Mystery: Double Cross - The Davenport Mysteries (Suspense novel series of adventure mystery books and Crime mystery thrillers)

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Mystery: Double Cross - The Davenport Mysteries (Suspense novel series of adventure mystery books and Crime mystery thrillers) Page 18


  “You’re right. There has to be something. But what will we get out of it? She may be already out of our reach.” Jake knew it was too late.

  “Well, there is nothing to lose. Maybe, by the time you come back from the airport, I will have some breakthrough,” Kiara suggested.

  Jake felt a bit embarrassed. “About that … I’m really sorry to have snapped at you.”

  “It’s not the first time,” Kiara complained and then smiled. Jake knew everything was fine now. He patted on her shoulder while smiling.

  “I’ll call you once I’m back,” he said and left.

  Kiara kept looking at them till they disappeared in the dark of the night. She kept thinking about what she had told Jake as she walked towards the cabs lined up on the side of the road. One thing was certain: she had a long night ahead of her.

  Kiara kept looking at the wall clock as she tried to put all the pieces together. She had to find any aberrations in Natalie’s plan. She had planned everything meticulously, from identifying the antiques to the time to steal them. She knew how many of them she wanted and when was the right time to close the curtains on her operations. However, her plan failed partially when Jake took the ring from her house. Now, she could’ve already decided when she was leaving the country, but she had to stay back because of the ring. She knew that the police will come to know that she was behind all of this. So, to mislead them, she planted the story about going to China. However, what did she gain out of it? She was the one who had set up a meeting with Jake. She knew beforehand when Jake was going to give the ring to her. She could have easily taken the flight that left two hours after she met Jake. Kiara looked at the clock: it was half past eleven. It took them almost eight hours to find out that she was not on the plane. There was no possibility of Jake or Kiara deciphering her plans in two hours. Then why did she create such a trap?

  The thought made Kiara jump out of the couch. There was something that Natalie wanted to do before leaving New York—something that was so obvious that she suspected that the police would come to know immediately. That’s why she created the distraction.

  If she had not planted this idea about her leaving for China in Jake’s mind, what would have Jake and Kiara done when they came to know about her true identity?

  With that, she started walking across the hall. What was that she wanted to do before leaving New York? There had to be something otherwise she would not have taken the pain to find the passenger details and check in with the same name in the hotel.

  After fifteen minutes of mindless walking across the hall and not reaching any conclusions, she thought of calling Jake, but then he was already occupied.

  She knew that the question bothering her held the key but she wasn’t getting anywhere. Maybe she needed a change in her approach towards it.

  She was thinking about Natalie and her plans but not about the other pieces of the puzzle. She wanted to steal antiques, but only those that could not be traced back to her. There were only two problems with that: one, she had to have the information about those antiques including the knowledge of their owners; and second, she had to find a way to steal them. Burt helped with the first part and Brendon helped with the second. However, she had to conceal her identity from both of them. That’s why she hired Ralph.

  Ralph’s name made her pause for a moment. She could not have hired him without telling her identity to him and that’s why she eliminated him in the end. The only way to find any traces leading to her was through Ralph. Maybe there was someone who knew something about Ralph that could help her. Who could that be?

  The caretaker? Well, she did seem harmless, but then even Natalie looked that way initially. Ralph removed the idols from the estate and she did not even come to know—how was that possible? There was likelihood that she knew Burt also.

  Suddenly, something struck her. The caretaker was a long shot, but there definitely was someone who also had a link to both Ralph and Burt. In fact, it was not only them who were played on by Natalie; he was also one of them who didn’t even know that he was a pawn in Natalie’s hands.

  How could have I missed this? Kiara berated herself.

  She ran towards her bedroom and took the car keys out of the drawer. She rushed out, almost hitting the side table in the process. She knew it was late, but she had to see him at any cost.

  By the time Kiara arrived, it was almost midnight. She was wary of his reaction but had to somehow convince him to talk to her. She parked the car at the side of the road and rushed towards the other side.

  She took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. There was no response from the other end, making her nervous.

  As she was about to press it again, the door opened. Don Johnson looked at her with surprise. It took him a few seconds to recognize Kiara without her uniform.

  “Agent … Davenport?” he said while raising his brow.

  “I … I need your help on something.”

  “I don’t understand. Is this about the idol stolen from my house?” he said with surprise. “The police already found it in our maid’s house.”

  “This is about something big. Can I come inside?” she urged.

  Don opened the door completely and got aside reluctantly. “Yes, please come on in.”

  Kiara walked behind a confused Don. By the time they reached the living room, Don’s wife had come out of the bedroom. She looked at Kiara and then towards Don.

  “Sorry to disturb you at this hour, Mrs. Johnson. I am Agent Kiara Davenport from the FBI. I have something to ask to your husband. You can join us if you feel. Maybe you could also help.”

  Don looked at Kiara. “You are making us nervous.”

  Kiara understood what he meant. “This is regarding the idol that was stolen from your house.”

  “I told you that it’s been recovered,” Don reiterated.

  “It’s about how you got it in the first place,” she said.

  “Oh. So this is about Burt Lehmann. But, you know that I have all the papers? It’s a legally acquired piece and not a stolen one,” Don said while looking at his wife, who had joined them in the living room.

  “Well, I don’t want to know from whom you got this,” Kiara said firmly. “I want to know how you got this.” She said and looked at both of them. While Don was sitting calmly, his wife was fiddling with the cushion.

  “I don’t see any difference,” Don stressed.

  Kiara took a deep breath. “Burt has his set of people working for his business. Why would he give one of his projects to you if he did not know your prior work?”

  The calmness on Don’s face evaporated at Kiara’s question. It was as if he was caught red-handed. Sweat drops glistened on his forehead as he looked at Kiara.

  “What … what are you implying?” he said with great difficulty.

  “It can’t be a coincidence that the two people involved in one of the biggest thefts of the antiques are the one who gave you this job in return of … um … another antique.” Kiara looked at their faces that had turned pale.

  “I … I told you they will find out … You should have come clean earlier,” his wife said in a frail voice and started to sob.

  He pressed on her shoulder. “We haven’t done anything wrong. Why should we fear?” With that, he turned towards Kiara. “I did not come to the police as I did not want to create unnecessary suspicion. And except knowing both of them, I had nothing to do with them. I was not a part of any of their dealings.”

  “Even I feel so,” Kiara said and looked at his wife. “Your husband is right. You don’t have to fear anything.”

  Kiara’s words surprised them even more. They both looked at each other and then towards her.

  “Then what do you want from me?” Don asked with surprise.

  “This may sound strange to you, but this deals of yours with Burt was all a setup and I want to know who is behind it—” Before she could finish her sentence she was interrupted by Don.

  “A setup … I don’t
get it,” he said with confusion.

  “Burt was working for Ralph and helping him with all the details of the antiques to be stolen,” she said.

  “Yes, I read that in the papers.”

  “But, what you did not read was that even Ralph was not the mastermind. He was working for someone else. Someone who’s still not in our custody—I need your help with that,” Kiara did not know how Don was going to help. She hoped to find any connection between him and Natalie.

  “Who is that?”

  “Do you know someone named Natalie Underwood?” Kiara asked.

  “I don’t know anyone with that name,” he said and looked at his wife, who also shook her head.

  “Who is that?” she asked.

  “We believe that she’s the one behind all these thefts. She hired Ralph, who in turn took Burt’s services. However, once she had her hands on enough of the antiques, she decided to shut her operations. To ensure that we come to know about Burt’s existence she created a plan that centered on you,” she said and looked at Don, who took a moment trying unsuccessfully to understand what Kiara said.

  “I still don’t understand. How could have I helped someone I don’t even know?”

  “Mr. Johnson, how did you know Ralph Harrison?” Kiara ignored his question.

  “Well … I did some work for Windsor Estate,” he replied at once.

  “And, on what basis you got that job?” she asked.

  “Well, they had approached me for that and took a quote from my company. After a month or so, they told that my quote was the most competitive. It’s a standard practice,” he replied while trying to figure out why she was asking.

  “Well, not in this case. Did you mention your interest in antiques to him?” she asked further.

  “I did not. In fact, I don’t even have any knowledge or inclination towards antiques. My wife is the one who loves them,” he said and looked at his wife.

  “What?” Kiara was not able to make any connections. The whole premise was based on the fact that Ralph showed him the antiques and then Don told him about his passion, which led Ralph to set a meeting with Burt and make him a part of the chain.

  “What made you feel that I was interested in the antiques?” Don asked with surprise.

  “I thought that you took the assignment with Burt’s office only to get that idol?” Kiara replied while trying to make some calculations.

  “No, I got a call from his office that their current partner was not available. So, they wanted me as a replacement for one of their projects. In fact, they said that they had seen some of my earlier work and if I delivered as per their expectations, then they may offer me some more work in the future.”

  Kiara held her head in her palms hearing Don’s words. “Of course, it was not going to be that straightforward,” she mumbled and looked at Don. “I have to disappoint you. It was not your previous work, but a recommendation that got you that assignment. And, they never intended to give you any further work. That was just a bait to get you on board.”

  “What do you mean? Who recommended my name to Burt?” Don asked with astonishment. He had no idea where the discussion was headed.

  “Ralph recommended your name to Burt. In fact, he insisted on hiring you for a project,” Kiara explained.

  “I did not know that.” Don shook his head. “Maybe Burt had seen my work at Windsor Estate and based on that, he shortlisted me. That’s why he said that he had seen my prior work.”

  Kiara gave a muffled grunt. She knew Don was not going to understand easily and it was not his mistake. The trap had been laid so meticulously that anyone could fall for it.

  “Let me explain how it worked for them. Natalie had to ensure that someone takes all the blame and the case is closed. She wanted a clean getaway, a getaway that ensured her freedom for the rest of her life. To make sure that Burt and Ralph get accused of the crimes instead of her, she had to ensure that the police find a lead up to them. However, she had to make sure that her identity remains concealed and to do that, she laid the trap for you.”

  “What … what trap?” Don asked in a frail voice.

  “Even I don’t have a clue about the trap, but I do know why it was laid.” Kiara paused for a moment. “She instructed Ralph to take your services for Windsor Estate. Once you were there, she made him contact Burt and get you another job. Now, Burt told us that he never intended to work with you. In fact, the team that’s working for him for so many years was already available and he had no intention to replace them. However, Ralph threatened him with dire consequences if he did not take your services. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Yes … but I don’t understand what they wanted from me.”

  “They wanted you to ask for the idol as remuneration. When Natalie finally decided to close her operations, she had to get Burt caught. To ensure that it looks natural and doesn’t raise any suspicion, she used your maid’s help to get the idol stolen. She knew the first suspect will be her and when the police inquire about the idol, you will say Burt’s name. Once his name was out, I started to join all the dots as Natalie had hoped for and finally I discovered that he was doing everything at Ralph’s behest. When we went to catch Ralph, he was found dead. All proof pointed at him as the mastermind … case closed.”

  Don’s eyes widened when he understood how he was used by Natalie with his wish. “I … I can’t believe I willingly helped her.”

  “We all have,” Kiara tried to give him some confidence. “That’s why I wanted to know why you asked for the idol as your remuneration.”

  “Because, my wife wanted it. She had seen it in a catalogue. When I got the offer to work for Burt, we felt that it was an offer made in heaven. I could get to work for a big construction company and if Burt likes my work, I may ask him to sell the idol to me,” Don said at once.

  “So, you actually wanted to buy it?” Kiara raised her brow.

  “Yes, but he blankly refused. He said that he only sells it to his clients and no one else. I tried one more time and he refused again. Then I thought that it may impact my future dealings with him. So, I dropped the matter.”

  “Then what happened that made him give it to you under the veil of remuneration?” Kiara asked the question bothering her.

  “Well, my bill was around a hundred and twenty-five grand. He gave me an offer.”

  “He made it look like he was trying to save money by giving you an idol worth a hundred grand. That’s brilliant,” Kiara said in angst. Everything was so well planned that no one involved in it had an iota of doubt. Burt did not know that by signing those papers for the idol, he was signing his confession.

  Kiara got up. The whole discussion had been an exciting insight into Natalie’s plan, but there was only that to it. Kiara was still at the same place as far as the case was involved. She looked at her watch. It was already past one in the morning.

  “I’m really sorry I disturbed you at such an hour of the night. You have been really helpful,” she said.

  “Well, it’s you who has helped us. Otherwise, we would’ve never come to know about it. We were worried that someone might harass us for our connection with both of them, but now we feel as if a weight has been lifted from our minds.” Don looked at his wife, who nodded with a smile.

  Kiara smiled back. She was still trying to find anything unusual in the iron-clad plan of Natalie. As she reached out for the door, something struck her. She turned around and walked to them.

  “She planned all the steps in such a way that everything led to her desired outcome. But, what are the odds that she was working with Burt and you happened to see a catalogue featuring Burt’s collection?” Kiara looked at both of them.

  Suddenly, Mrs. Johnson remembered something. “Is this woman, Natalie, a middle-aged lady?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?” Kiara asked.

  “Then it’s not a coincidence that I chanced upon Burt’s catalogue,” she replied as sweat drops glistened on her forehead.

; “What’s it, honey?” Don asked.

  “You remember, I told you that I saw the catalogue in my office. One of the ladies who was waiting for her turn was looking at it and showed it to me when I told her how I liked to collect such things,” she explained.

  “You think she’s Natalie?” Don asked in astonishment.

  “Where do you work, Mrs. Johnson?”

  “At the DA’s office,” she said tersely, still trying to come out of her thoughts.

  “So, she knew that you were passionate about old relics and your husband was into the construction business,” Kiara said in exasperation. “What a meticulous planning.” She knew she was admiring a criminal, but that was all she could do now.

  “She played us like pawns.” Don’s face had turned pale.

  Kiara patted his shoulder. “When did this happen? I mean, how much time before you took a job at Burt’s?”

  Don looked at his wife. “I guess it happened a month before I took the Windsor Estate job.”

  Kiara nodded. She knew Natalie had been planning this for years. This must have been the last part of the planning before she started to execute it.

  “Well, I should take your leave now. Enough of a drama for one night.” Kiara smiled.

  “You bet,” Don responded with a smile.

  Kiara came out and took five minutes before starting her car. There were so many plans and sub-plans and everything was leading to a dead end. She had thought that knowing the criminal was the toughest part, but linking her to the crime was becoming the biggest challenge.

  Chapter 13

  Kiara looked at her watch; it was already past two o’clock. Her mind was buzzing and she knew if she goes to bed, the ideas won’t let her sleep. Finally, she decided to drive a few blocks before calling it a night.

  One thing was certain: she had to check the DA’s office for any clues. Though the chances were slim, maybe they had some record of why she was there. Besides, there was nothing else that she could think of even after much contemplation. After half an hour more of aimless driving, she gave up. She thought of going to her apartment.


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