A Flicker In The Still Forest: From Forest To Flames #1

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A Flicker In The Still Forest: From Forest To Flames #1 Page 4

by K. Lyn Hill

  "You can, and you will. Please." Adding the formality at the end seemed to placate the girl. Even if only for a moment, Aerity took advantage of it. “Do you have a phone I can use?” Maybe she could call Mya...somebody. Anybody. She would even take her dad at this point, even at the risk of disembowelment.

  Carly’s eyebrows furrowed again. That seemed to be her go to expression. “A what?”

  Aerity didn’t have time to process Carly’s confusion because a loud knock on the door startled the mess out of her. The girl jumped about a foot in the air. Dropping the corset laces (Aerity wanted to cry out in hallelujah) Carly scurried to answer it. Aerity may have even started rolling on the floor in prayerful thanks if she hadn’t been distracted by the rumbling voice spoken with a commanding aura. "I'm here for the princess. She didn't get a tour the last time she graced us with her presence." Bitterness tinged his words. Well, wasn’t everyone here just a ray of fluffing sunshine.

  Carly's baby voice squeaked. "She's not quite ready yet, sir."

  Aerity held an internal debate about whether it was worse to go with whoever the gruff sounding man was at her door or to continuing wallowing in awkward silences while Carly tortured her. Hmmmm such a tough choice. Not!

  "You can come in. I'm done with this thing anyway. It's so much more comfortable without it on." Making her way to the door, Aerity paused, confronted by a stern face with pinched features. As she took in her fill, she was assaulted by thick eyebrows, severe almond eyes and boy was this man tall. A guard’s uniform clung to his steroid infused chest like it had been painted on. He would look only a few years older than her if it weren't for the depth of experience wrapped around him like a cloak.

  Using the opportunity to take her in as well, his eyes shot from her loose corset back up again. "Finish getting dressed."

  She pursed her lips, trying to reign in her tempter. Wasn't she the princess? Why did everyone like to give her commands?

  Before she could blink, the door was closing in her face. She blew out a deep breath and turned to Carly, shoving her anger down. She would do what she was told. For now. She had more pressing issues at hand to contend with than some grumpy guard. Little things. Ya know. Like how she was going to get the hell back home. "Alright chica. Finish dressing me so they all can get the sticks out of their butts. Which might take a while, because they are wedged up there tight!"

  Carly’s tiny mouth opened on a gasp. Aerity raised her arms in a ‘whatever’ fashion and winked. This could be fun. She had already wreaked havoc on her small corner of the world with Eli. What was one more teeny, tiny, little castle?

  Chapter Five


  It wasn't as if he was trying to avoid her…Okay. Maybe he was. He was supposed to be the Prince. Ceranthium’s future Ruler. So why was he cowering from a little slip of a girl?

  No. Not girl. No one could mistake her for just a girl. She was a woman. One with sultry curves that would make the most stable man stumble.

  Wincing, he ran a hand down his face. It had been days since he was able to properly shave or shower. Pointed whiskers scratched at his calloused hands. After his supposed wedding got postponed, the message from his general had come through. There was trouble along the border. Ever since the king left for renegotiations, attacks had been happening more frequently. Damien didn’t know how to deal with it. He didn’t even know what he was fighting against. The murder scenes were unlike anything he had ever seen.

  He rode out to the battle scene at the same time they were capturing his future bride and dragging her back here. If there weren’t duties to attend, he would have ridden out to capture her himself. How lovely it came down to hog tying a woman to wed him. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have a million additional things to care for. Trivial things such as running a kingdom and stopping murderous attacks from leaking further onto his land. He shook his head in frustration.

  Calling for a servant, he watched as they drew him a bath. Sucking in a deep breath, he lowered himself into the hot water, leaning his head against the back of the tub. The warmth lapped over his skin, attempting to relieve the tightness bunched in his shoulders.

  The more he thought of the attacks, the more he thought if his cousin, the Duke of Ferali. Every time the infuriating relative had visited, he had insisted that one day, the wedding alliance wouldn’t be enough to prevent war. Despite neighboring lands insisting they would assist if there was ever trouble in Ceranthium, it was never a guarantee. The other kingdom’s lands were stable and never in need of support. Ceranthium, however, was hanging on by a thread and people knew it. Their small corner of the world was ripe for picking if a stronger army came along.

  Ever since his mother had died something just felt wrong about the land surrounding the castle. Darkness had prevailed over the forest. Something unknown and supernatural. How did one fight against a force that was unseen?

  It was no wonder his cousin insisted on having a backup plan. For years he would talk about a secret army that would defend Ceranthium’s people if it came down to it. Damien always thought it was a waste of his precious time since their own army was strong enough to fight their own battles. Now he wasn’t so sure.

  With the feeling of impending doom hovering over him like an annoying gnat, it was hard to argue that maybe his cousin had been onto something. Damien wondered if his cousin ever acted on his little rebel group.

  Pushing the thoughts of war and vicious attacks to the back of his mind, he focused on the here and now. The enemy within the castle. His future wife.

  After scrubbing layers of grime from his skin, he would eventually feel more human again. But then what? What was he to do about his current predicament? His brother would know better how to handle this better than he ever would. Being the younger prince, Siel had freedoms that weren't allotted to himself. Women basically crawled on their hands and knees towards his brother. They didn’t stand a chance once he flashed his ruining dimpled smile their way.

  Hastily making his way out of the now cold, filthy water, he searched out his brother. If anyone could tame a poisonous snake, it was Siel.

  "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. Dear old brother came to give me the gift of his presence. I see you’re still old and decrepit." The familiar voice made Damien smile. Their childhood had consisted of Siel getting into trouble and him cleaning up his messes. No one would ever believe that his brother was innocent, but he had this boyish air about him that left you wondering. Questioning. That was all it took for everyone to fall for his blubbering. There had yet been someone immune to it.

  Even with all his brother’s foibles, Damien still loved him and would do anything for him. There was a lot more to Siel then he allowed people to see. It was quite a shame because when Siel was truly himself, it was a remarkable thing to behold. But unfortunately, his dear younger brother preferred the pastime of chasing skirts over anything of real substance. Not that Damien judged, seeing that he himself would do just about anything to escape the limelight for a time. It didn’t seem like much to ask for. Just one day where his every action wasn’t measured and held insignificant. Every moment was always a test. One he seemed to fail more often than not.

  He clapped Siel on the shoulder earning a grunt in return. "Be careful you don't hit me too hard brother. You wouldn't want to damage the merchandise." Siel bent over to kiss each of his biceps. It never ceased to amaze just how much confidence could fit in the span of one person. If only Siel could share his overabundance.

  "Oh, is that what they were? I thought they were mosquito bites." Damien smirked earning a wounded look in return.

  Feigning insult, his brother pressed a hand to his chest. "Why, I never thought I would hear those words from my own blood!”

  Damien chuckled. "You’re well aware you were adopted. No use playing Coy."

  "Look at grandpa making a joke." He cast Damien a wolfish wink. "Well, they didn't get the son they wanted on the first try so they had to go to the extreme to get perfect

  There was all that confidence again, boiling and overflowing. Damien scoffed and rolled his eyes most of the time because Siel always talked out of his rear end. One would think he was used to it by now but each time it surprised him yet again, until he remembered just who he was speaking to.

  "So why didn't they keep trying for another son after you then?"

  "HA HA! you’re so funny! Oh how I've missed your humor. Your face especially brightens up my day with laughter. Who wouldn't laugh at that face?" Siel pinched his thumb and pointer finger on the round section of Damien's cheek who slapped his hand away with a chuckle.

  Siel abruptly sat, his elbow bent rest against his knee, his hands folded under his chin. "As amusing it is to banter with you, something tells me you didn’t just stop by for a random visit. Tell me your troubles, brother dearest."

  Everyone would assume him being the dutiful brother unless they looked close enough to spot the sparkle shining in his eyes. "Your aware of my woman troubles. Care to help?"

  Siel hid a grin behind his fingers, his halfhearted attempt to keep a straight face. "If you didn't know how body parts worked you should have told me earlier. I would have been happy to give you a lesson." Damen shook his head. Leave it up to his brother to say something idiotic. "Didn't father ever talk with you about the birds and the bees?" Siel continued, his straight face no where to be seen.

  Damien rolled his eyes. Why did he do this to himself? He should have known where the conversation would lead. "Yes, Siel. I think I can figure out the concept on my own. I have been well educated in that department.” He deadpanned. Bringing the conversation back to a serious nature, Damien added, “My main concern was how to take a wife that wants nothing to do with me.”

  Bitterness tinged his voice and Siel sobered rather quickly, wiping the smirk off his face. Genuine sympathy played across his features. "I'm sorry Damien. She is a fool to have run from such a good man. You will win her heart over by your word and deeds."

  Leaning his head back against the chair Damien released a pent-up sigh. "Yes, but how will such a girl win mine?"

  Chapter Six


  The brute guard returned minutes later, making sure that she was thoroughly clothed this time around. A paper bag would reveal more than what she was wearing. Intelligence told her to keep that thought to herself. As much as she itched to rip it off, she refrained. Heaven forbid she do it and receive repercussions from the warrior mountain man shooting her evil glares again. Sheesh, what was his deal? Holding her chin up and chest puffed out was the only way she could draw breath. There were still no signs of familiarity. She hadn’t even seen Elias again. Although besides his face there was nothing familiar about him either.

  A pang of distress weaseled its way into her chest. Just breathe. Things will sort itself out soon. For now, just take it all in. They think you’re a freaking princess. Might as well live it up for a while.

  A flash of blue and gold at the end of the hallway caught her eye. As the man drew closer, piercing blue eyes that shone with mischief held her captive. The handsome face paired with the guards uniform he wore only made him more intriguing to look at. She assumed from the high-end material he was probably a ranking officer. The glint in his eyes brightened as he took stock of her from head to toe, clearly not ashamed of his blatant perusal. A dimpled grin sprawled across his face that threatened to weaken her knees. This man was used to getting what he wanted. The confidence in his step only further proved her point.

  "Well if it isn't my gorgeous future sister in law. I'll take over from here Lance."

  She schooled her features, not wanting to accidentally burst out in laughter. Her sumo guard’s name was Lance? Stifling a smirk, she pretended to scratch an itch on her cheek. Mr. Dimples’ lips twitched.

  Dismissing the guard at her side, he continued to watch her. "Were you laughing at your poor guard’s name, Princess?"

  Huh, she didn’t expect him to call her out on it. Suddenly the warmth of his hand clasped onto hers before he bent down, pressing a gentle kiss across her fingers. Red tinged her cheeks as she tried to redirect the conversation and ignore the feel of his lips on her hand. "I dare say kind sir, you have no idea where my hand has been."

  His booming laughter shook the curls fanning out around his perfect face. He looked like a Greek God. Who did he say he was? Her future brother in law? Was he a pretend prince too? Could he be her pretend future husband instead?

  "Well, I can tell you exactly where I would like your hand to be." He paused to judge her reaction, his grin pulling back in glee at her answering smile.

  "And where exactly would that be, dear brother in law?"

  His eyes glittered with amusement. "In the crook of my arm young lady, where else?" Taking her hand, he placed it on his elbow and flashed her a devilish wink. Oh, this boy had trouble written all over him. Maybe he wouldn't make a good husband, but he was probably oh so much fun.

  "So, I'm quite curious why you are here escorting me instead of your brother.” Maybe he would offer more information of where she was.

  "Oh, my brother is a big bore. I'm much better company I assure you."

  Hmm yes. She was sure that he was, as well as full of STDs from all the women who probably threw themselves at him. She decided that she liked him though. He reminded her of Eli. Those kinds of boys made good friends but nothing more, although they were enjoyable to verbally spar with.

  She eyed him critically. "Well I have yet to make your brother’s acquaintance but I'm sure he can't be all that bad. I'll bet he doesn't walk around with food on his collar."

  Confusion settled on his face for a minute until his mind caught up to her words. With a finger, she pointed to his shirt. His head jerked down. "Where?" Lifting her hand, she bopped him in the nose. Yeah, she was a nerd but proud of it.

  Launching back, he stared at her for a minute and then offered her a crooked grin, one corner of his mouth lifting higher than the other. "You are nothing like what I’ve heard, Princess. I'm quite intrigued to learn more."

  Strolling down the hallway rowdy cheers and laughter filtering through the door, drawing her attention. Curiosity took hold. She peeked her head into the room. Her companion turned towards the noise and then a firm body blocked her view.

  Slapping a hand playfully on his chest, she bit her lip. "Hey, what's going on in there?" Standing on her tip toes, she tried to sneak a glance behind him, but the lug was in the way. He glanced down at her hand, lifting an eyebrow. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, stealing her hand back to her face for a pretend cough. Busted!

  Siel smirked again. "Just a couple of miscreants playing cards. No place for a fine lady such as yourself to be."

  "But it looks fun. Can we go?" The pleading in her voice wasn't enough, she had to unleash the puppy dog pout.

  He took one look at her and caved with a heavy sigh. "I'm sure you will be bored watching."

  Her face lit up with glee as she practically sang, "I don't want to watch. I want to play." Before he could argue with her, she gently shoved him into the room as the laughter abruptly halted. Eyes dragged up to her as she practically skipped over to the card game.

  "Watch ya guys playin?" Searching around, her attention snagged on an empty chair across the room. At least here, no one knew her father or that she was related to a cop. This could be fun. Another adventure. She headed over to grab it, wincing as it began scraping against the solid ground.

  It continued to scrape. And squeal. And screech. All…the way…to the table.

  The guys all continued to stare at her with shock as she finally arrived at the table, plopping down in her seat. With a big smile, she peeked around the table. "Don't let me stop you." Waving her hand in the air, she leaned forward with her rapt attention on all their frowning faces. "Keep playing. I want to learn."

  They wearily continued their game. Ignoring the awkward silence, she discreetly checked out the band of men. Directly in front of
her sat a younger man around sixteen who took a sip of his drink and sputtered at the taste. To his left sat another guy who looked to be about thirty and resembled a giant boulder. He slapped a hand across the young kid’s back with a loud WHACK! The kid sputtered, his coughing turning into an outright hacking fit.

  It was shocking that liquid didn’t fly out of his nose.

  "Daniel, don't tell me the Princess is making you nervous, boy." The boy’s glare could have melted candle wax as it bore into the brute. "Or are the spirits getting to ya?"

  Ooooo nobody said there was alcohol. "Where's mine?" She asked.

  Daniel finally cracked a small crooked smile at that. "You’re a lady. This is too strong for ya."

  “A lady can keep up with any man if she desires to." Aerity wiggled her fingers in a ‘give me’ motion. Curiosity got the better of him and Daniel passed her his cup. Cocking her eyebrow, she brought the cup to her lips and knocked back what was left of the warming liquid. After slamming the cup on the table, she released a pleased sigh without so much as a twitch in her composure. The alcohol burned going down but felt oh so good. Daniel shifted his gaze from his cup, to her face, then back at his fellow companions.

  Aerity ignored them. "That was good. Can we get some more?"

  The ‘prince’, whose name she learned was Siel, was eyeing her carefully. Just as quickly he smirked, calling out, "You heard the woman! More spirits!"

  Servants walked by, filling all the cups from a large basin. Once they scuttered out, a chorus of clinking mugs was the only sound in the gigantic room.

  "My brother will not be pleased with his bride getting sloshed. I will probably get the brunt of his wrath." Siel’s words were said with a smile but something lingered behind them, giving her pause.

  She leaned forward, dramatically turning from left to right before she whispered so only he could hear. "I don't see him here, do you?" Her eyebrow arched skyward just as Siel’s lips tipped up along with it.


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