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Little Women Box Set

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by Chloe Carpenter

  Little Women:

  Box Set


  Chloe Carpenter

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © December 2014 by Chloe Carpenter

  Published by LSF Publications

  Cover design by Nathaniel Scott.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. It includes adult spanking and some sexual scenes. Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events are purely coincidental.

  Ageplay aficionados will love these books by Chloe Carpenter available in a box set at a specially reduced price. Packed with intriguing scenarios involving dominant yet caring men, and their 'little women' - adult women, innocent yet seductive, who at times enjoy juvenile pursuits and also get a kick out of being disciplined and nurtured by that special man in their life. Read on to find what happens to naughty girls...

  Little Lizbet - Lizbet is pretty and diminutive in stature, a woman who looks much younger than her years. She works as a freelance book illustrator. In her private life she attends BDSM clubs with her friend Chrissie, and learns to embrace her submissive side. But in all her encounters there has been something lacking - which changes when she meets Daniel, a kind and wealthy American living in London. As their relationship develops, she spends weekends at his home where Daniel takes on the role of 'Daddy', a loving carer and disciplinarian. Lizbet loves feeling like a little girl again, and enjoys playtimes, bubble baths and cute clothes, bedtime stories and snuggle time. Although she tries to be good, she has a talent for being bad, and when she breaks the rules, she pays the consequences on her naughty bottom. Diapers, drop seat pyjamas, sippy cups and early bedtimes are just some of the things that Lizbet experiences in this ageplay love story portraying a shared need for D/s. It explores Lizbet's regression and lifestyle shift, and the exciting dynamics of a supportive ageplay relationship between an adult woman and an older man.

  Little Ruthie - Ruthie has a secret... and a chance encounter with a wonderful older man called Tom enables her to share that secret, connect emotionally with him and accept who she really is - an adult 20 year-old woman who enjoys being a little girl, disciplined by her loving Daddy. Tom rescues Ruthie from an abusive relationship, and during a three-week stay at his cottage on the coast, gives her the opportunity to truly be herself. During this time she acts out some of her fantasies as she relinquishes her insecurities and responsibilities, experiencing some of the carefree activities of childhood - including fun on the beach, donkey rides, cuddles, playing with toys and dressing in cute little girl clothes. So convincing is her little girl persona that the local shopkeeper thinks she is Tom's young daughter. But Ruthie also enjoys a little humiliation and craves discipline - and Tom delivers that masterfully whenever his little girl breaks his rules. He gives her what she craves within a supporting, nurturing relationship. The power exchange facilitated by Dominance and submission is a key aspect of this story.

  Little Evie - Evie is a 29 year-old woman but her diminutive stature and her angelic, youthful features make her look far younger than her years. She meets Dylan Draper at a low point in her life and is ecstatic when he offers her a job. Dylan has a strict work ethic - he never enters into a personal relationship with work colleagues - but all that changes with Evie. The two find they both share the same kinky interests and the spark between them grows as they develop an ageplay relationship underpinned by a sensual D/s dynamic and hot sex. Evie submits willingly to this older man who becomes her 'Daddy' and she is subject to his rules and discipline. She spends her weekends with Dylan and dresses as a little girl, appreciating the opportunity at those times to dispense with her adult self and play on the swing, play with toys, and snuggle up for a bedtime story. But it isn't always easy to be a good little girl, and Evie gets plenty of spankings... which together with humiliation aspects, invariably prove to be a huge turn on. They enjoy going to BDSM clubs, and under Dylan's guidance Evie is introduced to all manner of deliciously perverted and sensual pleasures which has her begging for more. Yet not everything runs smoothly. An unpleasant incident at work results in Evie running away, but Dylan comes through for her and shows just how much he cares for his Little Evie.

  Publisher's Note: These books include ageplay, anal play, diaper play, sexual scenes, and elements of medical play. The punishments include spankings, shaving, corner time and SM themes. Please don't buy this book if such material is likely to cause offence.





  Also by Chloe Carpenter...

  Little Lizbet

  by Chloe Carpenter

  Lizbet is pretty and diminutive in stature, a woman who looks much younger than her years. She works as a freelance book illustrator. In her private life she attends BDSM clubs with her friend Chrissie, and learns to embrace her submissive side. But in all her encounters there has been something lacking - which changes when she meets Daniel, a kind and wealthy American living in London. As their relationship develops, she spends weekends at his home where Daniel takes on the role of 'Daddy', a loving carer and disciplinarian. Lizbet loves feeling like a little girl again, and enjoys playtimes, bubble baths and cute clothes, bedtime stories and snuggle time. Although she tries to be good, she has a talent for being bad, and when she breaks the rules, she pays the consequences on her naughty bottom. Diapers, drop seat pyjamas, sippy cups and early bedtimes are just some of the things that Lizbet experiences in this ageplay love story portraying a shared need for D/s. It explores Lizbet's regression and lifestyle shift, and the exciting dynamics of a supportive ageplay relationship between an adult woman and an older man.

  The club was heaving with leather-clad and scantily-clad people engaging in deviant acts of pleasure. Little Lizbet pushed her way through the crowd, looking for Chrissie. Her friend had abandoned her to have a session with Kyle, her new play partner. Not for the first time that night, Lizbet wished she had stayed at home. She didn't know anyone here and felt insecure and ill at ease from all the predatory glances that came her way. As an unaccompanied and attractive sub, she was a target for the wolves - and they were here in abundance, salivating over her waif-like form, her pretty blonde hair and guileless big blue eyes.

  "Want to play, little girl?" A guy in black leather, his jacket decorated with ropes of chain smiled at her. He held out his hand in invitation. White teeth gleamed from a tanned face.

  "No. No thanks." Lizbet shook her head and turned away from him. She decided to make her way to the back of the room near the bar area, intending to sit quietly and blend into the background as she waited for Chrissie.

  There were a few vacant seats adjacent to small tables. She headed for one and sat there, head down. Past experience had shown her that avoiding eye contact was a good strategy. If she did that, people usually left her alone.

  But not this time.

  "Pretty little girl, all alone." The guy with the chains was back. His dark eyes bored into hers, a covetous expression on his face. "Come play with me, cutie. You won't regret it, I promise you."

  "No. I don't want to."

  "No?" A flicker of annoyance crossed his face. "Then I'll have to change your mind." He came closer and reached out to touch her shoulder.

  "No!" Her voice came out as a strangled squeak. "Go away. Please."

  "You heard the lady. Clear off, Zak."

  Zak stared at the newcomer for a moment, then shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, and moved away.

  Lizbet looked up into a p
air of inquisitive brown eyes filled with warmth. They belonged to a man in his early forties, a man with a kind face. His hair was dark with the first flecks of grey at the temples. He smiled at her. It wasn't an oily smile like Zak had, it was a nice smile, unthreatening and benevolent.

  "Hi," he said.


  "Mind if I sit here?" He indicated the vacant chair opposite Lizbet.


  He sat down. "Take no notice of Zak. He pounces on all of the newbies. I haven't seen you here before. Your first visit?"

  "Yes," she said shyly.

  "Then welcome to Club Excess. I'm Daniel."

  "Thanks. I'm Lizbet."

  "Are you here alone?"

  "No. I came with a girlfriend - Chrissie. We usually go to Demon's Dungeon, but she wanted to come here tonight because it's her new play partner's favourite club. She persuaded me to tag along with her."

  "And now she's abandoned you, huh?"


  "That sucks. Guess I'll just hang out here a while then, until your friend finishes her session. That is, if you don't mind a protector?"

  "That's cool," she said, and began to relax.

  Daniel hailed a waitress over to their table. The waitress was clearly a man, early thirties, dressed as a French maid. "This is Felicity," he told Lizbet, "but she likes to be called Fliss."

  "Hi Fliss."

  "Hiya." Fliss dropped a little curtsey to Lizbet, then turned her attention to Daniel. "What can I get for you, Master Daniel?"

  "I'll have a Coke, and my friend here will have a cherry soda, please."

  "Coming right up." Fliss headed off towards the bar, eager to serve.

  "How did you know cherry soda is my favourite drink?!" Lizbet laughed. She liked this man, and liked the way he ordered for her without even asking what she wanted.

  "Let's call it an intuitive guess." His eyes twinkled as he appraised her. She was petite, no more than 5ft 1 with a slim build. Her long blonde hair was worn in two bunches, tied with pink ribbon. Most of the subs in the club tended to dress provocatively in corsets, low cut bustiers, high heels and stockings, whereas Lizbet had opted for a demure white blouse and a short pink skirt and low kitten-heeled shoes. Aside from a slight pink shimmer to her lips, she wore no other make up, nor did she need to. She had a wide smile, cute button nose with a smattering of freckles, and big blue eyes fringed with sweeping dark lashes. He guessed she was in her early twenties, but could pass for considerably younger. "So, Lizbet - that's a lovely name. Is it short for Elizabeth?"

  "Yes. But everyone calls me Lizbet."

  "It suits you."

  "Thanks." She blushed prettily and sipped her cherry soda through a straw.

  "You mentioned Demon's Dungeon. Are you a regular there?"

  "I guess so. I've been going there for just over a year. We usually go once a month."


  "Me and Chrissie."

  "And you play with others there?"

  "Yes. Sometimes."

  Daniel nodded. "Different people, or do you have a regular play partner?"

  "I've played with a few Doms, but there's no one special. I still have a lot to learn about BDSM," she admitted.

  "That's a healthy attitude. Too many people spend a couple of evenings indulging in a little spanking and handcuffs and think they are experienced players and have nothing more to learn. You're obviously submissive. Tell me, Lizbet, what is it about submission that appeals to you?"

  Lizbet set down her drink. No one had ever asked her that question before. She suddenly had a burning desire to talk about it. "I like the nurturing side of being submissive."

  "Go on." Daniel leaned forward, listening intently.

  "I like to feel ... vulnerable, and cared for ... protected. You know?"

  He nodded. "Cherished?"

  "Yes. Yes, exactly that. "And I like to be chastised when I'm naughty, and forgiven afterwards."

  "Verbal or physical chastisement?"


  "So you like being spanked?"

  Lizbet bit her lip. "Yeah. Sometimes I do - then when it's happening, I don't like it much. That doesn't make much sense."

  "It makes perfect sense."

  Lizbet stared at Daniel. It was as if this man understood her way of thinking and understood her needs. But how was that possible given that she didn't really understand her own needs. "I like it when someone else takes control, because that allows me to give up responsibility. All I need do is obey." She blinked, startled at what she had just said. "It's true. That's how I feel."

  "It's good to acknowledge those feelings and articulate them. It can be liberating."

  "Yes." She nodded. "Can I ask ..." she hesitated, momentarily unsure.

  "You can ask me anything. Go on," he encouraged.

  "How long have you been into all this?" She waved her hand toward the play area.

  "I'm 41 now and I began experimenting with BDSM, dominance and submission when I was in my early twenties. It became a regular part of my life, but the balance changed around five years ago when I began to take an active interest in ageplay."

  "Ageplay? What's that?"

  "You haven't come across that in the clubs or read about it on the internet?"

  "No." She shook her head, a vague feeling of excitement seeping through her. "Tell me. Please."

  "I'd define it as a state of mind, and a kind of role-playing activity in which a participant acts or treats another as though they were a different age. So - it's a practice that can be regressive, and it can involve an individual in pretending to be younger than they really are - teen, pre-teen, child, or even a two-year old. There are no real rules aside from mutual consent and respect between couples."

  Lizbet leaned forward, totally enthralled and eager to hear more.

  Daniel smiled at her almost childlike enthusiasm. "I've had three or four long-term age play relationships. The last one ended about four months ago."

  "Oh? What happened?"

  "She moved on - met someone else." He shrugged. "It happens. And we're still friends. I was her Daddy and she was my little girl."

  Lizbet swallowed. "You were her Daddy?" she whispered.

  "That's right. I took care of her and disciplined her when it was needed. I cherished her."

  "I didn't know such relationships existed. It sounds so wonderful," she said, her eyes shining with excitement.

  Daniel leaned forward and stroked her small hand. He met no resistance. "I can see how animated you are becoming. You find this conversation stimulating. Do you know why?"

  "Well ... the idea of being a little girl is ... appealing. And that appeal is increased ten fold if there's a Daddy as part of the dynamic. I'm an adult but I love doing little girl stuff, you know?" He nodded. "God yes - that's awesome. Can you tell me what sort of things you did with ...?"

  "Becky. Her name is Becky. She's 27 now and was 25 when we first entered into a relationship."

  "That's the same age as me."

  "You're older than I thought. You could pass for considerably younger." He grinned disarmingly, then continued. "When Becky was in role, she liked me to take her to go play in the park on the swings and the slide. She loved to eat ice cream and candy, play with toys and dolls, visit the beach and play on the sand, have lots of snuggle time and bedtime stories. And when she was naughty, she liked to get spanked."

  Lizbet bit her lip. "That sounds great. And you - you were happy with all that?"

  "Of course. I need to be in charge, take control, set the boundaries, administer discipline, nurture and protect and mentor, give and receive affection, acting as caregiver or parent. That's what Daddy's do." He paused for a moment, then asked, "Are you looking for a Daddy of your own, Lizbet?"

  Her blue eyes widened as she stared at him. "I think maybe I've been looking for a Daddy for a long time but didn't know it. But now ..." She looked at him, her face animated. He sat quietly, giving her the opportunity to respond in her own time. "B
ut now ... yes, I am. I want a Daddy."

  A slow smile curved Daniel's mouth. "Well it so happens I have a vacancy. You can be my Little and I'll be your Daddy, if that's what you want?"

  "Oh!" Her face suffused with colour. "Yes! Yes, I'd like that."

  "Excellent." He smiled at her obvious enthusiasm.

  "And I'm to be your ... Little? Well that figures. I AM little!" She said with a giggle.

  "Little is a common generic title to describe anyone who age regresses. There's quite a regressive spectrum ranging from kindergarten through to pre-teens or older. I guess we'll find out soon enough what age your inner self wants to be."

  "So what happens next? What do I do? When do we start?"

  "We've started already, little one," he said with a smile.

  Lizbet clapped her hands. "I feel like jumping up and down, I'm so excited."

  "Be a good girl and sit still for the moment."

  "I'll try," she said, squirming on her chair. "I can't believe this is happening."

  Daniel gave her an indulgent smile. "You have so much to learn and I have so much to teach you. But at the outset of this relationship we need to act the same as any other vanilla couple. We need to get to know one another and establish trust. I need you to be 100% open and honest and communicative. We will have no secrets between us. Agreed?"

  "Agreed," she said solemnly.

  "Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm Daniel Carter. I've already told you my age. I'm single. I've never been married though I was engaged for a while when I was much younger. I studied economics at University and I earn a good living as a property developer. I was born in New York and lived there until I was 21. Then I met an English girl - Katie - at a party and fell in love with her."

  "I thought I could detect a faint American accent. I like it!"


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