A Flicker In The Still Forest: From Forest To Flames #1

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A Flicker In The Still Forest: From Forest To Flames #1 Page 12

by K. Lyn Hill

  Carly wasn’t havin it. “I was just kidding. My parents own the only cow farm and they would not be happy if we did that.”

  An easiness came over Aerity that she hadn’t felt in the last few days. She suppressed a giggle at the reprimanding look on Carly’s face. “I can’t believe you believe me. Wait, how do I know you’re not playing me again?” She had been played already, not really trying to do it again.

  “Because if I thought you were the princess and said those words to you, you would pretty much have me killed. In fact, it’s really me that should be afraid I’m being played.”


  “So, you just want me to know that I know that you know?”

  Carly burst out laughing again, the sound music to her ears. “What?!”

  All the stress over the last few hours momentarily released. Aerity’s own giggle peeled out and joined in. “I have no idea.” Once the laughter calmed down Aerity came to her senses. “Wait, so then you realize I’m actually supposed to marry Damien and I have no clue who he is, right? I’m for real not from this world.”

  Carly chewed on her lip again in contemplation. “Well what are your options? Trying to find the evil woman in the woods and convince her to take you back? If that story is even true, then she was the one who brought you here.”

  Frustration bubbled up. “You’re right.” She glanced over at Carly and felt guilty for having overheard her family’s private conversation but now that she had it wouldn’t leave her thoughts. “Carly, I overheard you talking to your parents earlier.”

  Sadness and a shimmer of guilt dimmed her new friend’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I tried to convince them you’re different.”

  “I’m not talking about that. What will happen to the kingdom if I don’t marry Damien? Your mother said everyone will starve without the alliance.”

  “There has to be another way. Could you tell Damien? Or Siel? Maybe they could help if they knew the truth?”

  “I tried. They don’t believe me. Damien thinks I’m manipulating everyone and Siel…well I don’t know what Siel thinks but he doesn’t believe me.”

  “If we could only convince Damien of what happened, he could sort everything out. It would be easier to convince Siel though. He’s more open minded. Damien’s stubborn.”

  Aerity grunted. “Yeah I noticed. And I’m supposed to marry him.” Making a motion, she pretended to bang her head against an invisible wall.

  “Well at least he’s cute, you have to give him that.” Carly said with a playful shrug.

  Aerity laughed despite the pain constricting her chest. “Yeah he’s alright I guess.” She wasn’t about to admit that she thought he was the hottest guy she had ever seen. Personality needed to go along with it too and Damien was severely lacking in that department. “But that doesn’t mean I want to marry the guy.” Mainly because of said personality.

  “Well, maybe we could figure out our own way to get you home. Then find the princess but I really dread that whole fiasco. She was an evil wench.”

  Aerity never expected Carly to be like this. Maybe they could find a way to get her home. Or if she was stuck here for a while, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. That is until she had to marry Damien. He may be hot but that did nothing for how infuriating he was.

  “We just need to procrastinate as long as we can until we find a way out of this. Or make Damien not want you as badly as he does.” Carly placed a finger on her lips in contemplation.

  A wicked smile formed on Aerity’s lips, thinking of all the possible ways she could attempt that. “Well that sounds mighty fun to try.” At that they both laughed again as they led their horses to the stables. It was light and joyous and Aerity couldn’t help but feel ten times lighter than when she left.


  “Well well, somebody was out late.” She heard Siel’s voice and spun to see him propped up against her door like he had been waiting there all night. “Where are you coming from?”

  Once they had gotten back, Aerity had helped Carly finish up her chores. No longer was her friend opposed to it since she now was aware Aerity was no princess. Now exhaustion clung to her and she desperately craved her bed. As great as her own bed was back home, this one by far topped it. She wondered if they just killed a bunch of geese and shoved them in a casing. Then again, that would be pretty gross. Her mind drifted back to Vanessa’s uncomfortable hay bed. A wave of pity rushed over her. Their family deserved better than that.

  “Awww Siel did you miss me?”

  He glanced down at his nails to pretend like he didn’t care but Aerity could see something much different written on his face. “Not really. I just wondered what was so special that your favorite best friend had to cover for you tonight at dinner.”

  She frowned. “I didn’t realize I had dinner plans with you.”

  Siel smirked. “Oh, not with me cupcake. With your fiancé.”

  “I didn’t make plans with Damien.”

  He quirked his eyebrow. “You do realize that as a couple, you’re required to dine together every night, right? Which you have somehow evaded for the last few evenings.” She had never heard of that one before.

  He matched her confusion. “You knew that didn’t you?”

  Nope. No, she did not but then again, Damien didn’t tell her anything so how was she supposed to know? Study the stars or learn to read minds? Hmmmm tough choice. “How would I have known that? No one told me.”

  He tilted his head to the side as if studying her from a different angle. “Royals are taught that from birth. It’s etiquette.”

  Huh. That was a new one. “Oh. Well, then thanks for covering for me. I’m sure Damien was spitting mad.”

  “You have no idea. I’m almost afraid of what punishment he thinks up for you tomorrow at the hunt. I told him you weren’t feeling well and retired to your rooms early tonight. I think you owe me a kiss for that.” Siel smirked.

  Aerity placed a finger to her mouth in contemplation. “Hmmmm. You want a kiss for lying to my fiancé about my whereabouts. I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to go.”

  Siel laughed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Then how about you reward me with knowledge. Where did you go?”

  “I think I enjoy you squirming more.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I always find out what I want to know.”

  An evil smile graced her lips. “Then it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find out on your own, Sherlock."

  Shaking his head with a smile, he pushed off the wall.

  “Goodnight Princess.”

  “Night Siel.” Just as he left the room, she fell face first in her bed and ignored the world until morning.

  Chapter Fifteen


  He didn’t know why it bothered him so much not knowing where Aerity had been. She surely wasn’t with his brother or him. Who could she possibly have been with? It irked him that it was eating him alive so much. What did it matter? She could do what she wanted.

  Except there was a little voice in his head that said he didn’t want her to.

  Images of her with another guy made him frown. Could she have been with a man? Not that he should care, yet he did. She was engaged to his brother. If anything, Damien should care where she was, but Damien didn’t know because he had lied for her. Siel didn’t even understand why he had done it. This protective instinct had hit him out of nowhere, although she didn’t seem to realize that she even had anything to cover up. How did she not know about dining with her betrothed? More and more he questioned whether there was some odd truth to her story. She didn’t fit into any mold that he had pegged her for a few weeks ago. It didn’t make sense.

  He didn’t want Damien giving her a hard time for not being there but now he was determined to discover where she had run off to. He told himself that it was really for Damien, to discover her character, but that would be a lie. Curiosity ate at his insides and it needed to be squashed.

  When she had first walked into the
room, he had taken in her appearance, she was coated in dirt. Wet mud stains streaked the bottom of her dress, her hair fell in a mess, half out of her bun. The idea of her with another guy for some reason made him feel nauseous. With her blushed cheeks and disheveled appearance, it seemed like she was rolling around in the barn all day.

  Deciding to get the answers he craved, he made his way out to the stables. He stopped at a young boy grooming a horse. The boy glanced up, stuttering. “Hel ll llo Your Highness. What can I do for you?” There was a lilt to the boy’s voice, seeming to be bursting with something to say.

  “I was wondering if you happened to see the princess today at all?”

  The boy’s face positively glowed. Seemed like thinking of Aerity lit up his world too. It was easy to imagine why. “Yes, she went riding earlier today.”

  He didn’t know which guards would have gone with her. “Was she alone?” He wanted desperately for the boy to say she left with her guards and that be the end of it.

  “No. She was with someone Sir.” The boy wasn’t offering up many details.

  “Care to tell me who she went out with?” He was proud of how patiently he waited for an answer.

  “Carly, my Prince.” He didn’t recognize her name from court and then the boy added, “Her chamber maid,” which did help jog his memory. A princess went out riding with a servant? Now he really had suspicions that something was not as it should be.

  He would just have to seek her out and confirm. There was an incessant nagging in his head that told him he only wanted an excuse to see her again but he ignored it, heading in the direction of her rooms.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Aerity had been thinking about all that had happened the night before and couldn’t piece things together. Some evil woman in the woods, monstrous beasts, and people starving. Her mind spun but nothing made sense. The only thing she could do was go along with come what may. Even if she could find her way home, she couldn’t very well leave people to starve when she had the means to prevent it. Unless the other princess popped up out of nowhere but even then, the princess was selfish; would she even do what needed to be done?

  A knock on her door jerked her out of her daydream. She rushed to answer, hoping it was Damien. She tried not to look disappointed when Siel popped his head into view.

  “I found out your secret.” The disappointment vanished as soon as she saw his mischievous smirk. Ever since the library she had craved another run in with her betrothed, but he seemed to be everywhere she wasn’t.

  “And what secret is that?” She asked, stepping out of her room and closing the door behind her. He instantly grabbed hold of her arm and ushered her down the hallway.

  “That you were galivanting with your chamber maid yesterday. How did that come about?”

  She shrugged letting him lead her. “I like Carly and I loved meeting her family.”

  “Why? That’s very rare for a princess to befriend a chamber maid.” He asked as they stepped out into the morning dawn. Rain misted her hair, but she didn’t care. Being outside felt freeing and a part of her thought Siel brought her there on purpose so she could feel free.

  “I keep telling you I’m not the princess. Maybe one of these days you will be convinced.” She stated as a matter of fact. Siel cleared his throat but remained silent.

  Aerity shattered it. “So what’s the deal with your brother? I get that he’s a big, scary, mean monster but we are getting married. Why is he never around?” She stepped up onto the closest rock and breathed in the fresh air, marveling as the wind whipped across her face. It was beautiful out even if she had no idea where she was.

  Even though her fiancé was a total jerk wad, it still bothered her that he was MIA half of the time. She wanted to get to know him better and yet he seemed to avoid her like she had Ebola. It didn’t sit well.

  “He’s busy with running the kingdom in my father’s absence. Although he normally has a lot of responsibilities, I’m sure he will make more time for you after you wed.”

  She snorted. Oh goody. Damien would allow her to get to know him only after she pledged forever to him. “What kind of responsibilities?” She asked as she took a seat on one of the flatter rocks. Siel gracefully sat beside her. “Boring stuff. Working on ledgers and the treasury. Making sure the finances are squared away.”

  “And how is he managing that? Your kingdom can’t be all that wealthy if people are starving in the streets.”

  Siel shot her a glare, his lips thinning. Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say.

  “I didn’t mean to insult your kingdom, I just meant that I wish it was more evenly spread out. The whole rich and poor thing gets old.” She added thinking about Carly’s family again.

  “I understand. Damien does what he can. The fires aren’t helping and we have been having recent attacks so resources are going into that. Not all the money goes into lavish court meals and fancy dresses but it is a necessity. If other more powerful people think you are weak, they will attack and to be honest, we can’t afford that right now.”

  That got her attention. “Who is more powerful than the king? And what attacks?”

  Siel must have realized he said something he shouldn’t because he cleared his throat and smiled that stupid smile he did when he wanted to avert a serious conversation. That smile annoyed the mess out of her. “Nothing to concern yourself with my dear. The boys will handle it.” And he said that because he knew it would distract her and take her mind off the conversation.

  “Siel, what attacks? If I am to be queen then I should be aware of what’s going on.”

  He leaned back, closing his eyes with a sigh. “That will not be your duty as queen.” He said solemnly.

  She felt her anger bubble up. “Right, I’m just a breeding machine to sit down and be quiet. Do you not realize how wrong that is?”

  At least Siel had the good sense to at least appear upset for her. “I’m sorry Aerity. It’s just the way it is. We can’t have our bloodline continue ruling without heirs. It’s an extremely necessary and important role. Even if it’s not what you want.”

  Was he hinting that she should be more willing? There must have been something deadly on her face because his eyes widened. “That’s not what I meant. What I’m saying is that the women here live for that kind of life. They want families and a home to run. You’re just different and it’s hard for you to swallow but that is what your role as queen will be.”

  Was that ever going to be enough? It had to be. She didn’t have a choice in the matter. As much as she wanted to hate the princess for running away, it almost made sense. Almost. Her twin was damning an entire kingdom with her selfish decision. That was not something Aerity could ever comprehend. “I’ve always dreamed of marriage as a team. Working together to fight through good and bad. No one is stronger than the other, just carry different strengths. When one is down, the other picks them up. Equals. Is that such a stupid notion to have?” The wind whistled in the trees and she squeezed her eyes shut to imagine she was flying. Anywhere but here.

  “No, it’s not stupid at all.”

  Something touched her hand and looked over to find Siel’s calming hand encasing her small shaking one. Their fingers entwined as if it were the most natural thing for them to do. His intense gaze made something in her belly swarm. With a final squeeze, she gently pulled her hand away from his comfort. Whether she wanted his warmth or not, it wasn’t hers to take. She belonged to another.

  Pulling up her legs, she dropped her chin to her knees, wrapping her arms around her shins to stave off the present chill that only existed in her mind.

  “You deserve that, you know.” Siel’s quiet words jerked her out of her reverie.

  “What?” The fabric of her skirt muffled her words, but he still heard her.

  “Someone who views you as an equal. Who you can fight alongside with through good and bad.”

  Letting go of a shaky smile, she turned to Siel while pushing
up from her seat on the ground. Infusing her words with a confidence she didn’t feel, she said to him, “Who knows. Maybe I’ll find something else that I didn’t even realize I needed.” Ignoring the downcast expression on his face, she gently tugged on a strand of his hair. He didn’t need to know just how much she was lying to herself and to him.


  It was after servants’ work hours when she went to seek out Carly. Her handmaiden/ friend had come a little sooner than normal to prepare her for bed and disappeared soon afterward. Sometimes Aerity would sneak down to the servant’s corridor and spend time in her room. Carly was most at ease in her domain and Aerity enjoyed the simplicity of her rooms. Sometimes her own space became too loud and echoing that she couldn’t think.

  Sneaking silently through the servant’s stairwell, she made it into the hallway that housed all the workers. As she arrived at her friend’s room, she knocked gently so no one else was woken up mistakenly. The rooms were very close together and paper thin. Carly’s neighbor Gerard snored loudly, practically shaking the walls. With a squeak, the door cracked before it was yanked open wide and a hand yanked her inside. Carly giggled as she nearly lost her balance.

  “What are you doing?” Aerity asked as Carly sat back down, picking up her wet feather pen.

  “Writing to my family.”

  She wanted to feel envious for Carly being so close to her family but then she remembered that her friend only got to see them once a year. “How do you go so long without seeing them?”

  Carly glanced up from her writing and gave her a sad smile. “It’s hard but we are used to it. At least I’m grown up. A lot of kids here aren’t even that old and don’t know their families. I’m lucky to have the position I do here.” She went back to writing, putting the finishing touches on her letter. Out of the corner of her eye Aerity saw that all her I’s had hearts above them.


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