Silver-Tongued Devil

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Silver-Tongued Devil Page 3

by Lorelei James

  After trimming the center until both edges were straight, she folded and pinned the material. She moved the lamp to the shelf above her sewing machine and that provided enough light to run two long, straight stiches down each side. Then she repinned the shirt down center for button and buttonhole placement. A few stitches and wrapped thread finished the button attachment. She made the cuts for the buttonholes and did a quick whip stitch around the inside to keep them from fraying.

  Once she’d had the shirt buttoned, she found the hole where the knife had been lodged and sewed it up.

  It’d do. But she couldn’t hand him back a bloody shirt.

  In the kitchen, she poured cold water from the pitcher into a bowl, added some salt and dunked the shirt in. The blood hadn’t had much time to set so it washed out more easily than she’d believed it would. She rinsed it once more, wrung it out and returned to her room, hanging it on a peg to dry.

  Dinah moved the lamp back beside her bed. The cock’s first crow would come in a few short hours, so she extinguished the flame, climbed beneath the covers and tried to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Jonas and Robbie walked back to town in silence.

  They parted ways at Robinette’s General Store. Jonas cut left, heading to the deputy’s office.

  The main sheriff’s office was located in Sundance, the Crook County seat. While this settlement hadn’t been officially recognized as a town, with a central railway line and several businesses, including a saloon and a bawdy house, it had all the problems of a town that required a permanent law presence. Currently there were only two deputies, Jonas and “Big Jim”—aka Jim Biggerman. During the day, the on-duty deputy was expected to be available in the building or around town. If the single jail cell had an occupant, they stayed overnight in the cramped office.

  Although the hour was late, the last place Jonas wanted to sleep tonight was a bunk roll on the floor of the empty cell.

  He relocked the door and headed to Sackett’s. If trouble happened, it usually started in the saloon anyway. At least he’d be easy to find.

  Sackett’s and Ruby Red’s Boardinghouse were separate businesses with a common purpose: cashing in on men’s vices. Since the businesses were side by side, Sackett and Ruby had connected the whorehouse to the saloon via a door on the second floor. That way men could claim they’d been in the saloon all night and they thought their womenfolk would be none the wiser.

  If you happened to be riding through the area, looking for a place to stay, you’d likely tie up in front of the two-story white clapboard structure with the sign announcing Miss Ruby Red’s Boardinghouse. After entering through the fancy etched glass and brass door, you’d find a small reception area, fussy floral paper covering the walls, two small tables and four spindly, upholstered velvet chairs situated in front of each of the lace-curtained windows. A stand that resembled a polished preacher’s pulpit blocked access to the only door, presumably leading upstairs to the rooms for rent. Hanging on the wall behind that pulpit was a sign that read:


  As far as Jonas knew, that sign was a permanent fixture.

  If you were also the observant type, you’d notice another small hand-lettered sign on the stand that read:

  Ask about our specials

  Shrewd-eyed Mrs. Mavis, a retired former madam, could size up a walk-in as a potential customer or a clueless gadabout in five seconds and dealt with them appropriately. For Madam Ruby, it paid to have good help—and she, in turn, paid them well.

  Jonas strode through the door to the saloon, which had been propped open with a rusted cream canister to air out the cigar smoke and the sour smell of spilled booze and nervous sweat.

  Although it was well past one a.m., Sackett’s still had a dozen men sitting at the bar. Off to the right side he saw both gambling tables were full too.

  Dickie, the bartender, who was also Mrs. Mavis’s husband, caught his attention and gave the sign for Jonas to exit out the back. Then he bent down to tug the pulley that rang the bell in the Madam’s room that warned of trouble.

  After a brief nod, Jonas strolled through the space, ignoring the patrons as they ignored him, cutting through the kitchen and storage areas at the rear of the saloon and out the delivery entrance.

  Five steps later he stood outside the back edge of Ruby Red’s building. To the casual observer, there wasn’t a door. He knocked twice. After a few minutes, a section that appeared to be broken siding opened a crack.

  “It’s Jonas.”

  Ruby herself opened the hidden door and beckoned him in.

  He walked past her down a short, dark hallway. He heard her slide the metal bar that blocked the outer door as he entered her personal living space.

  The vibrant color scheme in her parlor furnishings suited her. From the chaise lounge covered in sage-green velvet and embellished with gold tassels, to the double bench settee in vibrant blue, trimmed with a thick silk cord the hue of a robin’s egg, and a side table with legs whimsically carved to resemble peacock heads. On the opposite side was a high-backed chair comprised of pale pink tufted fabric, decorated with dark pink satin piping and beaded fringe. Beneath his feet was a spongy rug; the curlicues and flowers in it contained all the colors of the furniture, pillows and wallpaper.

  Since the building had no windows, save for the ones in front, she’d created what appeared to be a window behind the settee: a long curtain rod with ivory damask drapes swooping across and floral-patterned silk panels hanging below it. She’d placed candles and kerosene lamps on the side tables, creating ambiance to counteract the absence of natural light.

  The room was wholly feminine. He felt like the proverbial bull among her delicate things and opted to sit in the sturdy rocking chair next to the small cookstove when they spent time in here—which wasn’t often.

  When she said, “Is Silas all right?” Jonas turned around and faced her.

  God, the woman was pretty. Long, black hair, which, unbound, reached her waist. Eyes as bright blue as the cushions on her settee. Wide cheeks that tapered to a sharply pointed chin. And those lips. Those full, soft, luscious red lips that never failed to stir his desire.

  She’d thrown a lavender embroidered silk robe over her nightdress—a nightdress created with sheer black lace that dipped low on her abundant bosom. Tiny bows and silk roses dotted the neckline.

  Jonas had the overwhelming desire to rip each flower off with his teeth to get to the soft, fragrant, creamy skin that lay beneath.

  “Jonas?” she said in that husky rasp.

  His eyes met hers. “How’d you hear about it?”

  “Millie said everyone ran out of the saloon when Zeke started shouting, so she followed.” Her gaze searched his face. “Sounded like you got there quickly after it started.”

  Reaching out, he ran the backs of his knuckles down the smooth curve of her jaw. “Only because I was on my way here to see you.”

  She leaned into his touch. “He must be okay if you came back.”

  “Doc fixed him up.” He continued to stroke her cheek. “Silas ended up with a self-inflicted knife wound. I can’t believe that he let Zeke West beat the holy hell out of him again. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Silas lose a fight to any man other than West.”

  “What is it with those two?”

  Jonas dropped his hand. Hardened his eyes. “Why don’t you tell me?”


  “Tonight I found out that Silas and Zeke got into it months ago over one of your girls.”

  “Oh. That.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because Silas specifically asked me not to. And no, he didn’t ask me not to tell you because he found out that you and I are…close.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “And yet, you kept it from me that you and my brother are palling around when I’m out of town? Just how…close are you two?”

  Those mesmerizing eyes widened before narrowing with anger, and he braced himself. “Bugger o
ff, McKay. I’d never be close like that with your brother. I only knew about his injury because someone needed to take him to Doc, to discover if that fool West had broken more than his pride.”

  “You took him out there in a damn blizzard, Ruby?” Why hadn’t Doc or the feisty Miss Thompson relayed that fact to him?

  “Yes. Millie and I loaded Silas on the sled and hitched it to Daisy. Then I rode her to Doc’s,” she retorted.

  Seemed both she and Daisy the mule were mule-headed enough to attempt something so dangerous.

  “Besides, I only stayed there long enough to get Silas unloaded. I was back here, with Daisy safely in the barn, within two hours.”

  “Thank you for seein’ to him,” he said gruffly.

  “You’re welcome. But I didn’t do it for you. The last thing I needed was to be stuck with an injured, complaining, delirious man demanding food, medicine and attention from my girls for however long the blasted storm lasted.” She raised that stubborn chin and challenged him. “So did you stop by solely to give me your belated thanks or did you need something else?”

  Sassy woman.

  Jonas slipped his arm around her waist and hauled her close. “Oh, I’m in definite need of something else.” He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.

  Kissing Ruby always started out sweet and slow, but rarely ended that way. The woman consumed him with fire and need equal to his. She snaked her arms around his neck and held on as his forearm slid beneath her ass. Lifting her up, he began walking forward, his body knowing the way to her bedroom without the need of his eyes to get him there.

  She tasted of the mint tea she drank before bed and the sweet heat that was all Ruby. Her mouth opened to his hungrily, her nails digging into the back of his neck as she pushed her body closer to his.

  He stopped when the backs of her legs connected with the footboard and he gradually broke the kiss to set her on the bed.

  Ruby surveyed him with the intensity of a hunter who’d cornered prey as he unhooked his gun belt and draped it over the bottom post of her canopied bed. Then he removed his leather vest and hung it on the peg beside the door. His hat went next to it. When he reached down to pull off his boot, she hopped off the bed.

  “Sit. Let me do that for you.”

  “Ain’t no way I’m sittin’ on that fancy silk bedding with my dirty britches and dusty boots.”

  “Then sit on the bench.” She deftly unhooked his trousers and yanked them to his knees, effectively hobbling him, before she practically shoved his ass onto the bench.

  “Ruby, dammit, I’m dirty and smelly—”

  “Hush.” Cupping the heel of his left boot in her palm, she lifted up, tugging until his foot slipped out. She repeated the process with his right foot. After she removed his shirt, she tugged the top half of his one-piece union suit to his hips and stood. “I’ll give you a quick whore’s bath if you think your scent is offensive.”

  A whore’s bath. That sly tongue of hers…that’s the reason he usually obeyed her without question.

  Ruby returned with a damp cloth and the ceramic bowl from the washstand. Making herself comfortable on his lap, she murmured, “Close your eyes and relax.”

  She wiped his face and neck slowly. Thoroughly. Her way of showing him how much she enjoyed touching him. “I like that you’re clean-shaven. I’m not a fan of beards.”

  A fact Jonas was aware of…hence why he scraped his whiskers away.

  Every once in a while, he’d feel the press of her full breasts as she leaned over to rinse out the cloth. Then she’d start in again. Lifting his right arm out to his side as she ran that cool rag from the ball of his shoulder to the tips of his fingers—and everywhere in between, following suit with his left arm.

  Her powdery roses and mint scent filled his head. The soft swell of her ass resting on his thighs tormented him. Yet, he managed to remain relaxed until…she reached into the front opening of his union suit to fondle his hardness.

  Nuzzling into his neck, she murmured, “Feeling cleaner, Deputy?”

  “Everything ’cept my mind,” he drawled.

  Ruby licked his collarbone. “’Fraid I don’t have a fix for that. But I had some dirty thoughts of my own about what I wanted to do to you.” She scooted back on his lap as she kissed a path through the patch of thick hair covering his chest, her lips connecting with his nipple. She nipped, laved and flicked the tip until it tightened to a hard point.

  Rather than switching to the other nipple, she planted kisses straight down his chest and dropped to her knees.

  Jonas cupped her chin in his palm, forcing her bright blue eyes to meet his gaze.

  Never failed to surprise him, humble him, that this beautiful, sensual woman wanted to freely give him what other men paid her for. He stroked her bottom lip with his thumb. “I don’t wanna finish in your mouth.”

  “Maybe I wanna finish you off with my mouth so you’ll have to lick me until you’re hard again.” She sucked his thumb into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it.

  “That’ll work too,” he said gruffly.

  “Thought you might say that.” She glided her hands up his thighs and tugged on his clothing. “Lift up.”

  His ass went skyborne so fast he damn near scooted off the bench.

  Then his union suit hit his ankles and Ruby…

  “Ah fuck,” he groaned as she sucked him to the back of her throat with the first draw of his flesh into her hot, wet mouth.

  Her soft laugh vibrated up his shaft.

  She pushed his legs open wider, giving herself more room to work.

  And work him she did.

  He grabbed a fistful of her silky hair, not to guide her because God knew the woman didn’t need instruction, but to keep her hair from blocking his view. Watching her suck on him was an added bonus he stored up for those nights when he only had his hand making him feel good.

  Ruby pushed him closer to the edge with each wet, deep suck. With every teasing circle her tongue drew around the cockhead after she pulled the foreskin back.

  His legs began to shake. His sac tightened beneath her stroking thumb. Before he lost his head completely, he said, “Ruby. Look at me.”

  Almost as soon as that dark, determined gaze met his, his cock went rigid and he started to come. He groaned long and loud with each pulse, loving how she kept her lips tight around his girth each time he rocked deeper into her mouth. Feeling her swallow until he had nothing left was the closest he’d ever gotten to a religious experience.

  So it took a few moments for his head to leave the clouds.


  Jonas blinked at her when she stood and tried to tug him to his feet.

  “Whoa. Gimme a moment to find my balance since you knocked me for a damn loop, woman.” He brought his hands to her hips and urged her closer. “My turn to tease.”

  “But I want—”

  “Me eatin’ that pussy. I’m gettin’ to it. But first…take off the robe, Ruby.”

  The lilac silk floated to the floor.

  “Now c’mere, up on your knees.”

  With her knees pressed into his hips, her tits were right in his face.


  He might’ve growled after he’d opened his mouth over a lace-covered nipple.

  Ruby squeezed his shoulders and arched back. “I can take this off.”

  “Mmm. When I’m ready for that, I’ll let you know.” He twirled his tongue around the wide pink circle, getting it wet, then sucking hard on the tight tip right through the lace. He paused to blow a stream of air across it, smiling against the full curve of her breast when her whole body shuddered.

  He teased her, switching back and forth between her nipples and nibbling on the long, tempting sweep of her neck. Letting his mouth do the talking without any words exchanged.

  Her every sigh whispered to his male pride that although her heart wanted no part of him, her body couldn’t lie about how strongly his touch affected her.

Jonas slipped his right hand beneath the hem of her nightgown and smoothed a path up the inside of her thigh until his knuckles connected with proof of her desire. His middle finger met no resistance as he pushed it inside where she was so wet and warm, encouraging him to add another finger.

  Her response was to widen her stance and angle her head to give him access to whatever part of her he wanted.

  That surrender spurred him into action.

  Ignoring the hard bulge lengthening against his belly, he rotated his wrist, so the bony side of his thumb rested against her sweet spot. Working those two digits in tandem with the rapid motion he knew she preferred nudged her closer to the edge of bliss.

  This is mine. Every quiver. Every moan. In this moment she belongs solely to me.

  Ruby’s legs were quaking. When he felt her ass muscles tighten, he knew all it would take was his mouth on her other sweet spot and she’d unspool for him.

  Jonas sucked on her earlobe. Tugged on it with his teeth until Ruby moaned. Her pussy clenched around his fingers as her clit pulsed against his thumb. He rode out every throb until she slumped against him with a muttered, “Goddamn you, McKay.”

  Grinning, he nipped the swell of her right breast. “That ‘goddamn you’ wasn’t because I did something wrong?”

  “No. You did everything right, since I taught you how to do it right.”

  “So that wasn’t a complaint?”

  She snorted. “Not hardly. More like an accursed expression of joy.”

  Jonas clamped his hands on her ass and stood. “Well, sweetheart, let’s see if I can’t get you to curse at me a couple more times before we fall asleep.”

  Chapter Five

  Jonas McKay was an amazing lover.


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