Sizzling Romance New York Style

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Sizzling Romance New York Style Page 12

by Robert C. Waggoner

  Chapter 12

  Traffic again was light. The day was cloudless, but warm. The wind had changed and now was coming off the ocean bringing cooler air. September was near and the weather would change to fall shortly. His thoughts were on the day’s activity. He would start preparation for the meeting on a week from Thursday.

  He hoped grandmother was feeling good today. Many questions needed answers. His cell rang in his briefcase. He quickly fed the combination in and answered it. Mario was on the line. “Good morning Todd,”

  Todd returned the greeting and Mario informed him he had a guy for the security job and he would fax up the vita on him to his grandmother's house.

  “Quick work Mario. Let me check it out and I’ll get back to you. How soon could we get this guy on board?”

  “Immediately,” he replied. They chatted a few more minutes and hung up.

  Todd cruised into the drive way and went in the house. Now it was just after eight. Grandmother was drinking tea in the kitchen with the cook. He gave grandmother a kiss and asked her how she was feeling. Todd told her he had some blood specialists flying into town from Europe and would run some tests on her. She said, “Why all the fuss? I’m just getting old, that is all.” She had a twinkle in her eye and Todd new she liked him to take care of her.

  “Any calls from the press?” he asked.

  “No, we set the phones to mute and to record any calls that come in.”

  He had a cup of coffee with her and then they went to the library. She sat in a chair and he sat at the desk. He was all business now and she waited for his questions. He told her about the security he was planning and the meeting on Thursday next with the heads of their companies. “Grandmother, how much should I tell them?”

  She was ready for his questions. She answered all of his questions and he took a few notes while she talked. Two hours later, she finished and with a yawn told him she was a little tired and would take a nap. He rang for the nurse and she helped grandmother up and took her to the bedroom.

  He phoned his secretary and she told him she had a press spokes person waiting for his approval. He asked her to tell the new press officer to drive up and see him at grandmother’s house. He suggested she drive a company car and have her fill out the application forms. His secretary told him that was already completed and that she would be on the way shortly. He thanked her and hung up. Next he called his sweetheart. Jen answered and he asked her what the press situation was. She told him the coast was clear, but a few phone calls came in and mother told them they had the wrong number. She laughed and said, “Mom told them she and her husband were eighty plus and their kids were all away from home years ago.”

  He told her about the new press agent he was going to hire and the security system he was going to put in place. He went on to tell her that at first it would be a nightmare, but after a little while it would die down. He whispered some secret love things and felt a stirring and a need to have her. She softly said some secret things back and said, “She wanted him right now!”

  They hung up and he took out the file on the two guys he wanted for a Chief Financial Officer.

  He called Mario and told him he wanted to meet both Pete and Damion on Monday afternoon at his office in New York. Mario said, “They would both be there one at a time. I’ll put them up in your suites at the Hilton.”

  Todd thanked him and put away the files.

  He memorized their history. He liked them both and decided if their personalities fit him, he would hire them both. Put Chicago under Seattle. He liked what he read about Damion Butan from Seattle. Family man just married with two young kids: one a small boy and the other a girl. Included in the file were some pictures of the family. He liked what he saw. His financial records were in order and Damion wasn’t carrying much debt, mostly just the house and SUV. His daily schedule was not challenging enough. He could tell by his comings and goings. The record showed he was performing brilliantly on a short schedule. His health was good, but his drinking was moderately high. Nothing out of line and he felt good about what he read. The Chicago man’s name was Peter Good. A religious man and he and his family were strong church goers. Solid in the community and lived a quiet life. They were overall, a good pair of men to help him run the company. Some very delicate and extensive financing was called for under his plan and he hoped they were both up to the high standards he required of his people.

  A knock at the library door broke the thought process he was having. “Come,” he said.

  In walked a very tall woman. She was dressed in a tan suit. Long hair in a bun and she looked older than her years. She had piercing eyes that were both friendly and intelligent. At first she had a stern look on her face and then she looked directly in his eyes and a little smile crept across her face. He introduced himself and she said, “My name is Glenda Wills.”

  “Please have a seat Glenda,”

  They both sat in chairs in front of the fireplace. He rang for some tea. The housekeeper came in and poured the tea.

  During the silence, she had a chance to look at this powerful man who headed the Lincoln Group. He was impeccably dressed. She noticed him looking at her and she looked him back, holding his look, she watched the housekeeper pour the tea. She picked up the cup with a steady hand, he noticed. Looked at his watch and saw it was only ten am.

  The housekeeper left and he said to her, “Tell me about you the person.”

  She told him about her career and where she wanted to go in the future. She was not married and had no relationship to speak of. She lived in a quiet apartment with a girlfriend. Her job was everything to her. Then when her friend, his secretary, called her last night, she jumped at the chance to represent one of the most powerful corporations in America.

  “We are very much an international group. Have you ever traveled out of country and do you speak any foreign language?”

  She replied that she hadn’t traveled much, but she spoke French fluently and passable Spanish. He told her about the current situation with him, his new position and his future marriage. The upcoming problem was with the news media from last night’s news. He asked her how she would handle it. She told him what she had on her mind and the way she would attack and not retreat from the media. He liked what he heard and said she should call a press conference when she was prepared. She nodded and he stood up and said, “Welcome aboard, make sure your passport is up to date. I’m afraid there will be extensive traveling for the next year. He offered a dollar figure and asked if that was acceptable. Her eyes opened wide and said, “That would be fine.”

  She left and he looked at his watch and it was near eleven and he was starting to get hungry. It was Tuesday and it appeared he was making good progress. He would spend the afternoon studying his notes of the early morning meeting with grandmother. He would wait for her to wake up and have lunch with her in the back yard. He went to the window and looked out. The sky had big cumulus clouds drifting to the west.

  A nice day he thought to be on the water with Jen. He was deep in thought when a soft tap on the door brought him back. The housekeep said to him that, “Grandmother was awake and sitting in the back yard. She requests your company if not busy.”

  He went out the back relaxing his tie as he went. He enjoyed their back- yard talks. Before on Sundays, she would tell him stories of the old days. She always found him very attentive and interested in the old stories. Now, the stories would have to be about today’s business; the people who would support the new plan; and serious talk about those who would fight tooth and nail for the old ways.

  There was some merit to the old ways. The Lincoln Group, as Todd now referred to it, made lots of money for lots of people in the past and present. However, they were short sighted and naive. Big changes were coming both in the international arena and Nature would rear its head and show the people her furry.

  Todd and grandmother had a nice lunch. Corned beef on rye with German mustard with homemade dill p
ickles. A side dish of German potato salad and for desert, a bowl of fresh peaches.

  They talked for an hour. Todd told her about the two guys he planned to interview on Monday. She indicated to him that he was on the right path. She begged his forgiveness as she was a little tired. She went to take a rest and he returned to the library.

  In an earlier phone call to a security safe company, a representative was due any minute. He took the time to read the fax from Mario about the man who he had recommended for the job of head of security. He read it quickly noting the high points and made a call to Mario. Mario answered the phone himself. He said to Todd, “Damn secretary is out for a long lunch. She knows how busy I am.” He laughed and asked what he could for him.

  Todd told him he wanted to meet the guy this afternoon late, if possible.’ Mario said, “I’ll me make a call and be right back to you.”

  He had just hung up when a knock on the door brought forth the safe man. Todd told him what he wanted and where to put it. The safe man said he would deliver it late this afternoon. The instructions were straight forward and were left with the housekeeper.

  The phone rang and it was Mario. He told Todd that the guy would be in his office at four o’clock. He thanked Mario and hung up; told the housekeeper where he was going and made a mental note to find a personal secretary.

  He called his beloved from his car. He informed her about the plan for the afternoon that he would come by her house and pick her up when he finished. After that, they would go out for dinner somewhere unique. She agreed and told him to drive careful. He smiled and assured her that he always drove safe. “I have too much to lose now if I've an accident.”

  She sent her love and he drove to the city and his office. He made another call to his secretary informing her of his arrival and appointment for the afternoon. Thanked her for sending the prize of a girl for the head of Public Relations. She hung up with a smile and thought that working for him might be all right after all.

  Todd made a stop before the office and had flowers sent to Jen and her mother. Called Luke and asked how was the press situation was. Luke told him it was no problem and Todd told him they would be eating out tonight and take the rest of the day off if he wanted to. Luke was like an uncle to him. Many people thought he was cold and unfriendly, but truly he had a big heart.

  He arrived at the office about three o’clock. He told his secretary to find someone who could work at his grandmother’s house as his secretary. She must be very trustworthy and experienced. He suggested she steal a good one from another company. Furthermore he went on to say, “She must pass a security background check. Any impropriety will not be acceptable. Age doesn’t matter, but she he must be a young enough to travel and be away from home for long periods of time.”

  He went on to tell her some other factors and told her when his appointment arrived to come in take a chair and make notes.

  He went into his office and sat at his new Nara desk. Marveled at the beautiful wood and felt a little guilty because he knew that Nara trees were protected from harvesting due to conservation efforts to protect the dwindling specie.

  A file on the security applicant was on his desk marked for his eyes only. A yellow file folder that he requested for personal only and a list of other file colors for specific purposes outlined in a memo he had circulated. He read with interest and memorized the important details and looked at the pictures of his only applicant.

  Precisely at four, a knock at the door and his secretary preceded a tall powerfully built man into the office. Todd stood up and greeted him and asked him to sit down in front of his desk. Todd wanted to make sure this tough guy understood who the boss was right from the beginning: Todd Lincoln.

  The room was silent for a few minutes as both of them took stock of each other. Todd checked him out: short brown hair in a crew cut, steel gray eyes, chisel chin, and a wind whipped looking face. There was no mistaking he was a powerful built man and looked light and easy on his feet. After both had stared at each other, the man broke into a smile and so did Todd. Todd said to him, “I’ve read your file. Tell me what the file doesn’t say about Alex West.”

  Alex took a deep breath and began. “I left the military because I was disillusioned by the direction it was going. Sure we had high tech stuff, lots of it. Good personal and the chain of command were in place. I was in the van guard of the Iraq war. After the initial invasion, I spent a year and half over there. Our boys were fighting a war without a visible enemy. When we located a target, it took too long to get permission for a strike. We had to be careful of collateral damage. All of that is good, except we were losing the battles to the insurgents. Rumsfeld was a politician, not a leader of men; and the commander and chief relied on bad intelligence. Now we have a quagmire of discontent with the Iraq people. Our men are dying for lack of the proper equipment. You read the stories I’m sure. Anyway, I left the Marines in July. I have been sitting in my back yard watching the grass grow. I sent my resume to a headhunter, but all that came back was companies who wanted me to wear a tie and watch the people work. I’m a hands on guy.”

  Todd said to him, “You possess a double PhD with one doctorate in electrical engineering and the other in mechanical engineering. Tell me why if you please.”

  Alex said that, “The first one told him the electrical side, but not how to implement it in real life situations. So, the military sent me back to MIT to work on the mechanical application. They said if I stayed for eight years they would pay the freight on the second one. I held up my side, but the military let me down. Too long a story, but suffice to say, I’m looking for a challenge.”

  “You had a promising career colonel. It says here you were the youngest full colonel in the Marines.”

  “Yes, I’m proud of the Marines and proud to be American. But now I need to move on. I was just about to take my boat to the Caribbean when my father called and said you wanted to see me. My father is good friends with Mario. Mario’s word is gold in my father’s circle of old friends.”

  Todd nodded his head and said, “I have a job I need done. It is a hands on job, but some paper work is necessary. Salary is generous and so are the benefits. I haven’t told you the whole story, but you would be responsible for the security of the entire Lincoln Group. Both here and overseas and down into Mexico and South America. I would guess you would need over a thousand employees. You design your chain of command. You have a free hand. I expect nothing but the best. Money for manpower and equipment is not a question I want to hear about. Submit a budget and I will approve it. Go over it and I will take it out of your thick hide,” he said with a grin.

  “Well, Alex, are you in for a dollar?”

  ‘It’s music to my ears Mr. Lincoln. When do you want me to begin?’

  Todd said, “Tomorrow too soon?’’

  “Not at all.”

  “Well then, my secretary will show you a desk and a phone in a minute. A company car is waiting for you. Credit cards my secretary will give you and please fill out the paper work. I’ll see you tomorrow and tell you a few things that need our immediate attention.”

  They shook hands and like the first shake of the hands, Todd gave it all the power he had, but it wasn’t enough shaking hands with the colonel. I have to pump some more weights he said to himself. Then he thought of last night in the weight room and began to miss his girl. He picked up the phone and called her. He told her he was on his way and would see her in about a half an hour of so depending on traffic. It was now a little after five and rush hour was upon the city.

  He made a quick call to his grandmother to see how she was and to see if the safe had arrived. Grandmother answered the phone, because his number was programmed to let him through and all others were blocked. She told him she was fine and that a big safe was in her library. She chuckled at him and said she would see him tomorrow.

  Todd picked up Jen and they went to a Thai restaurant. He loved their spice noodles. Jen ordered w
hat he was having and they sipped tea while waiting, He told her about the afternoon and that he hired both a public relations person and the head of security for the Lincoln Group. In addition, he was going to hire a secretary for grandmother’s office in her house. He also said to her, “Some security people will be stationed around your house. They will, most likely be unseen to you and your family. The press would soon be nosing around and as you know, can be very aggressive. The security is there for your protection. Please tell your mother tomorrow.”

  She thanked him for his concern for her and the family. “Somehow I knew you would take care of any problems that might come up.” She told him about her day and that they were getting very close to having all the arrangements made for the wedding.

  The noodles arrived and they picked up the chop sticks and sucked down the noodles. He told her the more noise you made eating, the better the compliment to the cook. “It’s an Asian thing.”

  After dinner they went to an organic market for food shopping. Luke always did a good job, but tonight he wanted to pick out something special for the weekend. “I don't have any special plan for the weekend.” He asked her if she wanted to do something for Saturday or Sunday.

  They pushed the cart around the market and she said to him, “How about we stay home this weekend and take it easy.”

  He thought that was a good idea and they picked out some veggies to go with a baked turkey breast for Saturday night. They also picked up some lunch material and eggs for a homemade omelet. A loaf of Wisconsin cheese and some sour dough bread from San Francisco.

  The food for the weekend taken care of; she told him Sunday they would go out for brunch at her parent’s house, they drove to his apartment. They joked with each other on the way home and she teased him about hiring secretary for grandmother’s house. He took the jab good naturedly and told her if she wasn’t quiet, he would not make love to her tonight. She shut up immediately and pretended to pout the rest of the way home. They played and grabbed each other in the elevator. Into the apartment they put the groceries away then they headed to the TV room and plopped down on the couch. Todd took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt. She leaned into him and played with the hair on his chest. She pulled his hair hard and he pretended to be angry and pinned her to the sofa, holding her hands, but not too tightly. She looked into his eyes and she saw the love for her pouring forth from his eyes. He kissed her and she kissed him back. They moved to the floor and he unbuttoned her blouse. Slowly, one at a time letting his fingers just touch her soft white skin, teasing her and sending shivers up and down her body. The buttons undone, she unhooked her bra and he lowered his lips and he made love to his fiancé.

  They took a long hot shower and went to bed. He had some reading to do, so he read awhile and she went fast asleep. Around midnight he turned the light off and moved next to her. She made some small throaty love sounds and snuggled next to him. They were becoming quite comfortable sleeping together.

  He spent a dreamless night and awoke rather fresh at six. He slipped out of bed and went to the exercise room. She followed him a few minutes later and they spent the next half hour working out. They hit the shower and were very hungry for breakfast after only a bowl noodles the night before. He fixed scrambled eggs and toast. Fresh fruit and fresh squeezed orange juice, thanks to Luke.

  They got dressed and took the elevator down and she caught a taxi and he took off for grandmothers. He called grandmother and asked her how she was this morning. She told him she never felt better and she had a surprise for him later in the morning.

  He smiled to himself and then he called Jen. He asked her plans for the day and because it was Friday, and they’re both Catholic, clam chowder might be good for a late lunch. She told him that mother and her, with Beth, had some shopping in the morning, but would be back around noon. He said he would call her later and tell her his schedule. They both made sounds of love with words that were special only between the two of them.


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