Little Women Box Set

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Little Women Box Set Page 3

by Chloe Carpenter

  "I think I should spank your naughty bottom. Right now." He crooked his index finger. "Come here, Lizbet. Get over my lap."

  She pouted, then fluttered her eyelashes. It had no effect. Daniel simply sat and waited for her to obey. And obey she did. She crawled over his lap, reaching forward so that her fingertips touched the floor, but her feet were dangling in the air.

  "That's it. Get yourself comfortable." Daniel grinned, knowing she would be far from comfortable in a few minutes. He flipped up her little skirt, tucking the hem up into the waistband, in the process revealing a cute butt encased in pink lace panties. "Oh very nice," he said, resting his hand there for a moment, before raising it and bringing it down sharply on her right cheek, eliciting a squeak of surprise as she hadn't expected it to be quite so hard. "How was that, my pet?" Without giving her time to reply, he delivered another sharp spank to her right cheek. Then there was a slight pause followed by an unexpected frantic volley of spanks.

  "Ohhh! Owee! Owow!" squealed Lizbet.

  "You're a very naughty girl," chastised Daniel. "And naughty girls get spanked on the bare bottom," he said, deftly hooking a finger and thumb into the waistband of her panties, tugging them down in one swift motion.

  "Eeeeep! Ohhhh ..." Lizbet felt the rush of cool air as her bottom was bared. Now this was a part of spanking play that she really enjoyed. The act of being bared, her bottom presented for correction, made her feel all hot and bothered and deliciously squirmy.

  Daniel eyed her bare bottom and smiled wolfishly. He paused to stroke the smooth silky skin, her milk-white orbs just slightly pinkened by the spanking.

  Lizbet purred in delight beneath his touch. His fingertips felt surprisingly soft and gentle. "Oh that's nice," she said, and sighed happily.

  "Now now - we can't have you enjoying this too much, my sweet. Get ready for more!" He chuckled and continued peppering her bottom, covering every inch with the iron palm of his hand, turning that glorious pale flesh to a prettier, darker shade of pink.

  "Yeoow!" screeched Lizbet. She kicked her legs wildly. She balled her fingers into fists and beat them against the carpet. "Your hand feels like a cast-iron frying pan!" The spanks left her breathless. When Daniel stopped, she lay there for a moment, too stunned to move, then gingerly levered herself to a sitting position.

  "Ow! That was so mean! They were HARD spanks!"

  "Mean huh? And that was just with my hand. Now I want you to go to the kitchen and bring me a wooden spoon."

  Lizbet stared at him. She knew all too well that he wasn't about to use the wooden spoon to stir cookie mixture. Her bottom was all tingly - a nice sort of tingly - the sort of tingly that would soon disappear once it was attacked with a nasty old spoon.

  Daniel laughed at her pouty expression. "Off you go. Don't keep me waiting."

  Lizbet got to her feet and reached down to pull up her panties.

  "Oh no you don't. Leave those just as they are."

  So Lizbet waddled awkwardly into the kitchen, feeling extremely silly and acutely embarrassed with her panties bunched round her ankles, and her little pink bottom bobbing as she walked. She returned shortly, clutching the wooden spoon in one hand, her other hand covering her sex.

  Daniel reached for the spoon and patted his lap. "Over you go, poppet," he said as he grabbed her and launched her over his lap again, pulling her panties right off in the process.

  Crack! The wooden spoon found its target and bounced from one cheek to the other.

  "Yeooww! That stings! That really, really stings!"

  "Does it really?" said Daniel in a tone of mock surprise.

  "Yes! It does! Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!" The spoon cracked down on her burning rump. "Owww! I'll be good ... so good. Ow!"

  Then the nasty stinging spoon was discarded and Daniel's hand was stroking and kneading, smoothing away the hurt. And now that the spanking was over, Lizbet experienced that wonderfully erotic post-spanking bliss, tempered with her own growing arousal. He knew it too. He knew it, but he did nothing other than smile at her indulgently.

  "Well, there goes your first ever spanking from me. I do hope it was a good one and it took your mind off your sore knee."

  "Oh it sure was," said Lizbet wryly, rubbing her bottom. "And yeah," she grinned, "I forgot all about my knee."

  "Good, because there will be plenty more spankings just like that one. Right, before we go out for dinner, there's something I need to do."

  "What's that?" she wondered.

  He smiled a wicked smiled. "Go fetch your razor."

  "My razor?" she repeated. "Why? Do you need a shave?" She peered at his smooth jaw line.

  "No I don't, but you do. I want you hair-free and smooth. Down there." He cast his eyes down to the furry pale blonde triangle between her legs.

  "Oh!" Realisation dawned and her face flamed. "You don't mean...?"

  "That's exactly what I mean." He gave her a charged look that got the butterflies dancing about in her tummy. "And bring some baby oil too if you have any."

  Biting her lip, Lizbet went to the bathroom and returned with her razor. Daniel had found his way to her kitchen and moved a couple of plates and a vase of flowers from the table. He had run some hot water from the tap into a bowl, and found the kitchen scissors out of the drawer.

  He patted the vacant table top. "Up you get, poppet."

  Lizbet looked at him, then looked at the table, horribly embarrassed at the prospect of being shaved. It was so intimate. Slowly, very slowly, she stepped towards the table. When she hesitated in front of it, Daniel lifted her up, positioning her on her back with her legs in the air.

  "That's it. Keep those legs high. Place your hands behind your knees to help hold your legs up high."

  "Ohhh." She couldn't find the words to say anything more. Being positioned so, he could see everything. Everything... vagina, anus. It was so humiliating ... and yet, it excited her beyond belief.

  She screwed her eyes shut tight and heard the snip of the scissors as he trimmed her thatch nice and short, disposing of the unwanted hair in the kitchen trash bin. Then sitting himself down on a chair he washed her mound and labia with a soft cloth and warm water. That felt nice, she had to admit. Very nice.

  "Keep very still now, little one. This razor is sharp and I don't want to nick your skin."

  Lizbet held her breath and kept perfectly still. The razor scraped against her tingling skin.

  "Good girl. Almost done," he murmured, working lower, reaching her outer lips.

  Lizbet sucked in her breath. This was so erotic that the fluttering butterflies in her tummy now felt as though they were dancing around in there in hob-nail boots. She felt so wet. So wanton. She wondered if he could tell.

  Of course he could. He grinned as he rinsed the area with fresh water, and dried it with a soft towel. Once she was dry, he applied some baby oil and rubbed it gently over her mons and labia. By this stage in the proceedings Lizbet was squirming with arousal.

  "There. All done. You look beautiful, my pet, all shaved for my pleasure. Make sure you keep it that way. Right. Get those panties back on. We're going out for dinner."

  She was on the verge of persuading him to stay a while longer at her apartment in case he might decide to do something about her other needs ... of the sexual kind, but her stomach began to growl alarmingly. She had been so preoccupied with Daniel's impending visit, she had forgotten to eat lunch and was now ravenously hungry. So with regret she got off the table and trotted off to find her panties.

  "Ok. I'm ready."


  So they went out to eat at a cosy little Italian restaurant where they enjoyed a lovely meal and a long chat. By the end of the evening, Lizbet felt as though she had known Daniel forever. When he dropped her off home he hugged her and kissed her fleetingly on the lips before bidding her goodnight. She looked at him expectantly, desperately wanting him to come in for a coffee and maybe bed. Definitely bed.

  He sensed her thoughts. "Soon," he promised.
"It's early days and I have no intention of taking advantage before you're fully ready." But he bent to kiss her again, and this time it was a proper kiss, a long lingering delicious kiss. "Goodnight little one, and sweet dreams. I shall see you again on Friday evening and we'll have the whole weekend together. I'll pick you up at 6:30, ok?"

  "Ok," she said, "I'm so looking forward to it."

  "Me too."


  When Friday evening arrived, she was ready and waiting for him, her bag packed with a couple of changes of clothes, nightwear and toiletries.

  As soon as he stepped into her apartment, Daniel picked her up bodily and kissed her hard on the mouth. Much to his amusement, Lizbet chattered non stop throughout the journey to Windsor, only pausing as they drove into what was clearly an up-market leafy suburb, the road lined either side with large expensive looking properties.

  "Wow. This is a posh area!" Lizbet craned her neck, looking at all the big houses with their immaculately tended gardens.

  Daniel grinned, and drove a little further down the road, taking a left turn at the end which led down a tree-lined country lane. There were no houses here, except for one big one at the end, only half visible from behind the walled garden and a row of towering poplar trees. As Daniel approached the house, he flicked a switch on a little device on his key ring, and the pair of tall wrought-iron gates glided smoothly open.

  "Oh my God!" exclaimed Lizbet, and then she fell silent as the car purred along the extensive drive, pulling up outside the front of the house. She stared in awe at it.

  "Like it?"

  "Like it? I love it! Oh wow - it's amazing. And it's so BIG! How many bedrooms does it have?"

  "Five. It's actually a grade II listed building with half an acre of land, so it's very private. We can make as much noise as we like and the neighbour's won't overhear anything since the nearest one is half a mile away."

  "That's handy. We can play loud music all night."

  Daniel laughed and shook his head. "Do I have to remind you that once you set foot inside, you will be in role? That means early bedtimes and no loud music all night. Got it?"

  "Got it." She nodded.

  "And I think it's a good idea if you hand over to me your personal items - keys, watch, make up, purse etc, as you won't be needing them while you're here, and I don't want them distracting you. Remember, we're going to find the little Lizbet and let her out to play, so you can leave the adult Lizbet at the door."

  "Ok." She dutifully handed over her things, all the accoutrements that signified her adult life.

  "Good girl. Ready?"

  Lizbet bit her lip and took a deep breath. She nodded. "Yes sir." This was it. She was ready!

  Daniel held open the car door for her and she got out, watching as he unlocked the front door of the house and stepped inside. Standing on the threshold he flashed her a meaningful look. She met his gaze, her eyes full of excitement tinged with trepidation. With a tremulous smile, she followed him inside and the heavy door clicked shut behind her.


  "Come this way, poppet." Daniel held out his hand.

  Lizbet took it. His big hand in hers felt solid and reassuring. He led her through an impressive reception hall with mosaic floor tiling. They passed by closed doors leading to other rooms, and at the end of the hallway the open door revealed the kitchen beyond. It was spacious, with gleaming white units and appliances and black granite counters. There was a long island in the centre against which were set high bar stools, their chrome frames sparkling.

  Daniel effortlessly lifted Lizbet up and sat her down on one of them. It was so high and she was so small that her feet were dangling a foot off the ground.

  "There we go. You sit there and 'll get you some milk."

  "Milk? Don't like milk. I like cherry soda."

  "If you're a good girl tonight you'll get cherry soda tomorrow." Daniel set a glass of milk on the counter. "Drink up."

  Lizbet took a sip and pulled face.

  "No face pulling," Daniel admonished her. "Milk is good for healthy teeth and bones."

  "But I don't like milk," Lizbet whined. "It's horrible."

  "It's good for you," said Daniel sternly. "Now drink up, then I'll show you the playroom."

  That got her interest. She pinched her nose, swallowed down most of the milk and then held out her arms for Daniel to lift her down from the high bar stool.

  Daniel led the way up a wonderful curved staircase and they walked along the landing to the door at the end. Daniel opened it, revealing a room full of sunshine filtering in through the large windows. It was light and airy with pale yellow walls and the deeper yellow curtains were decorated with little white stars. There was a table strewn with crayons and paper, drawing pads and pencils and boxes of paints. Next to the TV and stereo system were two large boxes full of toys and games, and a tall unit with six drawers. Various books lined the shelves of a corner bookcase, and an assortment of soft toys were placed on chairs around the room, the bigger ones sitting on the floor.

  Lizbet squealed in delight and rushed towards a giant panda. It was almost as big as she was.

  "Oh he's so cute! What's his name?"

  "He's only just come to live here so he hasn't yet got a name. I thought you'd like to choose a name for him."

  "Hmm. I think I'll call him ... Patch!"

  "Well it's not very original but it does suit him. Have you seen what's over there in the other corner?"

  It was a trampoline. Lizbet ran over and climbed on it, and began jumping up and down gleefully.

  Daniel gave her an indulgent smile. After a few minutes he beckoned, saying, "Come with me, poppet. You have a little room of your very own next door and I've bought you some new clothes. Let's get you changed, then you can come back in here and play before dinner."

  Lizbet reached for his hand and together they went into the adjoining room. It was decorated in pink and white, with a sweet little bed. The faces of the boy band One Direction featured on the pillow cases and quilt cover. The lovely little bed was made from white wood, and on the bed Daniel had placed a selection of Lizbet's new clothes.

  In no time at all he had stripped her of everything she was wearing. Standing naked, she held up her arms as he pulled a soft pink t-shirt over her head. There was no bra. As Lizbet had such small breasts she had no real need of one. Next came a pair of cute white-spotted panties, a very short rose-pink skirt, and a pair of white rabbit slippers with cute faces and big fluffy ears.

  Lizbet stroked the slippers. "I love these. They're wonderful - and so soft."

  "Are they a good fit?"

  "Just perfect." She launched herself at Daniel and hugged him. "Thank you, Daddy." Oh! I said it! I called him Daddy! She smiled happily. It felt good.

  "Good." Daniel returned the smile, pleased at her response. "I'm pleased to hear it. Now you find something to amuse you while I go back downstairs and get dinner ready."

  "Ok," she said happily, and trotted back into the playroom.

  To her surprise, she actually enjoyed herself for the next hour. She had previously wondered how she could suddenly go from independent adult woman to obedient little girl, but the transition thus far was surprisingly easy and natural.

  She pottered around the room, peering into drawers, poking around in the boxes of games and toys. Many of the toys were of no interest, being far too juvenile for her. She spent ten minutes bouncing around on the trampoline, and the remainder of the time doing what she loved best - drawing. She was so engrossed in the activity that she didn't hear Daniel come back into the room. He tickled her in the ribs and made her squeal.

  "Ohhh! You made me jump!"

  "Having fun, poppet?"

  "Uh huh." She held up her art work. "Do you like it, Daddy?"

  He looked at the picture of a horse galloping over fields. "Yes. You're very clever, Lizbet. It's lovely." Lizbet beamed with pride. "It's dinner time now. Are you hungry?"

  "Starving. What are w
e having?"

  "Salmon fillets, broccoli, carrots, green beans and new potatoes."

  "Salmon?! Ugh! Fish - nasty horrible fish. I don't like it." She pouted and screwed up her face in disgust.

  "Nonsense, you haven't even tasted it yet." He escorted her back down the sumptuous staircase. "Hold the rail tightly, we don't want you falling."

  "And I don't like broccoli either." It had to be said. She really didn't like it. Nasty green stuff that tasted like a privet hedge.

  "You'll like my broccoli. I cooked it especially for you. And if you eat up all your dinner, there's ice cream for dessert, and cherry soda."

  Slightly mollified, she followed him into the dining room. It was a wonderful room, large and airy, with a mahogany dining table and chairs, a polished sideboard, and a period fireplace. The table top was covered in a pristine white laundered cloth and there were two place settings, silver cutlery gleaming.

  Daniel pulled out a chair and Lizbet sat down, staring at her plate of food. Salmon and broccoli, yuck, yuck, yuck! She gave him a pleading look. "Do I have to eat it?"

  "Yes. I want to see that plate clean. Eat up," said Daniel. He reached for the bottle of Pinot Grigio and poured himself a glass.

  Lizbet frowned, her adult self emerging in rebellion. That was one of her favourite wines, and he hadn't even offered her any, the mean old sod! She glared at Daniel. He smiled benignly, took a few sips of wine, and reached for his knife and fork.

  Oh well, Lizbet thought, glumly. I suppose this is all part of the role playing so I'd better not make a fuss. She picked up her fork and stabbed a potato. It was good, and the carrots were nice, but the fish - bleurgh. She cut it into pieces and toyed with it, pushing it around her plate.

  Daniel raised his eyebrow quizzically. "Stop playing with your food, Lizbet."

  So she sighed and ate a small piece and didn't like it one little bit. And then an idea popped into her head and she formulated a cunning plan. When Daniel turned his attention away from her she grabbed a great big handful of the fish and surreptitiously lowered her hand so she could stuff it in her skirt pocket. Damn - but there was no pocket! Undaunted she used her initiative, and sucking in her tummy, she reached up her skirt and managed to stuff the salmon in her panties. When Daniel turned to her again she bulged out her cheeks like a hamster and pretended to be chewing her food, making little appreciative noises.


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