Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir Series Book 2)

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Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir Series Book 2) Page 2

by Jen L. Grey

  You failed to mention how much of a pompous douche this guy was. Mason grumbled through our link.

  In my defense, I didn't remember him being this way. I took the seat on the other side of the table, directly across from the European king, and Mason sat next to me, facing his wife with Ella facing their son.

  "I hope your travels to the United States weren't too uncomfortable." I was trying to remain regal and polite.

  "We had our private plane, so it was perfectly nice." The king huffed as he snatched the napkin and fluffed it out several times as if he was putting on a show.

  "Oh, dear, don't be so testy." Elizabeth smirked as her eyes settled on me. "She probably doesn't remember what it was like to travel as royalty."

  "With how high your nose is stuck in the air, I guess the altitude change didn't bother you at all." Ella leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs.

  "Excuse me." Elizabeth's mouth almost dropped to the floor.

  It took everything inside of me not to burst out laughing. They kind of deserved it after how they were acting.

  "Oh, did you not hear me?" Ella flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. "I said ..."

  "We heard you just fine." The king grumbled, and his eyes landed on me. "Are you going to allow her to talk to us this way?"

  For some odd reason, I figured this was a pivotal moment for my future. What kind of queen was I going to be? Maybe it was time to rock the boat. "Well, we are in America, and we have freedom of speech. I'm sure you're aware that we take our freedoms quite seriously here. So what's a girl to do?"

  Louis snickered as his eyes scanned me.

  "You're her queen." The king puffed his chest. "She is your subject and should act as such."

  "She's my best friend and my family." Was this the type of shit I was going to have to put up with? Speaking of which, where are Kassie and Mona?

  They are guarding the doors. Mason reached over and took my hand in his.

  "I'd hoped this would be a good and pleasant conversation between us." I lifted my chin and straightened my shoulders. "But we might as well lay our cards on the table." The door to the left of the room opened, and a tray of food rolled into the dining room. I didn't want to say too much with prying ears. A girl who couldn't be much older than me, and a man who had to be in his thirties, picked up three trays each and carried the meals over to us. The girl laid ours in front of us, her hands quivering as she placed them down.

  "Thank you." I wasn't quite sure why she was so afraid, but I wanted to put her at ease.

  "Your welcome." She barely breathed the words. "Is ... everything okay?

  "Yes." I looked at the rare steak that was on my plate and the roasted potatoes. "It smells wonderful."

  After we were all served, the staff left the room, leaving the six of us alone once more.

  Mason released my hand as he placed the napkin in his lap.

  "You were saying?" Louis grinned as he stared at me.

  Not wanting to seem too eager, I picked up my fork and knife to cut a piece of meat off before popping it into my mouth. I chewed for a few seconds and then swallowed. "My uncle is dead, and I'm the rightful heir to the throne. I remember you being polite to my father. So why isn't the same respect given to me?"

  "Because you have been in hiding for the past twelve years and haven’t earned it." He took a large bite of steak and met my gaze. "What kind of leader does that?"

  "Hey, now." Mason's hands clenched, and his eyes narrowed on the king.

  I reached over and touched his arm. Please calm down. We have to make sure to be completely open and honest. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. "Well, after my uncle killed my parents and also attempted to kill me twice, you can't criticize me for my past decisions made as a child."

  "Are you insinuating that your uncle killed your parents?" Elizabeth placed a hand on her chest.

  "She's not insinuating anything," Mason growled. "After he found out she was alive he sent some of his guards to kill her. When that didn’t work, he tried to coerce his other guards to shoot her as an imposter when she confronted him. Had he not, he wouldn't be dead right now."

  The sordid news somehow didn’t strike a chord with the King. "Actually, I can blame your decisions." His eyes flashed with what appeared to be anger or something very similar. "A good leader puts their needs on the back burner for their people. That’s something you American rulers need to learn."

  "Well, when you watch your parents die right in front of you, then we can continue this conversation." I couldn't back down; otherwise, the alphas under me wouldn’t respect me either.

  Louis glanced at his father. "She does have a point ..."

  "Silence." The king's voice was laced with his alpha will and maybe something akin to either rage or fear in his eyes. "That is not an excuse. An alpha couldn't keep their wolf in check."

  Well, I did struggle with that, in all fairness. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him the reason.

  "I disagree." Mason's voice was strong, and he locked eyes with the king. "Maybe she's a stronger alpha since she could keep hers below the radar. From what you said, you wouldn't be able to hide yours."

  "That would contradict everything about being an alpha." Elizabeth huffed and took a bite of her food. "Alphas are driven to lead."

  "A good alpha knows when to lead and when to let others lead." Mason kept his gaze firmly on the king. "There were times when she was overcome with grief, especially at the age of six, and leading would not have been the best option for her people. The only person who would suggest otherwise might have something up their sleeve."

  I hadn't thought of that, but Mason did have a point.

  "What are you insinuating?" The king scowled at him.

  "He didn't suggest anything." Ella snorted just like the lady she was. "Maybe someone has a guilty conscience."

  "Did you invite me here just to insult me?" The king's silver eyes turned to a dark steel.

  "Forgive me for being blunt, but you were the ones who began this debate." Well, this wasn't going well, so fuck it. "But it's nice to know that you thought a six-year-old overwhelmed by the sorrow of her parents being murdered, not to mention after someone had tried to kill her, should've been the one to lead her people. It's not like she would've been manipulated by anyone either on this land or abroad."

  "That's not fair." Elizabeth huffed.

  "What part? Not fair for me to have to go through all that or call you out on your bullshit?" My dad had been great with people and politics. Apparently, that wasn't my forte.

  Louis chuckled and took a drink of the wine that had been poured before we had entered. He glanced at me again for a moment too long.

  If he keeps looking at you like that, I may be feasting on his neck instead of this steak. Mason growled in my head.

  Down, boy. He should know there was no need to be concerned. Don't act jealous. You're better than that.

  "And I thought your uncle was bad." The king threw his napkin on the table. "If you're going to keep talking to me like this, then I'll just leave."

  "You do realize that you can't just demand respect, right?" Ella lifted her wine glass in his direction. "You must earn it, and as soon as you walked into our home, you demanded to see Elena immediately. Not only that; the first few words out of your mouth were passive-aggressive. In what way do you deserve the respect that you yourself aren't giving?"

  It was crazy for me to think back on how I’d tried my best not to allow these two people in my life. I was so damn fortunate that they had pushed through all of my barriers.

  "And now, this lady makes a good argument." Louis lifted his glass once again in a salute to Ella. "Maybe we should all start over and play nice."

  His father turned his darkened eyes on his son. "Fine. I'm willing if she is."

  I wasn't quite sure how this could be turned around, but I'd be damned if he played whatever this game was better than me. "Of course."

  The king sat back down an
d snatched the napkin. "So ... what are your first acts going to be as Queen?"

  That was a good question. I wasn't quite sure what they were yet, so I needed to play this coyly. "In the next few days, I will begin traveling to meet the packs and determine their needs." I took a deep breath, going in for the kill before things turned sour once more. "I'll be honest; there were two reasons for me to invite you here."

  "Now we're getting somewhere." He grabbed his fork and knife to slice off another piece of his steak. "Which are?"

  "One, now that I'm officially the queen, I will begin making my rounds and becoming my people’s true alpha. I would like to ensure that we will be civil and jointly support each other's nations." This was all true. If the king and I could come to some type of allegiance, it would help all of my packs with their needs.

  "Okay." He nodded his head and placed the meat in his mouth. He chewed for a moment and swallowed. "Maybe I did underestimate you. After all, your uncle only blackmailed us to cooperate, which has darkened our perception."

  Of course, Darren had blackmailed them. I didn't even want to know what threats he had made. "I'm not my uncle and would like for us to have a strong and supportive relationship similar to what you had with my father. Granted it'll take time, but I ask that both your kingdom and mine work together."

  "Your father and I grew up together, in a way." The king took a deep breath and addressed me directly. "So, it was easy for us to forge that bond. However, if your intentions are genuine as they appear, I'm in agreement to try."

  "I thought ..." Elizabeth's mouth dropped.

  "Her uncle is dead. Her aunt and cousin are in prison." The king shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe it wasn't as strategic as we had assumed."

  "It was anything but that." My stomach soured, and I couldn't even pretend to be interested in the meal before me. "If it hadn't been for him, my parents would still be alive, and we wouldn't be having this conversation."

  "That doesn't surprise me." The king shook his head with a frown. "Your uncle’s justification for taking the role immediately was that your father had rushed to leave that night, and then he claimed all of you were dead within an hour of the departure, which was very suspicious."

  "Not to mention the fact that he didn't act even a little upset over the deaths." Elizabeth shook her head and took a large sip of her wine. "I told you it was too much."

  "I'm curious about what Queen Elena’s going to ask for." Louis tilted his head at me, a sexy-ass grin spreading across his face.

  "One of my packs, one that is dear to me, has a member who is very ill."

  What are you doing? Mason's voice was low and maybe even a tad hopeful.

  Ella swung her head toward me, her eyes wide.

  "I'd be indebted to you if you could send your healer to help her." I hated to become indebted to the king at our first meeting, but I'd heard the whispers of Mason’s call with his father. His mom was getting worse. "From what we've heard here in the States, your healer has access to herbs that can cure most illnesses."

  I love you so damn much. Mason's voice was low even in my head. His fingertips brushed the outside of my leg.

  When I glanced at him, his breathing quivered a little. Although that was the only sign he gave that he was surprised while still keeping his composure in check. Of course. She's family.

  "That is true… in fact." The king cast his eyes on Louis. " I would like to cash in on that favor."

  Already? That I had not been prepared for. "Of course. I'll do everything in my power to make it happen."

  "I'd like for Louis to stay here with you."

  A low growl emanated from Mason's throat.

  "Don't worry, bro." Ella dropped her fork to the table. "I'll kick his ass for you."

  I couldn't blame them on this one. "As I've already stated, I have a fated mate. I will not agree to a forced betrothal. No matter whatever fantasy you've created.”

  The king lifted a hand. "Understood. That's not what I'm intending." He side-eyed his son. "Louis had his hopes pinned on your engagement and wanted to see the city. I'd like for him to stay with you as a guest for a while."

  "I'm no babysitter." I needed to make it clear that I wouldn't be actively spending time with Louis. "I have my own responsibilities and am new to the throne. I have obligations to my pack I have to see to."

  It's fine. Mason reached over and squeezed my hand. I was being ridiculous earlier.

  "Of course." The king lifted his hands in the air. "If you could let him stay here and allow him to meet some of the alphas with you, it might give him a better perspective on America and how things are run here. When your dad and I were young boys, his father allowed me to stay here for six months to learn your ways, and then he stayed with my family for six months. It's mainly why we worked so well together."

  That was something I didn't know. "Well, if that's all it is, then sure. He's more than welcome to stay."

  "Perfect." The king pulled out his cell phone and his fingers began typing something. "The healer will be here in two days. Now, let's enjoy the meal."

  All of this was worth it to save Dehlia; however, I couldn't shake the feeling that the king still had something up his sleeve.

  Chapter Three

  It'd been two days since the dinner with King Adelmo, and the healer was to arrive at any time. I'd scheduled my private jet to leave two hours after his arrival.

  I placed my bag in the foyer, right in front of the elevator.

  You're more nervous than I am. Mason chuckled as he took the last few steps down the stairs. He was dressed in blue jeans and a long-sleeve shirt that molded to his muscular frame.

  November was always cold in New York, but in South Carolina, it could go either way. I just want to get to your mom quickly. I heard what your dad said last night. She was struggling to breathe now.

  Tommy appeared in the room behind me. "The healer is here."

  It was so nice having him back in the house. He was as loyal as they came and even helped protect me from my uncle once he had realized who I was. In his defense, he had thought I was dead, so I couldn't hold anything against him.

  "Okay, great." I picked up my phone and texted Ella.

  "It's a good thing." Tommy arched an eyebrow and glanced Mason's way. "Because she's about to wear down a path on the floor."

  "Ha. Ha," I said sarcastically. "I'm just ready to get moving."

  "Hey, it'll be okay." Mason wrapped his arms around me and tugged me into his chest. "You've been worked up since we had dinner with the king."

  "Now, I don't blame her for that." Tommy shook his head and took a step toward us. "Darren was ruthless when it came to them. It's going to take some time and effort for them to get past their previous opinions."

  "Is that why he left his son here?" It'd been a strange request, but not one that I could turn down, given the fact that we needed their healer.

  "Possibly." He shrugged his shoulders. "But you never know."

  The elevator dinged, alerting us that it was about to open.

  I pulled away and took Mason’s hand as we faced the entrance.

  Within moments, the doors slid apart to reveal a man who was about the same height as Mason. I immediately noticed his pointy ears because his long, ash-blond hair was pulled into a man bun. His violet eyes met mine as he stepped into the house. His skin was pale and contrasted with the hunter green polo shirt he wore. His leather shoes scuffed the ground as he stepped into the foyer. "You must be Queen Elena." He bowed his head for a few moments and focused on Mason. "And you must be Mason, her fated mate."

  "Hello." If he thought that just knowing who we were impressed me, he was going to quickly learn quite differently. "And you must be Teague."

  "Why yes, I am." He smiled as he turned around and picked up his black luggage behind him.

  "Oooh ... that's a nice view." Ella snorted as she made her way down the stairs with Louis right behind her. "If I knew views like that were going to happen, I'd have been
here earlier."

  Oh my God. At times like these, I wished I could mind-speak with her in human form. "That's the healer."

  "So?" She bounded down the last bit of stairs and winked at Teague as he turned back around. "You didn't tell me he was fae. There’s something about a hot, dangerous, magical man."

  "I'm sure she didn't know." Louis smirked as he nodded at the healer. "Dad doesn't make it common knowledge."

  "It is kind of interesting that a fae would work for a wolf king." Mason's mask of indifference slipped right into place.

  If I didn't know him well, I'd think he was unimpressed, but his jaw twitched ever so slightly, making his annoyance show.

  I get it. It seemed everywhere we turned, someone had their secrets. And hell, truth be told, I had done the same thing to him. He’d had no clue I was even a wolf shifter, at least, not until I had the issue with my wolf after he and I really kissed for the first time. He had to take me to the witch that suppressed my wolf with her magic.

  "He saved my life when I was a boy." Teague lifted his chin and straightened his shoulders. "Not that it's any of your concern."

  He was right. As long as he saved Dehlia's life, I didn't care why he stayed with Adelmo. "All right, enough. We need to head to the airport."

  "I'd just come from there." Teague arched an eyebrow, and his eyes landed on Louis. "Are you coming as well?"

  "Yeah, I want to see this pack. They are especially important to these three." Louis glanced at Tommy. "Why don't you take his things to his room?"

  Okay, now I was irritated. "First off, Tommy is a guard, not your personal help. Secondly, we'll be staying overnight. This is family after all." I took a deep breath before I spoke the last words. I had to keep my cool. "And thirdly, don't assume you'll be invited to everything. You may be a guest, but as I told your father, I'm no babysitter."

  "Wow, this is awkward." Ella leaned over to her brother, pretending to whisper. “Do you think he might cry?”

  "No, it wasn't until you did that." Mason rolled his eyes and sighed. "Sometimes, it's good to have a filter."


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