The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 11

by Miguel A. Fernandez

a daily basis in his laboratory he could easily forget about himself and allow the intrinsic automatism of the prosthesis to perform all the researching activity, just as an efficient clock and pacemaker.

  But the fact of human physiology obeying the cybernetic imperatives of the Techno-System as a clock or pacemaker was not only restricted to the productive and work environments. Even the sexual relations with the entertainment pack “Helena, Arthur´s wife”, as you might guess my dear reader, couldn´t either be viscerally too satisfactory for Arthur. In point of fact, due to her own specific nature, it made a lot of sense that “Helena, Arthur´s wife” felt much more excited and turned “ON” when feeling observed and envied by thousands of anonymous individuals in the cyberspace cloud, and what mostly turned her “ON” was to know that she was desired in the virtual sense of “Look, but please don´t touch”, since as Arthur could regularly notice every four weeks, as soon as she was touched in the clitoris button, immediate a series of preprogrammed routines were activated in her, with her becoming all of a sudden an efficient machine of sexual postures similar to those of a porn actress whose function is that of acting and pretending, since in the deep recesses of her flesh she never felt anything and never reached an orgasm. As a sexual partner, her only function consisted of releasing the daily tensions and fatigue accumulated in Arthur during four weeks, so that he could get back to the laboratory the following day with low levels of testosterone, converted almost into a docile and easy going eunuch, even though such corporate procedures caused him progressively more weight gain and depression. Thus, at the end of the day, Helena´s function was mainly of a castrating type, helping Arthur to feel happy and content with his life situation.

  Despite Arthur´s poor and insipid sexual life, he however was very proud of his “Thought-action transducer for R&D Environments”, since he had sacrificed quite a lot during his teens and youth in order to attain such cybernetic and social status. In effect, during his previous process of professional training and formation, every time Arthur painfully amputated his original biological arms and legs, and he substituted them with automatic cybernetic prosthesis connected to his subconscious he received each time diplomas, masters degrees and PhDs, apart from the solemn congratulations of society and all institutions, which all mostly demanded efficient, impersonal, easy-going and automatic individuals in the workplace.

  Yet one day the creation ominously rebelled against the creator, as Victor Frankenstein´s monster… As any other technological prosthesis, the “Thought-action transducer for R&D Environments” also became eventually outdated and exhausted its use cycle. This caused the Techno-System, that entity that Arthur was still incapable of seeing at that time, to immediately implement the disconnection of the electric currents of his cybernetic prosthesis, leaving these in a terminal state of uselessness, inducing in Arthur the condition of jobless.

  Facing this dreadful event, Arthur was literally torn into pieces… Cybernetic pieces, of course… His dearest prosthesis no longer worked, and this implied that he was not capable of working either, not capable of functioning, and thus was ultimately becoming the undesired social condition of disposable human entity. In the best of cases he could however become recycled and reusable. But on the other hand, the most unbearable for him was to realize that he just had no idea of what was exactly going on; he just could not understand how life treated him so badly after having sacrificed both his legs, his right arm and one of his eyes for attaining that automatic stimulus-response happiness that was supposed to be what everyone had to achieve for fulfillment…

  It was precisely in that particular moment when all his fears, anxieties, rage, and hatred started to demonically inflame inside of him, leaving our hero exposed to an incommensurable amount of irrational energies that in no way could any longer be channeled through the characteristic sublimation of the entertainment processes. Such energies could be neither adequately channeled to mobilize the cybernetic and bionic parts of his body, since as we know these were already “Off”. So in a matter of milliseconds the abrupt and intimidating affirmation of these energies of the subsoil in his own body immediately exposed Arthur, for the first time in his life, to the immense and terrifying SuperDragon, which was just in front of him, with the entirety of its intimidating and terrorizing presence…

  In spite of its formless and dark aspect, Arthur could conceive in his own language this draconian creature as an enormous “Moby Dick”, as a sort of diffuse, gigantic, ubiquitous entity that was spread and camouflaged in the subconscious of all men, feeding their rage, their anger, their resentment, hatred, envy, selfishness, greed, providing power and extreme intensity to all passions, emotions and sentimentalities. Ultimately, modern men only temporarily succeeded in calming the forces of the SuperDragon through entertainment, diversion, compulsive work, political debates, catechesis morals, fast-food, and by ingesting a countless amount of pharmaceutical products… And yet Arthur was deprived of all of that during those moments… Everything was happening too quickly… He was finding himself completely alone against the Great Beast…

  Even though he had in front of him the saving T.V remote control, the irruption of the SuperDragon in his living room was this time too sudden and shocking, impeding him from reaching in time the remote control in order to tame the SuperDragon and keep it under control. During those moments, Arthur dramatically realized to what extent he could become extremely vulnerable against the SuperDragon when he could not resort to the T.V remote control, the Iphone, or a good selection of more than a hundred T.V channels… Would there actually be any method of controlling such a creature without the assistances provided by the Techno-System?… Our hero, being dominated during those fatidic moments by abyssal feelings of anxiety and fear, even doubted that that could be possible, for the simple reason that, despite the M.T.V channel or Marilyn Manson actually no human being had taught him how to fight against the monster that was during those precise moments very present in his living room. So all these doubts, fears, lack of certainties and autonomous skills when facing the SuperDragon left Arthur totally exposed to the super-creature, which suddenly began to demand its booty upon reality…

  Hence, thousands of hellish outbursts of rage, discomfort and frustration were thrown over Arthur, in the form of a devouring fire on the part of the SuperDragon. Arthur immediately and courageously felt that the only way of fighting against the monster of the depths would require in the first place getting rid of the weight and burden of his already useless cybernetic prosthesis. In truth, one thing is to calm the SuperDragon, and quite another is to defeat it… The intimate courage of Arthur allowed him to intuit that in order to defeat this monster he had to be exposed to it in the most visceral and direct way as possible, without intermediations, and naturally, without prosthesis… And Arthur´s will was not completely impeded, since he still had available his biological left arm, so he could then use it for good or for bad…

  So he didn´t waver at all… Being totally carried by a hellish rage, Arthur picked an axe with his left arm and started to violently cut at the electronic roots all his bionic members. Even though experiencing a pain of huge and savage proportions, he achieved to quickly get rid of the “Thought-action transducer of R&D Environments” which broke into electronic pieces on the ground. And while his body´s blood was spilt bubbling in streams, while being humanly immersed in a bizarre and gory episode of pure hysteria and madness, Arthur boldly decided to pull out the visual prosthesis that allowed him to process and classify information in Linux and Windows at efficient scrolling speeds… And at last, he later attempted to amputate the cybernetic leg called “Automatic Consumption”, but in this case, quite surprisingly, in a state of deep terror he observed the existence of a thick and hard tube that rigidly connected his cybernetic ankle to one of the pillars of his private cubicle. For moments, Arthur believed that in cutting his leg from its cybernetic roots he could eventually better release from this tube, but he instantly perceived that
the tube went through the hole extension of his leg from the foot to the waist, and was then introduced into his chest. It was the first time that Arthur had fixed his eyes on the oppressive character of a given conduct that, just as a rigid iron chain, was solidly locked inside his chest while on the other extreme was rigidly attached to one of the pillars of his private cubicle. And he then immediately knew what it was: his mortgage. This rigid mortgage connection had also been incorporated as a systemic extension to the “Thought-action transducer for R&D environments”, exactly the same as the conjugal pack of entertainment “Helena, Arthur´s wife” and the pack of happiness “American Way of Life”.

  And it was precisely at this stage of the combat that arose the hardest and most difficult moment that Arthur had to experience in his all life, since lacking already all cybernetic weapons and any other entertainment technique to calm the SuperDragon, he became totally exposed to the power and immediate terror of the supermonster in all its fury, and he couldn´t either physically

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