Twisted games: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 1)

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Twisted games: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 1) Page 8

by Slash, Ana

  The guys smirked.

  Maxim chuckled.

  Then Mateo said: “Dare. I dare Killian to go down on Bella.”

  I gasped.

  That's the moment Killian’s smile faded.

  He looked livid. Of course I giggled nervously.

  The two girls I had seen him earlier moved close to his side.

  I was bloody nervous.

  What is he going to do? Take my underwear off?

  Oh wow, yes he is!

  Killian got on his knees and position his head between my legs. He said, "I'm going to do this all night."

  He shot Maxim a euphoric stare.

  Maxim frowned. Two girls walked up and sat on his Maxim’s thighs watching Killian’s ministrations. Jessica then handed me a drink.

  Maxim reached for the drink. But Jessica stopped him.

  Jessica said, “What are you afraid of Maxim? Hmm, it's just a drink . It's not one of the other drinks out there. She'll be fine. Drink dear.”

  And I did.

  Suddenly I felt lightheaded, every thing got blurry.

  Killian kept up the pace and I loved it. Then I heard Maxim say,

  "I've done that before."

  Killian shot him a dark stare and said,“Not as good as I do it, Maxim”

  Oh no are they competing? I thought biting back a moan. Honestly, they were both equally amazing.

  And with that Killian buried his head between my legs and the moment his lips touched my wet center, Little gasps of pleasure escaped my lips.

  I couldn't believe it.

  He slid his tongue up my wet folds.

  I got lost in pleasure.

  He growled and murmured, "I think she really is a virgin lucky for me tonight."

  I swallowed. I didn’t deny it.

  Killian kept up the pace sucking, licking the insides and all sides when suddenly, I their voices sounded muzzled.

  I heard Maxim's voice.

  I heard Killian slurping sounds between my legs .

  I screamed and let go on his face. And that is the moment, I blacked out.

  Oh my god what just happened?


  I woke up in someone else’s bed with a robe on. I gasped and thought, where am I?

  That's the moment handsome Killian walked in shirtless. His muscles glistened and his full arm sleeved tattoos looked intricate.

  I gasped.

  He smirked mischievously and said, “You passed out last night. Was it that good?"

  I said,”I don't know. I am a little sore and tired.”

  He chuckled and said, “Well it's a good thing you didn't drink the fruit punch, it would have made you bounce off the fucking walls?”

  I said to him, “What about the drink Jessica gave me?”

  He laughed and said “I don’t think that drink had anything in it.”

  I swallowed and thought “No it definitely had something in it. I bit my lower lip and stared down at my the top. I asked.

  “Did we?”

  He laughed and added, “What? Fuck? No I’m not a big fan of sleeping with passed out girls. So no we didn’t go that far. Besides, once you blacked out, I brought you over to my home. I must admit you were great last night, quite an actress.”

  I cocked an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Never mind, its a rule what happens on the yacht stays on the yacht.”

  I nodded.

  I couldn’t help but stare at his perfectly ripped chest. As crazy as it sounds, a few minutes a random thought crossed my mind. I wondered:

  “What about Maxim?”

  Killian’s deep calming voice brought me. Back to reality. He leaned in and said, “Listen, it's Sunday.I figured we could do something fun you know, just us?”

  I bit my lower lip and gazed into his beautiful eyes. He caressed my face with his tender fingers. I smiled and asked “So what did you have in mind?"

  He said, “Well I could take you home first because I bet your mom must be worried about you.”

  I palmed my face and leaned back on his luxurious pillows.

  I thought, “Oh no I forgot! I should have called her. She must be worried!”

  I blurted out, “Where is my phone I should call her.”

  “Here,” Killian said handing my phone over to me. I tried calling mom but no response. I sighed and thought great she will be livid. I sent a text letting her know I was on my way home.

  “Where are my clothes?” I asked scrambling out of bed. He laughed and laid on the bed watching as I paced the room searching for my clothing. He said, “I had them dry cleaned. But I got you something else its over there.”

  I turned to notice a gorgeous dress hanging in front of the closet. Holy fuck, it was non other than the vintage one of a kind dress I dreamed and wrote about in my diary. How did he know? I could not afford it then and even with my Brian, my stepdad’s funds, I cannot afford it now.

  I gasped and walked towards the fabric. I ran my fingers along the beautiful soft clothing. My finger slid down admiring the intricate material when suddenly the tag got caught between my digits. I gasped the moment I realized it was the price tag.

  Freaking hell, $75000 what? Who spends seventy five thousand dollars on a dress? I raised an eyebrow and turned to face Killian. Amused by my reaction, he asked, “Don’t you like it?”

  “No,” I said watching a change in his facial expression. He turned away in disappointment. I slid on the bed, turned his face towards mine and added, “No I love it!”

  And with that, I leaned in and kissed his lips. He cupped my face and deepened the kiss. He parted my lips with his tongue and ran his fingers through my hair. My heart pounded underneath my chest as his kissed my warm wanting lips.

  “I want to be with you forever,” he purred between kisses. I gasped and let out an audible moan. I though we would never leave this room and to be honest I had no interest in doing so. He slid his lips off mine and dropped a kiss on my neckline. Then he slid my robe off my shoulders, imprisoning my arms in the sleeve. My chest heaved as he swirled his tongue in circles on my breasts.

  “Gorgeous,” he murmured, his hands captured and kneaded my ample globes while his lips moved like a symphony on my trembling pulsing buds.

  Little gasps of pleasure escaped my lips. Lord, I felt beautiful and perfect. But then as he moved lower, my cell buzzed interrupting the magic between us. I must admit, I was tempted to simply ignore it. But then his cell buzzed too. I guessed it must be important? He groaned and slid off me. We both reached for our respective devices.

  “My mom wants me home.”

  He said, “Yeah something just came up, but listen why don’t we get a bite before heading over to your place?”

  I said, “Sure.”

  I slid out of bed and grabbed the dress of the hanger. I turned and slid the robe down. He groaned watching me standing there in just my lace underwear.

  “God staring at you makes it hard to leave. Maybe we should stay a little while?”

  I giggled, slid on the designer fabric and reached for him on the bed. I said, “No… but thanks for a wonderful party. You have things you have to take care of and I do too.”

  He sighed and said, “You are right about that. Come on lets go.”

  I nodded and watched as he got up and slid a shirt over his beautiful broad shoulders. He reached for me. I placed my hand in his and with that we headed out the door. He opened the. passenger door and ushered me into his Mercedes Maybach.

  We drove to his favorite restaurant to pick up a quick bite.

  The moment we walked into the establishment, I turned and glanced at a nearby table. I gasped, the girl seated next to two older gentlemen was none other than Susan. One of the men turned. My eyes widened it was non other than my step dad. Killian shook his head wondering why I was staring. He turned to take a look.

  He said, “Great that’s Maxim’s dad. And isn’t that?”

  “My step dad? Yes


  “Susan yes, could we just go.”

  He nodded and said, “Yes.”

  And with that the restaurant manager walked out with Killian’s custom order. He said, “For you Mr. Killian.”

  “Thanks Henry.”

  Killian held my hand we got back in the vehicle. I sighed. What was Susan doing with my stepdad and Maxim’s dad.

  “You know she is fucking them right?” Killian offered as though reading my thoughts. I gasped and stared out my side window. I did not want to believe it. I said, “Killian could we not talk about it.”

  He sighed and apologized.

  I am sorry, Bella. I did not mean any…”

  It is fine Killian please just take me home.

  And with that we drove to my home in silence.

  * * *

  I felt flames burning within me. How do I tell mom now? I watched as Killian opened the door. I got out the car and stared into his eyes not wanting the time between us to pass. He tilted my head with his hand and kissed my lips once more.

  Then he murmured, “I had a great time. But we should do something soon.”

  I nodded. My mind a blur, an ache between my legs made me desire him still but that will have to wait. I stared at the place I called home and bit my lower lip. How could I face mom and tell her I saw my best friend Susan with her husband and Maxim’s dad?

  “Listen, I can take you to school tomorrow,” Killian said.

  I smiled and said, “That can be arranged, but I can almost bet mom will probably take me instead.”

  “Fair enough, can I walk you in?”

  “That is not necessary Killian, you have to things to do.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes you go ahead.”

  “Okay Bella, see you soon beautiful.”

  I nodded. He pulled me in for another kiss. Then we both pulled back. He handed me the food. I smiled and walked away from his presence clutching the take out. I turned and waved as he got back in the car and drove off.

  I stepped into the home to find mom livid and clearly tipsy. She yelled, “Where were you?”

  I wondered if she was simply taking out her frustrations on me. Or if it was something else. Perhaps her disappointment with my stepdad?

  “Mom is very thing alright?” I asked.

  “No my daughter goes out all night and did not call. Well everything is just fine right?” She yelled.

  I swallowed and lowered my head.

  “I tried reaching you young lady, you were unreachable.”

  “I was with Killian. We were too tired to…”

  “Really and where is he? Why didn’t he walk you in?”

  I shook my head and thought, what is happening? Just last night mom was all for it. Then I stared at the table and swallowed. A couple of empty bottles of hard liquor sat on the center table. I sighed and shook my head.

  “Mom have you been drinking again?”


  “No. I had a single glass, what do you think?”

  She clearly had a lot of alcohol in her system.

  She sniffed and turned.

  That is the moment I noticed a dark bruise on her eye. I gasped and said, “Mom what happened…”

  “Don’t try to change the subject young lady, nothing happened. I expected you to return home like a responsible adult. You are an adult now, aren’t you?”

  She stumbled onto the couch and poured another drink. I grabbed the glass out of her hand.

  “No mom, we are to going back to that.”

  She gasped and said “What is wrong with you? Give it back.”

  “No mom,” I said taking the glass away. I poured the contents down the kitchen sink.

  Surprisingly, Mom did not stop me.

  Instead she asked, “So did you have a good time?”

  I walked back into the room and sat next to her. I said, “Yes I did mom. The party on the yacht was fantastic.”

  She smiled and said, “Well I guess it is alright then. I am happy to see you smiling again. See a change was all you needed.”

  She picked up a cigarette and lit it. I know mom. She only smokes when worried. Mom are you alright?

  “I am fine, her listen kiddo, hmm why don’t you go to your room. I hmm would like to be alone right now. We can talk about your party later. I nodded and said, “Okay mom, oh and Killian asked to walk me in but I declined. He is really nice mom.”

  She smiled.

  Mom’s drinking was this dark cloud that hung over our heads. She kept it under control but when some crazy life even happens, control goes out the window. She place the cigarette on the ash tray and leaned back on the couch. Moments later she was fast asleep.

  I sighed, pulled a blanket out closet and place it over mom.

  I figured she would be alright besides there are cameras all over the property.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Susan.

  Maybe her meeting my stepdad and Maxim’s Dad was platonic. I shouldn’t read anything into it.

  I hurried up to my room and laid on my bed.

  I glanced at my device and noticed 100 missed texts from Lisa. I read the very last text:

  “Call me now let us know you are alive.”

  I sighed and called her.


  "Where were you last night?”

  “At a party… whats up?”

  “The same one? You accepted Helen’s invitation?”

  “Not really I accepted Killian’s, so what is up?” I said trying to change the conversation.

  But then Lisa said, “You did what? How could you accept Killian’s invitation to a party and not tell us? Are you keeping secrets now?”

  “What is the big deal Lisa?” I said getting a little irritated. She scoffed and said, “I should get Susan on the line. Hang on…”

  “Don’t bother, Susan might be a little busy to respond right about now?” I said.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Lisa asked.

  “Never mind could we just drop the top?”

  “Okay… but please tell me you did nothing at the party because I heard the hot girls will have a big reveal happening soon. They have something you. I doubt they are happy with you.”

  I laughed.

  “What are you talking about Lisa? I had a fantastic night. The best ever!”

  Lisa sighed.

  She said, “Well I hope you are right.”

  “I am. So what did you want to tell me”

  “Its nothing, It can wait. I am just glad you are alive. I was worried.”

  “Lisa tell me whats this big secret. I want to know.”

  She said, "it's about Maxim, Mateo and Killian. And it also involves your stepdad.”

  My heart thumped fast what was she going to say.

  “Lisa….” I began.

  That's I heard a loud knock on the door.

  “Bella are you in there?” It was my stepdad, Brian. I gasped and said to Lisa, “I have to go.”


  And with that, she hung up and Brain stepped into the room. It surprised to see him because he never comes to my room.

  He walked in and asked, “So did you have fun with Killian last night?”

  I nodded and averted his gaze. My mind kept looping back to the restaurant scene. I wanted to ask did you have fun having a threesome with my best friend. But then I couldn’t say that, besides I must be jumping to conclusions. It could have been a platonic relationship at an exclusive hotel. Oh no the more I think about it, the more jarring it seemed.

  I watched as he paced the room.

  “I can’t believe this is my first time in your room,”he said pacing the room.

  I swallowed. I wanted to say and maybe your last. But I held back and listened to what he had to say.

  He said, “I happen to be friends with Killian’s dad. I am sure you understand a good name is very important. I would like to keep it that way.”

  I nodded. He
stepped in front of me and stared down into my eyes. It was intimidating. I did not understand why he did that.

  He smiled and said, “You know you have a lot of your mom’s traits. That is why I love her. But there is something different about you. I am willing to pay for your next semester at school but whats in it for me?”

  He leaned in and played with my hair. I slid his hand off. He laughed and said, “Pretty girl… well listen I just wanted to check up on you. You looked perfect yesterday by the way. That Killian is a lucky guy. My offer stands though….”

  “I don’t understand….”

  “Oh I think you do, girls your age are smarter than that.”

  I swallowed, cringed and looked away. He laughed and turned as though heading out the door.

  But then he stopped, turned and said, “Oh tell you mom I have to reschedule our outing today, when she finally wakes up from her couch nap. I have pressing matters to attend to. But if you need me, I can cancel. You have my number.”

  He smiled and winked.

  I gasped what the hell?

  This interaction was weird. I bet Lisa knows something.

  I wondered, should I tell mom about our interaction? Something twisted was happening and she had a right to know about it. He said he would cancel his activities for the day if I need him and not mom. What is that all about? I was determined to find out. I called Susan but she would not answer. I decided to call her mom, she said, “Oh hi Bella, Susan is with you right?”

  I gasped. Susan used me as an alibi and did not let me know about it? How long has this been going on? Then it dawned on me, she did so because her mom did not have my number. I said, “Oh miss Lane. I hmm, things are going great. Practicing for the play.”

  “Ah yes well she shouldn’t stay out late. She knows the rules. Nice talking with you Bella.”

  “Same here Ms Lane,” I said hanging up the line. What the hell is going on? Why did she lie?


  The next day, mom was her usual self. She asked we do something later on in the evening. I said sure. Then she had the driver drop me off at the Academy.

  There was something different at Wexley. But I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I ran into Maxim.


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