The Solar Doctrine

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by Miguel A. Fernandez

  The Solar Doctrine

  Copyright 2014 Miguel A. Fernandez

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  Table of Contents



  I Am, Therefore I Think

  A Noble Life

  The Razor´s Edge

  The Inner War

  Apocalypse Now

  A New Vision of Evil

  The Forces of Darkness

  The Descent to Hell

  The Lady of the Temple

  Seeking the Creator

  The Inner Dialogue

  To Be or Not to Be

  The Message of Salvation

  The Quantum Leap

  The Final Combat Against the SuperDragon


  The Dream

  The Miracle

  About Miguel A. Fernandez

  Other books by Miguel A. Fernandez

  Connect with Miguel A. Fernandez

  “This Doctrine is the doorway that opens a cosmic spiral into the Solar center of yourself”

  The Enlightenment

  This e-book “The Solar Doctrine” shall begin with a brief account of how its author, Miguel A. Fernandez, somehow eternally sank into what seemed to be a simple glass of wine…

  It was the year 2012… As any other normal and average citizen, I was standing at the bar of a pub, specifically in the “Bird´s Nest”, at few steps from Greenwich, London, having a drink and listening to a rock-band that was playing… Everything was normal. Everything was going well. Time and space kept up their rigorous coherence… Quite a logical thing considering that I was in the planetary zero longitude of one of the cities of the earth where the inhabitants are rigidly determined by strict schedules… Yet it didn´t take more than infinitesimal instants for all that mechanical order to collapse and precipitate towards an unfathomable and vertiginous abyss…

  Immediately a man and woman approached me… The guy, speaking to me in Spanish, introduced himself as Arthur “The Hero”… The first thing he blurted out as soon as he saw me was:

  -Hi Miguel… So… I see that the three of us shall drink from the Grail after all…

  I was struck dumb in an intense state of shock…

  -What?? Excuse me… Do I know you? -I asked, a little nervous…

  The following is the context of this mythical encounter: The “Bird´s nest” is a pub famous in southeast London for gathering and attracting the most varied people who have a few loose screws. The building front is characterized by a built-in classical London bus… So it was obvious that inside that pub one could await all kind of crashing experiences…

  -Yes… You know me perfectly well -he answered- Nobody knows me as well as you do, but the thing is that you just don´t seem to remember it… Would you allow me to refresh your mind while the three of us drink from the eternally wished-for cup?…

  -Yeah, of course… You´re both invited! -I replied, truly convinced that I was going to have a good chance to laugh and have a good time with that crazy guy…

  At first, the conversation was foreseeable, taking into account the pub we were in: the guy was telling me very seriously that he had been “a slave of the planetary power of darkness and the titans”, but that “thanks to the fact that he had found a saving light in his Lightsaber Iphone”, he had finally “defeated the biggest Dragon in history”, he´d then “saved the beautiful princess” and ultimately “saved the whole of humanity thanks to the power of the Grail”…

  I wanted of course to go along with all of that, since the whole story was indeed very entertaining…

  -So… then you mean by that, that we´re all saved from the “forces of evil” thanks to both of you… Fantastic… Too bad I missed the whole thing in the news!! Haha!

  -Well, not everyone actually -he commented- To be completely honest, in point of fact both me and Eve are saved. We´re the king and queen of the world and we dwell in the sovereign center of the universe… Isn´t it true my love?

  -Yes -the woman replied, very naturally and smiling sweetly

  -I see… Ok… So -I didn´t actually know why, but I was starting to feel a little bewildered and discomforted- Where are you both from? From what part of Spain?

  -I come from your imagination -he immediately answered.

  -Me too -she concurred…

  -Ok, I´m done… Stop messing with me -I said, believing to be a mere object of mockery- If you don´t want to cross that line, just forget about it all, and we´ll all go our own ways. All right?

  Instantly, Arthur took from his pocket an Iphone as if it was a pack of cigarettes, and turning on the screen as a sort of “Lightsaber”, he told me:

  -Look Miguel… We´ve already crossed the line. In point of fact we are actually in heaven. And we are both in heaven thanks to you. It´s impossible for you, me, and her to go on separate paths. Our destinies converge, and that´s why we are drinking from the Grail together. The pact must never be broken -he said, while further browsing the menus of his Iphone.

  -What pact? -I asked…

  -This one… -he forcefully stated to me… And immediately he exposed the contents of his Iphone…

  As soon as I saw the contents on the screen, I was immediately immersed in a threatening abyss and thought to be the victim of a mockery of the entire universe. I thought to die in the same place and that I was about to fall through a deep spiraled abyss… Almost blinded by the light of a powerful beam that radiating from the Iphone I could actually read my entire life, my destiny, who I am… Everything was already written down!! Who was “I” then?

  -How?… How, how do you know all that?? -I asked, still trapped in a state of terror and existential vertigo…

  -Because you already know it Miguel… The thing is that you´ve forgotten it for some time… It might be because of the roaring noises of this city, who knows… You can´t remember it, and that´s why we´ve come here to remind you about it, this is, we´ve came all the way down here to remind you about your destiny… We´ve came here to save you. By helping you to save your destiny, you´ll save us, for eternity. Do you fancy it? - Arthur “The Hero”asked me…

  By getting more and more impregnated by the powerful light of the Iphone, and just feeling like Alice in Wonderland, I was introduced to a timeless kingdom full of monsters, titans and heroes where my own human incarnation -no matter how hard it is for you to believe, my dear readers- had in effect a considerable participation, and where the everyday reality of ordinary life was not more that a poor fragment and mere mundane outcome of that entire mysterious kingdom… That´s why during those instants my conceptions about life were broken into absurd pieces, even though as a sort of salvation from all the dissolution and the chaos of the senseless, there finally emerged the potential of a new creative power emerging from the light of that 21st century Lightsaber that had the form of an Iphone…

  -What you can see here is “The Solar Doctrine” - Arthur “The Hero” said to me, pointing to the contents of his Iphone- It is my duty to give you back the light and the technological support of such light. It is now your responsibility to never become blinded by the light I´m showing you, nor ever blind by the power of your own destiny, and make a creative use of this light… Now that you already know my legend, your destiny is that of transmitting the light of my own legend in the more humanly possible way to the mere man, Arthur, who, as most of the people in the world today, is kind of as
tray. He needs to know about his own legend, about his true path, and only you are capable to trace it for him…

  For more than an hour I remained mind-boggled by the outrageous experience, and couldn´t even realize when Arthur “The Hero” and the woman had left the “Bird´s Nest” Had it all been a dream? Had it all been an intense hallucination? Had I mistakenly taken some LSD in what was supposed to be the “Grail”?… Still today I don´t exactly know what occurred during that fatidic moment of my life. However, the pages further written in this e-book are an account and memory in chapters of all I recall seeing in the magical Iphone of a mysterious character called Arthur “The Hero”…

  Let the Solar light be with you…



  I´m going to tell you the story of Arthur, a common fellow -such as you or me- whose life however became a legend, and where legend itself magnificently poured into his own flesh and blood. This legend is, naturally, that of the Solar Warrior.

  The challenge we encounter when telling Arthur´s story through the following pages, is that when it comes to approaching the actual circumstances of his life we don´t really know who Arthur is. In principle, this shouldn´t have to appear as such a difficult issue: Arthur Gonzalez, male, 39 years-old, married to Helena Galvez, who lives in Madrid (Spain) and who works as a PhD professor in a Department of Biology of the prestigious CSIC[1]. Quite a normal fellow living quite a normal life.

  This man, who could be you, me, or

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