Sizzling Romance New York Style

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Sizzling Romance New York Style Page 9

by Robert C. Waggoner

  Chapter 9

  After takeoff, he told her about his grandmother wanting him to take a larger role in running the company.

  Once the seat belt sign came off, he went to the back of the plane and opened the safe. Inside were some papers his grandmother had sent to him while they were in Napa. He came back to the seat and told her if she didn’t mind, he wanted to spend a little time reading these reports.

  She said to him, “Yes, go ahead, I will check my lap top and check in with my office.”

  He smiled at her and went to the table and laid out the files in order. Opened up the first one and started to read. She hooked up her computer and checked her business e-mail first. There were a few messages to her, but nothing that couldn’t wait until she got back. She then looked through her personal e-mail and after two hours of e-mailing, finally closed the lap top and turned to look at her future husband.

  He was deep into reading, but she noticed the pile was smaller. She went to the restroom and washed up and brought him a soft drink. She went back to her seat and called her mother. She went on to tell her mother all that they had been doing and her new engagement ring. Tears of happiness were flowing down her cheeks and her mother was crying too. She closed up her phone and Todd was standing next to the seat. Jen asked him, “Did you finish honey?”

  “Yes, for now. I need to see grandmother when we return. Come over here to the table and we will talk awhile.”

  After sitting down, he said to her, “Honey, it looks like I will have to give up my practice. Grandmother is not all that well and there is no one but me to take over the corporation. It’s is my responsibility as a Lincoln to carry on the name. I’ll be very busy for a little while, but I promise the weekends are ours.”

  In the years to come, he never broke his promise to her. A better husband and father were yet to be found. He was totally committed to his family.

  However, before she realized how committed to her she was, Jen felt jealous of his total commitment to his job and grandmother. I knew it was too good to be true, she angrily thought. I won’t see him all week long and sure he says he will give her the weekends. But I know how that goes. Once a man sinks his teeth into a project, he never looks up until it is over. And over is not what I see from the powerful Lincoln man. I need to talk to mother about this, she worriedly thought.

  Landing in New York it was still early evening. About six o’clock. Hot steamy weather greeted them as they walked off the plane. His car was parked in the hanger to keep it cool. A young man welcomeed them and said he would put the bags behind the seat. He ran to the plane and he and the co-pilot loaded the bags into the car.

  “Jen”, he said to her, “Would it be all right if I had one of my people drive you home. I need to drive up and see grandmother.”

  “That would be fine,” she said. Well here it starts as he wants someone to drive me home. I had best think about marrying him as I have no intention of marrying a work alcoholic, she thought more than a little upset.

  He gave her a peck on the cheek and a hug and told her he would call her in the morning or she could call him tonight if she wanted. She knew and felt he needed to see his grandmother or he would have driven her home, or they would have gone to his place. She felt a little jealous. Well Jen, you can’t have him twenty four hours a day, she said to herself.

  The co-pilot drove her home and she thanked him and went into the house. Mom was in the kitchen. Jen kind of surprised her a little and then they gave each other a big hug and kiss. “Dad will be home soon,” mom said. “Put your things in your room and come back down for dinner. You look a little tired my dear.”

  Jen went to her room and unpacked her bag. Changed clothes and washed her face and came back down to find her father sitting at the dinner table. “Hello precious little girl. I missed you and come here and give your old dad a hug and kiss.”

  Jen did better than that, she sat in his lap and gave him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. He wiped it off and said, “You haven’t done that since you were in high school” He gave her a hug and said, “Tell me all about your trip and Todd.”

  Meanwhile, Todd was on his way to grandmothers. Mixed thoughts of Lincoln business and Jen occupied his mind. He pulled off the highway and put the top down. Put on some Jazz and continued on his way. The music helped and the wind blowing through his hair shed a different light on his thoughts. His mind went to sailing. The only thing he loved more than Jen was being on the water in a boat. He flashed back on the night in the cove. A smile crept across his face. Now he felt better and picked up the phone and called his future wife. She answered on the second ring. “What are you doing,” he said.

  “Eating dinner with mom and dad. Where are you?”

  “I’m on the freeway headed for grandmothers. I’m doing one hundred fifty miles an hour with the top down.”

  “Slow down you want to kill yourself,” she yelled at him

  “I’m kidding. I’m at the speed limit and was thinking of you looking at my empty seat next to me.”

  “Call me later,” she said.

  “I love and adore you,”

  “I too, got to go now, call soon and drive safe.”

  He closed his phone. He was now in a good mood and ready to see grandmother.

  Todd pulled into grandmother’s drive way and put the top up and carried his brief case and bag to the door. He rang the bell and it was answered by the housekeeper. She greeted him and told him grandmother was in the library at her desk waiting for him. He dropped his bag and walked to the library just off the long hallway. He knocked on the door and when he heard her say, “Come in, is that you Todd?”

  He walked in and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. He sat down on a large old fashion chair that swallows you up. She moved from behind her desk and sat across from him in a much smaller chair with a straight back.

  She wanted to know everything about the vineyard and did he have time to read the reports she sent? He filled her in on the winery and gave her a summary of what he had read. She nodded her head from time to time. Then she said to him, “Todd my health is fading and I’m no longer able to run this corporation alone. It’s time to turn it over to you. I have a few years left and will help you every step of the way. Sorry to have this happen at a time in your life when you're about to be married, but as someone said, “Time waits for no man.”

  He told her he was ready to step in and learn the business from her. “I will spend every possible day with you. I will close up my practice and move up here with you. I promised Jen I would spend the weekends with her. I will keep my promise. I hope you understand my position grandmother.”

  She nodded her head and gave him her approval of his plan. He told her tomorrow he would go to his office and make plans to close up shop. Then he would spend the weekend with Jen and be up on Monday morning. She again nodded her head and then said, “Well, even though it is a little late, I’ll give you some background on things you need to know about. In particular, I want to tell you about the power players in and out of our company who will either support you or be your worst enemy.”

  “I’ll go back to about the early nineteen hundreds. Your grandfather and I bought out your grandfather’s brother. The brother had other ideas and that plays no part in this story. Your grandfather did the selling and the production end of the business. I kept the books and had control of the money. Some up and downs ensued, but overall, we were quite successful. The winery you know about. The people here in New York, you don’t know about. We have many distant relatives and friends here in New York. All are either from Sicily or Italy. I channeled money to them and they invested in real estate and other profitable companies. Some of them had ‘family’ connections, as you can well imagine. I never compromised us. I tried to stay clear of any ‘family’ dealings that were against the law.”

  “Anyway, we managed to stay clear of shady dealings and that is why I moved here in nineteen fifty five. By then we had
extensive holdings and we borrowed against them and continued our rapid growth through the fifties until today." Grandmother went on to tell Todd about the relatives and friends in New York. ‘Starting next week, they will come here one by one to meet the new Chairman of the Board. I’ve a complete dossier on each of them and we will, together, go over their positions in our company. I’ll save the opposition until last. Best to know your supporters first and then you can best judge your enemies. Know your enemies better than your friends.”


  “Now, Todd, I’m a little tired and I will go to bed. Please call the housekeeper and tell her I’m ready for bed.”

  Todd went to the desk and pushed a button underneath and very quickly in came the housekeeper. Grandmother left and he sat down at her desk and looked at the top of it. “It’s so grandmother,” he said out loud to the room. One file folder was sitting on the desk in front of him. No other files were evident. He saw the name on it and immediately recognized it from the past. It was a distant cousin of his grandmothers and he wondered why this particular folder was left out. Then he realized it was intended for him to read. He opened it up and there was a picture of an old man smiling sitting at the head of a dining table with a glass of wine in his hand. He scanned the document picking out the important facts. He closed the file and sat back and thought about it. He quickly realized that this man was one of grandmother’s staunch allies and on the top of the list. He made a mental note of that fact and closed the file. Turned out the light and went to his room. His clothes and toilet articles were unpacked and in their usual places when he stayed here. It got undressed and laid in bed with a stack of files from his brief case. He read late into the night and then fell asleep. A dreamless night and awoke fresh in the morning.

  Todd put down the top while he drove to the free way. He called his bride to be. The day was already warm and it was going to be hot and muggy. No matter, I’m going to be with the girl I love and we will spend a glorious week end together. Should we go out on the sailboat, he wondered to himself. Jen answered the phone and knew it was him from her caller ID. “Good morning”, they said to each other at the same time.

  They laughed and started over again. He told her his plan and said that she would meet him at his office after he called her to come there. Meanwhile, she told him that her and mother had so much to do that she would be busy until he called. They whispered sweet loving things to each other and put away their phones.

  He turned the music up and sat back and enjoyed the ride. The Porsche felt powerful under his hands and feet. He made a point of making sure on their honeymoon they would go to Germany and drive a new Porsche on the Bohn. Let it all hang out and feel the raw power of the engine flowing through his body. Much like when Jen brought him over the top when making love to him: a feeling like no other feeling in the world, except maybe a fast ride in a Porsche.

  Todd spent the morning talking to the doctor that had replaced him and asked him to continue the day out. The doctor told him he would and he would use the reception area to do his paper work. Todd could use his desk to make phone calls and make preparations for moving his belonging to his grandmother’s house. His plan after they were married was to live at grandmothers so he could be near her and take care of her if needed. He thought Jen would approve and agree to his idea of staying there sometimes if necessary.

  He spent all morning on the phone making various calls all over the States talking to key people in and out of the business informing them of his position in Lincoln. He had called his old school and made an appointment for two o’clock with the head of the hospital.

  Then he called Jen to have her meet him at his office and they would have lunch somewhere up in Boston. He loved Boston and its rich atmosphere. His years there were very nice, but a little lonely. That loneliness was gone now. He had Jen and a future that would be filled with joy. He pictured his kids running around grandmother’s house and playing in the back yard with them. He realized that he had been daydreaming when there was a knock on the door. He looked at the door and Jen walked in looking radiant and beautiful. She had on a long pair of dark red pants and a flowery blouse that matched. The blouse she bought in California. Her hair was up in her usual pony tail. She had on a trace of light red lipstick and diamond stud earrings. He noticed her ring matched her earrings and her usual gold crucifix was silver today.

  He stood up and smiled at her and she came around the desk and gave him a sweet kiss and hug. He returned the hug and said, “You look beautiful.”

  She said, “You look very manly and I’m very hungry, not for lunch, but for you.” They smiled at each other and he put on his coat and picked up his briefcase and they went out the door. He left instructions to his nurse and a number to give out to anyone that called. They said good bye and left for Boston with the top still down.

  On the way they didn’t talk too much because the noise and the wind of the freeway were too much to carry on much of a conversation. Later when they entered Boston and drove down to Boston harbor did he tell her about some of the conversation with grandmother. Telling her his plan to live there with her during the week and being with her on the weekends. She had a long look on her face, but then a smile broke out and said she understood the situation.

  She said, “Mother and I are very busy with planning the wedding and meeting the people who are setting up all the arrangements.” She went on to tell him about the dresses for the brides maid and maid of honor and so many things that he got lost in the story she was telling him. They pulled into a parking lot at the harbor and went into a restaurant that was famous for fish.

  They ordered fillet of cod and a salad with a glass of Chardonnay wine. She continued to fill him in on the wedding plans and invited him to breakfast on Saturday morning. With a mouth full of fish, he nodded his approval. He finished his lunch and watched her eat.

  He asked her if she wanted to go sailing this weekend. She smiled with a seductive look on her face and said, “Is that doctor’s order for medicinal purposes?”

  He laughed and told her they would go sailing after breakfast with her family. He went on to say he was looking forward and anxious to meet her father. She told him her father was very excited to see the man who was stealing his daughter from him. He again smiled at her and took her hand and looked at the beautiful ring on her finger. He had noticed the waitress looking at her ring when they ordered lunch. No doubt envious of her prize.

  They finished up and went to the car. He put the top up and turned on the air conditioning. She took her pony tail down and combed her hair. She left it down for the meeting with the head of the hospital. She wanted to look her best for Todd in front of his old teacher and boss.

  They drove to the university and parked in the visitors place in front of a new hospital building. They walked in and over to the information desk, told her his name and who he wanted to see. She picked up the phone and in a moment or two, told them to take the spiral staircase up to the top floor and see the receptionist at the window. They walked up the curved stairs and large portraits of past administrators adorned the wall. Stoic old men stared back at them. Jen didn’t much like the pictures and dropped her eyes. They came to the top and went up to the reception area. A waiting area to the left had a few chairs and a TV was on, but muted. A talk host was mouthing unheard words; much to Jen’s liking. Todd gave her his name and she said Doctor Irwin was waiting for him and to go down the hall on your right to the end and see his secretary. They walked down the hall and entered an office where a middle aged lady rose up and stuck her hand out to greet him. She was dressed to the nines and her face looked like she had more than one face lift over the years. White capped teeth stared at them and her eyes were dark green. Obviously colored contact lens made her eyes green. She led them down another hall way past doors with other doctor’s names until she came to the end of the hall. She knocked softly and entered.

  Behind the desk sat a thin, gray haired dist
inguish looking man. His coat hung from the back of his chair and his sleeves were rolled up. Half glasses hung from the tip of his long nose and he looked like a happy anteater. His face showed a small tight smile and Todd reached out and took the doctor’s hand.

  They moved to a low table and sat down. He looked at Todd and said, “Well, the world looks like it is treating you right,” turning his head and looking at Jen.

  “Yes, this is my fiancé Jen. We will be married in the spring,”

  “Congratulations,” he said to them both. “Now, what can I do for you Todd?”

  Todd told him what he had on his mind and wanted his help to find a doctor to take over his practice. He said that he would finance the new doctor and would prefer a young resident just leaving the hospital to find a job or a private practice. Doctor Irwin said he thought, “I've just the man for you.”

  Todd said, “If you would please have him call this number and someone will make all the arrangements if you think he is qualified.”

  “I’ll do that. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, one more thing.” Todd went on to tell him that his grandmother wanted to donate a large sum of money to his hospital. "When they expand in the future, she wants a wing named for her. She wants the wing to be named: “The L.L.” wing. Our foundation will be in touch with your people and they will make all the arrangements.”

  The doctor didn’t know what to say. Todd got up and they told him good bye. He thanked his old mentor and they left the building.

  They headed back to New York. The car was kind of quiet and Todd asked her where she would like to go on their honey moon. She told him that she didn’t care where they went as long as they were together. He said, “How about we take your sister back to France and spend some time in the country side of Europe?”

  “How long is this honey moon going to last?’ she asked him.

  He chuckled and replied, “It would probably last at least two or three months.”

  She laughed and said he was a crazy guy. He agreed with her and said. “What is money for, if not to spend?”

  She told him she would talk to Jan and she was sure that Jan would agree to his proposal.

  Later as they drove into the city, big rain clouds loomed overhead. He suggested they go to his place and she agreed. She said, “But I don’t have any other clothes!

  “I know a place or two to pick up some nice things,”

  Later they pulled into a parking lot and went into a fashion store. She was surprised at the nice clothes they had. They were a long ways from the luxury stores of Manhattan. Todd told her this was a gentrification area and in a few years it would be an upscale neighborhood. Todd sat on a stool as Jen moved around the store with a lady salesperson in tow. Forty five minutes later they walked out with boxes of a new wardrobe for her. “I don’t think this will all fit in your car,”

  “We will make it fit,” he said.

  On the way to his place, Jen said that she didn’t see him pay at the counter. He smiled at her and said “The Lincoln Corporation owned the store and the entire area of land around it for many blocks.”

  Going up the elevator with all of the boxes he told her that he had called Luke and gave him a grocery list for the night. “I thought a chicken salad would be a nice touch.”

  She told him that would be lovely and would he have an iron? She wanted to press some of her new clothes and wear them over the week end.

  “Yes, I have an iron. It’s in Luke’s house. His wife will take care of that for you.”

  She shut her mouth. She didn’t like other people handling her clothes. But tonight was a different story. She wanted to be alone with him so she agreed to let him take care of it. The elevator came to a stop and as they walked to the door of his apartment, she told him, “I want to jump your bones right now.”

  He almost fell over laughing and dropped a couple of her boxes of clothes. Luke must have heard them as he opened the door and helped Todd pick up the boxes. Todd was still laughing and Luke wondered what was so funny about spilled boxes?

  Jen unpacked her clothes and Luke took them to his wife. Meanwhile Todd was in the kitchen making dinner. Jen went to the bathroom and unloaded her bag full of her toilet items on the counter. Not a lot of things because she didn’t wear much make up and her skin lotion, the only thing special for her sensitive skin that she didn’t find in his bathroom. She washed her face and hands and went to find him.

  He was in the kitchen cutting up a chicken breast for the salad. He rubbed it in olive oil and cumin. Put the cut up chicken in a fry pan with olive oil and cooked it for about ten minutes. Meanwhile, he took out of the refer the veggies he had ordered. Washed them in the sink and proceeded to cut them up. Romaine lettuce washed and dried, he made up the salad. “Dinner in about ten minutes,” he said to her.

  She had never said a word to him since she came into the kitchen. She watched him with fascination. He asked to her to put some plates on the table and silver ware. He showed her where they were and she was busy putting them on the table and taking out the wine glasses. He prepared some garlic bread and took out of the refer a quart jar of dressing. He said to her, “This is from my grandmother. She makes a great dressing.”

  The smell of garlic bread with melted cheese on it was evident. He brought a bottle of red wine and pulled the cork. He went back to the refer and took out the now cold chicken. They sat down and toasted themselves and enjoyed the salad and garlic bread.

  After dinner she said, “Let’s finish the movie ‘Titanic’ that we were watching the other night.” A twinkle in her eye and a grin on her face made Todd’s heart skip a beat. They moved to the TV room and the movie was still in the DV player. He remotely turned down the lights and pushed play on the remote. He immediately stopped it and said, “Let’s change into something a little more comfortable.”

  They went to his bedroom and she put on his pajamas and he put on some other pajamas too, but not a shirt. He was hot and would put a shirt on later. Back to the movie they went and plopped down on the sofa. She curled up next to him and he started the movie. He put his arm around her and let out a big breath of air. He was relaxed and wanted to savor this moment in time forever. His hands moved over her side and hips.

  They continued to fondle each other throughout the movie. The movie over, both of them were more than ready for each other. They took off their clothes and made love on the sofa. Both of them were so happy and in love. Every time they made love it was like the first time: intense with desire and passion.

  After making love they took their usual shower together and like two people totally in love, went to sleep wrapped up in each others arms.

  He spent a dreamless night and woke up fresh and ready to take a little exercise. He went to the exercise room ad worked out for a half hour. Jen was in the shower when he came back to the bedroom. He took off his sweaty clothes and dumped them down the laundry chute. Sometimes he wondered how fast the clothes were going when they hit the basement. He hurried to the shower for his usual ‘back wash’. He found her already out of the shower standing there without her usual towel on combing her hair. She smiled at him and said, “Your turn my love. I want to save you up for our special place in the cove.”

  He gave her a kiss on the neck and wordless, he stepped into the shower. She knew he was pouting a little, but she had something special in mind for the cove.

  To his surprise, she was in the kitchen making breakfast. She called her mother and postponed the breakfast. He sat down and she poured him a cup of coffee. She didn’t say a word to him. Just smiled and turn around and went back to cooking. He took a sip and thought that the coffee tasted just great. A big smile crossed his face and she, looking out of the corner of her eye, saw his approval of her coffee.

  They had poached eggs on an English muffin, fresh fruit and tomato juice. After gobbling down the breakfast, he said, “Is this all? I’m still hungry.”

  “You can
have me for desert.”

  He looked her in the eyes and his eyes sent a powerful message to her heart. “I’ll wait for desert later,” he said.


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