Supers - Ex Heroes 3

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Supers - Ex Heroes 3 Page 4

by Jamie Hawke

I couldn’t decide what made the most sense. On the one hand, I wanted to max out one skill tree and be as badass in it as I could be. On the other, it made sense to be more strategic about it, find skills I knew would be the most useful for me in combat, and aim for those. For now, I used a skill point for Terror, and decided for now to upgrade the time that my armor’s shield lasted. I’d save up a few more skill points until I could get the acid rain one in a single upgrade, but needed to be sure I’d survive that long.

  “Her pussy tastes like honeysuckle,” Charm said, instantly pulling me out of my focus.

  “Bullshit,” Gale replied with a scoff. “Pussy tastes like pussy, isn’t that right, Breaker?”

  With a swipe to put away my screens, I sat up and turned their way. Shimmer looked horrified at the direction the conversation had taken, and I couldn’t blame her. If they were all talking about the taste of my dick, it would’ve been awkward. Even more so if I’d let a guy go down on me and he was the one talking—as was pretty much the reverse situation here. Shimmer had told me she wasn’t into females, but Charm’s powers had a way of encouraging people to try things. It wasn’t entirely ethical to use, but if she had their permission, why not?

  “Yo, Breaker. Pussy. Taste.” Gale grinned as my eyes found hers again. “There he is. Where’s your head at?”

  I grinned and said, “Wondering what you all think I taste like, actually.” It had to be done—the only way to deflect the talk away from Shimmer was to take one for her. Judging by the slight smile she gave me, she appreciated it.

  “Your dick?” Gale frowned, then looked at Charm. “This girl says the cum is like pineapple, but the meat itself? Huh, I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “Give us all a taste,” Charm said, grinning to show her slightly pointy teeth. I rarely noticed them, but with the conversation topic and me being distracted, it was hard not to.

  “Not right now,” I said, turning to Twitch at the controls in hopes of a little help.

  “I’d say it tastes like cock,” Twitch said, completely deadpan. “Cock doesn’t taste like anything but cock—not unpleasant, but it’s not the taste that you do it for, right? You want sugar, put some whipped cream on it.”

  “I’ll see if we have any,” Charm said, and was up in a flash, going for the dining room, I assumed.

  “No, wait,” I said, but she was already through the doors. Turning back to Twitch, I added, “Don’t go giving her ideas.”

  “What, had too much play lately?” she asked. Gale chuckled.

  “I’m focused is all,” I replied. “Do I have to drop trou every time you ladies say so?”

  “Depends on which of us is saying it,” Gale answered. “Me? Damn straight.”

  “That’s not fair,” Shimmer said.

  “Quiet, honeysuckle.”

  So much for deflection, I thought as Shimmer leaped for the larger woman and caught her with a punch across the jaw. It was strong enough to cause Gale’s head to snap back, but when Gale lifted her fist, suddenly there were four of Shimmer, all surrounding her.

  “Enough,” Twitch said, leaving the controls to step between them, though even she didn’t know which was the real Shimmer and which were the illusions. “Fuck, it’s a compliment, Shimmer. Better than many alternatives.”

  “And none of her damn business,” Shimmer replied.

  I pushed myself out of my seat too, then took a step over. “Ladies, we’re all a bit stressed over this. Can we just—”

  “No, this bitch just hit me,” Gale said, glaring at each of the Shimmers in turn. She actually took a swing, only to spin after hitting open air and find the Shimmers had vanished. The real one appeared as the doors slid open and she exited.

  Gale took a step to follow her, but Twitch stood in her way and pointed to me saying, “Go fix this.”

  I frowned as I turned to Gale. “You had no right. Fixed.”

  With that, and ignoring the annoyed stare of Twitch, I went after Shimmer. In my mind, she was in the right. Discussing stuff like that without her being okay with it was not okay. There was no sign of her on the ship, or at least not until I passed the bathroom and heard a thud.

  “Shimmer?” I asked at the door.

  She stuck her head out, nodded, and stepped back in with the door opened. I followed her in and saw that she was leaning on the sink, staring at her hands.

  “It wasn’t right. I know that.”

  “Hitting Gale? No, it really wasn’t.” I stepped up behind her, a hand on her shoulder. “But that’s going to pass—she’ll get over it.”

  “Of course.”

  “And your people… they’ll survive. Did you see the way they were kicking ass when we left?”

  She nodded. “It’s more that we seem to be flying around aimlessly while they’re fighting. I feel so… hopeless.”

  “I know the feeling,” I said. “Not the same, I know, but when I was back on Earth and my brother was fighting in wars out among the stars, it was so weird knowing he could die, that our whole existence as we knew it could change if our side lost, and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it.”

  “Could’ve joined up,” she suggested.

  My scoff came fast, but I bit my lip. “Me, back then? Not exactly Marine Corps material.”

  “Marines,” Shimmer said, repeating the word. “I’ve heard legends. Is it true their dicks all grow an extra few inches in boot camp? Or that they have to eat a whole heart on the day of graduation, or—”

  “All lies,” I said. This was all outside of my knowledge base, but I felt I could be pretty sure that it wasn’t true.

  She gave me a raised eyebrow, showing she knew I had no idea. “You really don’t think Charm… sorry.”

  “Charm what?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “She was with your brother, right? And he’s this buff Marine, this guy who I hear has been able to pull together his own hot, super powerful females. Charm doesn’t seem to be the most delicate of ladies, if you know what I mean.”

  “Not sure I do,” I said, letting the chill creep into my voice.

  “Maybe she sampled the goods is all I’m saying. Maybe—”

  “Enough.” I was about to walk out of there if she said one more word in that direction. “Charm is loyal. She’d sooner cut off her tail than cheat on me.”

  “Cheat?” Shimmer frowned. “Are you… is this serious? I mean, what about the way she touched me?”

  “I was there, right? Way I see it, as long as I’m there, it’s not cheating.”

  “Have you two had this conversation?”

  “No, and discussing it with you isn’t happening right now either.” I glanced at the door. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come in here.” Dammit, what was I saying? That was selfish, and I knew it. “All I wanted to do was check on you, say we’re all going to work harder at this teamwork thing, and that I’m here if you need to talk.”

  Her shoulders were back, jaw clenched, but she nodded, softening slightly as she said, “Thanks.”

  I lingered a moment longer, then headed back to the other ladies. They were quiet when I entered, waiting for me to speak.

  “The main thing I have to say is that we have to learn what being a team is,” I said, glancing around the room. I wasn’t sure where this was coming from, but I felt like it needed to be said. “As much as this can be fun, we’re not just some ex-heroes anymore, got it? We’re not convicts, either, but real-life superheroes who are on a mission to stop one of the most dangerous supervillains in the universe. Am I right?”

  “Damn straight,” Charm said, giving me her typical grin.

  “Good, then please, all of us—remember that newer members to the team might not be used to our crass ways.”

  “And for the record,” Charm said, raising a finger. “There won’t be any new members to the team. She was enough. As much stamina as Breaker has, and other goodies, I think he’s spread thin enough as is.”

  “What about non-sexual team members?” I asked.

  She scoffed and waved me off. “What would be the point of those?”

  “Good fighters… Maybe a chef?”

  Charm laughed. “Maybe the latter, if they can bake too. I’ve been craving carrot cake. The frosting, of course.”

  “Pesto chicken for me,” Gale said.

  Twitch grinned but motioned to the door. “A word?”

  I agreed and we headed out.

  “It hasn’t been too long, but…” Twitch stopped just outside and glanced around. lowering her voice as the door closed behind us. “Not sure it’s something to bring up with them, right after that talk. But I wanted to remind you that your powers fade. While you might have all of them now, they won’t last long.”


  “Maybe you get the ladies aside for replenishment here and there, set up a system. I don’t know.”

  “Set up a system, like a timetable? For having sex?”

  “Just to keep the powers strong, yeah.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable doing this just for the sake of getting the powers,” I countered. “Shit, is that what you think of me?”

  “Really? Never?” One of her eyebrows arched.

  “Don’t mention Metallica,” I said, really not wanting to remember that whole experience.

  “And the first time with Shimmer?”

  “Only because of Charm!” This wasn’t going as I’d hoped. “Listen, what I mean is this. What we all have going on here, if it were only about the powers or some sexual fantasy, I wouldn’t be able to go on with it. That’s not me.”

  She took my hands, staring into my eyes. “I know.”

  She looked down at my hands in hers, and her eyes slowly rose back up to meet mine. For some reason, there was now an intense tenderness where moments ago there hadn’t been. Gently, she lifted one hand to her mouth and kissed it, and then the other.

  “What’s… happening?” I asked.

  She pulled my arms around her, releasing my hands on her waist, and then wrapped her arms around my neck. “All of this, it means something to me, too. To all of us.”

  Her lips met mine and I went with it, pulling her close, but after a moment she pulled back, smiling, lips lingering an inch away.

  “You have to know, this arrangement, it’s not completely normal,” she said.

  “I’d imagine.”

  “And so, when there are problems… especially jealousy—as there’s bound to be—you need to step up. I’m glad you did today. Don’t think it’s the only time it’ll happen though.”

  I frowned. “You’ve been jealous?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Leaning in, pulling me tight and lips close to my ear, she said, “Sometimes I know you’re with the others and I can’t imagine your cock being anywhere but inside me. Sometimes I’m even jealous that you have it all to yourself, and want to kick down your door and come in there and ride you. Sometimes… but then I remind myself that what we have is great and that these women mean so much to me. If we can make it work, and I believe we can, focusing on the group is key. The group over an individual.”

  “Would it… would it help if there was more than just me?” I asked, hating the words as they came out of my mouth.

  She pulled back, surprised, and then frowned. “Breaker, no. Never say that. As strange as it may seem, we’re yours. Shimmer’s new. Who knows where that will go? But the rest of us have discussed the situation, and we all agreed we’re yours… and you’re ours.”

  I grinned. “It’s a situation I can live with.”

  “I’ll bet you can,” she said, shoving me lightly. “Shit, you’re the luckiest man alive, you know that?”

  “It’s true.” I kissed her again, and then we headed back to the bridge to continue the search. “You know you were kind of a hardass when we met?”

  She laughed, waiting for a sliding door, and then led me through as she said, “I also hardly knew you. Considering we’d just met in a prison ship, what could you expect?”

  “Actually, it was kinda hot.”

  “Noted.” She blushed slightly as we entered the bridge.

  “There you are,” Gale said from the main terminal, and we saw the other ladies already waiting. Shimmer and Gale were on opposite sides of the room, but at least they weren’t punching each other.

  “Something’s up?” Twitch said, eyes moving across them to confirm. “Spill it.”

  “We think the system has found something,” Gale replied. “Based on the large troop movements traced here… this could be it, or at least a good lead.”


  Twitch hurried over to check the screens. She pulled up her floating personal screens as well, making adjustments, and then returned to the ship’s display.

  “Hmm.” She leaned in, then pulled an image up. “It’s not clear. There could be pyramids down there, as the terrain is uneven… but there’s no reason for us to believe this is the place.”

  Even as we watched, an explosion went off, turning a section of the screen black with smoke. Pulling back, the screen showed ships assaulting the land. Other attacks were happening while Twitch continued to scan, and then the system alerted us to an incoming message.

  “Odd,” Twitch said, selecting the message and pulling it up. “Citadel channel… We’re able to pick it up because I rigged it earlier in case anyone from the Citadel was reaching out—especially your brother.”

  “Good thinking,” I admitted.

  She opened it to reveal an elderly woman staring out at them as chaos ensued behind her. She took a moment, then said, “The people of Junos are in need of assistance. Ranger’s troops have come for reinforcements, but we will stand against them and any who join the side of villainy. If there is help out there, we are in need.”

  “It doesn’t sound like it has much to do with our mission,” I said, frowning. Making that statement wasn’t my finest moment, but we had to stay focused.

  “It doesn’t seem to,” Twitch admitted, turning back, looking troubled.

  “But if I’m going to be this Elder, if we’re going to look out for the little people…” I hesitated, looking around at the others. Twitch stared at the screen, stoically, while Charm clenched her jaw, staring at the floor. Shimmer and Gale, however, both met my gaze with determination.

  “We have no choice,” Shimmer blurted out at the same time as Gale said, “It’s your duty.”

  They both looked at each other, surprised, then back to me.

  “Any Elder of the Citadel would step in here,” Gale said. “Well, any of the non-corrupt ones. The honorable ones wouldn’t let one of their communities go undefended if there was a choice.”

  I considered this, then turned to Shimmer. “And you?”

  “Just like my world,” she said, stepping forward, eyes fierce, “these people need our help. If there’s even a chance they’re on the right side, on our side, how could we do anything but help them?”

  “But the mission,” Charm said. “It’s a distraction…”

  “We have nothing better to go with,” Gale countered, actually looking at Shimmer with respect as she said it. “Gaining allies is always a plus, and who knows, they may have some useful information for us. If not them, maybe the enemy has intel.”

  “Okay, that’s a valid enough reason,” Twitch said, and she adjusted the map again. “Considering that it still could be this planet we’re looking for, or one of several planets with the pyramids, it’s at least worth looking into.”

  “And in this case, ‘looking into’ means charging in and risking our lives,” I admitted. “I say we do it.”

  Charm was the only one who seemed unsure, but then she shrugged. “What’s the worst that could happen? Everyone here but me and you dies, and we’re left alone to travel the universe. Okay, let’s do it.”

  “Wait, why do we all die but you two don’t?” Gale asked.

  “Because I won’t let anyone get to my Breaker,” Charm said with a grin. “And he won’t let anyone get to me.”
  I wasn’t sure how to chime in on that, so was glad when Twitch said, “Wait, what’s this?”

  “What?” we all asked, turning to see her doing more scans.

  “Looks like… wait, no…” Twitch turned to Charm. “Where’d you go to school again?”

  “Supraline’s All-Girl Academy for Superheroines,” Charm said, cautiously. “Why?”

  Twitch adjusted the display and zoomed to another section. “Recognize this?”

  Charm gasped as the view of a compound came on the screen, but then it became clearer and I realized it could be a large school compound. Weird, if this was Supraline’s. Charm leaned back, eyes wide in a way that made it clear she felt uncomfortable. It seemed very strange that she wouldn’t recognize it right away, but I put that thought on hold.

  “So the lady in the message?” I asked.

  Twitch turned to Charm, but when no answer came, she said, “I assume she’s the headmistress, though she might not be connected. While disconnected, the planet is still home to several cities and at least one other superhero academy. In fact, rumor has it they’ve been setting up major defenses lately, so I can’t imagine what this is all about.”

  “Maybe it’s that, exactly,” Charm said. “If your brother is supposed to be working on creating a super who’s going to be trained here and then sent off to destroy the Nihilists—which is what he’s doing, in case anyone here didn’t catch that part—well, it makes sense the enemy would preemptively strike. Get rid of half the plan.”

  “This just went from a ‘we might as well and it’s our duty’ to ‘get the fuck down there right now,” I said.

  “Seconded.” Twitch was already pulling up the commands, and seconds later we were hurtling through space toward the planet.

  As we went, I leaned over toward Charm and said, “This stuff about my brother… you weren’t, I don’t know…?”

  “Part of it?” she spat out, eyes narrowing.

  “No, no,” I wasn’t going to ask that.

  “But you thought it?”

  I blinked, wondering if I had. Honestly, I was able to say, “No.”

  “Then what’re you asking?” She leaned back. At least her look of annoyance had changed to one of confusion.


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