Wizarded Away

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Wizarded Away Page 4

by Mason J Schneider

  Myles watched in surprise as the pool in front of began to bubble rapidly. It must have been much deeper than it appeared for a humongous Koi fish broke the surface. It was white with emerald green patches, and a leather saddle sat on its back. It was the same size as Arkalon, if not bigger. The man remained seated, moving his hands in the same pattern that Myles had attempted to do earlier that morning. The giant Koi tilted its head back and opened its gaping mouth. An orange stream of light began to pour out of both the fish’s mouth and the man’s hands. The energy was pooling together into one massive sphere in the air. When it reached what must have been its maximum size, the odd duo shifted it higher into the sky. The sphere exploded into one giant beam of light blasting upwards into the air. Myles and Arkalon stared amazed at the what they had just witnessed.

  “Do you understand now? You create the energy together so that the bond between the two of you is utilized for every sequence of the spell. Then you work together and direct it at your target. Use this cautiously young friends, for if you succeed in its casting this spell can defeat powerful enemies. Be wise in who you use it against.”

  Myles was still in awe, but was pleased to know how to correctly perform the bonding spell. “Of course” he thought, “we just needed to create it at the same time.”

  “Thank you Wizard, what was your name?” Myles asked.

  “My name has not been spoken in many years, and I see no need for it now. I bid you good luck in your travels.” and with that the man hopped onto the Koi’s back and the two sunk into the depths of the pool.

  Gardilon rushed over to Myles, “My boy, you must return home now, for there is a great threat that faces your master. Look into Mythodas’ eye.”

  Frightened, Myles looked into the red dragon’s eye. At first he saw nothing but then a vision began to appear. It was the clearing he had called home for the past month, only everything had been caught on fire. In the center he saw Alfaron on the ground pointing his staff at a dark figure hovering above him. Myles couldn’t make out what it was, but he knew that his master was in trouble.

  “Arky, we’ve got to get back now, Alfaron is in trouble!”

  “Take hold off my staff Myles, and I will send you back, act quickly the two of you!” urged Gardilon as he slammed his staff into the ground. Arkalon and his mother shared one last look that exposed the bond only a mother and her child could know.

  Myles sprung up from laying on Arkalon’s stomach.

  “We’ve got to get back now! Do you think you can fly me there?”

  Although Arkalon could no longer speak to Myles he understood and gave a nod of his head as he bent his torso down. Myles climbed on his back, and while it was a tight fit it seemed like he could hold on. He gripped one of the icy spears on his dragon’s back as it beat its wings hard and pushed up into the air. Arkalon raised up higher and higher and then pointed his wings and tail back to soar towards the clearing. They reached there in record time and to Myles’ horror this entire of half of the grassland was engulfed in flames.

  Arkalon landed quickly and unleashed a chilling breath of ice that froze a path through the fire. Myles ran through, seeing Alfaron collapsed on the ground. He summoned some of Arkalon’s power and blew out another breath of ice to clear the flames nearing Alfaron. In doing so he also revealed the arsonist of the fire- it was Savalot! His body was not the same of the boy Myles had once seen. His torso was charred and blackened into what looked like lava stone. His hair was a constant swirl of flames and seemed to be entirely comprised of fire. The only way Myles could even recognize him was from the passionate hateful look in his eyes.

  “You silly little boy, now you’ll pay for making me go back to that stupid mortal world, filled to the brim with idiots. Idiots here, idiots there, my family- all complete idiots!” as Savalot spoke flames began to blast out from the cracks in his stone body. They increased in size as his anger piled on.

  “Savalot, I didn’t want you to lose your chance like that. I just couldn’t stand by and see you destroy something so precious. Why must your heart be filled with hate, I can help you and maybe we can work something out in the Spirit World for you to have another chance at practicing magic.”

  Myles’ plea seemed to do nothing but enrage Savalot’s anger tenfold. The boy said nothing but called forth a fiery staff from the flames around him. It was the darkest black Myles had ever seen, and the orb on top melted in a deep red glow. Savalot directed the orb at Myles and a blazing beam of blue and purple flames headed his way.

  Before it could reach him Arkalon flew in and clutched Myles by his shirt, lifting him into the air.

  “Thanks buddy!” called Myles, relieved.

  Arkalon set him down and landed beside him. They looked at one another for a moment and recalled how they had each saved the other’s life. The dragon and the boy nodded in unison. The bonding spell was about to be put to the test. Focusing all of their inner-most energy they called forth two streams of the richest blue energy. They allowed the energies to meet in the sky above them where it formed an enormous sphere of magic. The ball begin to spin around itself rapidly and when Myles pushed his hands at Savalot the sphere broke loose and shot a beam directly at him. Savalot noticed at the last moment possible and tried to drop to the ground beneath it. It struck his left arm which disintegrated entirely.

  Savalot screamed in pain and just as Myles was about to approach him, flame shot out of his wound and formed an arm made of fire. Flames shot and burst out of knuckles as he stood up quickly and grabbed Alfaron with his other hand. He let out another scream and a flame-ridden eel emerged from the fire. It soared between his legs as he swung Alfaron’s body onto its back.

  “I’ll show you what happens to people who hurt me Myles. You may be stronger than me now, but how long will that last after I toss your master into the depths of Varsiceron?” he let out a rough laugh after he called this to Myles.

  The eel-creature flew off, leaving both Myles and Arkalon alone. Myles turned his head at the sound of wheezing. He looked over to see Arky on his side, hacking his lungs out.

  “The smoke and fire must have got to you. Don’t worry we’ll get to Varsiceron soon, but you need to heal first.”

  Myles thought quickly of places and things that were cold. “Icecream?” he thought, “No that’s not good enough. Wait, I know. Antarctica!”

  He allowed the image of ice and snow to guide his magic into a cooling blanket of ice white light. He laid it over Arkalon, covering his back. The dragon laid still for a moment and then seemed to relax and stop wheezing. Moments later he got to his feet and began to once again glisten in ice.

  “You ready to do this Arky?” he asked the dragon.

  Arkalon snorted and blew out a blast of ice which seemed to show he was prepared. Myles jumped onto his back and the dragon took off into the sky.

  Chapter 6

  They had been trailing Savalot and his flying eel for close to an hour. Arkalon had picked up its smoky scent and was pursuing it as fast as he could while carrying Myles. Before much longer they approached the base of a dark black mountain range. The black rocks that seemed to make up the mountains immediately reminded Myles of something, it was almost identical to what Savalot’s body had become. Myles instructed Arky to fly to the top of the closest mountain, for he didn’t see any openings near the base. He knew he needed to get to Savalot, and fast, before something terrible happened to Alfaron.

  Arkalon climbed higher in the air until Myles spotted a cave in the side. Its dark depths blended in well with the blackness of the mountain. Arky wouldn’t be able to fit through the entrance so Myles instructed him to fly around and look for another way in. He took off swiftly and was soon out of sight. Myles flashed back to the task at hand, he ran full speed into cave, stumbling over rocks as he did so. He tripped and began to slide deeper into the mountainside. Black rock fell on him and blurred his vision. Finally, he felt his feet hit against something hard and came to a stop. Collecting his bea
rings, he stood up and looked around. Lava bubbled on either side of him, only a few feet away. Ahead of him lay a natural bridge of rock which served as a gateway to what looked like a thrown. Behind it the land dropped off and a massive field of lava could be heard bubbling below.

  Myles began to sprint towards the throne, which he now saw was constructed from black obsidian crystals. It shimmered in the light of the lava and Myles thought he saw a pair of eyes reflect in the crystal back. Behind it he saw Savalot, with Alfaron laying near the edge of the rock cliff.

  “I thought I could lure you in. Now you can watch as Alfaron dies and then you can experience it too.”

  “Savalot stop, you don’t have to do this.” Myles plead.

  “You don’t understand. You don’t know the adversity I’ve faced, the hate-filled life I’ve endured, the lack of love or affection in any form. You lived a perfect little life and now you get to be a perfect little wizard. How nice it has all worked out for you. Well I won’t have it. No longer will I take the pain without revenge.” as he finished his speech he turned to face Alfaron.

  With his fiery staff he prodded the old wizard a few times. Then with one great shove he rolled him over the side of cliff and into the hellish depths of Varsiceron. Myles watched in horror as his master, the man who had given him the chance he wanted so badly at adventure, fell to his death. Myles remained frozen in a mix of emotions. He was frightened, but mostly he began to feel anger bubble up inside him. He was going to make Savalot pay for what he had done. A beating of wings could be heard from somewhere nearby. To Myles’ wonder, Arky floated up from behind the cliff, Alfaron clutched loosely in his jaws.

  “Yes! Arky, thank you!” Myles cheered as the dragon landed beside him, dropping Alfaron, still unconscious, on the rocky floor.

  “It is no matter. You will all perish now. I have someone I’d like you to meet Myles.” called Savalot, an evil smirk appearing on his face.

  Myles watched as Savalot took a seat on the black obsidian throne. He leaned his head back and began to chant in a bizarre tongue. The obsidian seemed to grow brighter purple this time. Dark purple light poured out of the throne in every direction, and began to swirl around Savalot in strange patterns and shapes.

  “No, what have you done foolish boy!” called Alfaron, now awake.

  Myles rushed to his side, “Alfaron are you okay? What’s going on?”

  “He’s allowing Septora to take possession of his body, in a moment longer she will be reincarnated in our world.”

  Alfaron looked as if he were about to cast a spell, but it was too late. The purple had become flames and seemed to make up the majority of Savalot’s body. It poured out of his eyes in a flash, and his fire-arm glowed even brighter in the menacing purple. When the boy spoke again his voice was twisted and slightly slurred. It came out in an evil shriek, that sounded to be even more full of rage than the boy himself had ever been.

  “Septora, it is not your time to come back yet.” Alfaron spoke softly.

  “Never mind you, pitiful excuse of a wizard.” the voice hissed back.

  “You mean that, that’s Septora?” asked Myles in fear.

  “I’m afraid so Myles, this is very bad. She’s using Savalot’s body as a host to walk in our world. Stand back apprentice, she is extremely dangerous.”

  It appeared Septora had grown tired of talking already for she grabbed hold of Savalot’s staff, which in turn became a deep violet color of fire. She shot a twisted magic flame at Alfaron, but he cast a green shielding wave that it couldn’t break. This seemed to anger Septora even more, and her hands started moving rapidly in a series of symbols.

  “Myles, I need your help now, it’s the only way. Arky, you too. We must cast the bonding spell together if we wish to defeat her. Come now, over by me.”

  Myles and Arky ran to where Alfaron stood, still behind the protective green wave. The three of them turned to face each other, while Septora continued to cast her next spell. Myles focused intently, trying to push back his growing concern that whatever Septora was about to do might be tragic. He thought of all the time spent in the prairie, learning and spending time with Alfaron and Arky. His blue energy began to pool out of his hands and into the air above him. Similar energy began to emerge from Alfaron’s staff and Arkalon’s jaws. The energy pooled together into an enormous sphere, this time turquoise in color.

  “Release it now Myles.” Alfaron commanded.

  Myles did as he said, and Arkalon stopped a moment later as well. Alfaron was now solely in control of the bonding spell. He set aside his staff, and performed complex hand symbols. The sphere shaped into a roaring tiger made of blue-green energy. It charged forward at Septora, leaping into the air and lunging for her throat. But just as Myles started to think they had won, Septora completed her spell and a blast of pure black flame erupted out of her body. It traveled in all directions, completely destroying the tiger. It smashed against the wizards’ green protective shield, where it was held at bay for only a second before breaking through and submerging Alfaron. Arky acted quickly, picking Myles up by his shirt and flying him a distance back, away from the evil magic. The black flames around Alfaron cleared, and his body lay still on the ground charred and broken.

  Myles looked up to see Septora. What was left of Savalot’s body was utterly gone now. Hovering in the air was the witch in her true form. Myles’ assumed this must have been the intention of her last spell. She had a sleek body, and appeared somewhat human besides her hair which was entirely comprised of the black fire. She wore robes of red, with black writing all over them in the language only spoken in Varsiceron.

  “Who could of known all I needed was hate-filled boy to come back to my full power. What, you’re still here, another little boy? And a tiny ice dragon!” she cackled and laughed in a sadistic manner.

  “You don’t have a place in this world Septora. I will not allow your soul to leave this evil prison.” Myles called up to her.

  “As if you could stop me!” she shrieked as she rose higher toward the cavern ceiling.

  She turned in the air to face the field of lava below. Raising her hands up, the lava shot out of its fiery lake and blasted into the rock above. Myles dodged a few of the falling rocks that had come his way and looked up to see the exposed night sky. She had completely torn the the top off the mountain with the lava. She rose up higher into the sky and out of the place that had been her prison for centuries.

  “Come on Arky, we have to stop her before she leaves Varsiceron completely. Can you get me up there?” the dragon bent forward so Myles could climb onto his back.

  The dragon and the wizard flew higher and higher until they were at the same height as Septora, only farther away. She could be seen with hovering on the black flames that made up a circle under her feet. It looked as if she was trying to decide how she would destroy her pathetic competition. Suddenly she swung her right arm around, while the other continued to hold her staff. A dark black ball of fire unleashed from her palm and hurled at Arkalon. The dragon harnessed the training it too had received in the last couple months, and emitted a pure ice-blue light out of his mouth. It collided with the fire-ball and dissipated it completely. Septora continued to throw ball after ball of evil flames at the pair. Arky responded by dodging them this way and that in the air, and releasing his icy breath when needed.

  “We can’t keep this up forever.” Myles spoke to his dragon.

  He could tell that even though Arky was doing his best, he would soon run out of energy.

  “Just try to keep it up a little bit longer buddy, I think I know what to do.” Myles commanded.

  Arky roared and shook the skies with a newfound energy. He wouldn’t allow this demon witch to hurt his master. Meanwhile Myles grabbed tighter onto one of Arky’s spikes, and held his staff in the middle of the dragon’s scaly back. He closed his eyes and took himself back to a place he hadn’t seen in a long time. When he opened them, he found himself completely alone on a sandy beach
. Myles recognized that he was on the beach he had once walked so often, and this seemed to calm him. “There must be some reason why I’ve come here.” he thought, a part of him knowing that the battle continued to rage on outside of this place he was in.

  He walked further down until his favorite cave came into view. He sat crossed-legged on the stones near the entrance. He looked out at the sea, trying to determine what he could do to defeat a witch as powerful as Septora. A moment later he heard footsteps. A beautiful woman was walking alongside the shore, Myles caught her eye and realized it was his mother! She ran quickly up the beach and joined him by the cave.

  “Mom, is it really you? How is this possible?” Myles said, embracing his mother in a hug.

  “You would know that better than I would, my sweet boy. Oh how I have missed you so much.” she replied in a soft voice.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you and dad, I just had dreamed for so long about a life of adventure and I found myself right in the middle of it. But now it could be the end, I’m so scared Mom, I think Alfaron is dead and an evil witch is about to enslave all other wizards in the world.”

  She looked at him and smiled, “Myles I have known from the day you were born that you were different. That you would be a boy who grew into a man and did great things. And then when the letter came that day, I knew my premonition was coming true. I wasn’t sad, for I knew it was meant to happen to you one day. Your father understood too, and we are very proud of you.”

  Myles felt tears rushing to his face, but he held them back.

  “Thank you mom. I just don’t know what to do. If I fail, this life for me goes away completely and so many people will fall because of me.”

  “I think the answer has been in front of you the whole time, my dear Myles. You used to come here so often to gaze at those stars and the moon you spoke so highly about. I had never heard a child talk of the moon as if it too were a person until you came into my life. Perhaps now is the time to let your old friend help you.”


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