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The Siege

Page 10

by Leigh Walker

  “Okay,” Shaye and I both said immediately.

  “I’ll get it out of you eventually.” Tamara looked one-hundred-percent sure of herself.

  Balkyn chuckled. “I’ve no doubt you’ll try.”

  I was lucky that my friends were there. Our chatter filled the long void of the day. But after several more hours with no word from Austin or Eve or anyone on the front lines, my nerves began to fray. Once Shaye stopped pacing, I started.

  As the sky darkened, so did my mood. What’s happening out there? Is Austin okay? What about Eve, Rose, and Robert? The others left for dinner, but I refused to leave my post.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Shaye asked.

  I sighed. “I’m not, actually.”

  “I’ll bring you a plate, anyway.” She squeezed my hand and left me alone.

  It grew darker outside, and I stopped pacing. I stood by the window, watching as the first star came out. A wolf howled in the distance, and I shivered, wondering if that was the only update I would hear that night.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated. Austin, where are you?

  But there was no answer. Only the wind.

  Chapter 15

  All Hail

  I woke with a start. Beast was snoring next to the dying fire. The others must have gone to bed. There was a knock on the door, then Isabella and Giuliana bustled in. Isabella placed a tea tray on the table while Giuliana started dusting, cleaning, and fluffing pillows.

  “Good morning.” I rubbed my eyes.

  “Good morning, miss,” the sisters said in unison.

  I looked out the window. Dawn was just breaking, and the only thing I saw were trees and the same perimeter guards standing watch. “Has there been any word?”

  They shot each other a quick look. “No, miss.” Isabella curtsied. “Would you care for your tea?”

  “Yes,” I said cautiously, “but I would also care to know what that look you just passed each other was all about.”

  Isabella headed for the tea tray while Giuliana stoked the fire. Neither of them said a word.

  “Okay, now you’ve got me really worried. What on earth has happened?” I put a hand over my heart. “Is it His Highness?”

  Giuliana whipped around. “We haven’t heard any news, and that’s the prob—”

  “Giulia.” Isabella shot daggers out of her eyes at her little sister. “Don’t you dare.”

  Giuliana raised her chin in defiance. “You are not my boss. Lady Kensington is.” She tossed her hair as she stepped toward me. “No one has heard from His Highness, my lady. That’s what’s got everyone tied up in knots.”

  “They think he’s dead?” I held my breath.

  “It’s highly unlikely, my lady.” Isabella gently handed me a cup of tea. “But because we haven’t heard, the staff has been quite upset.”

  Giuliana shook her head. “They’re basing their fears on prejudice. I can’t even believe it—after everything we’ve been through.”

  “That’s enough!” Isabella put her hands on her hips. “You’ve upset Lady Kensington.”

  I put the tea down. “I’m not upset.” But my heart twisted in my chest. “Please tell me what’s going on. I’m supposed to be governing in Austin’s stead. I can’t do that if I don’t know what people are saying and what they’re upset about.”

  They looked at each other again, and it took every ounce of patience I possessed to not knock their very heads together. “I’m waiting. Speak now.”

  Isabella sighed. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  Giuliana shook her head. “She deserves to know the truth.”

  Just when I thought I’d scream, Isabella said, “There are whispers that our army has been outnumbered or perhaps tricked. A whole day is a long time for a vampire army to fight a human one. Usually, we work much more quickly.”

  I swallowed hard. That had been my fear. “So the staff is afraid His Highness isn’t coming back.”

  “They’re worried that he might be in trouble, yes.” Isabella looked at me pleadingly. “But none of us believe he’s dead. He’s too strong for that.”

  I nodded, trying to gather my strength and be brave. “Perhaps His Highness is trying a different approach with the rebels… He mentioned something about taking prisoners.”

  The sisters looked at each other again.

  “That’s enough! Tell me everything, and tell me now.” I took a deep breath. “That’s an order.”

  “Some of the staff are complaining that His Highness is taking a different approach, like you said.” Giuliana frowned. “They say he’s doing it for the wrong reason.”

  “And that reason is…what?” I asked.

  “You, miss.” Giuliana looked miserable. “They’re worried he’s not destroying the rebels because you’re a human, and he’s trying to appease you. I told them to shut up, of course.”

  “I appreciate that.” I lifted my chin. “But His Highness conducts himself as he wishes—he is his own man. His people should know as much.”

  Giuliana nodded. “I told them that exactly. But they’re still worried, miss. The fact that you will rule the North if His Highness doesn’t return has some of the staff very confused. They don’t know what’s to happen to our country if it’s led by a human.”

  “I understand that the idea is very foreign to them. It is to me as well.” I stared at the fire. “But His Highness chose me for a reason. It’s because he believes that I would govern the way that he would. In any event, they mustn’t worry. His Highness will return.”

  “Of course he will.” The sisters curtsied. “We didn’t mean to frighten you with this idle talk, miss.”

  “You didn’t. I’m not frightened.” I forced myself to smile at them. “I’m grateful you told me, even though I got cross. Sorry about that.”

  “You don’t need to apologize.” Giuliana curtsied again.

  “Ring us when you’re ready to be dressed?” Isabella asked.

  I nodded as they left the library, but my thoughts were already a million miles away. If the staff was concerned about how long Austin had been gone, something terrible might have happened. I went and stared out the window. Surely, if something had happened to the prince, someone would have returned to the castle to alert us and to bring more troops to battle. I had to believe he was still out there. In order to keep drawing breath, I had to believe that was true.

  I turned on my heel and started pacing. The prince’s staff was displeased with how he’d left things. If they were to accept me—either as a leader, or as a princess, ruling by Austin’s side—I had to make them see that I was worthy of their trust and respect. Part of me was angry at Austin for leaving me in this position. Of course, the Northerners would have a hard time accepting a human in a position of power. Eve was right. Austin had “soft launched” the idea of a human princess, but there hadn’t been enough time for the concept to take root.

  And then he’d left me with my finger stuck in a dam to hold back the flood.

  I cursed myself for thinking an unkind thought about him. If something were to happen to Austin, I would never forgive myself for such a transgression. And I wasn’t truly mad. It was just like Austin to believe in his heart that he was doing the right thing and that everyone would eventually fall in line behind him. But I wasn’t sure his people would ever accept me.

  I continued to pace near the window. There was, of course, only one way to find out.

  I turned on my heel and hustled to my chambers, Beast hot on my trail. If I were going to address the Northerners, I had best look the part.

  “Th-Thank you for joining me on such short notice.” I clenched my hands into fists, praying that my voice wouldn’t waver again and betray me. “I wanted to assemble everyone at once. That way, there would be no question as to what transpired.”

  No one said a word. The kitchen staff eyed me warily, and the sentinels watched my every move. Isabella and Giuliana smiled at me in support, but I still felt a bit sick. I’d a
sked Balkyn, Shaye, and Tamara to wait in the library. This conversation was between me and the Northerners, and I wanted Austin’s staff to understand that I was prepared to face them on my own, come what may.

  “I didn’t know what to expect when I came to the North.” I nodded, looking at each and every one of them. “I came here as a Goodwill Ambassador on behalf of the settlements. But soon after I arrived, I understood that the North didn’t need an ambassador. No improvements were needed. It’s a beautiful country, fiercely independent. Your people are strong and loyal. You’ve survived terrible things in the name of the North, yet you love your home with a passion that I’ve not experienced anywhere else.”

  There were murmurs, and I waited them out, smoothing the dark flannel of my tunic. “Another thing I didn’t know when I came here? That I would fall in love. I fell in love with a person—the prince. But I also love his country—his ideals and sense of fairness. And when His Highness asked me to govern in his stead, at first, I hesitated. What would vampires think of a human girl being left in charge? He assured me it would be for a short amount of time and that nothing bad would happen. But he underestimated his own people, I’m afraid.”

  There were more murmurs, and a sentinel stepped forward. “But nothing bad has happened, my lady. He’s only been gone a day. Everything runs smoothly. Some of us had questions—some of us had hesitations. But no one here challenges your authority or your right to it. Please understand—His Highness will never forgive us for making you uncomfortable.”

  I nodded. “I appreciate that. But you haven’t made me uncomfortable. I’ve done a fine job of that myself. My own bigotry has ruled me. The first thing I thought when Austin asked me to govern in his stead was no. That response was based on fear of how we’re not alike, fear of you not accepting me. But do you see what I did there? I focused on what is different about us, not what is the same. And that is a grave mistake, I’m afraid. Because we are more alike than we are different.”

  I nodded at them. “Now I admit that I made this mistake. But I see that we have much in common—love and belief in the prince being first and foremost. I can assure you that he is out there fighting the rebels with everything that he’s got. Yes, he mentioned taking prisoners.” Murmurs broke out in the crowd again, and I raised my hand. “That was his idea, not mine.”

  “My lady.” One of the kitchen maids curtsied. “If I may.”

  “Of course.”

  “It’s not like His Highness to take prisoners. Anyone who crosses us, he shows no mercy. That is his way. So forgive me for wondering what the difference is this time around. Some say the difference is you.” Murmurs rippled around her, and she shook her head. “I mean you no disrespect, Lady Kensington. I’m merely saying to your face what others have been whispering behind your back.”

  “I understand, and of course, your concerns are valid. I appreciate you having the bravery to say this in public.” I nodded at the woman then looked at the rest of the crowd. “His Highness had no wish to attack the rebels. He did not want to war. They came to us, and as a result, their blood will be shed. But I believe the prince wants to only kill if he has to. He believes, as do I, that each side trying to destroy the other will lead to great pain. He wants peace. So while I appreciate what you are saying, the decision to try to take prisoners was his and his alone. You’ve known him long enough to recognize that His Highness does what he wants, nothing more and nothing less.”

  There were some chuckles, and I relaxed. “I believe His Highness is doing his best to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. That is our way forward. The wolves are out there to help our army, and the rebels are outmatched and outnumbered in every way. We must have faith that His Highness is leading the North to victory. If we have not heard from him by nightfall, I will dispatch a small team. We needn’t wait here blindly. One other thing…” I gripped my hands together. “I believe, in every cell of my being, that His Highness will return from this battle. If he does not, he has asked me to lead in his place. I want you all to know that I would do this to honor him and his wishes. We all want the same thing: prosperity and peace for the North. I would serve at your mercy.” I curtsied.

  Everyone started talking again. When they quieted down, I asked, “Is there anything else? Please understand that I am here for you.”

  The same sentinel who had spoken before stepped forward. “My lady, I just want to thank you. I trust His Highness completely. If he chooses you, so does the North.” He knelt before me. “I pledge you my loyalty, Lady Kensington.”

  The others fell in behind him, bending their knees in a show of unison. “We pledge you our loyalty.”

  “And I pledge you my loyalty in return.” I followed suit, kneeling. “To the North!”

  “To the North!” Their cries echoed mine, reverberating around the room.

  My heart lifted. Austin had been right. He’d made a choice with his heart, and his people had followed.

  I should never have doubted him.

  Chapter 16

  Hand Of The Devil

  “What was all the yelling about?” Tamara asked as soon as I made it to the library.

  “I pledged my loyalty to the North is all.” I shrugged, beaming. “It went better than I expected.”

  “I daresay you’re becoming one of them.” Tamara eyed me up and down. “Quite uncivilized. And wearing pants, no less. You’ve been spending too much time up here with Eve.” She shivered. “You both need a makeover stat.”

  “My lady.” A sentinel rushed through the door, startling us. “A letter from His Highness.”

  “Is he all right?” I tore the envelope open.

  “Yes. The guard who gave me this said he’s safe. They’ve been negotiating with the rebels.” The sentinel bent over, breathing hard.

  My Dearest Blake,

  Remember I said I might need you to do something for me? The time has come. Please tell Balkyn and two of my men to get Chase from the dungeon. Have them bring her to the path in the aster garden—I’ll have a team waiting to take her from there.

  We’re going to trade her. The rebels have been beaten badly, and they will retreat if I return Chase to them. It’s a deal I’m happy to make—enough of their blood has been shed these last days. I will show mercy, and perhaps, finally, the rebels will start to see my kind in a new light.

  I’m requesting Balkyn’s participation because he needs to make peace with this. Tell him that. And tell him he will need to say goodbye to her if he decides to stay and fight with us.

  It’s his choice.

  I’ve word that things are fine at the castle. I have you to thank for that.

  I will see you soon, my love.


  I blew out a shaky breath. “Okay. Okay.”

  Tamara and Shaye were on me in an instant. “What’s the matter?”

  “I need to speak to Balkyn. Immediately.”

  “Is everything all right?” Shaye asked.

  “Yes, but I need to move quickly. Where is he?”

  “The kitchen, I think.” Tamara threw up her hands. “Can’t you tell us what’s going on?”

  “Later. I promise.” I hustled from the room. The sooner I found Balkyn, the sooner Chase would be set free. Then the battle would end. The siege would be over, and no more lives would be lost. And Austin would come back to me.

  I rushed into the kitchen. “Balkyn! A word, please.”

  The sentinels in the room left us at once. Balkyn’s forehead creased with worry. “What is it?”

  I pulled out the letter. “Austin just sent this. The rebels have agreed to retreat if we give Chase to them. The prince has asked me to have you and two guards escort her to the garden. She’ll be brought to the front lines to make the trade. The battle is all but over, and the rebels have sustained significant losses.”

  “I’m glad they’ve agreed to end a senseless, bloody fight.” Balkyn raked a hand through his hair. “But I don’t trust her. She’ll tell them everything she’s lea
rned about how the castle works and also about you and the prince. She’ll turn this second chance into an opportunity for vengeance.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I stepped closer. “They can’t hurt us, no matter what she tells them. They don’t have the numbers. Everybody knows Austin and I are together, anyway—they’ve broadcast it on national TV. I’m not afraid of them, and you shouldn’t be, either.”

  “It’s not that I’m afraid of them.” He looked at me for a beat. “But I know her. She would do anything in her power to hurt the vampires.”

  “She has no power here.” I sat down across from him. “Is there something else? You’re hesitating. You can tell me, you know.”

  “It’s just that I know the rebels, how badly they wanted this.” His face looked bleak. “It seems too easy.”

  “Many rebels lost their lives. I’m sure there was nothing easy about it.”

  He nodded.

  “Austin said it was your choice. You can leave with her, Balkyn.” I put my hand over his. “We will not judge you. You are Gwyneth’s brother, one of our own. We will let you go in peace.”

  He shook his head. “No, I’ve chosen my side. And Chase has chosen hers. If the prince is confident that his security won’t be breached, I trust him.” He raised his gaze to meet mine. “We can let her go.”

  “All right. Go at once. Take the guards with you and get her. Austin wants you to bring her to the path through the aster garden. Do you know it?”

  “Yes, of course.” He stood to go but stopped before he got to the door. “Blake?”


  “Thank you for…everything. You’ve taken me in and trusted me when few others would.” He glanced back at me. “Your mercy and kindness remind me of my sister. The world is becoming a better place because of people like you—I can feel it. Thank you for that.”

  He turned and was gone. With my heart full of Balkyn’s kind words, and my adrenaline thrumming because of what was about to take place, I hurried back to the library. We would have a good view of Chase from the windows facing the gardens.


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