Her Billionaire Single Dad (Her Billionaire CEO, #8)

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Her Billionaire Single Dad (Her Billionaire CEO, #8) Page 1

by Allen, Jewel

  Her Billionaire Single Dad

  Copyright © 2019 Jewel Allen

  Cover design: JB Graphics

  Editing: Christina Schrunk

  Interior formatting: Jewel Allen

  First publication: April 2019

  No part of this book may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any manner without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations for critical articles and reviews. All rights reserved.


  Her Billionaire CEO Series

  Her Billionaire Bodyguard

  Her Billionaire Prince

  Her Billionaire Cowboy

  Her Billionaire Santa

  Her Billionaire Spy

  Her Billionaire Valentine

  Her Billionaire Beast

  Her Billionaire Single Dad

  Her Billionaire Sheikh


  Join my Clean Billionaire Romance Facebook group.

  For new release alerts, subscribe to Jewel’s newsletter.


  To my first-born, Sierra,

  for sharing her love of Africa

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Sneak Peek at | Her Billionaire Sheikh

  Next in Her Billionaire CEO

  Chapter 1

  Sevilla, Spain, early September

  Michael Monroe arrived at Alejandro and Isa’s wedding reception by himself. The Mediterranean heat had mellowed, especially at twilight.

  The billionaire eye doctor from New York hadn’t been too sure about attending this as he had been scheduled for some surgeries, but he was able to move them around enough for this trip to Spain. He wasn’t about to miss the wedding of the century, that of his client who’d become his friend.

  At thirty, Michael was one of the most eligible bachelors in America. Someday, he might find the girl of his dreams and be in Alejandro’s situation, but meanwhile, he would keep pursuing his career. He was certainly not looking for love. His life was fulfilling enough as it was.

  “Dr. Monroe!” Isa Diaz greeted him.

  In the setting sun over the Sevilla vineyard, her skin was sun-kissed and her dark eyes aglow. She was beautiful in her stunning vintage-style wedding gown. Alejandro was a lucky man.

  Alejandro came forward too, handsome in his tux, wearing his signature sunglasses to cover the burn scars around his eyes. He and Michael embraced as brothers.

  As Isa returned to her husband’s side, she adjusted Alejandro’s bow tie, a sweet moment passing between them. Isa nuzzled his beard, and Alejandro claimed her lips for a kiss, forgetting that anyone was watching. Or maybe despite of.

  Michael was certainly happy for his friends even as he glanced away in embarrassment.

  “When did you get in?” Alejandro asked.

  “Just now, barely. Thanks for sending Reina to me.” Michael smiled at the memory of Alejandro’s self-driving car turning heads at the airport curb.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Isa looked at her husband fondly and then back at Michael with a sly grin. “I wish Reina were a real girl. We could set you up with her.”

  “Oh no,” Michael protested. “I’m an eye doctor. I help people improve their vision. I certainly don’t see life through rose-colored...”

  His voice trailed off as he caught a view of a woman from the couple’s wedding party who was in the line farther down. She was talking to a man and laughing at something he said. Her hair was a dark blonde mass that framed her gorgeous angular face, but it was her happy attitude that drew him to her.

  “Dr. Monroe?” Isa was saying.

  “Sorry,” he said. “What was that?”

  She looked over at the mystery girl and then at him with a mischievous look. “Mmm. Well, I do believe you need to be introduced to my college friend and Maid of Honor.”

  “Your c-college friend?” Michael cleared his throat. “Sure. That would be great.”

  “The one who’s leaving for Greece?” Alejandro asked.

  “She’s my only college friend in the wedding party,” Isa retorted.

  Michael’s face fell. The girl was going to Greece. He’d heard that Greece was the place for a romance with a dark-eyed Greek god.

  He bit his lip. “Well, in that case...”

  “No, no,” Isa said. “Come anyway. No excuses.”

  As she led him over, Isa’s friend glanced over at him, her eyes widening with intrigue.

  “Lara,” Isa said. “Come meet our good friend Michael Monroe. Michael, this is Lara Cannon.”

  Lara gave him a sidelong glance, her eyes dancing. “Hello, Michael Monroe.” Up close, her beautiful face glowed with what seemed like fairy dust.

  He was so tongue-tied he couldn’t even form a coherent thought about her or him. “Hello.”

  She offered her hand to shake, and he took it, his hand clammy from being so nervous.

  Lara looked at him expectantly.

  “He’s an eye doctor,” Isa said. “And Lara’s a...”

  “I’m in between jobs,” she said. “Was a lawyer for a while but had to quit all that soul-crushing work.”

  “You did?” He was definitely intrigued now.

  “Excuse me,” Isa said. “I see some new arrivals.” She moved away.

  Michael felt an attack of nerves as she left them alone.

  “Yes, I’m no longer gainfully employed.” Lara nodded, again with that carefree expression. “I still can’t believe I can say that.”

  Michael could relate. As much as he loved his job, it would feel good to just do what he wanted when he wanted to do it.

  “Isa tells me you’re going to Greece. Is that right?”

  She nodded.

  “That’s wonderful.”

  Well, that was awkward He wasn’t doing too well. In fact, he was messing this up terribly. In recent years, he’d gotten rusty with flirting with women, let alone dating.

  He revved up again. He was about to tell her he was actually traveling too, to Africa on a safari. A long overdue bucket list item for this billionaire doctor.

  But just as he opened his mouth, the man Lara had been talking to earlier pulled at her hand. “Come and dance with me,” he said. He glanced at Michael, challenging him with his stare.

  “Sorry,” Lara told Michael. “If you’ll please excuse us.”

  Michael was annoyed at the guy for butting in, but he
certainly wasn’t going to be a grump about her dancing with some other fellow, especially since she didn’t owe him anything.

  “Of course,” Michael said. “Go ahead.”

  He went to the buffet table laden with a complete meal. No little appetizers for his billionaire client and his new wife. Michael munched on little cheesecakes and cuts of salmon, exotic tapas and flanks of ham, and more paella than one could eat. He drank some cucumber water while watching the dancers.

  Lara had apparently forgotten about him as she danced to her heart’s delight, not just once, but three times, with this fellow. To her credit, she would try to get off the dance floor, and he’d coax her again to return.

  His cell phone beeped. It was his sister, Helen. He took the call, despite a promise to himself that he was going to avoid the outside world while at the wedding reception.

  “Michael!” she said.

  “Yes?” He seized up with worry at the apprehension in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Jim and Jane were in a car accident. They...it’s not good. Not good at all.” She sobbed into the phone.

  “What?” He blinked. Had he heard correctly? “What happened?”

  She told him in a garbled rush that his younger brother and his wife had been driving in the canyon and rocks came down. To avoid the obstruction, a car veered to the left, right into them.

  “They’re gone, Michael.”


  Michael closed his eyes. “No.” His voice came out hoarse. “The children?”

  “Were not with them, luckily. But you need to come home.”

  “Of course.”

  He staggered to talk to Alejandro and Isa. In a fog, he explained what happened. They hugged him, whispering their sympathies. Michael spared a fleeting glance to Lara, who was looking at him curiously. He nodded his head and left.

  There was no time for goodbyes.

  Chapter 2

  Sevilla, late September

  Lara stood as Isa joined her at her table in the Sevilla tapa bar. They hugged tightly.

  “Thanks for stopping over here to see me,” Isa said.

  “Well, it was either Spain or France. So I thought, ‘Why not see Isa on my way home?’”

  “Good choice. How was Greece?”


  As soon as they sat down, Lara leaned forward. “And how was the honeymoon?”

  Isa practically glowed. “Heaven on earth. Alejandro and I are already talking about going back to St. Kitts at Christmas.”

  Lara admired her friend’s golden tan and sun-kissed hair. “You look fantastic, girl. Marriage agrees with you.”

  Isa grinned. “I highly recommend marriage.”

  “No, thanks.”

  Isa’s mouth fell open. “Are you serious? You want to be single forever?”

  “Well,” Lara sipped her ice-cold water, “when your parents divorce, you don’t exactly think marriage is too hot. Besides, I have yet to meet someone who’s marriage material.”

  “All those Greek gods, and no one fit the bill?”

  “I wasn’t exactly in a resort or the bar scene the whole time, remember?”

  “No hunky volunteers?”

  Lara laughed. “Unfortunately, no.”

  Isa made a sympathetic noise. “What was that like?”

  “Those poor folks,” Lara said, sobering. “Crossing in those leaky boats for days, starving.” She shivered. “But they were so grateful. And those sweet kids gave me hugs and kisses.” Her voice lightened at the memory of little kids following her everywhere.

  “That sounds amazing. I think you’d make a great mom.”

  “No, I won’t,” Lara said quickly. “But I have thought about being a lawyer for a Children’s Justice Center.”

  “First things first.” Isa’s eyes gleamed. “Let’s get you a husband.”

  Laura rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “What about my husband’s eye doctor?”

  The server came and took their order, and they resumed gossiping.

  Lara remembered the tall blond guy at Isa’s wedding. “The one who left your reception because of his brother?”

  “Yeah. He’s now a single dad to his brother’s kids. The court just granted him guardianship.”

  Lara’s heart melted. “Aww, that’s cute and sad at the same time.”

  “Michael’s a great guy, but he’s all thumbs when it comes to kids.” Isa gazed at Lara steadily.

  Lara frowned. “What?”

  “He needs a nanny for their upcoming two-week safari trip to Africa.”

  The server brought their salads. Lara set down her glass and peppered her salad lightly. After a bite, she said, “A safari, how fun.”

  “Did you hear what I said?” Isa asked.

  “Yeah. He’s going on safari.” Lara took a sip of water.

  “No, silly. He needs a nanny. You should apply.”

  Lara almost spit out her mouthful. She swallowed quickly and set her glass down. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. You liked the kids at the refugee camp; you said so yourself. And you want to be a child advocate in the courts.”

  “Well, yeah, but a nanny?” Lara shook her head. “No way. I don’t even know how to change a diaper.”

  “You won’t need to. Mick is six and Lizzie is four.”

  Lara frowned. “Doesn’t Mick need to be in school?”

  “Michael thinks this is a good excuse for them to skip school.” Isa nudged Lara with her elbow. “They’re cute and huggable. At least, they look it in pictures.”

  “That’s the craziest thing I’ve heard.” Lara shook her head and chuckled. “Me, a nanny.”

  Isa raised an eyebrow. “Well, why not?”

  “I told you, I have no experience with kids.”

  “It’s not like you have a job right now. It’s a perfect in-between gig.”

  “I might just go to Italy and find myself a boyfriend to get you off my back.”

  “How about taking an African safari with a gorgeous billionaire?”

  Lara crinkled her nose. “He’s loaded, huh?”

  “From investments is what I heard.”

  “He wasn’t exactly flirting with me at the reception. He was gorgeous but kind of awkward.”

  “He was probably nervous.”

  “Anyway.” Lara took another bite of her salad, just like she chewed on her friend’s outrageous suggestion.

  “Just give him a call,” Isa urged.

  Lara stared. “For this nanny job?”


  “So I would go, ‘Hi, I’d like to apply for a job that I’m perfectly unqualified for.’”

  “Just remind him of who you are. He knows I love you to pieces. Think about it. You’ll get an adventure of a lifetime, and you’ll be helping out the guy.”

  Lara sighed. “Isa, you’re crazy.”


  That night, back on American soil, as Lara slipped between her covers, she stared at the slip of paper Isa had given her with Michael Monroe’s number on it.

  Dr. Michael Monroe.

  She remembered their awkward meeting at the reception. He had been shy, quiet, and endearingly awkward, but all man. That attractive solidness of someone who kept their word. The type of man she’d been looking for, so far unsuccessfully, in her life.

  He piqued her curiosity. She wondered what it would be like to travel with him for two weeks. What it would be like to see him again under relaxed conditions.

  Before she could chicken out, she punched his number on her phone.

  Her heart pounded. Playing at being a nanny would be up there as one of the craziest things she’d ever done, next to that time when she volunteered in Turkey by herself at age eighteen.

  “Hello?” His voice was low and husky, taking her by surprise. She’d excepted a higher-pitched voice. Nothing like this deeply masculine one that stirred her imagination.

  “Hello?” he said again.

  “Is this
Dr. Monroe?” she asked.


  “This is Isa’s friend, Lara Cannon. You and I met at her wedding reception in Spain.” Lara felt dumb adding that last little bit. Of course he’d know exactly where the reception was.

  “Of course. Hi, Lara. Please, call me Michael.”

  “Okay. By the way, I never got a chance to tell you, I’m sorry about your brother and his wife.”

  He was quiet for a long moment. “Thank you so much.”

  “Of course.” She leaned against her pillow. “Isa said you were looking for a nanny. Have you filled the position yet?”

  “No.” He sounded surprised. “I haven’t made my final decision.”

  “So you have some applicants?”

  “A few. Yes.”

  Lara could just say goodbye. He had prospects. She was off the hook now. But part of her—the one who didn’t like to lose, the one who did a triathlon once just to say she did it even though it left her incapacitated for weeks, said, “I’d like to apply, if it’s not too late.”

  “You?” Disbelief laced his tone.


  “You want to be a nanny. To my nephew and niece.” He sounded so incredulous.

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  He cleared his throat. “Pardon me. I’m just so shocked that you’d want this job. It won’t be like practicing law.”

  “No, it won’t,” she said. A definite plus.

  “Are you interested in it for the long-term?”

  She thought of being a nanny the rest of her days, seeing the eye doctor between his trips. Eventually, he’d get married. “Probably not. Sorry.”

  “Thanks for your honesty.”

  “As you know,” Lara reminded him, “I left a job with a law firm.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “I might go back into law afterward, just scaled way back. Maybe do some work representing children.”

  “Fantastic. Well, here’s something in your favor. I won’t need you to interview. Isa speaks highly of you.”

  Good ol’ Isa. “Thank you.”

  “You’re available in a week?” he asked.


  “In that case, okay.”

  “Okay?” Did that mean...?

  “I’d love for you to be the children’s nanny.” His voice had lowered, as if he were telling her a delicious secret.

  Doubt assailed her. She was going to be around this guy who sounded like James Bond over a candlelit dinner. 24/7.


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