Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir Series Book 2)

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Wolf Unleashed (The Royal Heir Series Book 2) Page 18

by Jen L. Grey

  "What about me?" Rose shook her head and clutched her chest. "I don't understand why you have me here."

  "You know why." A smug smile filled Nicholas's face. "You're the one who alerted us to her blood. You get to stay and be part of the show rather than just watch."

  "But I didn't know ..." Her bottom lip quivered, but I wasn't sure if it was from fear or a guilty conscience.

  "Okay." He waved her off and fixed his eyes on me. "Just shut up. I have the exact person I want right here." He took a few steps back as he allowed Mason to move underneath Alec to balance him haphazardly on his back.

  My gaze stayed focused on Nicholas. There was no way in hell I'd let him do something to Mason right before my eyes.

  "It's a shame." Nicholas shook his head as Mason slowly trekked to the door. "If you were willing to give up your mate, the two of us could make a powerful and strong team. It wouldn't be a problem for me." His eyes scanned slowly over my wolf body, and his voice took on a husky tone. "You're gorgeous in both forms. Besides, we could use both of your forms to do some devilish things … that we would both enjoy, very much."

  His words made me want to vomit, but I refused to give him that level of satisfaction.

  I'm going to kill him. Mason growled, deep and raw.

  "It seems I've upset your mate." The vampire prince chuckled. He appeared right in front of the door, opening it to let Mason out.

  Shit, I hadn't even considered this.

  Tommy was at the door, and when he saw the prince, he growled.

  Nicholas shoved both Mason and Alec out of the room toward Tommy and shut the door, locking it.

  Elena. Mason cried out in our bond link and then a large thud hit the door.

  "Don't worry, love." Nicholas smiled and strolled leisurely away from the door. "It's metal. There's no way he's getting back in here."

  This was some sort of game, and apparently, I was the prize. However, this time the asshole stalking me wanted me alive and compliant, not dead. I growled and lunged at him, wanting to just get this over with.

  Right before my teeth could sink into his neck, he grabbed me around my stomach and threw me on the ground.

  "Tsk ... Tsk ... foreplay, really?" He shook his head and chuckled. "Did you actually believe that would work? However, it worked in another way rather than what you’d intended."

  "Don't hurt her." Rose cried, wrapping her arms around her waist.

  "Well, aren't you quite pathetic?" He shook his head at her and wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I expected more of you."

  I needed him to focus on me, not her. Evidently, she was worthless without her little black bag.

  Elena, are you okay? Mason's desperate pleas distracted me. I was going to get hurt if he kept this up. I understood that he was struggling. There was only one thing I could do. If I could block him feeling my emotions, I should be able to block our link as well. At least for the moment.

  Not overthinking it, I shut the group and bond mind-links down at once, and my mind was finally free for the first time in the last several weeks. A loud howl resounded outside the door.

  Mason was pissed.

  I began circling the vampire like he was the actual prey.

  "You are a magnificent animal, darling." He didn't allow his back to be turned toward me. Instead, he turned in a circle with me, staring straight into my eyes. "You're the last heir of your world, and I'm the last one of mine. It would only make sense for us to rule together."

  Actually, it didn't at all. That would just continue the problem. Shifters and vampires couldn't breed, and being together wasn’t a symbiotic relationship. His twisted logic didn't make any sense when it came down to it.

  "Your mate will be fine without you … eventually." He grinned, licking his lips. "Besides, if given the chance, I'm sure I could make you forget all about him."

  Not wanting to hear any more of his crazy talk, I rushed at him once more. Only, when I should've reached him, he disappeared from my sight. Suddenly, someone was on my back, and teeth entered my neck with a burning sensation.

  I couldn't hold the whimper back and stood on my hind legs, falling backward so I landed on top of the vampire. My weight caused his teeth to withdraw, and I jumped back onto my feet, turning to face him.

  He chuckled as he sat up and used his fingers to wipe off the blood trickling from his mouth. Once all of it was removed from his face, he licked the excess from his fingers. "Mmm … Delicious."

  "You won't be useful much longer, witch." His ice-blue eyes flickered to Rose.

  "I never meant to help you in the first place." Her voice was a little too over the top.

  Right now, I couldn't worry myself with her. I had to take this prince down and fast. The fact that he didn't have an heir would rock the vampire world to its core, fundamentally. It would cause an internal civil war of sorts, which would allow me to get things back into place like they were when my father was King. Civil unrest in any race always allowed the balance to shift back to normal.

  "You stupid ..." Nicholas finally diverted his attention to her.

  Instead of jumping, I ran the three feet between us as fast as I could. I had to fake him out, so I pretended to jump.

  As he threw his hands in front of his body as if to grab me, I bit into his right leg.

  "Fuck." He tried kicking me off his leg, but I didn't loosen my grip.

  It wasn't long before he bent over me and yanked me off of him. The flesh of his leg ripping open.

  "You're starting to anger me, love." Nicholas threw me against the wall, and my landing caused a loud thud to echo through the room.

  A wolf howled outside the door again.

  Pain radiated down my right side, and I slowly climbed to my feet as he appeared directly over me.

  His teeth elongated as he leaned down with every intention of biting me again. When his mouth came close enough to my neck once more, I reared my head back, hitting him right between the eyes.

  He stumbled as he clutched his head. "That wasn't very nice. You must like it rough." He hissed as he forced his hands down to his sides.

  That was kind of the point. I am the queen, an alpha. Did he expect me to lie down and submit to him?

  Rose sobbed on the other side of the room, and I almost wished she'd left with Mason. Her freak-outs were getting on my damn nerves.

  In a flash, he was in front of me again, taking short rapid breaths. "This is going to be over soon enough."

  He had to be going for my blood. That was what he wanted ... what he desired. I stayed still, and when his eyes glanced at me, I crouched my body low.

  He stumbled over my body, expecting me to stand. As he tripped over me, I jumped to my feet and rammed him into the wall hard.

  Within seconds, he crumpled into a heap on the floor.

  Now, I had to kill him. I bared my teeth, and right before I could touch his skin, his arms wrapped around my throat in an attempt to choke me.

  My head began to spin as his face became devoid of all emotion. The normal smirk that always tugged at the corner of his lips was gone, and any warmth that had shone in his eyes vanished completely. He took a deep inhale and snarled. "You bitch. I thought we'd be able to live together and make our relationship mutually beneficial. But you've proven, over and over again, that you won't allow it." He squeezed his fingers around my throat harder, digging into it even more.

  The edges of my vision began turning dark. I had to do something and fast.

  I focused on his hold and realized that there was only one thing I could do. My last option—I kicked my legs out, nailing him right in the nuts.

  As he released his hold, I hit the ground hard once more. It took everything I had to stand back up on all fours, I had to hurt him while he was down. I reared back and pounced on his nuts once more.

  He clutched his family jewels, moaning in pain.

  Rose ran over to the door and opened it, allowing Mason into the room. He came right to me and checked me over.
r />   Knowing there was no point in keeping our bond link down now, I opened it back up to him, along with the link to the others.

  Do you know how scared I was? Mason spoke in the quietest voice he'd ever used. He licked my face, looking for any pain or anguish in my eyes.

  I had pissed him off royally; no pun intended.

  All of a sudden, Nicholas appeared behind Mason with his freaky fast speed. He pulled a dagger out of his slacks and moved in for the kill.

  Visions of my parents' lifeless forms flashed in my head, and before I could even consider the consequences, I shoved him out of the way with my body, ready to take the dagger instead of him.

  As the sharp edge of the dagger pierced my heart, I crumpled to the ground.

  "No ..." Nicholas yelled, panic clear on his face. "No, that was meant for him, not you."

  I tried standing, but pain radiated throughout my body. It even hurt to breathe.

  "Drink my blood. Please." Nicholas's fangs tore into his wrist, and he held it toward my snout.

  There was no way in hell I'd ever do that. I'd rather die.

  Mason growled and stood over me. Kassie. Tommy. Mona. We need help now.

  My vision began to fade. That dumbass isn't even paying attention to the vampire. I'd done all that for him to die anyway. Just as my eyes had almost shut, Rose appeared behind the vampire, chanting something I couldn't hear. At this point, I wasn't sure if it was because it was a spell or because I was fading out. She then grabbed the prince's head and twisted it hard. He fell to the ground and began to disintegrate.

  Unable to hold them open any longer, I closed my eyes, welcoming the sweet, painless oblivion.

  A bright light made my eyes flutter, pulling at my consciousness. When my eyes finally adjusted, I sat up and reached for my stab wound. Holy shit, where did it go? I pulled my hands away, expecting to find my blood all over them, but they were clean. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You’re right. It doesn’t,” Mom’s voice came from somewhere behind me.

  I spun around and came close to breaking down when my eyes connected with hers. They looked exactly the same as I’d remembered them. Mom was even wearing the same evening gown from the night of their death. “Am I dead?” Part of me hoped I was, but there was also another part of me that wasn’t ready to be here—not yet.

  “Technically, you should be.” Dad’s blue eyes, the exact same shade of mine, met my gaze. “But destiny has a way of making things work out like they should.”

  “Dad, I don’t know what I’m doing.” Tears sprang to my eyes. “I miss you both so very much … and I’m not cut out for this life, being Queen.”

  “Oh, baby.” Mom rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s going to be okay.” Her musky vanilla scent engulfed me, and for the first time in a long time, I truly felt safe. “You’ve become stronger than you ever could be with us.”

  “But I didn’t want that.” I clung to her so hard, afraid she’d disappear. “I need you, both of you.”

  My dad’s hand settled on my shoulder. “It’s my turn. We don’t have long.”

  Not wanting to let go of Mom, I turned so I could wrap an arm around him too.

  “We are still here with you.” Dad's warm lips kissed my forehead. “We’re watching you every day. You are already a better leader than I could’ve ever become.”

  “That’s not true.” Everyone had loved him. He’d always been so good and just. “I’m not even half as good as you.”

  “Even though we’d give anything to change what happened, you are more understanding, compassionate, and even stronger than we ever were.” Dad took in a deep breath as though he was trying to memorize my scent. “Times are rough, but they’re going to get better. We are always here, a part of you.”

  “Honey, it’s almost time for you to go.” Mom pulled away enough so she could look at me. “Your time isn’t up. Just remember we love you more than you’ll ever know, and one day, we’ll be together again.”

  I wasn’t ready to go. Although the fading light was fast receding into darkness. Something tugged on me, gently at first and then harder. “I love you two so damn much.”

  “Remember who you are.” Mom kissed me once more. “This is your destiny.”

  Dad tugged me closer too, giving me one final hug. “We’re so proud of you.”

  Yet again, darkness surrounded me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was surreal, standing on a small platform on the balcony of our NYC apartment. I’d wanted the ceremony to be held at Mason's and my new brownstone house near here, but Tommy and Kassie wouldn’t allow it.

  We'd managed to find our new home as soon as we got back to the city. It took several long weeks before we could move in and get it ready, but it was a good thing. The wound to my heart should've killed me, but somehow Nicholas had managed to get some of his vampire blood in my snout. It had helped heal me, allowing me to survive.

  Despite the healing power of his stronger royal vampire blood, it was a long time before I could get out of bed and move even with my shifter healing abilities.

  We were able to move into our new home a week ago and barely had time to get everything set up for Mason's coronation. The new place was still nice, but not overly bougie like here. It felt more like home with enough rooms for everyone to be with us.

  Right before the coronation, we met with the other New York City alpha who we hadn’t gotten to visit before today. I’d been worried he would be upset, but Matteo had informed Kolin of how we’d helped his pack and he had been thrilled to attend and pledge his loyalty to us.

  The sun was setting, and the alphas of the close surrounding areas, Chicago, and, of course, James and Dehlia were in attendance.

  Mason looked so kingly in his dark tuxedo setting off his green eyes and muscular form. I'd chosen to wear a white trendy dress that had a plunging v-neck and the hem of the skirt hit elegantly at my knees. For some reason, white seemed like the color I should wear. For new beginnings, forgiveness, and, of course, for giving him all of my innocence. Well, the ones that I had left to give anyway.

  As he bit into my neck, claiming me as his forever in front of everyone, I'd never felt so damn happy in my entire life. I was lucky to be here. I'd somehow cheated death twice.

  I licked my lips when it was my turn to claim him. As a small amount of his metallic blood hit my tongue, our connection deepened even more, which I hadn't expected.

  “Now, it’s time to exchange the rings.” Alec nodded at Mason first.

  Even though this was a mating and wedding ceremony, the vows between fated mates weren’t for the masses to hear. It was done through the feelings of our bond because those described everything so much more than our words ever could.

  As he slipped my ring on my finger, his eyes glistened. I love you. And yet, those words don’t convey enough.

  I took the other ring from Ella, who stood next to me, and slipped it on Mason’s finger. You made me want to live again. That’s how much I loved him. Before we’d met, I was ready to run away and hide … to try to be human and walk away from the supernatural. However, our love was too important and changed my whole life that I had stupidly and naively planned for myself. To think I’d ever want to be alone when I could have this was unfathomable.

  "And now, they're mated and promised to each other." Alec was leading the ceremony. It only seemed right. He was still haunted by his capture, and he wouldn't tell us what had happened. His parents told us that he woke them up screaming most nights. Even though his body had healed, the emotional damage that the vampire prince had inflicted was something that would haunt him possibly for the rest of his life.

  "Now, Mason." Alec bowed his head slightly. He tugged at the neck of his suit, confirming just how uncomfortable he was. Except, he had insisted on performing the ceremony. He said it would mean a lot for him to give us something back. "It's your turn to make your vow to our people."

  Mason leaned
down, brushing his lips against mine, and he turned to the alphas in attendance. "I'm honored that destiny has offered me a role I never dreamed possible and the most amazing mate, whom I don't deserve. And for that, I need to be the kind of mate who stands by her side. And for this, I promise to do everything I can to protect you and my mate. I will strive to be the leader that you all deserve."

  Everyone stood and clapped as the rest of the the bonds that had only been connected to me were now linked with him as well.

  "You were amazing." I took his hand when we finally were able to make it to our bedroom for the night.

  I love you. His fingertips brushed my cheeks as he arched an eyebrow. But if you ever pull shit like that again, like you did that night at the vampire lair, I may chain you to our bed and never let you out of my sight ever again.

  In all fairness, I had felt bad about temporarily cutting our bond, but I’d made the right decision. If I had stayed linked with him, it would've only distracted me, and most likely, I’d have paid the ultimate price. You know why I did that.

  Doesn't mean I liked it. He leaned down and kissed me again. Even if I do understand. He began unzipping my dress as something on our bed caught my attention.

  My body stiffened. There, in the center of our bed, was a small box gift-wrapped in wedding paper.

  "What's wrong?" His hands dropped, and his gaze followed mine. “How did someone get into our room?

  I hurried over and, with shaky hands, unwrapped the small box and opened it. Fear coursed through me.

  “Is that a marble?” His tone was low as he stood next to me, his body brushing my shoulder.

  "Yes." Just like the other one I had hidden in my dresser. Except, that marble had been from the vampire prince, and he was dead. I rushed to the dresser to compare them and discovered it was much like the other. However, instead of the dark crimson color of the royal vampire house, it was a merging of purple and black. The symbol was like a cross, but instead of a straight line on top, it was a loop. I almost dropped it when I realized that it was the symbol of death. "It's a warning."


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