Little Women Box Set

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Little Women Box Set Page 14

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Oh shit oh," muttered Ruthie.

  "What was that?"

  "N-nothing Daddy. I just kinda sneezed, that's all."

  Tom did that thing with his eyebrow again. They shot up and sort of met in the middle, giving him a quizzical expression. He withdrew the thermometer. "As I thought. Perfectly normal."

  "But I am sick," Ruthie persisted. "Even if I haven't got a temperature, I'm still sick. My tummy ache is really awful."

  "Is it now," said Tom dismissively. "We'll see about that." There was something about his tone that rang warning bells in Ruthie's head. "Well don't you worry sweet thing. I brought something with me just in case it was needed ... He left the room and went to his toy bag, retrieved the sought items and headed into the bathroom. "Come here, Ruthie," he called. "I have something for you."

  Thinking it was some little treat, Ruthie scampered out of bed and headed for the bathroom ... and then she saw the enema bag and tubing hanging from the shower rail, turned tail, and fled back into bed and hid beneath the quilt.

  "Oh no you don't." Tom threw back the quilt. "Let's have these clothes off." He deftly stripped her naked. "Now get back into the bathroom with you, naughty girl."

  "Noooo, please. I'll be good," pleaded Ruthie.

  But Tom wasn't standing for any nonsense. He escorted her back to the bathroom. "Get on your knees on the bath mat, and down on your elbows so that your bottom is sticking way up in the air."

  Ruthie whimpered as she complied. Oh this was so humiliating. The new position caused her bottom to spread apart revealing her anus and the lips of her shaved pussy. Then came the snap and rustle as Tom donned a pair of latex gloves.

  "We're going to lube you up a little first," he said as he inserted his index finger into Ruthie's rectum, and when he withdrew if he took the tip of the nozzle and gently touched it to the glistening and lubricated anus and carefully and slowly pushed it in.

  Ruthie groaned in embarrassment as the nozzle went deeper, until the only part that was visible was the part where the inflater tube came out. As Tom completed his ministrations, the water from the enema bag began to flow.

  "Ohhhh," wailed Ruthie. She didn't like the sensation one bit - but what she did like was the power exchange between her and Tom. She gasped at this most intimate invasion and cringed in humiliation, and yet ... how submissive it made her feel. She revelled in that aspect and as the pressure began to build and her discomfort increased, she began to wriggle and plead.

  "I need to go! I really, really do!"

  "Not yet naughty girl. You do as you're told and hold it in until I'm ready for you to release it."

  "Ohhh, but please!"

  "No, Ruthie. Hold it. This is a cleansing - a perfectly normal medical procedure and it will make your nasty tummy ache all better - not that you have tummy ache," he said with a grin. "You can't fool your Daddy so easily."

  Red faced, Ruthie began to squirm and complain. Eventually, when the bag was empty, Tom gently pulled the nozzle free.

  "Now you can go," he said. "I'll be in the bedroom."

  "Oh what a fucking relief," muttered Ruthie as soon as Tom was out of earshot and she could expel the wretched enema.


  Tom was waiting for her in her room. "Just for pulling that little stunt, I'm going to make you wait until this evening for the rest of your punishment, so get dressed, we're going food shopping.

  "But - can't we just get it over with? Do it now - please."

  "No. I'm going down to make us a late breakfast. Come join me in the kitchen when you're dressed."

  Ruthie pouted. Her plan had failed - still, that's what she had expected really! She took her time getting dressed, thinking about what had just happened, and wondering why she felt so turned on. She sure felt horny, and spent a few minutes on the bed pleasuring herself to a much needed climax before trotting down to the kitchen.

  After they had eaten they went to the same shop as before, and the woman behind the counter recognised them and greeted them with a smile.

  "Lovely day again," she said. "And how's your little girl enjoying her stay?"

  "It's very ... interesting, thank you," said Ruthie innocently, but she caught Tom's eye and he winked. It was fun to have a shared secret.

  "Oh isn't she cute! So adorable. Here love, have a lollipop," said the lady, handing over a red striped lollipop on a stick.

  "Thanks." Ruthie smiled and immediately tore off the wrapping and began sucking the lollipop.

  The rest of the day passed pleasantly enough, but the imminent punishment was always at the back of Ruthie's mind, just as Tom had known it would be. He made her wait until 8pm and then called her into the kitchen.

  At first, Ruthie thought she had to do the dishes or something - and then she saw the cane on the table, and shuddered.

  "It's time, Ruthie. Let's get those panties right off, shall we?" He was already hooking his fingers into the waistband and easing them down, and raising the little skirt. "Now I want you on your back on the table."

  Ruthie blinked. She thought she would have to bend over the table not get on it. Tom lifted her effortlessly and then caught both of her legs with his left hand and held them upright as he reached for the cane.

  "Ohhh," gasped Ruthie, mortified at this position which was at the same time so deliciously humiliating. "Nooooo!"

  "Yes." Tom regarded her speculatively, aware of the signs of her instant arousal glistening on her inner thighs. "Such a naughty, naughty little girl," he murmured. "Such childish pranks - I'm going to cane you in the diaper position, and then I'm going to diaper you before bed."

  The thought of wearing a diaper made her cheeks flush a deeper red, but before she had time to contemplate further, a whoosh of air sounded. She shut her eyes tightly and tensed her whole body, expectant ... but felt not the slightest touch.

  Then came another swish and rush of air, followed by a crisp smacking sound. Ruthie jerked and squealed. Yet still there was no searing pain. Opening her eyes she saw Tom grinning.

  The cushion! He hit the cushion! Ohhh cruel, cruel man!

  There came another swish, and another punished chair cushion received the blow. And at each swish, Ruthie jerked and yelped.


  The cane carved a pathway through the air and landed across Ruthie's cheeks. Her skin was taut and her cheeks were spread, exposing fresh, extremely tender flesh.

  "Yeow!!" shrieked Ruthie, tears already forming in her eyes.

  Tom bent low. "This is what you wanted. Isn't it?"

  "Yes," whispered Ruthie. She squealed again as a second stroke landed close to the first, leaving a second parallel line across her cheeks. It hurt. It burned like fire. And here she was, displaying all her secrets so wantonly. She was no longer a little girl. She was Ruthie the adult woman, the slut, horny as hell and craving punishment. "I'm a bad girl. Punish me, Daddy."

  Tom was so in tune with her. He delivered four more strokes and each one burned, flaming brands that made her shriek and howl even as she embraced the pain. When it was done, she lay panting and exposed, her sex gaping beneath his scrutiny. And when his teasing fingers circled the hard nub of her clit, she cried out as she came and came and came...


  Tom prepared the next phase of her punishment - a pre-bedtime drink ... of warm milk in a plastic beaker with a little spout. He made her drink it, and ignored her protests and sulks. Then it was into the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth.

  When Ruthie returned to her room, Tom had her lay on the bed while he powdered her bottom like a baby, and fastened a snug white diaper on her, pulling the tapes tight at the hips so that they wouldn't come unstuck during the night. Ruthie endured in silence, trying to make sense of her feelings, which were currently an eclectic blend of humiliation, submission, curiosity, and a perverse sense of enjoyment.

  She protested and pouted but Tom merely chided her for being petulant, whispering, "Thank your lucky stars it's night time, poppet, b
ecause next time, I just might make you wear a diaper during the day. Now wouldn't that be fun!"

  It just might be, Ruthie thought, and then her thoughts drifted as she relaxed in her baby state, knowing she was safe and loved with Daddy to take care of her.


  The subsequent days were long and carefree. They had picnics in the cottage garden and on the beach; they had tea parties and invited all the dolls and teddy bears and cuddly toys; they went for walks and pony rides; they fished for crabs, and had an exciting trip on a speed boat which made Ruthie shriek with delight as it cut through the water and bounced on the waves.

  Ruthie enjoyed being Daddy's little girl and all that went with it. She had known forever that she had masochistic tendencies, but under Tom's discipline, her tolerance increased, as did her desire for more. She particularly enjoyed being bent over for a strapping with his belt when he found that she had hidden one of his slippers in the hedge.

  It was on one sunny morning halfway through the third and final week of their stay at the cottage that Ruthie asked for her watch and other items back.

  "I think I'd like to be a grown up again for a few days," she told him. "I can still be bratty though, and give you every reason to spank me." She grinned at the thought.

  "Methinks my girl enjoys her spankings way too much," said Tom with a twinkle in his eye, and promptly upended her, bared her bottom and spanked it until it glowed. "It's the corner for you," he told her in a tone of mock severity. "You can stay there until I come back down after my shower."

  She stood there, relishing the delicious warm tingly feeling of her freshly spanked bottom, and as she stood there, she made an impulsive decision.

  Leaving the corner, she crept upstairs. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, and she could hear the sound of running water. Quickly she stripped off her clothes, took a deep breath, and walked into the bathroom. There was a separate shower cubicle in the corner opposite the bath. Tom had his back to her. It was the first time she had seen him naked, and she admired his body - tall and strong, broad shouldered and narrow hipped - with amazingly cute buns.

  She opened the shower cubicle and stepped inside.

  Tom turned, his chest all soapy. A slow smile crept over his face.

  "Well hello, Lolita. Nice of you to join me."

  "I'm going to show you what a good girl I can be," she said, sinking to her knees before him.

  "Ah," said Tom. His cock pulsed in anticipation and became rampant as Ruthie stroked the shaft. Ruthie replaced her fingers with her tongue, sliding it up and down the thick, rigid shaft. "Ahhh," sighed Tom. Ruthie extended the tip of her little pink tongue and began lapping and circling the tip of his cock. "Ahhhhh," groaned Tom.

  Ruthie took that huge cock in her mouth, using her hands to stroke his balls, and she worked him like a pro. She felt his hand press down on her head, guiding and urging her on. He began to thrust.

  "Oh yes, baby. What a good girl."

  After that, there were no words for a couple of minutes, then a bellow of satisfaction as Tom climaxed in his eager girl's mouth.

  That act marked the beginning of a new aspect to their very special relationship.


  They drove along the coast to Scarborough, walking hand in hand as they window shopped and explored the resort. They found a quiet little bistro with a beer garden and went to sit outside as they ate baguettes stuffed full of the most delicious fresh crab, washed down with a glass of wine.

  Tom smiled at Ruthie. She was relaxed and happy and confident and a joy to be with. She chattered about her university course, her friends, the music and movies she liked, and how much she detested getting up early on cold winter mornings.

  Given that there were no other diners outside, the conversation turned to a frank discussion of the time they had spent together thus far.

  "I know we discussed various options on the journey up, "began Tom, "and I'd be interested to hear how well you think things have progressed. Let's talk spankings first. You said you like and need hard spankings. Have they been hard enough for you?"

  "Mostly," nodded Ruthie. "But I always crave more after the event. It's weird, because I don't like the during very much, but the before and after is amazing. That damn slipper of yours hurt much more than I ever thought it would! And as for the cane - I love it. I could take more ... much more."

  Tom regarded her speculatively and then said something which totally surprised her. "Well Ruthie, you're not getting it any harder until I judge that you're ready."

  "But Tom, I AM ready, really."

  He shook his head. "You're like a kid in a sweetie shop, running amok and grabbing things but not actually tasting and savouring anything. Some men would give you what you asked for without question. Some men would inflict dreadful injuries. But I'm not 'some men' and for as long as you're my girl, I will only give you what I know you can take and what I choose to give. That doesn't mean we won't push the boundaries a little as your tolerance grows. You need to remember Ruthie, that physical discipline is only a part of our shared need. It's the D/s that underpins everything else."

  Ruthie nodded. "Yes, I've come to recognise that and I've been surprised about how submissive I really am - with the right man. And that man is you, Tom. You take me places in my head I've never been before. During the past couple of weeks, you've brought my fantasies to life, and I can say with absolute honesty that the actuality has been even better than the fantasy."

  "So you are enjoying being Daddy's little girl, regardless of whatever age you choose to be?"

  "God, yes. It's been so fulfilling. Thank you for making it possible. You've shown me more love and understanding than anyone, including my own mother. You make it possible for me to recapture elements of childhood and relive them with an additional dynamic. I love our times together - snuggling up, having you read me stories and play games, do my hair and indulge me in so many ways. Even the embarrassing humiliating stuff is a kind of a turn on." She grinned.

  "Of course it is. That's partly why we do it." Tom grinned back. "I admire you in all your personas, including this one, the adult Ruthie."

  "Thank you Daddy," she said. "Hey - I called you Daddy even when I'm not being little! What do you make of that?"

  "I think it's very special and it emphasises how you view me on all levels."

  "I wonder," she said, "how difficult it would be for me to call you Daddy in public when there are other people around to hear?"

  "We shall just have to wait and see," Tom said, and smiled.


  Fortified, they continued their wanderings and ended up down a little side street where they made an interesting discovery.

  They found a sex shop.

  Tom bought a couple of DVD's they were both interested in, and for Ruthie an anal vibrator that she had been looking at repeatedly, whilst pretending to be disinterested. He also bought her what she referred to as her 'tart's outfit' consisting of a low cut pink satin short nightie with black lace trim, a sexy pair of black boots that reached just above the knee, and a pair of black fishnet stockings.

  "You'll look incredibly hot in that gear." Tom grinned at the prospect.

  "I'll wear it for you, Daddy," she said coquettishly.

  "Yes you will," he agreed.

  They left the shop and walked on the sea front, and Tom observed how she sometimes slipped into little girl mode, and then back again without giving any indication that she realised she had made the transition.

  "Happy, poppet?"

  "That's an understatement." She flashed him a radiant smile and leaned into his chest as he put an arm around her shoulders.

  She was even happier later in the evening when she strutted downstairs wearing her new 'tart's outfit', because the skimpy provocative attire had exactly the sort of effect she had hoped for.

  Tom gave her an appreciative look. "You look good enough to eat, baby," he said huskily.

  "Are you hungry, Daddy?"
  "Ravenous. Come here."

  He held out his arms and she was there in an instant, reaching up as he lowered his head, devouring her mouth with his own. She tasted sweet as honey. He let his hands wander over the contours of her small shapely form, stooping to nuzzle her breasts. He was hard pressed not to take her then and there, but he had made a promise and intended to keep it - for the time being.

  They ended up on the couch in a tangle of limbs and when his fingers found her clit she was soon squirming and panting out her release as she massaged his swollen cock oh so expertly, making him groan in pleasure.

  "You sultry little temptress," he murmured as he lay spent, stroking her hair as she curled up beside him practically purring in contentment.

  "I'm working on it," she replied with a grin. "I really wanted us to ... you know..."

  "I knew exactly what you were after, you little minx, but I'm a man of my word, and you will respect me all the more because of it."

  "Yes." It was so true. She nodded, her little fingers smoothing his chest. "Some things are worth waiting for."

  "Indeed they are." He eased himself up into a sitting position. "You mist be curious about my phone conversation with Brad."

  "Yes. I was going to ask you about it, but... well, I didn't. Things were going so well between us, I didn't want to spoil anything." Her face fell at the thought of Brad and the hateful things he had said to her, not to mention the fact he had thrown her out of the house.

  "Listen carefully Ruthie. What I have to say is important."

  She sat up and looked at him solemnly. "I'm listening," she whispered.

  "When we leave here and go back home, I'm going to help you pack your belongings and move them out of Brad's house. I'm going to get you an apartment of your own on a temporary lease which I shall pay for. I'll also pay your university fees for the remainder of your course and give you an allowance to cover your other costs. I shall expect you to work hard and get good grades, or else ..." his eyes twinkled at an unspoken yet delicious threat.


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