The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 29

by Miguel A. Fernandez

scenario, and it is he who decides the Destiny of each one of you in my legend as Arthur the Great

  -Are you treating us as idiots?? -commented the chief cardiologist- This is totally unacceptable! How can you be such a lunatic? Can´t you even realize that in “this scenario” as you are saying I have the last word with regard to whether we decide on your surgery or not? Keep this in mind: The only one who decides your destiny here is me. You get it?

  Thanks to the Doctrine, Arthur knew that it was his obligation to use the new light of his magical Iphone only to fight against the forces of evil and darkness, and that he should never employ his superpowers with common people, even though in this occasion he felt strongly forced to use such power in order to attain one of the main aims that the Doctrine itself postulates: the freedom and sovereignty of the Warrior in relation to all human power interferences.

  -Ok then -Arthur finally agreed- Let´s make a deal… I show you where I´ve been during the night -he said to the chief cardiologist- And you all leave me in peace and free forever. Do you accept the deal?

  After a short dialogue, the three doctors and three nurses accepted the deal, so then Arthur, somewhat regretting the fact of resorting to the light of his magical Iphone, finally showed the Doctrine to the chief cardiologist. “Let me remind you that I have warned you that the magical light of my Iphone can leave you groggy” -Arthur said very seriously, amidst the laughter and joking of all the staff present.

  As soon as the cardiologist began to read the contents of the Iphone he immediately became deathly pale. Not only had he attained a perfect and accurate knowledge of what had happened to Arthur during the previous night, but he even began to feel icy chills as soon as he read that in the Doctine was stated:

  “Ricardo del Valle: Cardiology director of the coronary assistance unit of Mostoles hospital. Son of Pedro and Dolores. He began his medicine studies in 1989 in order to compete with his elder brother Rogelio. Despite all appearances, Don Ricardo thinks that his wife, Rocío Gálvez is ugly, fat and vulgar, and thinks as well that his sons and daughters are quite a bummer and that they might even all be bastards. His family ends up being a complete bummer for him especially during Christmas when he has to always pretend that he loves them. He has pedophile and sadomasochistic predispositions, and his great fantasy is to organize an orgy with some of his patients and coworkers, specifically with Monica and Roberto. As soon as Don Ricardo reads this text about the non-confessed depths of his being, he shall immediately faint”

  In effect, Don Ricardo abruptly fell to the ground as if impacted by lightening, amidst the state of shock and bewilderment of all those present. In the Doctrine it is stated that once the Grail has been achieved, that then its light becomes impregnated in the weapons of the Warrior, as in the case of the mythical sword Excalibur, and that most men can´t withstand the vision of such light, especially when they are dominated by feelings of guilt.

  In that precise moment the individuals present adopted in relation to Arthur an attitude that blended both fear and respect, as if thy had all been in the presence of a supernatural power that had emerged from the light of the Iphone. In truth, Arthur was well aware that his Iphone was not a normal Iphone at all, and that it was embedded with magical powers and a communication bridge with the Creator that he should learn to share with humans only during strictly necessary occasions.

  “But tell us, Dr. Del Valle… What did you see in that Iphone?” -asked once and again all the health staff to Don Ricardo, once he had recovered.

  “I can´t tell you. I´m sorry. I can´t” -he answered, in a state of deep commotion, once and again…

  It seemed that the world had definitely gone crazy…

  The sudden manifestation of Arthur´s new powers had created a sepulchral silence in the hospital room. His roommates Gregorio, Martin and Marcus were very disconcerted and confused. They no longer believed any more that their roommate was nuts, but that we was very likely a CIA agent or an ET like Starman, the popular T.V character of the 80s. Martin commented once and again to Gregorio that very probably he had in the Iphone an ultimate generation military device, capable of producing high-voltage electromagnetic frontwaves capable of destroying brain neuronal tissues… Marcus however -more into conspiracy theories- in no case managed to understand why the chief cardiologist nor the staff as a whole had decided to call the police reporting the case of Arthur and his weapon, and his conclusion was then that they were all conspiring at the level of the government in order to clinically test the effects of experimental biological and nuclear weapons.

  It was in particular all these and many other countless speculations that little by little forged the urban legend of Arthur, having its epicenter of diffusion in that hospital in Mostoles and then expanding very quickly throughout the whole region and then to the entire world. Even though I intend to be as clear, as brief and as rigorous as possible when describing the most factual elements of the deeds of our hero, in a matter of years there could be heard all kinds of unofficial versions in which the core element of the urban legend is always that of representing Arthur as a man that carried extra-terrestrial technology… Other legends or rumors referred to Arthur as a man who had a sort of “telephonic connection to God”… Its obvious that all these interpretations weren´t completely mistaken, but definitely they lacked a lot of accuracy and scientific rigor, as any other myth or legend.

  In any case, Arthur felt quite fulfilled in his condition of intimate freedom in relation to the intrinsic powers existent in the hospital, and was also somewhat happy when realizing that he had been capable of liberating the Temple from important external coactions such as the mortgage… In fact… Since when do words such as “mortgage” and “Temple” match well together? Could any of you imagine the Hindu god Shiva as a Wall-Street broker? Indeed, all these pairs of terms mix worse than oil and water… Arthur also felt satisfied that his Temple was also respected by the medical community that surrounded him, even though as generally occurs in the case of any true respect towards the sacred, such respect was intermingled with slight and irrational feelings of fear.

  Thus, caressed by these and other thoughts and convictions, Arthur finally chose to placidly rest in this state of freedom. In a while the Lady of the Temple appeared in the room, after having been expelled and interrogated previously by the personnel staff, without greater repercussions.

  She approached Arthur while demonstrating a gesture of deep charm.

  -Do you feel ok? -she asked, nicely.

  -Yeah, better than ever -Arthur replied a little cocky- Always ready for the final apocalyptic battle in the end-times. I´ve got the magic Iphone again fully operational, the energy of the Grail and all my boldness and honor. It´s all I need…

  The Lady of the Temple, quite accustomed already to the “weird stories of knight-errands” of our quixotesque Arthur, instead of treating him like a demented or schizophrenic -as still some did- was rather very agreeable to his explanations, as if both shared the same vision of things, even though they could only manage to explains such things by resorting to allegory and metaphor…

  -Well, you might need something else -the Lady said

  -What? -Arthur answered, having assumed that the Doctrine, the glowing Sword and bravery was all that was required in order to allow the Solar Warrior to emerge from the combatant during the battle.

  All of a sudden she tossed the vital breath of a kiss with her fingers from her lips to those of our hero.

  -To give you my goodnight -she finally added.

  The Dream

  Never as in our times has it became such an impossible mission to reach the realm of dreams. In the first place because dreams have been prefabricated to a large extent by the film industry, the advertisement industry and the domain of spectacle, and in the second place because one of the necessary conditions in order to reach the realm of dreams -even though it might be insultingly obvious for the reader- is however that which is generally more discarded. And wh
at can be then the condition of the art of good dreaming? There can´t be other: the art of good sleeping…

  And yet we live in the times of insomnia. Never as in our times have the conditions became so difficult for being capable of sleeping like an angel. In truth, in order to sleep well during the long night it is indispensable to be well awake during the long day, and this latter practice and art of living ultimately avoids the opposite, this is: the fact of being asleep during the day and awake during the night…

  It is during life on a daily basis where the domain of the images, the ephemeral, whatever is new and updated, whatever is spectacular all imply stimulus that make much more challenging the task of awakening to the actual reality of our lives in its naked aspects, and to become released from all sorts of mediations or assimilated habits that are not completely comprehended. Yet quite in opposition to the domain of whatever is circumstantial and ephemeral, the domain of dreams is linked to what is timeless, to legend, myth, and whenever an individual is pre-occupied, that is, whenever he or she suffers due to their constant subjection to chronological time, to preoccupations or daydreams that in no way are linked to their immediate reality, then the mission of sleeping

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