Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4)

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Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4) Page 16

by Sherilee Gray

  Oh my God. We were going to have sex, right here, right now, where anyone could walk in on us. The idea turned me on so much, my inner thighs were slick.

  His hands gripped my bare ass, pulling my cheeks apart, and he groaned. “I’m gonna fuck this ass one day. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Bambi?”

  “Yes,” I said instantly. I wanted to try everything with Jesse, anything he wanted to give me. I’d like it. He’d make sure of it.

  He squeezed my ass again. “Now as much as I’d like to eat this gorgeous ass and lick your juicy pussy, I can’t. We have a bit of a time constraint. Bull’s due any minute for another session with one of my brothers, Dice.” The crinkle of a condom wrapper. “Which means I have to fuck you quickly so we don’t get caught.”

  I shuddered and bit my lip to stop from moaning, excitement racing through me.

  Jesse made a rough sound. “Yeah, I had a feeling my girl would like that,” he said as the head of his cock nudged my opening.

  I whimpered.

  “You want it rough, Lila?”

  It was like he could read me, body, mind, and soul. “Yes. Yes, I want that.”

  One of his hands gripped my hip, the other running down my spine. “Hold on tight. I’m gonna have to fuck you nice and hard, get you off quick. We don’t want anyone walking in while I’m buried in your tight little pussy, now do we?”

  I shuddered again, so turned on my inner muscles clenched hard and liquid heat trickled from me.

  Jesse bit out a curse and slammed into me.

  I screamed, the pleasure so intense my legs started to shake. Jesse’s hard body came down over mine, his hand covering my mouth. “We have to stay quiet so no one hears us,” he rasped against my ear.

  I moaned against his hand, and my pussy fluttered around his cock.

  He kept me pinned to the table and fucked me hard and fast like he promised, almost brutally. It was awesome. I loved him pressing me down, pounding into me. I couldn’t get enough.

  He changed the angle of his hips suddenly and the head of his cock nudged the spot inside me that made my head spin and my heart race.

  The bell above the door jingled in the main room, followed by low voices. Bull and Dice. Jesse’s hand stayed over my mouth, muffling my cries and moans, and the other came around between my legs. He pressed down on my clit, rubbing it quickly in time with his ruthless thrusts.

  I screamed against his fingers, coming hard as Jesse grunted against my ear. He stiffened, cursing under this breath as his cock pulsed inside me, coming with me.

  “You in there, Riff?” Bull called from the hall.

  I don’t know what was wrong with me, but my inner muscles clamped down harder at the idea of us being caught.

  Jesse pressed his forehead against my shoulder and hissed before clearing his throat. “Yeah, just with a client. Be done in a sec.”

  The low thud of boots moving away, followed by a door shutting down the hall came next.

  I lay there trying to catch my breath as Jesse kissed the side of my neck, then carefully pulled from me.

  I couldn’t move.

  Jesse shifted behind me, getting rid of the condom. Then he was there again, helping me straighten, tugging up my underwear for me, doing up my jeans. I gathered the energy to turn and face him, and rested my head to his chest as he stuffed his cock back in and did up his own jeans.

  He pressed his mouth to my ear. “That was so fucking hot.” His voice was hoarse.

  Then he fisted my hair gently, tilted my head back, and kissed me hard.

  When he lifted his head, I glanced at the door. It was locked. There was never any chance of us getting caught. But Jesse had found a way to give me what I needed in a way that kept me safe. We smiled at each other.

  “God, it was,” I said, still feeling shaky.

  “My mom warned me about girls like you.”

  I couldn’t control my smile. “Hey, what did I do? You’re the experienced one, remember?”

  He grinned, flashing his white teeth, eyes bright. “I’m not sure which one of us is the bad influence here anymore.”

  I laughed. “It’s not me. You’re a wizard. One look at those pretty green eyes and my underwear disappear.”

  Jesse laughed, cupping my butt and squeezing. Finally, he sobered and aimed those dangerous green eyes at me again.

  “You’ve got me all in knots, Bambi. Don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do to keep you.”

  Then he kissed me again.

  I felt the same way.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I glanced at Lila as we pulled up to the clubhouse. I wanted her to have a good time tonight. I wanted her to love these people as much as I did. They were my family, and if things went the way I hoped, they’d be her family as well.

  There were quite a few trucks and cars parked out front. No bikes. They were away for the winter, and last night we’d had a decent dumping of snow.

  The Ramblers always had a family party when we had the first proper snowfall. It was kind of a tradition, but mainly just another reason to have a party. This was family only, though. No hangers-on. No women except old ladies and girlfriends.

  Lila glanced out the window to the group of kids tearing around in the snow and turned back at me frowning. “There are children here.”

  I’d tried to explain a bit about the club to her, about tonight, but I’d obviously done a shit job. “This is family only. My brothers, their old ladies, kids.”

  “I thought this was a party?”

  “We’ll all eat, hang out, have a few drinks. The kids will go home and the adults will let loose a little. This isn’t like the last time you were here.”

  “I’m not sure I like the term old lady,” she said, brows lowered.

  I knew that was coming. Honestly, I was surprised it hadn’t come sooner. I took her hand and slid my thumb under the small bird I’d inked on her smooth skin. “Being someone’s old lady is not a bad thing; it’s a commitment, a sign of respect.”

  She screwed up her face.

  “Bambi, you can’t do that in there.”

  “Do what?”

  “Be all judgy.”

  She scowled. “Judgy? I’m not…”

  “Talk to some of the women tonight. They know you’re coming, are looking forward to meeting you. You can ask them whatever you like about being in the club. Just don’t look down your nose at them.”

  She straightened. “I’m not doing that. I would never do that.”

  I’d tried to keep her and the club separate, but that wasn’t working for me anymore. And her reaction now highlighted what a mistake I’d made. I thought keeping her away would keep her safe from my old man, from seeing the parts of me I wanted to keep hidden, but I was wrong.

  My father wasn’t going to back down anytime soon. His calls and messages had been coming thick and fast. The safest place for Lila was with me, wearing my property patch, the whole club protecting her. And there was only one way to achieve that.

  Yeah, my father was a Rambler, their club brother, but a lot of them also knew he was an asshole. I’d talked to Stones, he already suspected my old man was up to something, that he’d been in deep with Trip and the shit he’d pulled. But we didn’t have proof. Until then, I needed Lila safe.

  But that wasn’t the only reason I wanted her wearing my property patch. I wanted Lila. I wanted her on the back of my bike. I wanted everyone, including that fucker Jarod, to know she was mine. I wanted it all, and this was the only way to get it.

  Though I didn’t expect Lila to hear from that asshole again. I’d hunted him down easily enough. We’d had a little talk, and he’d agreed very quickly to stay away from my girl. Or should I say, he chose to live.

  “It’s my fault, I should have explained some of this stuff to you before now. But we have rules in my world, and when we’re here, I need you to follow them.”

  Her eyes sharpened. “What kind of rules?”

p; “First, don’t screw your face up at people…”

  “I already said I wasn’t, that I would never…”

  “And don’t give me shit in front of my brothers. Here, you need to do as I say. I can see you’re getting pissed, and you can tell me I’m a dick when we’re alone, but not in front of my brothers.”

  She scowled, and twisted prick that I am, my dick got hard. Feisty Lila was a turn-on. But then everything Lila did made me hard.

  “Do as you say?” she said, eyes narrowed, cheeks pink.


  “Give you shit? When have I ever given you shit? What the hell does that even mean?”

  I lifted my hands in surrender. “Bad choice of words.”

  “Well, maybe you should try again, and this time I suggest you choose your words more carefully.”

  Oh yeah, she was angry. “You wanna fuck in my truck before we go in, release some tension? ’Cause I gotta say, seeing you this pissed off is a serious turn-on.”

  “Goddammit, Jesse,” she bit out.

  What the hell is wrong with you, asshole? I lifted my hands again. “Sorry, wrong thing to say. Okay, choosing my words.” I never was great with words, but the angry blush crawling up Lila’s neck did not mean good things for me. I needed to make her understand without her kicking me in the balls. “How about, we don’t argue in front of the club? We respect each other.”

  “Why would we argue?” she said, sounding frustrated as hell.

  “It’s just hypothetical.” I leaned over, grabbed her hips, and scooted her closer on the bench seat. “Being in a club like this is about being free, living by our own rules. Being told what to do by your women makes you look weak. Okay, I see I made you angry again.”

  Fire ignited in her eyes. “What clued you in?”

  “You keep glancing at my dick like you want to tear it off.”

  She smiled and it wasn’t sweet.

  “Look, Bambi, half the guys in there are whipped, happily so. But we can’t look weak. So yeah, it seems chauvinistic or whatever, but can you just do this for me? It’s a safety thing as well. If I tell you to do something, there’s always a reason for it. I’m not going to abuse that shit. I want you to have fun. The only time I get off on ordering you around is when we’re fucking, and you like that as well.”

  She did not look any happier. “If you’re trying to sell your club to me, I have to say, you’re doing a seriously crappy job.”

  Shit. “Well, hopefully by the end of the night you’ll feel differently.”

  She pulled away, muttered something under her breath, and climbed out.

  Good work, dickhead. I’d majorly fucked that up; now she was going in already expecting the worst.

  I met her at the front of the truck and tucked her into my side. “You gonna be pissed at me for long?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  I kissed the top of her head and she leaned into me. I bit back a smile, which wasn’t easy. Lila seeking comfort from me, even when she wanted to knee me in the nads, made me feel pretty damn good.

  We walked inside and heat from the large, freestanding fire in the center of the room washed over us. The place was pretty clean, something that only happened when we had family parties, when the old ladies came in and sorted shit out. I loved my brothers, but they were pigs.

  Some of the women were laying out food on a big table at the end of the room. Stones’s old lady, Mandy, was in charge, and there were a bunch of other women there helping as well.

  I gave Stones a chin lift and took Lila’s hand, steering her toward the table. Lila tried to pull away, looking panicked.

  “They’re good women, Bambi. You’ll like them.”

  “Yes, but…”

  It was too late, whatever she was going to say ended on a low curse, because we were standing in front of them. Mandy gave me a hug and turned to my girl.

  “Lila, right? I’m Mandy, Stones’s old lady.”

  Lila’s shoulders stiffened a little, but she smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you.”

  Mandy wrapped her arm around Lila’s shoulders and pulled her away from me. “Come on, honey, you’ll have more fun with us.” Mandy glanced at me. “Go on now, I’ll take good care of her.”

  “I’ll just be over here,” I said to Lila, and pointed to the other end of the room where the bar took up almost the whole length of the place. Manic and a few others were there drinking.

  Lila bared her teeth in what I assumed was supposed to be a smile but looked more like a threat to bite the head of my dick off. I’d thrown her in the deep end, but I needed to fast-track things and this was the best way I could think to do it.

  I sure as shit didn’t know what it was like to be a woman in this club, so this was also the best way for her to find out. They were tough, and smart, took no shit, not from anyone, especially not their men, but they knew the rules and they could help Lila understand my world and what her place would be in it a lot better than I could. They’d teach her what it meant to be in this family.

  I hoped so, anyway.

  I ignored her narrowed eyes, strode back to her, kissed her hard, then left her with the women. She’d either get it by the end of tonight or not.

  I didn’t want to think what it might mean if she hated it. I wasn’t giving her up, ever, but it would make things extremely difficult.

  Shit. I hoped like hell I hadn’t made a huge mistake bringing her here.


  Two hours later, we’d eaten and I’d given up shooting eyeball daggers at Jesse. God forbid someone would see and I’d make him look weak. How dare I, a lowly woman, have a backbone and show it.

  Grrrr. His words had been going around my head since he said them, and as hard as I tried, there was no other way to interpret them. They were all a bunch of sexist pigs.

  Thankfully, the women were awesome. They definitely didn’t seem downtrodden or meek. They were funny and open and had made me feel welcome.

  Mandy walked back into the room carrying a big glass jug of some fruity-looking drink. She filled my glass and hers, and passed the jug to Jodie—a Rambler named Spanner’s old lady—and sat down beside me.

  Nope. Still did not like that term.

  I sipped my drink, it was delicious and strong. Really strong.

  “The kids have gone to the sitter, time for all the dirty details,” Jodie said and winked.

  My eyes must have widened because they all laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh with them.

  Mandy leaned forward. “Never thought that boy would settle down. The way I hear it, he stopped screwing around as soon as he met you.”

  I sat up straighter. “Really?” I mean I knew Jesse wouldn’t cheat on me, but still—as soon as he met me?

  Mandy laughed. “Do you doubt it? He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he left you with us.”

  “Think he’s worried we’re going to corrupt you?” Jodie said and waggled her eyebrows.

  Maybe it was the drinks I’d had, but I found it easy to talk to these women. I liked them a lot. “More like he’s worried I’ll embarrass him.”

  “Did he say that?” Mandy asked, eyes narrowed.

  “He said I shouldn’t give him shit and make him look weak when we’re here. That I should do as he says.”

  Kelly, another old lady, shook her head. “Grinder tried to pull that shit with me, too. He quickly leaned I obey no man.”

  The other women nodded their agreement.

  “Look,” Mandy said. “This is their club, and we respect that and don’t interfere. They’re not your average guys, but if you think for a moment that means we do what we’re told, that we don’t have lives and careers of our own, a voice, you are misinformed. I’m a family lawyer for a firm here in Black Stone. Jodie owns her own salon, and Kelly’s a school teacher. We’re successful, independent women, we also just happened to fall in love with bikers.”

  I stared at her stunned, then blushed. I’d judged them without knowing anything about th
em. “I don’t feel so bad about being a librarian now,” I said, shamefaced.

  They all burst out laughing.

  Jodie refilled the drinks.

  “If you have any questions, Lila, just ask,” Kelly said, offering me a gentle smile.

  I chewed my lip. I did have questions. Several of them. Screw it. “The last party I came to here…there were girls, a lot of them and…”

  “They’re not old ladies. They come to party with the guys. But that’s it. They’re not one of us. And that’s why you don’t see them here now.”

  I frowned. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  Mandy shrugged. “Stones doesn’t fuck around. I would never put up with that.”

  “Grinder would lose his dick if he so much as touched another woman,” Kelly said.

  Jodie nodded. “Spanner doesn’t screw around, either. But yeah, some of the guys do. If you haven’t already, you need to tell Grifter what you expect from your relationship and don’t accept anything less.”

  “I don’t think Jesse would cheat on me.”

  Mandy grinned. “Me either. The boy is gone on you. He’ll have a property patch on you before you know it.”

  I froze in my seat. “No offense, but I don’t want that. I’m not anyone’s property. It doesn’t matter how much I love Jesse, I won’t be doing that.”

  Then I froze again. Not only had I just insulted these women, I’d told them I loved Jesse, and I hadn’t even told him that yet.

  “I understand where you’re coming from,” Mandy said, and thankfully, she didn’t look angry. “Look, any woman coming into this world without any knowledge of club life balks at the idea of wearing a property patch. When I first met Stones and he tried to give me one, I threw it back in his face. I didn’t understand what it meant.”

  “I won’t be controlled. I’ve had enough of that in my life,” I said.

  “It’s not about that, Lila. A property patch is a sign of respect. It’s not about ownership, it’s pretty much the equivalent of a wedding ring in our world. It’s your man telling his brothers, his club, any club, that you are protected. If anyone tried to harm you, that person wouldn’t just answer to Grifter, he’d answer to every single Rambler. Every member here would lay their life down to protect yours.”


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