Worth the Risk

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Worth the Risk Page 32

by Shannon Davis

He put his hand on my shoulder. “You’ll find her.”

  I gave him a nod and glanced over to see Savannah still playing in the sand.

  “We’ll take care of her, Jackson,” Katie said.

  “Thank you.” I squeezed my hand closed around the earring and struck out toward the stairs.

  When I got to the steps, I slid on my shoes, then climbed two at a time again. On the deck, the crowd had grown, completely filling the picnic area. Hadn’t anyone seen Rebecca? Heard her scream? Seen my dad? The sonofabitch! I know he took her! Someone had to see him!

  I shoved the earring in my pocket and pulled out Andrew’s keys, then started running. As soon as I spotted the Mustang, I clicked the key fob to unlock it. The car was a sauna. I cranked it and pulled out my cell phone as sweat rolled down my face. I was about to ring Max but noticed I had a new voice mail and a missed call from an unknown number, so I pressed the button to retrieve the message. When I heard the voice, my heart stopped. It was my dad.

  His words were cold and harsh, his message short, but just as evil and threatening as his letters. He wanted me to meet him at the grove behind the school. He had Rebecca. And if I called the cops or brought anyone with me, he swore he’d kill her.

  In a fit of rage, I slammed the car in reverse and backed out. Shoving the stick into first gear, I tore out of the parking lot, screeching tires and throwing gravel in my dust. The school was at least twenty-five minutes away, but I figured I could make it under twenty in Andrew’s car. I found Max’s number and hit the call button, then pressed the accelerator to the floor.

  Max picked up on the first ring. When I told him my dad had Rebecca at the oak grove, he advised me to let law enforcement handle the situation.

  “Your boys couldn’t even post watch in a fucking parking lot, Max! You think I trust them with Rebecca’s life?”

  “You think I’d jeopardize her life? She’s my niece!” Max’s voice was louder than usual and laced with frustration. Then I heard him say something to someone in the background. He was giving them the location of the oak grove.

  My pulse was racing. “Dammit, Max! What are you doing?”

  “I’ve got two snipers on standby, and I’m calling in the feds.”

  “You better keep them away!” I shouted.

  “I don’t want any casualties, Jackson. Frank is armed and dangerous.”

  “That’s why you have to stay out of it. You’ll get her killed! He wants me! He wants retribution!”

  “What if he does, Jackson?” Although Max’s voice was still loud, it seemed more controlled. “What if you’re right? You don’t have any way to protect yourself, much less Rebecca. You need us!”

  “The hell I do.” I glanced at the glovebox. “I gotta go, Max. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  I ended the call and leaned over to open the glovebox, praying Andrew’s pistol was still there. It was, thank God. I grabbed it and placed it on the passenger’s seat, then put the pedal to the metal.

  The speedometer rose to ninety and was still climbing. I quickly approached a wad of cars, so I flashed my lights, signaling them to clear the way and let me pass. The SUV in front of me put on their blinker and moved over, but the car in front of them didn’t give me the same courtesy.

  “Move, damn you!” I shouted, then flashed my lights and leaned on the horn.

  Finally, the driver got his head out of his ass and moved over.

  As I sped past, the guy flipped me off. “Fuck you, dude!” I yelled and floored it.

  Minutes later, my first turn was coming up. I signaled before changing lanes, took my foot off the gas, and gradually put on the brakes. Slowing down just enough to make the turn without flipping the car, I skidded onto the next road. In my ever-growing rage, I squeezed the steering wheel and pressed the accelerator to the floor again. The engine roared like the rage in my veins. All I could think about was Rebecca. Was she all right? Did she know I was coming for her? Thoughts cluttered my mind as I continued to drive. I swore to myself I’d kill my dad if he harmed her in any way. The sonofabitch deserves to die.

  I raced through an intersection and slowed for another turn. “Almost there, baby,” I muttered. “Just hang on.” Up ahead, I saw a car pulling out onto the road. “Dammit! You idiot! Don’t you see me coming?” I cursed them and sped around the car just before the road bent. Tires squealed as I slammed on brakes and rounded the corner. One more turn, baby, just one more turn.

  The school was only about two minutes away, and I hadn’t seen any cops. I felt myself gritting my teeth with worry, knowing if my dad got spooked, things could end badly. I was running on pure adrenaline and my nerves were shot. I’m here, baby, just hang on.

  I slowed to make the last turn and drove down the little trail that led to the back of the school grounds. An old white van with a janitorial logo down the side was parked less than fifty yards up ahead. I pulled in behind it at an angle that would likely block him in, should he try to escape. Then I turned off the engine and dropped the keys in the console. Just before I got out, I put my phone in my pocket and tucked the barrel of the gun in the back of my shorts.

  It was quiet. Eerily quiet. Cautiously, I walked the rest of the path toward the opening where the oak trees were located. Even though my dad was expecting me, I tried to move carefully and quietly, listening for Rebecca. But there was no noise, only the sound of my steps and my labored breathing. And my heartbeat. It pounded in my ears, throbbed in my temples.

  Then I saw her. Frozen in fear, I stopped in my tracks. As if she’d been placed there on purpose, Rebecca was curled up against the base of our oak tree, in the exact spot where I had proposed. Her hands were bound together with thick rope, and although her head was tilted down, I could see she was blindfolded. Red marks streaked her arms, and both knees appeared to be scraped, smeared with dirt and traces of grass. She was so still, I couldn’t tell if she was even breathing. Was she drugged? Or knocked out? Was she even alive?

  “Rebecca!” I cried out. “Can you hear me?” I clenched my fists and tried to control my breathing, tried to keep my mind focused, as I slowly walked in her direction, mindful of everything around me. “Rebecca! It’s me, baby.” When I saw her foot twitch, relief flooded my body. I picked up my pace, still scanning the grove for my dad. “You’re safe now. I’m here. You’re gonna be okay.” My voice, more determined now, rang out strong.

  Rebecca moaned and lifted her head slightly, revealing the gag in her mouth and the blood coming from her nose. Rage boiled in my blood as my eyes searched for the piece of shit who had done this to her. I knew he was near. I could smell his stench. Body odor and cigarette smoke.

  “Where are you? Come out, you sonofabitch!” I demanded.

  “Sonofabitch?” He stepped from behind the oak, took a drag on his cigarette, and flicked it toward me as he blew smoke from his mouth. “That’s no way to talk to your daddy. Now is it, son?”

  My hatred burned white-hot. He was wearing a dark long-sleeve jumpsuit and a ball cap, but I could see his gray hair sticking out the sides. His face was old and wrinkled, hardened with bitterness. And his eyes, still dark and cold, were wild with vengeance.

  “You’re not my daddy,” I snarled. “Donating your sperm doesn’t give you that title.”

  His wicked laugh pierced the silence. “Well, I guess it don’t really matter. I never wanted you in the first place. Neither did your whoring momma. But you already knew that. Didn’t you? I know you got my letters.” When he grinned, he looked like the devil himself.

  “Like you said, it don’t really matter, does it?”

  “It matters to you,” he hissed.

  “You’re wrong. I don’t need you.” My eyes narrowed in anger. “I never needed you.”

  “But you need this sweet little thing, right?”

  He came around the tree and grabbed Rebecca by the back of the head, pulling her to her feet by her hair. She tried to scream through the gag and began fighting to get loose, but he was stronge
r. He grabbed her shoulder and jerked her backward, causing her to trip over a root and lose her balance. She fell helplessly to the ground.

  “Rebecca!” I shouted.

  “Stand up, you stupid bitch!” He grabbed her under the arms and yanked her to her feet.

  “Leave her alone!” In a fury, I took three determined strides forward.

  “Not so fast!” he roared, then put a gun to Rebecca’s head as she sobbed through the gag.

  “No!” I shouted and immediately froze. My heart was beating in my throat. “Don’t hurt her!” I begged. “Please, put down the gun.”

  “Not a chance!” His voice thundered. One hand snatched a handful of Rebecca’s hair, while the other held the gun to her temple.

  My anger blazed as I watched him jerk her to his side. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Why am I doing this?” He laughed maliciously. “Why do you think I’m doing this?” His jaw tensed and he tightened his grip on her. “Because it’s payback time!”

  “Payback for what?” I demanded, clenching my fists.

  “You’ve ruined my life since you were born. And now…” He turned his eyes to Rebecca and smiled, showing his disgusting gray, chipped teeth. “Now, I’m gonna ruin yours.” With his forked tongue, he licked up the side of her neck as she squealed and fought to get away.

  All I could think of was getting my hands around his throat and choking him until his neck snapped. I wanted to end his life so bad I could taste it. “What do you want from me?” I shouted.

  He threw his head back and whooped. “Oh, my idiot son, you don’t know? Come on. Think! Even as dumb as you are, you should be able to figure this out. It was in all the letters.”

  Still holding the gun on Rebecca, he pulled her in closer and nuzzled against her cheek. Then he grinned at me as he traced the tip of the barrel down her neck where he’d licked her moments ago. I watched her turn her head away, trying to resist him. Her shoulders heaved as she continued to sob.

  Blood roared in my ears. “I said, leave her alone!”

  He ran the gun lower, across her collarbone and down the valley between her breasts. “She’s mighty sweet, Jackson,” he hissed as he dragged the tip of the barrel over her right breast. Rebecca let out a screech through the gag and fell to the side as her legs gave out.

  “You bastard!” Enraged, I stormed toward him but was stopped abruptly with the gun pointed at my face less than twelve feet away.

  “Don’t try to be a hero, son,” he threatened. Turning the gun back on Rebecca, he pulled her up by her hair and stuck the barrel in her ribs. His villainous laugh echoed through the grove, tormenting me. “You honestly don’t know why I planned my escape? Why I started the prison fire? Why I faked my own death?” He raised the gun, pointing it at Rebecca’s head, and smirked. “I wanted to see you suffer!”

  My jaw hardened as I struggled to maintain control. “Why take Rebecca then? Why not me?”

  “Are you kidding? After I watched your pansy-ass propose, I knew I had myself a golden ticket. The perfect way to cause you pain. I would’ve taken the little girl, but she’s already dying. Now you’ll lose ‘em both!”

  My body stiffened at the thought. Sweat burned my eyes as it dripped from my brow, but I didn’t dare blink. I watched him intently, studying his movements.

  “You think you’re gonna get married? Think you’re gonna have yourself a sweet little family? Live happily ever after?” His sadistic laughter echoed through the grove. “It’s time to wake up from the fantasy world, son. The fairy tale ends today.” He jerked Rebecca by the hair again, making her squeal. “I told you I was coming for you. I didn’t realize it would be this much fun seeing you so helpless.”

  I was smoldering, grinding my teeth as I listened to his despicable plans. If I didn’t keep my composure, I’d lose this battle. I just needed three seconds. Three seconds would give me enough time to reach behind my back, grab the gun from my waistband, aim it at his fucking head, and pull the trigger. Three seconds and Rebecca would be safe. Three seconds and his ass would be dead. I watched his eyes closely, his hands, his feet, his every move, waiting for my chance. I’d be damned if I let him get to me. I’d beat him at his own game.

  “You’re an evil man,” I said calmly. “Evil. And sad.” I watched his grin fade, and his eyebrows pull together. “To live with that much hatred in your heart, that much resentment, your whole life.” I put my hands on my hips and shook my head. “I know it’s gotta suck.”

  His temper flared. “You don’t know shit!”

  I quickly corrected him. “I know more than you think I do. I know what it’s like to be mad at the world—to blame everyone else for the misfortunes in your life. To hate people for being happy. That’s what you’re doing here, isn’t it? You hate me because I’m happy. You envy me because my life is so much better than yours. Because I have a life, and you don’t.”

  He scoffed, “Me, envy you? Horse shit! You think you know so much, but you don’t know nothing!” His voice was filled with rage and ridicule.

  I could tell my coolness and confidence was getting to him.

  “You ain’t got the first clue what it’s like to have to steal cars or push drugs for a living! To have to lay low for weeks at a time or move to another state because someone put a hit on your ass! To have to kill to stay alive! Or to have the only woman you ever loved turn her back on you!” Spittle flew from his mouth as he ranted.

  I swallowed hard to tamp down my fury. “I know about some of it.” Glancing at Rebecca and back at him, I shifted my weight and inched my hand closer to the gun. “I know all about feeling abandoned and rejected. Being physically ill from heartache. Wishing to God you could press the rewind button so you could have a chance to do things differently.” I pulled in a deep breath. “I know all about anger and resentment and regret. About wanting something you can’t have. As for the rest…” I shook my head. “No, I can’t relate. But you’re the one who chose that life. No one made you break the law, steal cars, or murder people. And no one made you beat on Mom! That’s why she left. She didn’t turn her back on you. She loved you. But you didn’t love her. You chose a life of crime over her—over both of us. You didn’t want a family. But I do. Nothing in the world’s more important to me than my child and the woman I love.”

  “What a touching story,” he taunted and spat on the ground in front of me. “You’re so weak, it’s pathetic. Just like your mother. Weak, dumb, and pathetic. I tried to beat it out of you, but I always knew you’d end up just like her.”

  “You’re wrong. I’m not just like her. I’m nothing like either one of you.”

  “Well, maybe if you were, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” His malicious laugh echoed throughout the grove. “Sorry to rain on your parade, cream puff, but there ain’t gonna be a happily ever after. Not for the two of you.” He yanked the gag from Rebecca’s mouth. “Come on, sweetheart. I wanna hear you scream.”

  Rebecca’s head thrashed around as she screeched and fought against him.

  “That’s it. Squeal for Daddy.” He grabbed another handful of Rebecca’s hair, then snatched down the blindfold and twisted it in his hand, tightening it on her throat. Her eyes, swollen from crying, bulged in fear. “I want you to see the terror in her eyes, son.”

  I slid my hand closer to the gun and forced myself to focus only on my dad’s movements instead of his wickedness. “Leave her alone!” I shouted.

  He pulled Rebecca close and nuzzled her ear. “Mmmm,” he growled, dragging the gun between her breasts. “She’s so damn sweet, Jackson. I bet you don’t even know what to do with a woman.”

  “Get away from me!” Rebecca jerked her head away, nearly breaking free from his grip.

  My dad’s eyes hardened. “You bitch! Get back here!” He twisted the blindfold tighter, squeezing Rebecca’s throat, cutting off her air.

  “Jackson!” she attempted to cry out. Her words were stifled as she gasped for breath.

cca!” I took a step closer but stopped when I saw my dad raise the gun to her head.

  “That’s close enough,” he shouted, “unless you want to see her brains blown out.”

  I held up my hands. “Okay. I won’t come any closer. Just let her go.”

  “Now why would I want to do that? Aren’t we having fun?” He nuzzled Rebecca’s ear as she struggled against him. “No use fighting, little girl. You ain’t going anywhere.” He released the blindfold and put his arm around her waist, pulling her close as she coughed, sucking in air. “Ain’t this a predicament?” An evil grin stretched over his face. “I can’t decide which one to kill first. You. Or her.” He shook his head. “Decisions, decisions…”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened with fear, pleading for help. “Jackson!” She raised her arms, lifting her bound hands toward me. “I love you,” she wept.

  “I love you too, baby. Please don’t cry.” I lowered my hands back to my hips and tapped my finger against my waistband. I prayed she knew what I was trying to tell her.

  “You won’t hear her crying for long, boy. As bad as I’d love you to watch her die, I think I’ll kill you first. Then I’m gonna take her back to the van and get me some of this sweet little ass before I put a bullet in her head.”

  “No!” Rebecca cried. Her shoulders heaved as she began weeping harder.

  “You’re not gonna touch her!” I shouted.

  “I’m gonna do more than touch her.” He smirked devilishly. “You can bet on that.”

  Rebecca’s knees began to buckle as her sobbing grew louder.

  I forced myself to focus, watching my dad’s every move, his eyes, his hands. I’d only get a small window to act. I’d have to be quick, accurate. At this distance, I could take him out with no problem. I gave Rebecca the slightest nod and watched as she slid lower and lower.

  “Where do you think you’re going? We’re about to say goodbye to Jackson, and then you and me are gonna have ourselves a little party.” My dad reached around and grabbed Rebecca’s breast. Pulling her close, he put his mouth to her ear. “And you’re gonna like it.”


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