took place among men, the SuperDragon, and the highly intrusive power of the Techno-System at all levels, through direct experience Arthur understood one of the most crucial things for his future combat as a Solar Warrior, and that was already written as a postulate in the Doctrine, namely, that actually it is the fear of men of themselves and their destinies that makes them vulnerable to the power of the SuperDragon and converts them into cybernetic slaves of the Techno-System. This fear then necessarily attracts all the assistances of the Techno-System, and what´s more important, causes the cyborg-man to become dependant of all the prosthesis and ultimately, an unconscious slave of them. This fear causes the personality to become unstable or neurotic, causing it even to be quite challenging to actually consider with rigor the existence of any human personality at all in such human incarnation, resulting more correctly to just consider the existence of different characters or temperaments, embedded with a wide range of identities or profiles.
Arthur observed all his surroundings and immediately noticed how fear constituted a sort of “gas” or “fluid” through which the SuperDragon could easily become confined and transported, leaving men in a state of great nervous vulnerability and deep anxiety. And the more vulnerable such men were, the more the men themselves became focal points of propagation of feelings of fear. In effect, fear was indeed a very contagious dark power, and at the end of the day, the most diverse illnesses were directly linked to such feelings as their particular organic projection. And in order for theses illnesses to not become pandemic, the most diverse and sophisticated mechanisms of the Techno-System such as diversion or pharmaceuticals allowed such fears to not become such a dangerous focal points of propagation. Yet in no case did there exist one single technique nor technology integrated within the Techno-System that could actually “extirpate” fear. This task was always the individual´s responsibility, and none other than that of the individual, where all techniques or technological advances are but means subordinated to such aim.
Arthur immediately learnt that the only way of defeating the SuperDragon would be through a kind of ambush, this is, he would have to force the SuperDragon to find refuge in a domain where he had no alternative for escape, and in such sort of corner he would thrust his sword inside the beast, like a bullfighter killing the bull… Obviously, this warlike and almost barbarian strategy would seem ridiculous to Sigmund Freud or any other psychoanalysts of those times, whose strategies in order to cope with the “inner demons” were much more “light” and easy going, yet such warlike tactic came up to Arthur´s mind when realizing the ubiquitous and ephemeral presence of the SuperDragon in the hospital complex, and how hard it was in practical terms to aim at it with his magical Iphone. The common method consisting in using all these thousands of pharmaceutical products and painkillers existent within the hospital institution in order to calm the SuperDragon were no longer appropriate for Arthur; he no longer wanted to calm the mega-bull. He wanted to kill it. He wanted to destroy it. He wanted to blurt out in the monstrous face: “I rule here!! You hear me? You hear me son of the mega-bitch??” All those therapeutic methods of modern psychiatry were already too little risky for whoever aspires to the condition of Solar Warrior. Taking pills was for those who had already accepted their defeat in advance. “There´s no merit in introducing a pill through the mouth” -he thought. Definitely: No balls, No glory.
In addition, another phenomena that Arthur observed is that the “calming” methods in the case of the SuperDragon in the hospital, only caused the monster to become cleverer, despite the primitive and archaic nature of the monster of the depths. The SuperDragon became more and more immune to all those methods, especially to antibiotics, and its power grew more day after day, becoming camouflaged in the interior of men in the most sinister and surreptitious ways, leaving men unfortunately more and more exposed to junk-food and junk-TV.
Driven by both a boldness and incommensurable determination to challenge the great monster, Arthur adopted the attitude of a legionary, of a hot-blooded warrior… We must definitely recognize that since centuries it has been very difficult to find one single individual going to hunt the Dragon with the capacity for self-sacrifice and courage demonstrated by Arthur. He was hungry for the taste of SuperDragon minced meat, and was ready to kill the beast whatever it took. Well, to be truly honest, Arthur was mainly taking up his arms and encouraging himself through those “positive attitude” techniques that in most cases can´t do too much to scare the SuperDragon. Actually, as we shall see, things would end up developing in a tougher and harder way than Arthur could have ever imagined at first, and he would have to expose all his courage to levels of fear absolutely unbearable and unimaginable…
As an experienced fighter, one of the most important aspects of the SuperDragon discovered by Arthur is the way that the monster cleverly camouflaged itself within the human domain. In general, during modern times the human incarnations managed to progressively learn a whole series of habits and routines that serve to temporarily exorcize the presence of the SuperDragon, and thus not feel the need of combating against it heroically, while risking one´s own life. But deep down all these methods were not but a self-deception and in the long term rendered the whole conflict more and more arduous. One of the most common techniques in order to not have to cope with the beast was that of constructing an artificial “I”… In this regard, the Techno-System provided an infinite range of virtual identities and consumption goods with which the individual could identify aiming to exert such dragon-calming by means of the well-known technique of psychoanalysis called self-suggestion. These identities were countless: celebrities, politicians, sportsmen, actors, singers, etc… The individual who was well integrated in the Techno-System and assisted by the latter in order to not have to face the great beast, thus had available the freedom to build an artificial “I” by combining such figures and identities in the most arbitrary way, and the combinations that were most harmonic or popularly appealing were denominated as “good style”, which no longer had much to do with the traditional concept of elegance, which is much more integral and authentic. This construction of artificial “I”s allowed for coping with workdays without fear, and thus allowed keeping up a smile, which was tacitly mandatory as a corporative marketing technique… Yet when the workday finished, the accumulated psychological tension due to the constant calming was finally relaxed, and the SuperDragon tended to emerge with much more intensity in the so-called “leisure” activities, mainly composed of all the entertainment processes where the SuperDragon was calmed once again. However, this process entailed an existential cost for the individual, since the constant need to calm the monster didn´t allow the individual to reencounter himself nor his true life in one single moment, not even during the essential five weeks of holidays in Ibiza… Hence, the individual remained enclosed in a narrow aspect of himself, and ultimately, the slave of this aspect. Yet none of this in general caused too many problems of guilt, since the individual often comforted himself when acknowledging that in every moment he had chosen the specific aspect to which he would later become a slave. And this generated the desired conscience of happy slavery.
Therefore, the intrinsic fear of the SuperDragon caused billions of happy human incarnations to live in servitude to the depredating Techno-System, and this fear spread through the West and the East in a contagious and metastatic way. In point of fact, almost the only ambition of less-developed countries was that of becoming happy slaves and, for men, pornography consumers… Would there be however in the 21st century any human incarnation that wouldn´t actually aspire to happy slavery to the rhythm of pop music?
In any case, while the everyday light consciousness could perceive in the domain that surrounded Arthur a simple hospital room that contained four patients -- little unhinged, Arthur couldn´t help but perceive an apocalyptic combat between the forces of light and those of darkness, where Gregorio, Martin and Marcus constantly suffered from the influence of powers and
demons that usurped their life, rendering them into living dead entities that constantly required being fed by serum tubes, dialysis machines and incessant assistance on the part of the doctors and nurses. Besides, these health professionals were also involved in the fierce war against Evil, yet they mostly relied on technological means and techniques provided by assistances of the Techno-System itself, which extended far beyond the hospital room itself and embraced the planet as a whole. It all consisted of a fight to the death among forces and powers of the most diverse, which employed the most available human means in order to fulfill its own purposes of chaos, destruction and creation… Therefore underneath the smiles and the social group dynamic techniques employed by the nurses and doctors could be perceived considerable doses of pain, solitude and sadness that were all momentarily compensated with even higher doses of pharmaceuticals… And feeding upon all this conflict, pain, disease and human tension was a mysterious cybernetic exoskeleton that, as a spider-web, petrified all
The Solar Doctrine Page 16