Triad: A Three Way Love Story

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Triad: A Three Way Love Story Page 8

by Clairissa SinClair

  Mick was on his way back to the garage in some really tight faded black jeans and a dark blue henley that was unbuttoned completely. Yummy. Seriously yummy. I love the way his huge ass biceps bulge out of the sleeve. Makes me want to bit him again. He sweeps me into his arms and dips me low, locking me into the kind of kiss that leaves me lips swollen and my panties dampening. “Let’s take care of business, babe”. Yep. Let’s.

  He hops on the back of his bike, and shoots me that sexy little boy grin as I hike my black skirt up over my thighs and climb on. I’m wearing the black boots from the party, which I know he loves, and a demure white blouse buttoned up to my neckline. I’t s a lovely combination of business woman meets biker ho, which is exactly what I was looking for. I buttoned up my black blazer and climb aboard, wrapping my arms around him. Mick holds my hand against his belly all the way to town.

  Sitting in the waiting room of Harris and Partners, I am having a horrible anxiety attack. I can’t seem to catch my breath. I am trying to be cool, but Mick senses my stress and takes my hand. It’s a sweet gesture and I’m taken back by it. I am hoping that it means that maybe, just maybe, he is starting to see us as more than just the a weekend thing.

  Finally I’m called into the conference room. I drag Mick with me for moral support. The pretentious asshole himself, Patrick Harris sits at the end of the table, along with his son, Patrick the third, also known as Junior.

  Senior and Junior shook my hand and Mick’s. They were clearly confused that I was not accompanied by my own legal team. I had a plan. A “Hail Mary” of sorts. “Of course we were shocked to hear of this turn of events, Jocelynn. We are sorry that we won’t be working with you anymore”. “Of course you are Senior. Please pass over the offer.”

  “Oh, I think you’re mistaken Joss. This is not a negotiation. This is a best and final”. He slid the envelope across the table and I smiled while I opened it. “I take it a copy of my non comp is in here as well?” “Of course. You did agree that you would not work for any company that does business directly or indirectly with Zimmerman, nor will you perform any paid or unpaid work for any competition. That includes consulting.” “Of course”. I skimmed the contracts, knowing damn well what they said. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is also a amendment created in 2012 regarding proprietary creation.” I looked at him expectedly. He cleared his throat a bit. Junior chimed in, “well yes, I created that document.” I gave him a smile. “Excellent. Let’s review that document, shall we?” I winked at Mick, who leaned back in his chair looking threatening, sexy and calm all at the same time.

  Senior cleared his throat again. “Jocelynn, we’re here to settle your severance from Zimmerman. If you want to make an appointment with Junior’s secretary he can review the details of the amendment. Now, let’s look at page two.” “Nope.”

  They both looked flummoxed now. “Excuse me?” “Gentlemen, I’m sure this is a fine offer and I’m happy to sign off on it so you can send me a cashier’s check by courier.” I pushed the folder to the side. “I want to discuss Excelsior.” There was an awkward silence. Neither one of these gentlemen enjoyed surprises. I was actually shocked that David hadn’t thought of this. Junior spoke first, “Excelsior? We’re unfamiliar with the term.” “Excelsior is the system of billing, sales and inventory that is used by every single employee, every single day at Zimmerman. I created it. I built it. It was 2013, as a matter of fact. David was too cheap to purchase incumbent software. I maintained it. I hold the key to the code behind it, and, oh yes, I hold the copyright.”

  You could have heard a pin drop. Literally. I’m certain that I heard Junior pop an ulcer. It sounded a little bit like a bottle of soda exploding after it had been shaken too much. Pop and then a decrescendo fizzing sound.

  Senior blustered a bit. “Well, um, we’d need to discuss this matter with our client. David didn’t mention this product.” “It’s more than a product. Senior. It is the software that supports all aspects of this business. Here’s my best and final offer for David. I am willing to provide the key code to the IT company of his choice, that he will need to contract with to support Excelsior. I will also be willing to sell him my copyright. He will own Excelsior free and clear. I want seven hundred and fifty thousand, on top of the cashier’s check for my severance. Oh, and I want it within 24 hours.” Junior chortled nervously. “He’s never going to agree to that.”

  This was the part I was waiting for. “Well, that’s his prerogative. Perhaps you should re-read that document that Junior created. It does state that all proprietary creations will revert back to me within twenty four hours of my separation from the company. That, technically, was Saturday, however, I’m feeling surprisingly generous today.” I smiled at Mick “Maybe it’s because I’m feeling a bit hungover and seriously well fucked today? Anyway, the clock starts now, gentleman. You better get David on the phone. I’ll be back tomorrow at this time to pick up my checks.” I winked at both of them, opened the envelope and signed what was a marginally generous offer. I smiled sweetly at both of them, knowing that losing Excelsior would cost Zimmerman millions of dollars and that his only choice was to comply to my demands. It was a bargain. I probably could have held out for more but I still had my 401k and, most of all, I had Ogre. I realized that the rest didn’t really matter as much as I originally thought.

  I pushed the envelope back to Senior. Junior was in full two-handed facepalm mode. “Tick tock”. I walked out. “Have a nice day”, Mick added with one of his double dimple grins.

  The two of us walked to the elevator, trying for a little calm and sophistication. “You are a bad-ass bitch baby”, he whispered in my ear, his lips just grazing the shell of my ear. I grinned. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” He pushed me into the wall, imprisoning me between those rock hard arms. “It’s fucking hot as hell.” Fuck yes it was. “Ladies room?” I boldly suggested with a little raise to my eyebrows. I slipped underneath his arm and down the hallway by the elevator.

  I was riding on cloud nine and didn’t give a shit who was in there. Victory was a serious Aphrodesiac. We barely cleared the door when he slammed me into the wall by the hand dryer, knocking the wind out of me. Feeling all powerful and authoritative, I pushed him backwards into the stall. “Fuck baby. Take what you want.” No foreplay was needed. I was wet and ready as soon as my ass hit the wall. I unbuckled his belt in a particularly skillful one handed move. The button and zipper on his tight ass jeans followed and I freed the beast between his legs from his denim prison. I was riding high on my powertrip. I pulled his cock at the base and aimed it directly into my very wet and very power hungry pussy. He lifted my left leg and wrapped it behind his back. The right leg I braced on the other side of the stall. “I like it hard, Mick.” He groaned. “Anything you want baby. I’ll give you anything you want.” He thrust into me, hard and deep. I moaned. “Like that Mick. Just like that.” I was suspended between the walls and his dick. He speared me again and again and I rode the waves of pleasure. We came together, him shooting thick strands of jizz deep inside of me and me, milking him for more.

  It was a celebratory quickie--hard and fast and dirty and fantastic. I pulled my skirt down and adjusted my panties back to where they belonged. Dayum. We tried to get back that cool sophistication we had before the bathroom banging, but the googly eyed afterglow was a dead giveaway.

  Chapter 17-- Mick

  I didn’t know what to expect in the lawyer’s office. I figured she’d sign some papers and they’d hand her a check. I hoped she wouldn’t cry because I don’t even pretend to know what to do about a crying woman.

  She turned into a fucking shark. A sweet, beautiful, killer. A great white shark with a million dollar smile and phenomenal tits. Damn. Every day she surprises me and every single day I fall a little deeper for her. The ladies room quickie blew my mind. The foreplay took place in the conference room. She had them by the balls and she knew it. I was more than happy to help her celebrate.

>   She hiked her skirt back up above her thighs, and swung her leg over the back of my bike. I leaned back and gave her another kiss for the road. I kept my hand on her thigh and felt the heat of her pussy on my back. Life will never be boring with my girl.

  Next stop is the MC and their impending financial disasters.

  The gates opened for us before I even slowed down. Clearly Sammy was getting anxious. I doubt my buddy Buck was too excited. Of course Belle was our official MC greeter for the day. I got gushing hugs and kisses and Joss got unbridled disdain. I know my girl can handle herself now. Joss gave her air kisses on both cheeks, “Wonderful to see you again, Belle.”

  Stone and Bug grab my girl and give her a hug like long lost besties and she hugs them back. Stone even picks her up so her feet dangle off the floor. “Thank you guys again for saving Ogre”. “Shit, it’s the most fun we’ve had in awhile”, Bug hugged her just a little too long for my liking and let his hand linger low on her back.

  Grabbing her hand, I make it clear to everyone who she’s with. “Sammy’s waiting in the office with the guys”, Belle directs us down the hall. I’ve never been in the office before. It’s sacred ground in the MC world. If you find yourself in there you are either part of his inner circle or in deep shit.

  Joss walks in like she owns the place and sits her pretty ass down across the table from Sammy, Buck and Deke. I join her at the table, draping my arm over the back of her chair. “Let’s get started gentlemen. I’ll need your State and Federal returns for the last two years, your profit and loss statements, and your payroll records, preferable by quarter.” Buckley looked a little green and passed a shoe box of papers across the table. She stared at it for a moment, like she was waiting for this cruel joke to end, then looked back at Buckley expectedly. “Please tell me you’re kidding.” He didn’t answer. “Please tell her you’re kidding, Buck”, Sammy hissed.

  Joss stared at the box, the reality setting in that they were even worse record keepers tha I was. She let out a long, loud sigh. Taking the bull by the horns, she dumped the box in the middle of the table. Tiny receipts and notes written on a yellow legal pad covered the top of the conference room table. “We have much to accomplish gentlemen. Any receipts from this year go here, last year there and the year before over there.” Even Sammy joined in and about an hour later there were three piles. From there we broke them down to quarters and months.

  We all sat silently while she reviewed the most recent year’s documents. I thought, for just a moment, she may bang her head down on the table in frustration. She took a few seconds to gather her thoughts.

  “There are no employment or payroll records at all. There are no state returns for last year. There is no documentation regarding the corporation that was formed two years ago. No returns have been filed under that name since incorporation. I’m not even sure you’re Corp is registered with the Secretary of State to to business. The most basic of responsibilities for a financial officer have not been completed. Hell, the most basic responsibilities for a middle school class Treasurer have not been completed. It’s going to take weeks to get this corrected. Maybe more. I’m going to need power of attorney filed at a state and federal level to gain access to their records. How many businesses are you officially and unofficially running?”

  Sammy was shooting daggers through the looks he was giving Buck. “The strip club, the shooting range and the bar” “Three businesses with zero employees. Sounds legit to me. I need a contact person at each business. I need full access. No bullshit. I also need a notebook computer with a stable cloud backup system and a printer.” For the next hour she whipped the boys into submission, and, in the end, Sammy gave her everything she wanted. Even Buck seemed to kowtow when it became apparent that he was, in fact, an idiot, and they did desperately need her help. Boner time again.

  Five hours later we were finally headed home after a quick stop at the store. I had no idea what the canned whipped cream was for, but I found it fueled some delightful fantasies. I took the long way home just to feel her wrapped around me again.

  Grey was waiting on the porch when we got home around eight. For some reason I was feeling like an errant teenager who was out past their curfew. He looked perturbed with us, “You don’t answer your phone anymore?” I carried in the beer and Joss carried the groceries. “Sorry bro, ringer’s been off. What a fucking day!” Grey followed us into the kitchen. I popped three beers. “You should have seen our girl with those fucking suits!” Joss looked pleased but tried to remain humble, “it was nothing. Just making sure they don’t fuck me over”. “It was not “nothing”, it was awesome”. I gave Grey the replay, including my blustery imitation of the Senior Harris. In the end his annoyance dissipated and he seemed pretty dazzled by our lady.

  “Nice job girl”, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted he off the ground so her feet were dangling. “Thanks Grey. That means alot to me. You know I got the canned whipped cream”, she whispered conspiratorially. Annoyed Grey was gone. Horny Grey took over. “Let’s see it.” She pulled the can out of the bag and shook it up suggestively. She opened it up and squirted a line of white cream onto her outstretched tongue. “Dessert baby. Not until dessert. Now out of the kitchen and let me cook”.

  Both of us left her alone and headed to the garage, beers in hand. “Grey, man, we’ve gotta talk about this thing we’ve got here.” It was now or never, I guess. “The more time we spend together the more I like it. I don’t want it to end.”

  Grey leaned back against the stainless steel work bench and picked at the label on his bottle. I know his history. I know he was battling with his own demons, namely the memory of a little cunt named Rosey.

  “I’m not saying I want to end things, either. I’m just saying that I don’t do relationships and I don’t want it to go forward”, he finally said. “What, exactly does that mean?” “I don’t know man, don’t push it. Is she even interested in sticking around or are we just two rebound dicks? We’re clearly not “her type”. Guys like Zimmerman have manicures and hundred dollar haircuts.” “Jesus Grey, just let it be and see what happens. I like her. She makes me smile. Not just a little, like all the freakin time. I want to see where this goes, but, buddy, it’s not going anywhere without you on board.” Shit, I could see panic in his eyes. Maybe I went too far.

  He lifted the bottle and drank down the last of the beer, slamming the bottle on the table. Yep. Too far. I slapped his back. “Let’s take it one day at a time. No promises. No commitments. Just three consenting adults.” He nodded but didn’t answer. I picked up a greasy red shop towel and started cleaning the carburetor sitting on my side of the bench. He turned back to the bike on the hydraulic lift and continued removing the rear wheel. We fell into a comfortable silence punctuated by occasional clangs of metal against metal.

  “I’m not trying to be a dickhead.” “I know.” We kept working.

  “I like having Joss around, too.” Well this was interesting. Not so much the words, but the fact that he said it outloud. I held my tongue. Silence is the hardest argument to refute, or something like that.

  A few minutes went by. “No promises.” Still I kept my mouth shut. It was progress.

  Chapter--18 Joss

  I stuck my head through the door to the garage and watched them both work silently, side by side for a minute. I instantly visualized being bent over the bike again. Garages were my new turn on I guess. “Dinner’s ready”. They both dropped what they were doing and followed me into the house. Grey scrubbed his hands in one side of the kitchen sink with a gritty orange smelling soap, and Mick did the same in the the other side. While they were soapy I swatted their asses with a damp dish towel. “Do that again little girl and I’ll put you over my knee and spank you”. The thought of Grey’s hand swatting my naked ass sounded fifty shades of heavenly. I swatted him one more time to make my point. “Dinner first, punishment later.”

  I had already set the table. Dinner for three. Thick cut pork chops with a
spicy pineapple and jalapeno glaze, twice baked potatoes and baby carrots on the side. Chocolate raspberry tarts and canned whipped cream were chilling in the fridge.

  “Looks great, babe”, Mick slapped me lightly on the ass and served himself two chops. Grey speared two more and dropped them on his plate. “Smells great too. Spicy.” Dinner conversation flowed freely. We’ve settled into a relaxed place. Grey took in two more bikes for repair, one major and one minor. “I ordered the parts from the dealer in town. He’ll have them tomorrow.” I jumped in, “I can pick them up when I go back to Harris. If you don’t mind loaning me the truck.” “Sure. Saves me a trip. We’re a little backed up.”

  “I’m going to spend tomorrow morning collecting on your accounts payable. Hopefully Sammy gets everything I need to start working on the MC books”. “Do you want one of us to go to Harris with you tomorrow, in case they try to fuck with you again? I mean, I know you can handle them and all.”

  I thought about it for a second. “I should be ok. If he refuses my offer I’m going to log-in remotely and crash my software. Of course if you’re not there I won’t get a celebratory bathroom quickie”. I got up and scraped my plate. Grey fist pumped Mick. “Really, shouldn’t I get the fist bump? It was my idea? Whiskey tango foxtrot”. Grey pushed his chair back from the table and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me over his lap. “Don’t get all sassy woman. I think owe you a spanking for the towel snapping.” I wrestled back a bit. Just a tiny bit. I’d never been spanked before, but was ever so willing to give it a shot.

  His hand came down on my ass with a loud smack. It was a sharp stinging kind of pain that quickly morphed into pleasure. The warmth spread down my thighs and settled in between them. Another smack came down, his big open hand print covering both of my cheeks. I moaned. The growing heat on my bottom became a total conflagration in my cunt. The black skirt I’d been wearing slipped higher. Grey pushed it up all the way, exposing my black lace boy shorts. Another swat, this one meeting the super thin lace. The panties were peeled down, twisted around the elastic and knotted on my upper thighs. Another swat and I was unable to stop myself from letting out a little squeal. Fuck. I should not be liking this as much as I am. “Oh shit, Grey. Another one. Spank me again.” He chuckles a bit, “Whatever you want baby.” The anticipation of knowing it’s coming makes me uncontrollably moist. In my head I’m begging even more. Now baby. Now baby. Please. One more. Now.


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