Little Women Box Set

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Little Women Box Set Page 18

by Chloe Carpenter

  It was the power of his words, the cadence of his voice just as much as the physical stimulation. The effect on Evie was electrifying. She bucked her hips and grabbed Dylan's arm, her head tossed back, her face a seething mask of lust and pleasure. She screamed out her release as she rode the crest of the wave that lifted her up and up, then diminished slowly, leaving her gasping in the shallows.

  "Oh ... oh my," she mumbled eventually.

  Dylan chuckled softly. "Feel better now?"

  Evie giggled and nodded, and then her eyes darted to the massive rise in his crotch. She glanced up at him, and there was both lustful need and invitation in his eyes. Tentatively she reached out, her little fingers stroking the bulge. He felt rock hard. "Iron man," she said impulsively, and giggled again.

  "You ain't seen nothing yet, baby," said Dylan as he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down over his hips, his boxer shorts with them. His cock sprang free and demanded adulation.

  Evie stared at nine inches of pulsing maleness. She gulped, wondering, if push came to shove, how she would ever accommodate it. Dylan gave an intake of breath. There was a smouldering fire in his eyes, a fire that needed to be assuaged.

  "Good girls get to suck Daddy's popsicle," he said as he reached for her head, drawing her gently down.

  Eagerly she explored the length of him with her tongue, starting at the shaft, and slowly working her way up. Her right hand caressed his balls, and she used her left to hold his shaft as her mouth did it's work on reaching the tip of his cock. With a succession of light licks, she swirled her tongue around the glistening tip, feeling a deep satisfaction as he groaned, and his grasp tightened.

  Evie continued, teasing further, and then began to slowly take him in her mouth, inch by precious inch. He liked that. Oh boy, did he like it. He began to thrust. And as her hand worked his shaft and her mouth sucked him off, his thrusts began to increase. Evie took as much of him as she could manage. His maleness filled her, pushing against the back of her throat, and when he tensed, groaned deeply and spasmed uncontrollably, she received his gift, savouring the salt taste of him.

  Dylan lay back, his eyes shut, his cock twitching. Evie wiped her mouth with her shirt sleeve - his shirt sleeve - and felt a rush of emotion. He'd pleasured her and she him. He'd enjoyed what she had done. There was great satisfaction in that.

  Blue eyes opened to slits. His mouth curled into a smile. The eyes closed again for a few seconds as he basked in the aftermath, and then opened wide. "Well," he drawled lazily, "I see that I don't need to incorporate how to give a blow job into your training programme."

  "Yeah? And what training programme might that be?"

  "We'll discuss that after dinner." He smiled cryptically. "The soup was just a snack. How do you fancy steak and salad?"

  "Sure. That would be great."

  "I'm going to take a quick shower first." he brushed her lips with his own. "And then I'm going to make sure I have plenty of condoms ... just in case they're needed." He gave her a smouldering look with a hint of laughter.

  "Best get two packs then," quipped Evie. "We don't want to run out."

  After he had left the room, Evie curled up contentedly on the sofa. She hadn't felt this good in years.


  Dylan returned ten minutes later carrying a pair of pyjamas and a pair of slippers. "These belong to my God daughter Mary. She comes to stay the weekend now and then and I keep a few of her clothes here in one of the spare bedrooms. She's only 12 but I reckon you and she are about the same size." He handed them over - a pair of cute pink pyjamas with little white rabbits on, and some pink fluffy slippers.

  Evie laughed and put them on. "They're a perfect fit! I feel like a little girl again," she declared, twirling round and round.

  "Uh huh. You look like one," he said with a gleam in his eyes.

  They ate dinner in the big kitchen. Dylan poured Shiraz into two crystal glasses. "Shall we drink to the beginning of a wonderful relationship? Because that's what I want, Evie. Do you?"

  "I do," she said without hesitation.

  "I'm 43 - a fair bit older than you. Is that a problem?"

  "Not at all. Just the opposite in fact. It's part of the attraction." She clinked her glass against his. "To us."

  "To us," echoed Dylan. "Are you sitting comfortably?"

  "Very comfortably, thank you," said Evie, slightly puzzled.

  "Jolly good. Make the most of it, because when I implement phase 5 of the Dylan Draper action plan, you'll find sitting somewhat awkward."

  "Er ... dare I ask what phase 5 is?" asked Evie.

  "You're going to get a spanking for being careless and irresponsible. You're going to get spanked for all the reasons I listed earlier. And for as long as you're in a relationship with me, you will accept my discipline. But, admit it - that's what you've been secretly yearning for, isn't it?"

  "Yes." Evie nodded, a flush colouring her cheeks.

  "I'm a dominant man, Evie. I need to be in control. But you'll find I'm very different from your late husband. You will submit to me because you want to, and whatever I do, I will always have your best interests at heart. I desired you when I saw you in the corridor at Barkers waiting for your interview, and I've desired you ever since. So to find we both share similar interests..." he grinned wolfishly, "is a stroke of good fortune. I have so much to teach you."

  "And there is so much I want to learn from you."

  "Good. Let's discuss the specifics. You've only been to a BDSM club twice, right?" Evie nodded. "Ok, so although you've been aware of your kink for some time, you're relatively inexperienced. The Dom you met ... what was his name again?"


  "What did you do with him?"

  "Lot's of online stuff, but at the club he spanked, flogged and caned me, and he also used a leather paddle and a strap."

  "And you liked all that?"

  "Yes. Well maybe not the cane so much."

  "I'll remember that for the next time you're naughty." Dylan smiled a crocodile smile of anticipation.

  "Uh oh. Me and my big mouth!"

  Dylan laughed. "Ok - so tell me, do you know why you liked it? Do you get off on the actual pain?"

  Evie thought for a moment. "No, I'm not a pain junkie, although I admit I love getting a good hand spanking. Hand is my favourite, although I do like the feel of leather too, and when I'm well warmed up, I just want it to go on and on. It's a real turn on. But it isn't just the physical sensation. It's ... it's the whole experience, you know? The anticipation of waiting and knowing what's coming, the disrobing, the submission and being controlled and dominated, the humiliation of being nearly naked in front of people."

  "Ah, so you think you have exhibitionist tendencies?"

  "Yes, maybe."

  "And the humiliation aspects - is that a turn on too?"

  "Oh yes. Not that we explored that very much."

  "Well you and I will explore together. There's much we can do in private, but I'll also take you to BDSM and fetish clubs. There's a new one recently opened - Twisted Jack's. I hear it has some excellent pieces of equipment. Would you like to go?"

  "You bet I would," said Evie. "It will be wonderful to go with you. Alan was ok, but I had no real bond with him. It's different with you."

  "I'm glad to hear it. Did you have sex with him?"

  "No. Not even a kiss. He just spanked me."

  "Judging from your reactions earlier, am I to assume that you would like to have sex with me?" he asked, his eyes sparkling.

  Evie blushed prettily, suddenly overcome with shyness. She smiled, nodded, and darted a cheeky look.

  "My little Lolita," said Dylan. "It's hard to believe you're 29. And in that outfit you'd pass for about 12 to 14."

  "Yeah, I've always looked far younger than my actual years. And you know something? I don't mind at all. It gives me an excuse to act like a kid at times. I like to go in the park and play on the swings! Don't you dare tell anyone I said that."

; "Interesting." Dylan licked his lips and leaned closer, reaching out to wrap a tendril of her golden hair around his finger. "I once had a submissive who was similar to you. She was 24 and looked about 13. She was really into age play."

  "What's that?" When he explained, her eyes widened. "I can see the appeal. It must be ... liberating to be little again, and kind of fun to wear little girl clothes and stuff."

  "Just like you're doing right now. The dynamic is already there, and I have a wardrobe full of Mary's clothes ..." His voice trailed off as he studied her face. It was animated.

  "Earlier on, you referred to yourself as 'Daddy'. I liked that."

  "Why did you like it?"

  "It made me feel all squirmy ... sexy... submissive. I dunno. I find it difficult to explain."

  They talked and they talked. Evie had never been so frank with anyone. The conversation was refreshingly open and honest and Evie poured out her deepest darkest fantasies and wildest desires. And he understood! He seemed to understand her better than she understood herself. She felt a closeness to him unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and that closeness was tempered by an unfolding D/s dynamic, and a sexual frisson yet to be fully realised. She gazed at him. Here was a highly intelligent man who was big and powerful, not only physically - he had such presence. His expression, his tone, could set her heart a flutter and turn her knees to jelly. She wanted him to nurture and protect her, to spank her when she misbehaved or just for the fun of it, to fuck her brains out and do all manner of deliciously kinky things...

  Dylan in turn appraised her, his Lolita, his submissive, his new little girl. She was adorable, perfect for him in every way and he looked forward to training her, fulfilling her fantasies and allowing her to be the person she wanted to be. He glanced at his watch. It was after 11pm. He rose from the table and fixed her with a look that she would come to know oh so well. "Right. It's time for your bedtime spanking. Come with me."

  He took her hand and led her upstairs. Now that the moment had come, Evie felt a flutter of nerves. During their long chat she had forgotten all about her promised spanking.

  "Do you need to use the bathroom first?" Dylan asked.

  "Yes," squeaked Evie, and went in. She had a pee and washed her hands, and looked at her reflection in the glass. Her eyes were bright and her face was flushed with anticipation. The cut on her head was visible - a paltry little thing in comparison to all the blood that had poured forth earlier. She thanked her lucky stars she hadn't done herself a more serious injury. Taking a deep breath, she came out of the bathroom.

  "In here, Evie," called Dylan.

  She padded over the plush carpet towards the room with the open door. Dylan was inside, sitting on the bed. The spacious room was a typical male preserve, furnished in gleaming mahogany with claret-coloured curtains and bed linen. There were two night stands either side of the king-sized bed, each one topped with an antique brass lamp with a raspberry shade.

  Dylan patted the bed. "Come here." Those blue eyes of his gazed into hers. The corners of his mouth twitched just a fraction.

  Evie gulped, and obeyed his command. One moment she was seated on the bed, and the next she was lifted effortlessly over his lap, feeling his strong thighs beneath her tummy. He adjusted her position so that her bottom was nicely elevated. She was so small her feet didn't even touch the floor and were left dangling. Dylan's hand smoothed the fabric of her pyjama bottoms in a circular motion. It felt good. It felt-

  "Ow!" said Evie as the first spank descended on her upturned rump.

  "What? 'Ow' already?" He gave her another firm slap. Evie wriggled. It had been so long since she last had a proper spanking, she'd almost forgotten what it felt like.

  "You know exactly why you're getting this," Dylan said as his hand cracked down. Don't you, Evie?"

  "Yes sir." She wasn't quite sure why she addressed him as sir, but it felt right.

  "You went out without telling anyone where you were going."

  Slap! Slap!

  "You didn't wear the proper footwear."

  Slap! Slap!

  "You didn't take a waterproof jacket."

  Slap! Slap!

  "Nor did you take a guide book." Slap! "Or a compass." Slap! "Or your mobile phone." Slap! "Or a first-aid kit."

  Slap! Slap! Slap! SLAP!

  "Owwww!" yelled Evie. His hand felt as hard as a cast iron frying pan. She wriggled and gasped as her bottom became increasingly heated.

  "These are coming down now. You're getting punished on your bare bottom, like a naughty little girl." Dylan pulled down her pyjama bottoms.

  Her bottom gleamed pale in the moonlight, two alabaster globes tinged with pink, chubby and rounded and just begging for a long overdue spanking. Evie hissed as her bottom was bared. That feeling ... that crazy, kinky, wonderful feeling of being bared thrilled her to the core. Although she was embarrassed, that was part of the turn-on. She could feel her pussy spasm as her arousal increased.

  And then the spanking started in earnest.

  The night air was filled with the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin, accompanied by wailing and squealing. Evie's little legs scissored and kicked. Dylan smiled grimly and just carried on spanking - high then low, right then left, covering the expanse of her cute chubby little cheeks. He was determined to make sure this was one spanking she'd remember for some time to come.

  "You put yourself at risk, Evie, and I won't tolerate that. Understand?"

  "Y-y-yes... yeeooow!" Evie was frantic now, her outraged squeals had turned to shrieks, then miserable wails, and still his hand fell relentlessly. Her bottom burned. It felt like it was on fire. "I'm sorreeee!" she wailed as she wriggled desperately, trying to avoid that punishing hand, but there was no escape.

  Dylan carried on spanking, excited by her protests, and the way she bucked and flailed over his lap. He paused just long enough to insert his index finger into her pussy. It came out soaked in her juices.

  "What's this, you bad girl?" he said sternly, holding his glistening finger to her lips.

  "Your f-finger," panted Evie.

  "Taste yourself," he growled, slipping the tip of his finger into her mouth.

  "Ohhh." Evie's eyes flickered as she tasted her own scent. Her bottom blazed. It hurt like hell ... but it also had a delicious throb. Without realising what she was doing, she began grinding her pelvis into Dylan's thigh.

  He chuckled softly. "You're a bad, bad girl. What are you?"

  "I'm a - a bad, bad girl," whispered Evie.

  "You're a bad girl with a red bottom. I just need to add a little more colour, until it glows a lovely shade of magenta." He delivered another flurry of fast-paced spanks as Evie squealed and squirmed.

  She didn't realise it was over until she felt a feather-light kiss against her throbbing bottom, and then the tinglingly erotic sensation of his tongue tracing a pathway in the divide between both cheeks.

  "Ohhh," she mewled, not wanting him to stop. But the next instant, she was flat on her back on the bed as Dylan towered above her and began unfastening the buttons on her pyjama top. He pulled open the garment, exposing her pert little breasts. Though her breasts were tiny, her nipples were not. They stood out fierce and proud. She moaned as Dylan raised her knees and spread them wide. Oh to be exposed so. It was horribly humiliating. He could see everything.

  Dylan smoothed the area at the top of her thighs. They were coated with her secretions.

  "Horny little girl," he whispered huskily. "Touch yourself."

  Evie blinked in surprise, thinking she had misheard. "Wh-what?"

  "Touch yourself." He took one of her hands and placed it on her pussy - a pussy crowned with a glorious blonde fuzz. "Masturbate for me, Evie."

  "I ... but I ... I can't!" Her face flamed as red as her bottom. "I've never ... not in front of anyone. I can't."

  "You can and you will." He guided her index finger into her vagina, sliding it in and out as she groaned in a heady mix of embarrassment a
nd desire. Then he placed her glistening finger on the hard swollen little nub of her clit. "Do it."

  It was a command. She had to obey. A part of her wanted to. A part of her didn't. But her senses were screaming alert and she felt as though she would burst if she didn't climax. So she slowly and tentatively began to rub her clit. Little circles. Round and round. More pressure ... then more. She moaned softly and screwed up her eyes.

  Dylan would have preferred her eyes to remain open, but he allowed her to close them on this first occasion. From his voyeuristic position he watched her pleasure herself, slowly losing her inhibitions as she became caught up in the sensations. His cock pulsed. He quickly shed his clothes and stroked his rampant erection as he watched her. Breathing deeply now, her legs splayed wide, she began to thrust upwards, her whimpers becoming more vocal ... almost frantically now. He reached for a condom and rolled it on his engorged penis.

  Evie sensed as he came closer, astride her, felt the tip of that glorious cock pressing against her sopping pussy. Deeper it went, and deeper still. She screamed with lust and pleasure, her hips bucking in a mad dance. She was so close now. So close. And as he thrust in and out, filling her so completely, she arched and tensed and quivered in the most intensely powerful orgasm of her life.

  Now her cries were joined by his as he pistoned in and out of that tight little hole. He climaxed with a groan of pleasure, and there they lay, pulsing, spent and gasping as the quiet and peace of the night enveloped them in a blanket of sleep.


  Sunday morning was bright and sunny. Dylan dressed Evie in one of Mary's outfits, a little pink gingham sun dress, white ankle socks, and a cute pair of pink and white sandals with a daisy on the front. She also wore a pair of pale yellow panties with silver stars. Evie liked the look, and brushed her hair and put it into two pigtails. Each one hung down in a long ringlet.

  The cut on her temple was healing nicely and no longer hurt, though her knee was sill a little sore. Dylan checked it out and put on a fresh band-aid.


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