Ethan (Members From Money Book 37)

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Ethan (Members From Money Book 37) Page 16

by Katie Dowe

  “You are welcome,” he told her with a smile.


  “Where are you?”

  “I am visiting friends and then I am going to the soup kitchen to help out.”

  “Dinner is all set for Saturday. Will your parents be there?”

  He heard her pause. “I never thought about that. I will ask them and let you know.”

  “Where is this soup kitchen?”

  “On Cedar Street. Why?”

  “Just curious. Heading to the club. Should I come and pick you up or will you find your way to the apartment?”

  “I will find my way. What did your family say?”

  “They are excited to meet the woman who managed to take my heart.”

  “Is that so?’ she asked softly.

  “Hmm. I was thinking that maybe we should shelve our plans and just go back to the apartment and stay in bed naked.”

  “Aren’t you tired of making love to me?”

  “Never,” he vowed. “So what do you say.”

  “As tempted as I am, the answer is no. See you later.”

  He hung up with a smile.


  “Come in,” Mark stepped aside to let her through. When she had called and told him that she wanted to talk to him and if she could come over he had almost refused her. He had been holed up in his apartment ever since he had told her it would not work and had been miserable ever since. His apartment looked too small and very depressing and he felt the shame of even having her come in to see how he lived.

  “I tried to do some tidying up,” he quickly moved some papers off the table in front of the sofa and indicated that she have a seat.

  “It’s fine Mark,” she said softly as she took off her coat and her gloves and put them over the arm of the sofa. “I missed you.”

  He shrugged helplessly. “I missed you too,” he shoved his hands into the pockets of his faded denims and looked down at her. “Why have you come?”

  “Would you please sit?”

  He sat on the table facing her.

  “I love you,” she murmured softly. “I would gladly give up my wealth if that would make it work between us--”

  “I would never ask you to do that,” he said swiftly.

  “I know,” she said with a smile. “As I said before; I love you and I want to be in your life. Ever since you said goodbye to me I have been hovering on the brink of extreme despair and hopelessness, wondering how am I going to move on from you and what I feel for you. I have a solution and it was one my brother gave to me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He told me to make you my equal.”

  “I cannot be your equal. I don’t have the amount of money you have.” Mark pointed out.

  “That does not matter. You are getting a promotion which comes with a substantial pay rise.”

  He stared at her and for a moment he felt hope blooming. “I cannot accept that. Everyone will know that it was because of our relationship why I got it.”

  “Maybe,” she said with an elegant shrug. “It will not come from me but from the CEO of the company.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Yes. You are a very hard worker and very ambitious and also a fighter Mark and I have every confidence that in time you will probably be running the accounts department of the company.”

  “Why are you doing this?” he asked her huskily.

  “You know why.” She reached out and took his hands with hers. “I would do anything for us to stay together. It’s not going to be easy--” he cut her off as he pulled her into his arms and buried his mouth on hers!


  Harper was so busy that she barely noticed the stir at the front of the building. She had left the home where she had visited Bart and talked with him for a little bit telling him of her engagement and then came straight to the soup kitchen and had started dishing out the meal immediately. The place was busier than usual because today being a Saturday meant that more than the homeless were there for a meal but people who were down on their luck even people who had money for lunch had come by to get a plate, no one was ever turned back.

  “Here you go,” she was just handing the man in front of her his plate of food when she saw him coming towards her. She stared at him as she was sure everyone in the large hall as doing as well. He looked out of place with his sable black hair a little tousled from the wind and his expensive dark blue sweater and over it a black cashmere coat that screamed expensive! She heard people whispering his name in the room and for a moment the sharing of the meal stopped as they stared at him. He came right around to stand next to her. “Where do you want me?” he asked her as if this was an everyday occurrence.

  “We are fine--”

  “How about I help out at the vegetable section?” he asked the dazed woman who stood there. He took off his coat and his gloves and walked over to where she was standing. “Hi, my name is--”

  “We know who you are, Mr. Shaw.” The woman whispered.

  “Please, call me Ethan. I am here to help out. I hope you don’t mind.”

  It took several minutes for the crowd to settle down and allowed themselves to be served by him. Harper kept glancing over at him and could not stop the smile as he charmed the women especially as he put vegetables onto their plates. Very soon the persons sharing the meal had relaxed enough to carry on a conversation with him as they dished out the meal. It was two hours later before the crowd had thinned considerably and they were able to grab something to eat themselves.

  “That’s fine Lena. I will get it myself,” he told the woman who was about to get something for him. He filled his plate with the different dishes and came over to sit with her. “What do you think you are doing?” she murmured as she ate her turkey slices.

  “What does it look like?” he asked her mildly as he dug into his salad. “I am having a meal with my fiancé,” his dark blue eyes went to her finger. “Although I see you are not wearing your ring.”

  “You expect me to wear that horribly expensive ring to come to the soup kitchen?”

  “You are right; it would have drawn too much attention.”

  “I thought you were going to the club?”

  “I decided that I wanted to share this experience with you.”


  “I want to be a part of your world too. I want to like what you like and share everything about you.” He told her seriously. “When are you going to get that I am totally in love with you?”

  She stared at him and then continued eating her meal. “I am beginning to.” She told him quietly.

  “Good,” he said briskly. “I was thinking we could swing by your parents and I get to know them before we go back to the apartment.”

  “I will call and see if they are home,” she said softly.


  Faye Simmons greeted them at the door. When Harper had called and told her that she had someone she would like them to meet she had not expected that someone to be the handsome billionaire Ethan Shaw!

  “Darling you could have told us!” she exclaimed as she took his hands in hers.

  “I did not want to ruin the surprise,” Harper said mildly as she took off her coat and took his. “Hi Daddy, this is--”

  “Honey no need for introductions,” he said with a delighted smile. “Ethan Shaw, please come on in.”

  “Thank you,” he clasped the man’s hands and took both Faye’s and Harper’s arm as they went into the living room.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Faye, ever the perfect hostess asked as soon as they were seated. She looked relaxed and contented and they both looked happy.

  “I am afraid we are coming from the soup kitchen and they stocked us full with food.” Ethan said as he declined.

  “You were at the soup kitchen?” Faye asked staring at the man in shock.

  “He shocked me as well,” Harper said wryly as she looked at him. He had won over everyone there and they had told him that they ho
ped he would come back.

  “I wanted to surprise her,” his eyes wandered over Harper’s face and the expression on his could not be ignored! “We have news,” he added looking at her parents.”

  “I am sure you do,” Faye said with a pleased smile.

  “I have asked Harper to marry me and she has said yes. My mother is hosting an engagement party for us at the manor next Saturday and we would like you to be there.”

  “We would be delighted to be there!” Faye told him. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Yes I am so happy to hear that our little girl has found such a man like yourself.” Francis told him.

  “Thank you sir and I promise that I will love her for the rest of my life.”


  “You have been very busy,” Harper murmured as they went into the bedroom. “Surprising me with the visit to the soup kitchen and then winning over my parents and having my mother practically swooning over you,” she stripped off her clothes and sat on the side of the bed to take off her boots. She was tired, but pleasantly so. He had insisted that she left her car at the apartment and drive with him and she had done so.

  Before he could respond to that his phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and then at her before answering. “Samantha, how are you?”

  His dark blue eyes saw when her lips tightened and she got off the bed to go to the bathroom. But he caught her before she left and held her firmly around the waist. “I am sorry to hear that. I understand the treatments are not pleasant.” He listened for a moment and then responded. “No trouble at all, I promised to be there for you as a friend and I know my fiancé understands,” he winced as she jabbed him in the ribs hard.

  “Yes, Harper finally agreed to marry me.” He bent his head and nuzzled her neck causing her to go weak. “Thank you and you take care.”

  “Let go of me,” she hissed.

  “Why?” he hoisted her into his arms and carried her to the bed where he put her down and pinned her with his arm. “You cannot still be jealous of her baby.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she told him coolly.

  “Please don’t be mad,” he said softly. “I want you to know that you have my complete and utter devotion. I have my past baby and I cannot help it. I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love someone and I would like you to believe that. Please.”

  She stopped struggling as she stared up at him. “I will not tolerate infidelity,” she told him.

  “I know that.”

  “And I don’t want her calling you at all times of the night. I am not okay with that. I understand her position but she is still in love with you and I am not going to understand her calling you when she feels like.”

  “Okay,” he murmured softly. “Anything else?”

  “Why are you still dressed?”

  “I have no idea but that can be easily remedied,” he said huskily.

  “Let me help you,” she pulled the sweater over his head and the shirt he had on underneath. He moved away from her and took off his denims and underwear and got rid of his boots and socks before climbing back onto the bed. “Now where were we?” he asked her huskily.

  “Let me show you.”

  Chapter 16

  “I am not living here,” she told him decisively as he drove through the sweeping circular driveway with the towering palm trees unaffected by the snowy weather and the graceful fountain in the middle of the grounds. They seemed to be traveling for a mile before the breathtaking view of the stately manor was seen.

  “You have not even seen inside yet,” he said mildly as he glanced at her set face. She had been spoiling for a fight ever since they had been getting ready and he knew that she was trying to hide her nervousness. “I think you are going to love it here. We have a basketball court and a tennis court and also a pear shaped pool which will be uncovered for the spring. I was thinking that we could get married here as soon as the weather permits. There is a gazebo that leads into the woods and only needs to be repainted.”

  “Is that all? Or have you picked out my wedding dress too?” she asked him sweetly.

  He stopped the car within inches from the double doors of the entrance and Harper could see several cars parked, including her parent’s red SUV.

  “Stop it.” He said with quiet authority.

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do--”

  “I love you.” He said with quiet force. “Nothing you do will ever change that. If you don’t want to live here just say the word and we will live somewhere else. It is no big deal, Harper. I will do anything to make you comfortable and I think you already know that. You are nervous and scared of what the future holds but know that I will never do anything to purposely hurt you and I want you to take me at my word.”

  She stared at him and then looked away fighting back tears. No matter how hard she tried or how much she tried telling herself that this was a mistake he would find a way around her. He jerked in surprise as she reached across and buried her mouth on his. After the initial moment of surprise Ethan wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss, his body shuddering and his heart pounding inside his chest. He was the one who dragged his mouth away from hers, his breathing labored, his hands trembling as he framed her exquisite face. “You don’t play fair,” he said hoarsely.

  “Neither do you,” she passed a thumb over his lips to wipe the moisture off. “I am sorry for being such a bitch.”

  “No one calls my fiancé that, not even you,” he placed his forehead on hers and breathed slowly in and out. “I need a few minutes.” He whispered. “But as soon as it is prudent to do so I am going to pretend to show you my suite of rooms.”

  “And I will pretend to be excited to see it.” She whispered.

  He took a deep breath. “Okay baby, let’s go.”


  Evelyn who was looking out the window turned to the rest of the people in the living room. “Here, they come at last!” she hurried forward to greet them, opening the doors herself and sending the maid away.

  “Darling, we have been waiting!” she greeted her son first and then turned to the stunning African America woman at his side. Her experienced eyes swiftly sized up the expensive slate grey dress she was wearing and the ring on her finger. Her hair was loose about her face and fell in thick waves past her shoulders. She also took in how tender her son was as he took her coat and let his fingers linger at her bare neck. He was in love and certainly not afraid to show it. “My dear,” she clasped the woman’s hands and turned her ring finger to get a better look at the ring. “I am so happy to meet you at last. Please come and meet the rest. Your parents are already here.”

  “Happy to meet you too.” Harper told her as the woman tucked her hand through her arm and led her into the huge living room where a cheerful fire greeted them. “These are my daughters: Erin and Erica and Erica’s soon to be husband, Mark, and this is Erin’s boyfriend, Adam.”

  “My God! Look at that ring!” Erin sprang up from her seat where she had been reclining on the arm of the chair Adam was sitting on and came forward to get a closer look. “Darling, you have very good taste.” She said looking at her brother. “Welcome to the family Harper and we are so grateful to you for rescuing our brother from a life with a mediocre woman.”

  “You are welcome,” Harper said in amusement immediately liking the girl.

  Very soon it was time for the sumptuous meal and to her surprise, in spite of the formality of the dinner she had a lot of fun and the conversation around the dinner table was very lively. She very soon discovered that Erin was the extrovert while her sister was the introvert but the latter looked very happy and she could see the glow of love on her face.

  It was during the dessert that Ethan asked to be excused. “I promised Harper I would give her a tour.” He murmured as he pulled out her chair.

  “Take your time, darling.” His mother said with a wave of her hand. He totally ignored the knowing l
ook Erin gave him as he took her hand and led her up the spiral staircase. She saw glimpses of open doors and delicate furnishings with pricey artwork on the walls. He pushed open a double door that led into a sunken living room the color of ashes. A large flat screen television took up one wall completely with comfortable chairs strewn all around. He led her through the room and came into his bedroom. The large king-sized bed was in the middle of the room and a highboy stood gracefully to one corner. An open door revealed a huge walk through closet and she saw shelves lined with clothes and shoes. “What do you think?” he asked her a little anxiously as she looked around.

  “It’s excessive, something I would expect the heir to a vast fortune to have.”

  “But?” he walked over and caught her about the waist.

  “No buts,” she leaned back against him and closed her eyes. “I could see myself living here but you will have to get rid of some of the clothes. I might not be a woman with tons of clothing but there has to be room for me.”

  He felt his throat constrict and his hands tightened around her. “I will clear out and make sure there is a complete section for you,” he told her huskily. She turned in his arms and linked her hands around his neck. “I like your family.” She murmured.

  “I think the feeling is mutual,” he whispered. “I have two more bedrooms and two baths as well but I am afraid the tour ends here.”

  “I don’t mind. I was getting tired of it anyway.” She stepped back and slid the dress over her shoulders and stepped out of it leaving the provocative black teddy she had donned underneath and then stepped out of the heels she had worn. “I have something else in mind.”

  “So do I,” he took off the tan sports jacket he had worn and the shirt underneath and then his pants and underwear. He dropped to his knees in front of her and inhaled her scent, his body trembling as she sank her fingers through his hair. He used his fingers to move the flimsy material and felt the warmth of her sex before sinking his fingers into her. Harper arched her back sensuously as he inched in deeper into her, his fingers seeking and touching the core of her. His thumb feathered over her mound and had her calling out his name. She uttered a cry as his mouth replaced his thumb and he pulled the protruding flesh into his mouth, his teeth nibbling and driving her practically insane! “Ethan please I can’t--”she shuddered violently as his thrust increased and he pulled the sensitive flesh into his mouth. The orgasm was instantaneous and so violent that she almost tore at his hair, her body flaying out of control! He waited her out before getting to his feet to take her lips with his. He walked her backwards against the bed and lifting her up he put her down and climbed in with her. He broke the kiss but only so he could take off the underwear and sink himself deep inside her. He stopped for a moment and looked at her, the brightness of her dark brown eyes, the parted lips and the flush of the orgasm that was not quite finished. “I love you,” he told her softly and taking her lips with his he showed her how much!


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