.”

  “We’ll see each other again, Belle. This isn’t going to be goodbye for us, but if you leave now, I think it might be. Stay. Be with me until you have to go to LA. I’m not ready to lose my friend.”

  “Can we really be friends, Knox?”

  “I don’t know, but we have to at least try. I’d rather have that than nothing at all.”

  “Me, too, but the way I feel right now is tearing me up inside. I’m falling…”

  I press my lips to hers, darting my tongue out to meet hers, the storm raging inside me threatening to take over. “Then let me soothe you.”


  “I know, Belle. I know.” Those are the last words we say to each other for the night. Lost in a haze of pleasure and desire, we push aside the elephant in the room and focus on the way our bodies come together so perfectly. If I only have her for another week, I’m going to make it count.

  When she finally falls asleep in a sated, tangled heap of limbs at my side, I realize this is the first night I’ve ever spent in my future home, and it’s bittersweet to be here with Belle.

  I’ve planned a surprise for Belle’s last three nights in town. The moment she got word from the record label with a date to be back in LA, I decided I wasn’t going to ruin our last few days together dwelling on the fact that our time is almost up.

  The day before yesterday, I took her horseback riding at the ranch, followed by a picnic up in the wedding barn. It was a cheesy way to start the countdown, but we had a blast, and fucking outside under a moonlight sky was a night we’ll never forget.

  Belle gets quieter every day, her bubbly demeanor fading ever so slightly.

  Yesterday I set up a drive-in movie on the farm. Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned the little things about each other, cramming what feels like a lifetime of happy memories into a few short weeks. She told me that she was obsessed with the movie Grease when she was young after sneaking into a drive-in movie with Johnny. I thought it would be nice to recreate a fun memory for her, but she burst into tears when the opening credits song came on.

  I was ready to shut it off, but she launched herself at me, and I’ll never see the flatbed of my truck the same way ever again. That woman is so beautiful when she rides me with wild abandon. I’ve known this day was coming, but now that it’s here, it feels surreal. I can’t imagine going back to a world without Belle in my life every day.

  Tonight is our final night together, and as much as we say we’re going to keep in touch, I know it won’t last. I wanted to make it a night she’ll never forget. We’re getting out of Kingsbury Falls, and I’m taking her dancing. She needs to be back in Houston to pick up Johnny in the morning. The other guys flew out to LA a few days ago, and she didn’t want him to be alone. It’s sweet that she’s protective, and in some ways, I think it will be easier to say goodbye away from the farm and the space we’ve been sharing for weeks now.

  I booked a suite at The Houstonian, and I’m going to surprise her. She thinks I have to work all day and wanted to spend some time down at the farmhouse. She’s made the place move-in ready, but I’m not sure I want to be there anytime soon.

  I see Belle sitting on the porch swing with her guitar, her voice carrying on the breeze. If there’s one thing I won’t have to miss, it’s her singing. I’m sure I’ll be hearing her on the radio in the months and years to come, maybe singing a song she wrote here on Knox Farm.

  When I get out of my truck, she stops playing, wiping at her eyes. The closer I get, it’s clear she’s been crying. As I take the steps two at a time to reach her, she’s trying to look away.

  “Hey, girl. No tears tonight. I’ve got plans for you, and the only crying permitted is during and after orgasms.”

  “You have plans?”

  “Yeah, so grab your stuff, I’m taking you to Houston.”

  “I’m not ready to go yet.”

  I lean in, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I know. I thought it might be easier if I came with you, and then when you need to go, you’ll be with Johnny.”

  “I love that you’re trying to make all of this easier for me, but would it be okay if we stayed here tonight at the farmhouse? I finished all the painting today, and I thought it would be nice to spend our last night together making some memories. I don’t want you to forget me.”

  I gently lift her chin, forcing her to meet my gaze. “We can be wherever you want, Belle, but you need to know, I’ll never forget you. Ever.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Then close your eyes and let me take you inside to see your new home.” She pulls a blindfold from her back pocket, and my cock twitches.

  “Am I about to find out you put a red room of pain in my house?”

  “You know what that is? I’m surprised.”

��Girl, I’m a cowboy. I could tie you up good and proper in less than a minute. If anything, I want to be putting that blindfold on you.” Her breath catches, and I can see she’s turned on.

  “Why didn’t you bring this talent up a month ago? Now I’ll be distracted for weeks at the thought of it.”

  “If I show you all my cards, then there’s no incentive for you to come back and visit.”

  “Okay, stop. I’m not crying tonight. Let me put this blindfold on you.” She has that wicked look in her eyes that I love so much.

  “Is this really necessary?”

  “Yes.” She leaves no room for debate, so I do as she asks, leaning down to let her cover my eyes. With my vision gone, the scent of her perfume in the air becomes more enticing somehow. I guess it heightens your other senses. She presses her lips to mine, and fireflies take flight in my stomach, leaving me breathless at the loss of her when she takes my hand and leads me inside the house.

  “Okay, stand right here for a minute, and don’t take off the blindfold until I tell you to.” She sounds nervous.

  “You’re freaking me out now. Am I about to get whipped or something?”

  “Such a dirty mind, Knox. Here I am going for romance, and all you can think about is sex.”

  “I can’t help that I find you irresistible. Besides, I thought I was pretty romantic these past few days. Are you trying to outdo me on your last night?”

  She doesn’t respond, and I’m starting to feel self-conscious in the dark.

  “No peeking.”

  “I’m not, but am I getting to see you anytime soon? I was planning on actually looking at your pretty face tonight.”

  Suddenly, she’s behind me, running her fingers up my back, slowly making her way to the blindfold. Her breath is warm on my neck as she caresses my skin with her lips. She unties the satin fabric, letting me see what she’s been hiding.

  I’m completely floored.

  “When did you do all this? It looks incredible in here.” My empty living room is no longer bare. Belle has been painting while she’s been here, unable just to relax and take some time off. This is a whole different level.

  There are candles everywhere, throwing off a warm light, bathing the room in a soft glow. The room has furniture—a couch, chairs, a huge television, and space in front of the fireplace where she’s set up a bed. Pillows and blankets are strewn with rose petals, and there’s a basket of food and an ice bucket with champagne bottles chilling.

  “I know it’s corny, but I wanted tonight to be special.” I turn to face her, speechless. “Do you hate it?”

  “I don’t hate it. I think it might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” I cup her face in my hands and plant a gentle but urgent kiss to her lips.

  “You like? I can have the furniture changed out for you if it’s not to your taste.”

  “How did you pull this off? And I love all of it, but I’ll pay for it.”

  “Already covered. As long as you like it, it’s yours. A small thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Knox. You just swooped into my life at one of the darkest moments and gave me acceptance, support, and the best orgasms of my life…”

  “That’s the most important part, right?” I try to lighten the mood as her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  “You’re more than a cock to me, Knox. So much more. The thought of leaving tomorrow…” I can’t let her finish that sentence.

  “That’s tomorrow’s problem. Let’s just enjoy tonight. I want to kiss every inch of your body and lose myself in you for one last night.”

  Her lips crash down on mine, her nails digging into my back as I lift her into my arms and lead her over to where she made a makeshift bed.

  “Knox… make love to me.” My heart hammers in my chest, everything else fading into the background, leaving only Belle and the way she makes me feel. I ache for her. I miss her already, and she’s not even gone.

  Laying her down on the pillows, I grab a bottle of champagne and pop the cork. She moves to unbutton her shirt, but I want every morsel of her pleasure tonight. I want to unwrap her like the gift she’s been in my life this past month. “Don’t be so hasty with those clothes, Belle. Tonight, you’re mine, and I’ll set the pace.”

  She reaches her hand to my face, letting her fingers trace my jawline. Searching my gaze, the rapid rise and fall of her chest only makes me want her more. Harder. Faster. I struggle to compose myself, looming over her with my hands braced on either side of her.

  Kissing down her neck, I move lower, tugging her shirt open with my teeth to reveal an unbelievably sexy black lace bra. I pull back just long enough to take a mouthful of chilled champagne before sliding my fingers underneath the cup of her bra, exposing her nipples. They are ripe for the tasting, and as I lower my lips to her breast, I let the cold, bubbling liquid touch her nipples before sucking them into my mouth. The juxtaposition of hot and cold is making her squirm beneath me.

  “Oh God, Knox.” I relish the feel of her writhing beneath me, but when she moves her hands to unbutton my fly, I graze my teeth over her nipple with just enough bite to be pleasurable.

  “Not yet, girl. I told you, tonight I set the pace. I’m going to lick and kiss every square inch of your naked body. Then, and only then, will I strip down and fuck you all night long.” She lets out a moan that drives me wild.

  “I want you, Knox. I don’t think I can wait. Please.”

  “I’ve got you, girl. Just enjoy. I promise you’ll get all the cock time you want.” I kiss down her stomach, slowly unzipping her jeans and sliding them off, leaving only a scrap of black lace between my tongue and her pussy.

  My cock aches as I tease her, stopping to take another mouthful of champagne before pushing the lace of her panties to one side and letting my lips worship her clit. Fuck, she tastes so good, the evidence of her arousal mixed with the bubbling champagne to create a heady cocktail.

  When she squirms beneath me, I grab her thighs and push them as far apart as they’ll go, opening her up to me completely. I could feast on her for hours, and still, it wouldn’t be enough. Holding her gaze, I lick from her entrance to her clit in one long, sensual stroke. Seeing the way she cups her breasts and arches her back off the floor, I want her more than ever.

  A soft sheen of sweat covers her body. She crashes over the edge into a spine-tingling orgasm, and she’s never looked more beautiful. As much as I want to rip off her panties, I take it slow, watching her every move and moan when I slide them down her legs and discard them on the floor.

  I stand to take a good look at her lying naked on the floor of my new home, breathless as she rides out the aftershocks of her orgasm. “Knox, I need you to fuck me, now.”

  I reach for the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, dropping it next to her discarded panties before flicking the top button on my fly and yanking it open. Her eyes are laser-focused on my crotch as I push the waistband of my jeans and boxers down over my hips, letting my rock-hard erection spring free.

  Having her eyes on me makes me even harder, desperate to commit this moment to memory. No woman has ever looked at me with such unbridled desire. When I’m completely naked, I take my cock in hand, fisting it around the base before moving back and forth in time with the rise and fall of her chest.

  “Is this what you want, Belle?” She sits up, getting on her knees before me, flicking her tongue out over the head of my cock. “Fuck, you have a talented mouth.” I can’t look at her while she wraps her lips around me, taking me deeper, laving me with her tongue. Letting my head drop back, I try not to shoot my load, but with every moan and stroke, I find myself desperate to claim her, to watch as she lets me fuck her pretty little mouth.

  When I can’t take it anymore, I slide my hands into her hair, holding her steady as I enjoy the sensation of her warm, wet lips on my cock for a few moments longer. When I pull out, it’s almost painful as I deprive myself of release.

  “Why are you stopping?” She look
s up at me as if I just stole her favorite toy.

  “We’ve fucked long and hard this month, but tonight, you asked me to make love to you, and that’s what I plan to do.”

  I drop to my knees, tucking a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. The smell of her perfume mixed with her arousal is the sweetest kind of torture. Cupping her face in my hands, I lean in, worshiping her lips with mine, letting our tongues twist and tangle in a slow, sensual caress.

  “I love you, Knox.” Her words are a whisper that hit me with a powerful roar. My heart feels like it’s about to be ripped from my chest and splinter into a million pieces. I silence her with a kiss, unwilling to say those three little words in reply, even though I feel them so keenly, my entire body aches for her, knowing this time tomorrow she’ll be gone.

  Nestling myself between her thighs, I quickly roll on a condom and slowly drive into her, relishing the way her muscles tighten around me. Her legs wrap around my waist, holding me tight to her body as we kiss and fuck with a different kind of urgency in the air between us. Not a desire to find release but to bask in the anticipation and passion that connects us.

  When she finally lets herself climax, I’m hot on her heels, desperate for the orgasm I know she’ll rip from my body, and yet wanting to hold onto this moment—never to let her go. We make love long into the night, hanging onto these final hours together.

  We talk and laugh, make love, and fuck until neither one of us can move a muscle.

  “Belle…” I trace circles on her skin as she drapes her leg over my body, her head resting on my shoulder.


  “You’ve made this house a home. Thank you for tonight. For all of this.” There are so many things I want to say to her right now, but I struggle to say anything else as a lump forms in my throat.

  “I’m really going to miss you, Knox.”

  “Me, too. But, we have tonight and a car ride to Houston in the morning. It’s not quite time to say goodbye yet.”

  “I wish we had more time.”


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