Turning Point

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Turning Point Page 39

by Lara Zielinsky

  “Yeah. Whatever.” He looked at her and frowned, then shook his head dismissively. “Good night.”

  “Good night.” Brenna watched both boys disappear down the hallway and then felt a tentative hand on her lower back. “Wait,” she murmured.

  The light in the hallway went out, and Brenna turned around, facing Cassidy. “They looked all right. I guess the dance broke up early.”

  “Guess so.”

  Brenna sat down but Cassidy remained standing. “It’s all right to stay a bit,” she said. “It would look odd if you left right now,” she added quietly, pulling Cassidy to the couch. “Something to drink?”

  Realizing her mouth was quite dry, Cassidy nodded. “I don’t think the wine.”

  “Iced tea?”

  “All right.”

  Brenna stood, and Cassidy followed her into the kitchen, where they took a few moments to pour the drinks. As they stood together in the kitchen, sipping in silence, they realized the mood had fled.

  “Any ideas?” Cassidy studied the dark hallway where the boys had disappeared.

  “None,” Brenna admitted.

  “Still shaken?”

  “A little.”

  “We ought to say something eventually.”

  “I know.” Brenna put down her glass and idly traced her thumb through the condensation. She glanced at Cassidy. “Thomas’ statement about Cheryl gives me hope that he’s getting over his crush on you.”

  “It does seem that way.”

  They walked to the front door. Brenna retrieved Cassidy’s coat from the closet and helped her into it. The natural motion of Cassidy adjusting the leather on her shoulders pulled Brenna in close, and she was assailed again by the scent of their lovemaking. Cassidy turned into her, and Brenna barely restrained herself from a kiss. Cassidy grasped her hand and turned her lips into the palm. She inhaled and whispered, “Step outside with me?”

  “All right.” Brenna followed her onto the stoop, rubbing her arms against the cold air. “I’ll see you tomorrow…tonight, I mean, at the party.”

  “What time does Kevin fly in?”

  Brenna shook her head. “I don’t know. He’s going to call from the airport.”

  Cassidy kissed her fingers one by one. “You might want to shower.”

  “You, too.”

  “I mean before Kevin gets here.” Cassidy slipped Brenna’s fingertips into her mouth for a brief moment, conveying her message without words.

  Mortified, Brenna closed her eyes. “That must’ve been what James sniffed.” Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment.

  “I do think you smell wonderful, it’s just…”

  “I know.” Brenna watched Cassidy get in her car, start it up, and back out of the drive. Pensively, she returned inside, closing the door and setting the bolt.

  Thomas was at the refrigerator in shorts and a tee shirt. She stopped at the counter. “I thought you were in bed.”

  “Just getting some milk.” He pulled out the carton and poured it into a plastic mug he’d already set on the counter. “So, Cassidy came over for movies?”

  Brenna nodded. She considered how to explain it. “Who wants to sit around the house all alone on a Friday night, right?”

  “Yeah.” He studied her a moment as he drank his milk. She watched him set his glass in the sink, then, as he neared her, he stopped. “Good night, Mom.”

  “Good night, Thomas.”

  After giving him a few moments to clear the hallway, Brenna entered her room and began tidying up her space. She opened the window to let the air circulate. Hanging the clothes strewn on the vanity back in the closet, she found a pair of lace underwear under the untidiness and blushed, tucking them into her own underwear drawer. How on earth did Cassidy forget these? Too easily, she concluded, rememberŹing the speed with which they had dressed.

  She stepped into her shower and washed her hair and face. Running the washŹcloth over her shoulders, neck, and breasts, she sighed wistfully as she recalled Cassidy’s touch. Nude, she stepped into her room and pulled on her satin nightgown.

  The clock told her it was nearly one-thirty In the morning. Tired, she crawled between the sheets and closed her eyes.

  She was next aware of voices in the hallway.

  “Thanks, Thomas.”

  It was Kevin just outside her bedroom door. Brenna stole a glance at the clock, alarmed to find it was after seven. As the door opened, she rolled over and sat up. As Kevin approached the bed, she shivered in the cool air blowing in the open window.

  Leaning in as his weight shifted the mattress, he kissed her cheek as she turned her head. “Good morning. Thomas says you all had a late night last night.”

  “Yes.” She rubbed her eyes and watched as he crossed the room and pulled the window shut. “Thanks. I wanted a little fresh air last night.”

  Kevin sat on the mattress almost on her feet. She bent her knees and wrapped her arms around them, then looked up at him. “How was the flight?” she asked, her voice burring groggily.

  “Wow. You are tired. Why don’t you get yourself together? I’ll fix you breakfast and bring it in here.” He put his arm around her waist, balancing his weight with his opposite hand. “With all the frequent flyer miles, we’ll probably be able to take a free round trip to Singapore by summer.” Usually the comment would have elicited a chuckle. She simply nodded. He kissed her quickly. “I’ll see to that breakfast.” He paused, then leaned in close for a kiss. After a moment, he smiled. “Smells like you missed me last night,” he said softly. “I could send the boys out.”

  Brenna quickly rose. “No. We’ve got little enough time to be together today as it is,” she said, moving toward the bathroom. “Just give me a minute to tidy up, and I’ll join everyone at the table.”

  “All right.”

  He stood, and Brenna watched from the open door of the bathroom as he let himself out. With a quiet exhalation, she girded herself for the day ahead.

  Chapter 38

  Brenna had long ago realized that she could no longer attend any party resemŹbling a simple cast party like those she cherished from her younger acting days. The Millennium Holiday Gala was part formal ball and part public relations for Pinnacle Productions. Attendance was mandatory for all actors and even most of the creative staff. As Commander Susan Jakes from Time Trails Brenna was expected to literally give a command performance. Stepping out of the limousine, she stood for a moment at the end of a crowded walk carpeted in blue-gray that led to the Hyde Hotel’s Grand Marnier ballroom. It was sunset, and the photographers’ flashes popped randomly as she discreetly checked the smoothness of her full length gown. Tucking her black purse under her arm, she placed her hand inside of Kevin’s elbow.

  She heard the buzz of national entertainment reporters recording their segŹments and local personalities from radio and television news reporting one of the city’s most famous studio-sponsored events. The entire block was cordoned off. She nodded to the dress uniformed L.A. police officers as one of them requested her purse and checked its contents.

  Accepting her bag back, Brenna allowed Kevin to lead her inside. The high-ceilinged ballroom was festively decorated for the holiday in greens and reds, mistleŹtoe, and Christmas wreaths. The company’s theme colors of blue and purple were also prominently displayed throughout, decorating the mounted placards proclaimŹing the various series and movie projects sponsored by Pinnacle and its parent comŹpany.

  At her shoulder where they stood outside the entry doors, Kevin asked, “Ready?” Passing through the velvet brocade rope barrier would mean officially joining the party and submitting to the interview-hungry press.

  Spying Victor Branch dancing with his wife, Brenna steeled herself for duty. “Let’s do it,” she said. Kevin led her down the two steps into the pandemonium.

  Cassidy had escaped the stir that ensued when she arrived at the event alone and had sought out Rich Paulson and his wife, Linda, in the throng. They were presŹently discussing Linda’s work
as a Department of Children and Families foster placeŹment specialist. The conversation had turned to the topic of what exactly constituted a nurturing environment.

  “It seems to me that all varieties of family models will work,” Cassidy observed, “if a child’s needs are put ahead of those of the parents.”

  “It’s more of a balance, I think,” disputed a woman with short brown hair and a happy air about her. Her date leaned easily against her shoulder, a younger woman with feathered short blond hair. “If you’re not happy, your kids won’t be either, no matter what environment you try to provide for them. There are an awful lot of misŹerable rich kids. And a hell of a lot of happy poor ones.”

  “It seems we put a lot of pressure on people to conform to some ideal,” Rich said. “When in fact, there is none. A lot of ancient civilizations provided communal childcare, a small percentage of the females doing the caretaking while everyone else worked to provide for the other needs of the community.”

  Cassidy reached for a wine glass from a passing tray. “Only the women should

  be responsible for the caretaking?”

  Linda shook her head. “No, many men are very capable. I’ve argued for custody being given to several fathers following messy divorces. They were simply in a belter position to provide the appropriate care.”

  The brown-haired woman nodded. “Equal opportunity.”

  “Just so,” Linda agreed.

  Conversation around them ceased for a moment, causing nearly everyone to look toward the entrance to identify the new arrival. Cassidy’s chest squeezed in surŹprise. On Kevin’s arm, Brenna stood scanning the room. Alarmed that the heat rising in her face might be noticed, she took a step back from Rich and Linda to assure that she remained inconspicuous and could observe Brenna without the press observing her.

  She sighed with pleasure. Brenna looked wonderful in a floor-length, tank-style, red silk gown. The daringly low decolletage was covered by a red, gauze-thin wrap that hugged her upper arms while leaving her shoulders bare. She had swept her hair up into a softly gathered twist of curls that brought out the red highlights. God, I want her. Her fingers itched at the tactile memory of the softness of Brenna’s hair and how satin her skin felt. With a dry swallow, she diverted her attention to observe the man at Brenna’s side.

  Kevin Shea was built along the lines of a defensive lineman and towered every inch of six feet. His broad face was weathered and framed by wavy gray hair, only hinting at the dark brown it must once have been. Not unkindly, Cassidy compared him to her father and found him a handsome man.

  She watched him lead Brenna through the photographers and executives. He lightly put a hand on her lower back, as if afraid she would break. The doting glances he gave her when the smaller woman was not looking were embarrassing to observe. The tenderness brought a lump to Cassidy’s throat. It was clear to her that Kevin loved his wife.

  As Brenna and Kevin started down the steps, Rich moved forward to greet their titular leader. Cassidy hung back, wishing she dared to approach but not trusting her body, much less her voice. Brenna’s smile, she noticed, was tense. The photographers were the usual bunch, but still she ducked away from two photographers whose flashes went off less than a foot from her face. Her mind was apparently on someŹthing other than publicity.

  Cassidy felt a presence come up on her left side. Taking a sip from her wineŹglass, she offered quietly, “Evening, Cameron.”

  He sipped from a small tumbler, and she recognized the sharp smell of a Triple Sec Speeder, a drink for which Cam had a penchant when his sole professed purpose was to get rip-roaring drunk. It was likely his first, since the evening was still young, but she knew it wouldn’t be his last. When he spoke, his words were the unmeasured tone of someone not interested in watching his language.

  “Bitchin’ cool party, I guess.”

  “Mmm hmmm,” she replied noncommittally.

  “Hey,” he said, pointing as he slithered an arm around her waist. She stepped away from the embrace. “I’ve only been off the set what, two weeks? Chapman’s lookŹing buffer than usual.”

  She nodded. “He switched gyms.”

  He looked to another cluster of celebrities. “Isn’t that Spellman? Look, Brenna and her husband are headed over to say hello to him. Why don’t we join them?”

  Cassidy was stunned. He was acting as if they had never broken up. “What’s

  going on, Cameron?”

  “Oh, I’m just thinking we could spend some time together — you and me. Can’t I be sociable?”

  “This isn’t sociable. You’re drunk, and you’re fawning.”

  “Ah, but I’ve seen the woman I love in the arms of another. Shouldn’t I fight for her?”

  Cassidy froze. “What?”

  “That was a very hot kiss on her trailer steps. Which of you did the seducing? I’ve always wondered how dominance works in a relationship like that,” he went on, deliberately ignoring her discomfort.

  “I think you’ve had too many drinks, Cameron. You’re imagining things.”

  “Not tonight. I just wanted to get my facts straight — pardon the pun — before I go over and share them with her husband. Now, it was…just last week. Right? On her trailer steps…”

  Cassidy’s eyes widened with alarm. “You’re fishing. There’s nothing,” she tried bravely.

  Cameron didn’t buy it. “What is it worth to you for me to keep your secret?”

  “Secret about what?”

  “I can blurt it out right here and now if you like.”

  Cassidy grasped the hand he raised to gesture to Kevin and Brenna. Through clenched teeth, she drew him to a quiet corner. “What do you want?” she asked cauŹtiously.

  “Just what Chapman said. You can act, right? So, I want you to act like we never parted ways. I came to this damn thing alone, and that got me dozens of stares. I’m not going through that again.”

  “You want me to be your date tonight?”

  “Not just tonight,” he corrected. “However, it’ll be a start. I rather like everyone in the room envying me.”

  A reporter drew a bead on them at that moment, directing his cameraman to follow. “Mr. Palassis, Ms. Hyland, having a good time tonight?”

  “Pinnacle knows how to throw a party,” Cameron replied. “Right, sweetheart?” He pressed his mouth over Cassidy’s and boldly licked her lips.

  Cassidy exhaled carefully through her nose to keep herself from doing someŹthing publicly she would later regret. She put a hand on his arm so he could not wrap it around her shoulders. She collected herself when the reporter addressed Cameron.

  “There was a rumor that you’d been moved from Time Trails because of some differences between you and the cast.”

  Cameron shrugged. “Rumors. My expertise was needed on the new sets. Time Trails gets along fine now that I’ve set her on the straight and narrow. But the move has meant less time together for me and Cass, and you know how rumors are.”

  The reporter nodded. “I guess so. Well, you two enjoy your evening.”

  The reporter moved off. Cassidy exhaled sharply when Cameron’s elbow hapŹpened to “bump” her ribs. “Do a better job,” he warned. “You don’t get multiple takes, so I suggest you get into character.”

  “I can’t do this, Cameron.”

  “Well then, let’s see, where’s… Oh yes. Looks like the cozy couple is dancing. Shall I cut in for you?”

  Cassidy grimaced. Cameron took her silence as agreement and immediately pulled her into a dance embrace. She looked toward Kevin and Brenna and relaxed when Cameron started them off in the opposite direction. “Why do you want to hurt

  her?” she whispered.

  “She seduced you; my manhood must be avenged,” he declaimed dramatically.

  He was playing with her. Whatever his true motivations, he would not be sharŹing them. “What if I told you it wasn’t like that? Maybe I seduced her. Maybe I’m the one with a broken heart because she turned me down flat.”
  “You are anything but flat,” he said pointedly, rubbing against her as they danced, drawing her attention to her chest with the salacious maneuver. “Absolutely anything but.”

  Cassidy gambled, “Well, I did. She’s lovely. It’s true. I hungered for her. Approached her. The kiss you saw? She left me begging afterward.”

  “Poor darling.” He nuzzled her cheek with his nose and whispered harshly in her ear, “If I believed you for one second, I’d be furious on your behalf. You are comŹpletely irresistible. I don’t believe it. She’s defended you too ardently lately. That was really spectacular how she helped you rewrite my script so quickly,” he added. “Everyone was buzzing about it.”

  “She’s married.”

  “Didn’t stop you from taking up with me. Come on, you women are all alike — take your thrills where you can get them and play coy when it suits you.” He changed their direction. She followed his lead and tried not to stiffen as they moved alongside Brenna and Kevin.

  “Hey, there,” Cameron opened.

  “Cameron?” Brenna looked over her shoulder at them. “Hello, Cassidy.” Brenna’s smile managed to be both welcoming and cautious. She glanced up at Kevin. “You remember Cassidy Hyland and Cameron Palassis?”

  “Ms. Hyland, a pleasure to see you again. Has your son gotten in any more trouble since Thanksgiving?”

  “No, thankfully.” Cassidy felt Cameron tense beside her, and she smiled genuŹinely at Kevin. This affable exchange was exactly what he had not expected to see. “Has winter hit Michigan yet?”

  “Yes. We had a light first snowfall just after I returned home. It’ll be a white Christmas, for certain.” Kevin glanced down at Brenna. “I’m trying to convince her to come home with me for the holiday itself. Maybe you can add your persuasions?”

  Cameron smiled at Brenna’s unease, so obvious to Cassidy. “Got plans in town?” He leaned forward and kissed Cassidy’s neck as Brenna studied them.

  Brenna’s eyes flashed dangerously, but her voice was calm when she responded. “There’s too much chance I’d get snowed in and stuck out there when filming is supŹposed to resume. Like I did our first year, Cameron, remember? I’ve always just found it safer to stay put. Summer’s better for trips anyway.” She stopped dancing. “I think I should go freshen up.”


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