Forbidden Eyes: A Cane Novel 4

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Forbidden Eyes: A Cane Novel 4 Page 19

by Hart, Charlotte E

  So fucking close.

  I walk out of the room and quietly close the door, giving her some more time to sleep, so I can think about what the hell we’re doing now. I should call Quinn, check in. At least find out what he knows about Vico’s intentions, if anything, so I can get ready for when he comes. There’s no avoiding it. Never will be. Running isn’t an option for me, no matter that she tried to warn me. It is what it is. At least I’ve got this memory to cling onto when he catches up to me. Who knows what will happen then? I sure as shit don’t want to think about it now.


  There’s nothing in the small kitchen area, so I flick on the coffee machine and ring down for some room service before heading into the shower to get cleaned up. Doesn't take long before I'm stepping out into the room again and opening the door, watching as the guy brings in some breakfast. The heat from the shower pushes me out onto the private balcony to get some fresh air in nothing but my jeans, croissant in one hand and the other reaching for my insulin.

  Fuck it’s hot. It’s mid-July, only ten in the morning and it’s already hot enough to break my own sense of cool. I lift out the pen and stick myself with it, letting the drug do its thing, and turning my back on the world out here. A long sigh falls from me at the visual as I pull the needle back out and slide it all into the case again. Weakness. I frown, and think of her tied up in that room, quivering lips waiting for me to save her. Wasn’t fucking weak there. Won’t ever be fucking weak, regardless of this shit I have to live with. Still, I look at the small case in my hand. I’m not having her see this. Not yet anyway. The thought makes me track back into the bathroom and tuck it away into the compartment, safe from prying eyes, and then head back out onto the balcony.

  I slide my sunglasses down and look out at the view, picking up a cup of coffee, trying to get rid of negative thoughts and enjoy just being good for a while. The beach down there is crowded with families milling around, a thousand different coloured umbrellas making it seem like a riot of fun and laughter. Nothing is fun and laughter for me, never will be with what I’ve just done. The water looks good, though, especially further up the coast where all these people aren’t.


  Christ, I like the way she says that.

  “Out on the balcony,” I call back.

  She comes out, wet hair fresh from the shower, her hand over her eyes to shield her from the glare of sun, and her body encased in my blue shirt. Everything inside me wants to drag her straight back inside and carry on with fucking some more. Instantly.

  I look at her over my coffee cup, head tilted and preoccupied by the sight of her. I’ve never seen a woman in my shit before. It’s… weird as fuck. “Looks good,” I eventually say, turning my gaze from her. “Take it off so I can fuck you again.” She giggles and reaches for some orange juice, sitting her ass down on one of the loungers. “Or leave it on. Whatever.” I can't think straight.

  “Good morning to you, too.”

  I chuckle and keep gazing out at the sea, for some reason wanting to be in it. Maybe I’m just trying to outrun the beating I’m gonna get for getting up inside her. I don’t know or care in these moments. Damn sure I deserve a bit of time for keeping myself away from her as long as I did, though.

  And no one’s knocking on the door yet.

  “You get seasick?”

  “What?” she replies, leaning back to soak up some of the rays.

  The shirt pops open a little, revealing those firm peaks that I should be biting rather than thinking about biting. “Seasick? Out on the water?”

  “No. I grew up by the sea. There isn’t a thing I can’t do in the water.”

  “Fuck in it?”

  She sputters and nearly chokes on her orange juice, making me laugh at her reaction. And then she giggles at herself. It's a sound that just winds my dick up further than it already is.

  “Jesus, Carter. What do you think?"

  “I think not yet.”

  I sip coffee again and let those words settle. Not yet. I want to get rid of every not yet we have. Want to fuck her in the sea, in my home. Everywhere. Do all the stuff I like to do when I fuck. She got the decent part of me last night, got whatever ability I had to hold off so I could treat her like she deserves for her first time. I look back at her, eyes tracing the length of her legs all the way up to the edge of the shirt barely covering her. Innocence has gone now. Me being decent with that body of hers has gone, too. We'll get into that soon. Maybe find a way of me being both decent and decadent in the same breath. Somehow. “How is that sweet pussy this morning?”

  She looks at me with a wicked smile, one I know would get me into a whole shit tonne of trouble if I weren’t already in it. Her relaxing her legs a little, causing the shirt to lift from the area it’s supposed to be, just proves she's as much trouble as I've always damn well known.

  My tongue rolls over my lips like I’m in preschool waiting on a lollipop from teacher, still able to taste that blood from last night.

  “You keep tempting me and we’ll be finding out how deep that throat of yours is, Fia.” The smile spreads into something I’ve never seen from her before, something filled with grit and dirt, just the way I want it. “Or ass.” Her sudden frown suggests she doesn’t like that idea as much. Tough. She’ll be getting it before I get dragged away from her. “You wanna go out?”

  “Weren’t we just discussing sex?”

  “Yeah. And now I want to go out.”


  I walk over and straddle the sides of the lounger, lifting her legs so I can sit and pull her down onto my dick. Shame it’s covered, but probably safest given there’s no fucking condoms in the place. My hand slides in between us, palm pressing down and fingers sinking straight into that tight cunt of hers. She gasps and squirms, head lolling back because of the orgasm she thinks she’s gonna get. “Because unless you want this dick rammed inside you without anything covering it, I’m trying for sensible.” Her eyes snap back to mine, neither of them giving a damn about sensible. “And that means no one’s getting off until we go out.”

  She pouts and grinds herself into my hand.

  “There are other ways I can make you come, Carter. I might be innocent, but I’m a quick learner.”

  “That’s a slutty mouth you’ve got there, young lady.”

  It isn’t changing my mind, though. She’s not getting anything, not until I can get my dick back inside her. I palm my hand a few more times, digging the fingers in and rubbing all the sweet spots I can find, then pull out and stand, dumping her legs back down on the lounger.

  “Go get dressed,” I say, picking up my coffee again. “You’ve got twenty minutes.” She mumbles something to herself and stays exactly where she is, apparently not liking taking orders. I smirk and sip the coffee again, barely managing to contain the thought of getting inside her again, protection or not. “Sophia, you want a countdown before I act without any sense?” That seems to shift her ass. Doesn’t stop her brushing her hand over mine on the way past, though, or continuing to mumble something about me being an entitled asshole on the way.

  She doesn’t know the half of it.

  The moment she's gone, I pick up my phone from the table and call Karl Stanton to ask for a favour. Not that I’m owed one, but he’ll deliver. He always does. I want down time. Just a day of it before the shit comes calling for me. If there’s anyone in this place who can get me what I want within an hour it’s Karl.

  * * *

  “You have a boat?” she asks, watching it come in to dock.

  Karl pulls it in, easing what looks to be a million dollars’ worth of sleek, black machine along the jetty down towards us. “And who’s that?”

  “No. And someone you’re never going to spend any time with,” I mutter, walking the boards to meet him. Not on my watch, and certainly not considering the thoughts that will be running all around his depraved mind. Where the hell she even got those miniscule fucking shorts from is beyond me. Add
in the bikini top, and, well, any man is fucked.

  “Carter,” Karl calls, cutting the engine and jumping down from the boat. I smile at him and block his view of Fia, my chest making it fucking clear she isn’t to be looked at or discussed. “And Sofia Vico. Curious coupling.” Fuck. Trust the man who knows just about everything, and everyone, to know the one face I hoped he wouldn’t.

  “We’re not a couple,” I reply, watching as Fia walks past me.

  “Sorry, do I know you?” she asks.

  “And you don’t breathe a word of this, Karl. To anyone.” He looks at her and then me, a wry smile on his face. “Maseratis aren’t the only thing that can be broken.”

  “As you’re probably going to find out,” he says, chuckling and throwing the keys at me.

  He nods at her, a smile on his face that could win the devil over. “Karl Stanton. At your service. Or not, as the case might be, because I clearly haven’t seen you,” he says, shaking her hand like the gentleman he definitely isn’t. “You kids have a good time. Give me a call when you’re done with it and leave the keys at the boat house.”

  My eyes watch him walk off, some part of me wishing he hadn’t said any of that because it’s just brought back everything I was trying not to think about. Her, too, I guess. I turn to look back at her, expecting a sad expression, and find her already up on the boat, kicking her shoes off with her fingers waggling at me for the keys.

  “Come on,” she shouts. “Let’s go explore.”

  Alright then.

  I jump up with her and try to move her out of the way so I can get to the wheel, only to have her block me and cross her arms defiantly.

  “And the last time you drove one of these was?” she asks.

  “I don’t know. Couple of years back, I guess.”

  “Right, well, keys then please.”

  I hand them over to her, amused at her attitude and wondering what the fuck else she’s going to surprise me with. Let’s see what little girls can do with big ass machines.

  “You crash it, you’re paying for it.”

  She scoffs and switches it on, seeming to know where everything is and beginning to reverse without any instruction from me. I sit and watch her small frame owning the thing, sunglasses in place as she starts ramping up the accelerator to get us out of here. Fuck, if that’s not sexy as sin, especially when she manoeuvres it perfectly and starts turning us out into the open water, hair flowing out behind her, fingers gripping lightly as if she’s done this her whole life. She looks sad, though, that Vico frown front and centre.

  “You know boats?”

  “Yeah,” she mumbles, looking out to the horizon and amping up the speed. “Dad taught me. Fastest way to get us out of trouble from our house if we ever need it.”


  That’s the last thing I wanted for the day.

  I stand and go up behind her, crushing myself into her frame and not giving her an inch of space to think of anything but me. “You want to think about him?” I ask, pushing my hands into the front of those shorts of hers. “Talk?”

  “God, no.”

  “Good. Get us the fuck out of here then, so I can get my dick where I want it.”

  Thankfully that earns me a giggle, and she floors the beast she’s driving like a fucking expert out further into open waters. I don’t even know how long she goes on for. I’m too busy getting my hands up inside her and laughing as she tries keeping control of the wheel.

  “Jesus, Carter. Stop,” she spits at one point, barely holding on as the boat crashes and curves the waves. I brace her tighter to the wheel, using one of my hands to hold her steady against it.

  The last thing she’s gonna remember is her father after this boat ride.

  “Not so slutty anymore?” I grate, my dick like iron in my jeans.

  I tug at her shorts, trying to get them out of the damn way, and glance behind us at nothing but ocean. There’s no one as far as the eye can see, just me and her, and all the blue. “Kill the engine, Fia.”

  She does, bringing the boat to a stop, and fidgets her ass as I try wriggling the shorts down far enough for me to get inside her. “You don’t know how much I don’t want this fucking thing on me,” I growl, reaching in my pocket for the condom. “I want you bare, to feel your cunt around me.”

  She gasps as I shove her over the wheel and hangs onto it for support at my ferocity. I’m ravenous for her, fucking desperate. Thirty seconds and I’ve rolled the thing on, pressed my dick to her, and driven it so far inside her she buckles over the wheel completely. The groan that comes out of me, my head tipped back, is the loudest I’ve ever let out of my mouth when fucking someone. Everything feels perfect about her. Tight. Soft. Warm. I groan again and look back down at her, watching her fingers whiten as she grips the boat for purchase. The sight of it makes me lean over her, holding her tighter to me, and grab a handful of those breasts on offer.

  “Oh, God,” she moans, shunting forward as I fuck in again.

  “Rough,” I growl, anchoring her closer to the wheel. Giving her no escape.

  That’s what I want. Rough. Aggressive. Quick.

  And then we’ll do calm again. Maybe fuck the afternoon away on this boat and talk about life. My hand sweeps the hair off her back and grabs hold of it as I sink my teeth into her flesh, biting my way up her neck so I can get to those lips of hers. They’re just as fucking soft as her cunt, latching onto me as she gasps and groans through them. My hips speed up at the feel of it all, driving my dick in time and time again, so I can get her bruised and sore rather than the nice she’s expecting.

  She squirms around me, legs trying to get away from the brutality of it.

  She’s not going anywhere.

  I crush into her some more, my hands moving to brace her exactly where I want her. One set of fingers on her neck, holding her down across the lower cabin roof, and the others pinning her hip still.

  “Carter, please,” she mumbles, her face squashed down against the surface.

  I watch her, watch the tension building as I keep going, part of me hoping it fucking hurts her. I want it to hurt, want that pain to stay with her so she remembers who I am when this is done. I prove it by tightening every grip on her I’ve got. My dick slams into her until she starts to shout out as her orgasm builds.

  “God, yes,” she gasps. Her arm twists around to touch me.

  My head flinches at the contact, a frown dropping as she manages to get inside my mind. “More. Fuck harder.” She grabs my hand from her hip, leading it down to her clit and linking our fingers. “More. Oh, God.”

  The feel of her getting involved, her body shaking and nails digging into my fingers as she starts coming around me, makes me greedy for so much more than this. I don’t even know what I want, but I’m having it. My lips grab hold of hers again, tongue pushing in to keep her close to me. I want to feel more of her, feel myself smothering her somehow, and the cum racing through me definitely does. It needs to get deep. Deep in her body. Deep in her head. Sweaty nights. All of them laced with perversion and sin, lust.

  The fucking second I feel her shuddering, a high-pitched scream of ecstasy washing through our mouths, I’m coming with her. My ass tenses, muscles trying to keep fucking deeper even though it’s impossible, and I come deep inside her. My head spins, lips still trying to hang onto her for some sense of fucking reality.

  The hell is happening to me? I can’t think straight. Something’s different, altered from the norm. I can hardly stand, my legs like damn jelly as my weight leans on her body.

  We both pant, lips finally breaking apart as I keep running our joined hands across her clit. She shudders again and bucks backwards into me, letting me move our fingers around my dick slowly moving in and out of her. It feels good. Better than good. Different. I chuckle and run my lips over her neck, licking at the places I’ve bitten into and lingering over the ridges my teeth caused. It all feels good. The heat of our bodies. The silence around us but for the sea lapping the boat.r />
  “Could stay here for a while,” I mutter, still licking at her.

  “Forever,” she replies, twisting her neck to watch me.

  Mmmm. Why doesn’t that have me backing the fuck up?

  Still, I pull out before the asshole condom doesn’t do its job and pull it from me, knotting it. She tries to move the moment I’m out of her. I’ve grabbed her so quick, reaching for the tie-off line at the same time, that she squeals at the contact and laughs. She doesn’t laugh as I start tying it around her wrists though. And she doesn’t laugh as I shunt her back to where she was and attach the rope to the roof so she’s trapped where she’s just been.

  “Stay there. Ass available for me,” I say, backing off to slap it. She squeals and scuttles forward, her eyes like daggers as I wander back to the bank of seats to look at the vision. That looks damn good, too. Shorts round her knees. Bikini all rucked up and breasts falling out for me.

  “Really?” she says, looking back at me and twisting her bound wrists.

  “Yes. Just like that. All day. Let’s see how slutty that mouth can get when I get inside everything I'm not supposed to have." I drop my sunglasses into place, take off my top, and get comfortable to check out all that skin on display for me to taint up. "You need sunscreen on that virginal little ass?”

  Her eyes widen with that comment. Yeah. That’s right.

  My time to play.

  The thought makes me chuckle and smile at her all strapped up, my hand opening the cooler on deck. Two champagne bottles sit there at the side of some sodas, ice crushed all around. “You ever been drunk, Fia?”


  Of course, she hasn't. Too caged up for drink.

  I grab it out of the cooler, popping the cork so we can do just that for the afternoon. Fuck rules and what I shouldn’t be doing. We’ll get drunk. Get naked. Be free out here and not give a damn for what’s coming. Swim, screw around. Maybe go for dinner up the coast later. Somewhere quiet. Somewhere no one knows us and the world around us can just keep turning while we ignore it and do what we want rather than what we should. For today, that’s all I care about. While no one can find us, there’s nothing else to think about.


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