The Fourth Realm (The Ten Realms Book 4)

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The Fourth Realm (The Ten Realms Book 4) Page 4

by Michael Chatfield

  “Well, seems that you’re a good manager to have for all of this.” Erik looked out of the windows. “And, dude, this place is bad ass. I’m glad that we finally have an architect. Though do you know how many of the people from the blueprint office are now looking to try to make their way up here now?”

  Matt laughed, embarrassed and proud. “I’ll make it down to do some lectures. I’ve been racking my mind for information. You and Rugrat said that once I reach the Journeyman stage of a skill that I’ll be able to remember more but I’m still working to get there. I’ve copied down a bunch of information that I remember but most of it is going to need a calculator and an understanding of math. It’s a pain in the ass doing math with just pencil and paper.”

  Erik smiled at Matt’s problems.

  Matt’s sound transmission device lit up with a message. He replied to it and frowned.

  “You need to deal with something?” Erik asked.

  “Yeah, some big shot showed up.” Matt grabbed his pencil and took off his hat.

  “Were you able to get information on the Fourth Realm?” Erik asked.

  “This is what I’ve been able to get so far from conversation or otherwise.” Matt pulled out three thick folders.

  Erik accepted them and put them into his storage ring. “All right, you deal with the big shot. I’m going to head to the Alchemist Association to meet with Old Hei and then go to the Blue Lotus. I might not be back until later.”

  “Do you want protection?” Matt asked.

  “Nah, I should be fine.” Erik pulled his badge off his armor and attached it to his cloak so it could be seen from the outside.

  “Very well, sir,” Matt said in an exaggerated voice getting a smile from Erik before Matt’s smile turned more serious. “You look after yourself.”

  “You too man,” Erik said.


  Erik made it to the Alchemist Association Division Headquarters after passing several checkpoints and a number of different secretaries and then finally Khasar.

  He found Old Hei in his study. His desk was covered in Alchemy books and an assistant was asking him questions off to the side. Old Hei answered them while he continued to research. As one increased in level, there were other changes that happened with their body that weren’t reflected in attributes. An increase in mental abilities and an increased lifespan were some of these hidden advantages.

  Old Hei continued to note something down as the secretary went silent, seeing Erik enter the room.

  Old Hei frowned as he looked at what he had just written down. “I think that works. Erik, what do you think?” Old Hei turned around his notebook.

  Erik approached and looked at the information inside. “Using the centrifuge to refine three different substances from a singular ingredient,” Erik said. It made him think about how if blood were placed into a centrifuge, the result would not be just one substance. It would be broken down into different components that made up blood; mainly the plasma, platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes. Together, they were blood but the individual components had vastly different functions.

  “It is a good theory but there are some flaws. Do you know the densities of the different substances?”

  “Density?” Old Hei asked.

  Erik thought about how to explain it and instead got a cup, filling it with water and then pulled out some oil.

  “Water and oil are both liquids but when combined the oil will settle on the top.” Erik poured the oil on the water; instead of mixing, they stayed separate. “The water has more density than the oil, making it support the oil. Now, alcohol is less dense than oil.” Erik pulled out some high percentage alcohol he had made while doing Alchemy for medical emergencies and to clean instruments or hands when operating. He had the Clean spell but other medics would benefit from the highly focused alcohol. While a simple heal spell would clear up any infection, the alcohol prevented them from starting in the first place. He poured the alcohol on the oil and it made a third layer.

  “Liquids with smaller differences in density will take longer, or higher speeds with the centrifuge will be necessary to separate out. Some components might not separate at all, as they have the same density,” Erik said.

  “Density,” Old Hei said, marveling at having found a missing piece of information he had never thought of before.

  “With heat, the density of an item might change. Think of it like a piece of cloth: as heat is applied, the threads that make up the piece of cloth move apart from one another, which increases the area it takes up but it allows more through the cloth,” Erik said.

  “Your token,” Hei said.

  Erik pulled it out and gave it to Hei, who tossed it to his secretary.

  “Feng Fen, go and get Mana stones for this, biggest denomination, and get a scribe sent in here immediately!”

  The man bowed and rushed out of the room, already talking through his sound transmission device.

  The scribe rushed in just a few minutes later.

  “Lai Yi, good! Just record down what we’re saying,” Old Hei said, seeing the scribe.

  She nodded and sat in a chair with writing materials, readying herself. “Do you wish for a recording crystal?”

  “Yes. Have a few of them to make sure nothing is lost,” Old Hei said.

  Erik was a little confused but he waited.

  “Okay, so density—please tell me more about it, and heat changing it!”

  “Okay. Do you have ice?” Erik asked.

  Hei had some brought in and Erik put the ice in the cup.

  “As density changes with the temperature change, the colder ice is actually less dense than the oil and floats in it but the room temperature water is more dense. Increasing or decreasing the temperature of certain substances might allow them to combine together, or separate out from one another. The centrifuge spins items at high speed, pulling the denser items to the bottom of the vial due to the gravitational force applied…”

  Erik continued talking, with the scribe looking on with shocked eyes as Old Hei asked question after question. Feng Fen arrived but stood off to the side, listening to Erik.


  Feng Fen had heard about Erik before, the man who had helped Old Hei create a Master-level pill. Seeing he was only a Journeyman-level alchemist, Feng Fen felt there must be a hidden history between them but that Erik probably wasn’t that talented.

  Hearing Erik explaining concepts in great detail that he, as the secretary to one of the three pill heads, had not even heard about before shocked him to his core.

  Phenomena that had been half assessed and recognized were clearly and succinctly described—even demonstrated—by Erik.

  Alchemy focused on the ingredients and the formula, fighting to control the ingredients to conform to the formula to create a concoction. Erik was talking about the underlying knowledge of why substances and items of the world acted the way that they did.

  Hearing his words, Feng Fen’s mind and heart couldn’t help but tremble. Erik had exposed that their seemingly firm foundation was only standing on shifting sand.


  Old Hei forced himself to stop sometime later.

  Erik checked his timepiece, seeing that three hours had passed while he had given his impromptu lecture.

  “Thank you, Lai Yi. Could you make some copies and pass me one? Also, would you be able to copy the recordings on the crystals?” Old Hei asked.

  “Certainly, Pill Head.” Lai Yi stood and cupped her hands as she bowed deeply.

  “Thank you. I will review your notes later and add in my own thoughts and deductions behind the questions,” Old Hei said.

  Sensing her dismissal, she quickly cleared up her items and left through the side door she had entered.Before she left, her eyes drifted to Erik, who sat there calmly, drinking some tea that Old Hei had personally brewed.

  “Feng Fen, with this information, will you help me apply for a teaching reward from the Alchemist Association?” Old Hei asked.
br />   “Certainly.” Feng Fen cupped his hands and bowed his head. He was a high Journeyman-level alchemist but the words that Erik had shared left him shaken. Pill Head Hei could give out a reward himself but he didn’t believe that it would be worthy of the information that Erik had shared. Also, with his personal connection, he wanted to make sure that others didn’t call his actions into question. Another, hidden, reason was the interest it would spark in Erik’s information and in Erik, himself. It could allow Erik to reach new heights he couldn’t touch before and allow the information to propagate through the Alchemist Association at an accelerated rate.

  “I have also retrieved them payment,” Feng Fen said.

  Old Hei waved him forward.

  Feng Fen pulled out a number of boxes.

  “Seventy Earth-grade Mana stones, eight Mortal Mana cornerstones, fifty-six Mortal Mana stones, nine hundred thirty-three gold, seventeen silvers, and fifty coppers.”

  “Thank you.” Erik put the payment into his storage ring and accepted the token back from Feng Fen.

  Feng Fen bowed to them both and left. He didn’t think that it was at all inappropriate for him to bow to Erik; after all, he had learned a great amount from what Erik had said. Today, he had been Erik’s student.

  “It was hard for many of the alchemists to complete the age rejuvenation potions and only a few were able to complete the pill. I know that a number of Expert-classed alchemists have started to work on this pill too, as it is one of the most challenging for one’s Alchemy skills. Though it is cheap in resources, making it a great tool for those of the higher skill levels. I suspect in the future, as people learn more and are able to make this pill and potion, that they will do so repeatedly. Decreasing its price by some but increasing the overall amount created,” Old Hei said.

  Erik was a bit stunned by the amount of money given to him. After the money that Matt had made with the restaurant, even though Erik hadn’t seen an Earth-grade Mana stone yet, he had eighty-six of them in his possession.

  Feng Fen closed the door behind him as Erik leaned forward.

  “I had something else to ask about while I am here,” Erik said.

  “Go on.” Old Hei leaned forward as well.

  “I am aiming to head to the Fourth Realm and I wanted to get as much information on it as I can beforehand. Maps, different groups and their alliances, dangerous areas, safe areas. Alchemist Association and Blue Lotus locations.”

  Old Hei took a deep breath, letting it out as he stood and stretched his legs. “The Fourth Realm is not a simple place. The regions and the groups fighting in it change all the time. There are many people in the higher realms who have their eyes on the Fourth Realm. You’ve heard about dungeons, right?”

  “A bit here and there.” Erik nodded.

  The corner of Old Hei’s mouth lifted slightly but his expression disappeared as soon as it appeared. But Erik was sure that Old Hei knew more than he was letting on as he turned serious once more.

  “The Third Realm is still within the Mortal realm, while the Fourth is in the Earth realm. Having traveled through the lower realms, you know that as one increases in realm, the density of Mana only increases. But the Fourth Realm is an anomaly. There was apparently a massive war some time ago, and as a result, the Mana in the Fourth Realm became chaotic and saturated as people from other realms were dragged into it and the power of the Fourth Realm underwent a change. Dungeons occur in areas of high Mana concentration. They consume the ambient Mana in the area, cleaning and purifying it, and creating a multitude of things. A dungeon could be called a Mana holy land. The walls of a dungeon can give rise to rare resources, and perfect growing areas. It is believed that the dungeons are a way for the Ten Realms to attempt to regain balance. They calm down the Mana in the realm.

  “But the war that was started so long ago over the dungeons in the Fourth Realm continues. People fight for dungeons and for the regions they occupy. There are constantly more dungeons appearing and being fought over. It is one of the richest realms, which means that the competition is even higher. A dungeon could hold Earth, Sky, or even Celestial grade materials, and unlike mines that are found naturally in the realms, the materials will come back with time. Imagine a cave that re-grew every day, holding Earth-grade iron, or Sky-grade iron, with jewels and other materials.

  “Also, as one goes from Mortal to Earth, the Mana increase is a major step up so people are more likely to experience breakthroughs. Children born in these higher realms will have many more Mana gates open from birth and have a higher chance of awakening a hidden constitution, making it possible for them to increase their level faster. In the Third Realm, the Alchemist Association is the overlord because of our strength but in the Fourth Realm there are no set leaders. Even someone who dominated a continent for decades could be toppled in a week. As such, the city structure is different. Each of the cities not only has a strong fighting force, they also have crafters of all kinds supporting them. It is a dangerous land but it is the first land where most of the population at least have a passing knowledge of the different crafts.

  “In the Mortal realms, a sect that controls a city or even a region will usually study just one thing in the area that they control.

  “In the Fourth Realm, these sects gather together in alliances, solidifying their bonds. So, say there is one that is good with making weapons, another with Alchemy and formations, others with using shields or swords. They get together to make up for one another’s weaknesses. Specialization sects are amalgamated into multi-tiered sects. In the Fifth Realm, these sects are no longer loose alliances but become one complete sect, many different disciplines working together as one entity. It is the only way that the sects of the lower realms can compete with the sects in the Seventh and higher realms. In the Fifth and Sixth Realms, Journeyman-skilled crafters and fighters are seen as chaff and Experts gather increased attention and support. Once the sects reach the Seventh Realm, numbers don’t matter. Groups and sects of the Seventh Realm are rated almost solely by the Experts that they have been able to raise. Beyond that, I do not know. The reason I say this is because while I can give you maps and locations for different places in the Fourth Realm, the lines of war are constantly changing—territorial lines are shifting, nations falling and rising on a monthly or yearly basis. I will have the maps collected but they are useful for the geographical information more than anything.

  “In the Fourth Realm, there are also trading cities. These are cities that are controlled by one of the larger powers in the Ten Realms, like the Formation Emporium, Alchemist Association, Blue Lotus, and Celestial healing houses, they fight among one another like siblings but unite when facing outside threats.

  “Then there are the Crafter’s and Fighter’s Associations. The Fighter’s Association contract mercenaries and they can be found wandering the Fourth Realm. They have a code of conduct but they are mainly mercenaries trying to increase their fighting strength. The Crafter’s Association was made for the crafters who do not have a patron god, to support one another and avoid being trampled by the other powers. In the trading cities, anyone is allowed to come, to sell their items, attempt to join the powers or buy new items. The powers are always bickering with one another but fighting is strictly prohibited by the charters of each of the powers. As the gods of the Ten Realms, although they might have arguments, they still work together.

  “That is not to say that everyone keeps to these rules. In the higher realms, the powers work together, remaining neutral in conflicts and looking to increase their people’s strength. The trading cities are neutral and if there are dungeons in their vicinity, they fall under the control of the different powers. An agreement is made up where the Fighter’s Association will protect or clear the dungeons while the other powers will come to an agreement to split apart the products of the dungeon. Trading cities are attacked from time to time but the powers working together are hell to fight, so attacks are rare. They also act as a mediator when requested but th
ey stay out of wars and the rest. If someone wants to enter a trading city, they will need to pay a fee and be accepted as a citizen or get a pass that will only allow them to stay in the city for a limited time. People up to the Sixth Realm will sometimes choose to enter the Fourth Realm. As a result, fighting is not simple. Armies are a factor but in the Fourth Realm and higher, tempering and unlocking one’s Mana gates is more common. Body and Mana cultivation is more widespread, a person that can go to the fifth or the sixth realm but stay in the fourth realm are usually only there for one reason, to kill the people that are the same level as them to gain experience. These are people that have increased their strength by killing those stronger or on the same level as themselves. Do not take them lightly. They test out the people from the lower realms in the fourth realm, keeping them there until they can reach the seventh realm or they are capable enough in their skill to warrant sending them to an academy in the fifth or sixth realms. The Fourth realm is a complicated economy as the materials from the Fourth Realm are used by the higher ups within the realm or channeled to the higher realms to improve the progress of talented sect members.”

  “How will forces fight?” Erik asked.

  “Cities are usually built on top of dungeons, with the entrances controlled strictly by the different powers. I have heard of an imperial city that stood on top of three different dungeons. Even under siege, they were able to last until they trained up a new batch of fighters who turned the tide of battle and destroyed their enemy. Warfare in the Fourth is focused on killing off the controlling power and asserting control of their dungeons, or defending one’s cities and dungeons against exterior attacks.


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