Love Potion: A Valentine's Day Charity Anthology

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Love Potion: A Valentine's Day Charity Anthology Page 31

by Graceley Knox

Chapter 3

  The Valkyrie Leadership Council is located in Olympus, in this super pretentious building chiseled out of marble with naked statues littering the outside of it. Every time I’m here, it feels like someone is standing on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I hate coming here, and I’m sure my face shows the emotion I’m not good at hiding. I run my fingers over my lips without really thinking on it, remembering Herc’s lips and how good it felt. I also remember how I didn’t find out where Zeus is. I’m a damn terrible Valkyrie...though Hela is still alive, so that has to be a coin in my favour.

  It’s not that I don’t like my job. It led me to Hel, and being her friend makes the crazy rules and sense of duty thrust on me almost worth it. But I never had a choice. I was created for this purpose, and I’ve never had the opportunity to choose anything else. My parents—hell, my whole family—are honourable Valkyries, and they never break the rules. If any of them found out about kissing Herc—and oh, dancing with the god of pleasure—I'd be so screwed.

  There was this one time in the seventies, I taught myself how to play guitar. I wanted to sing about peace and other sappy shit. But back in those days, I was sworn to protect a rather destructive god, and I was always on the clock, fixing his messes. It was hard to focus on love when you were picking up dead pieces of whatever the god of destruction just killed. Those were some gross years.

  I walk up the steps of the towering building, listening to my heels echo off the marble floors as I walk. I put my long, blond hair up in a bun at the top of my head and frown when I’m greeted by Frank, the meddling Valkyrie with a cushy receptionist job. He’s been here for as long as I can remember, and he takes his job very seriously.

  “You’re late,” he clips while looking down his nose at me. Most Valkyries always wear their warrior’s garb, but I prefer to blend when in the human realm. Besides, I actually like the human style. The armor most Valkyries wear hides all my best assets, and I like to show off.

  “I’m on time!” I scoff, a bold-faced lie. I have no idea what time it is or if I’m late at all. I likely am, but I’m not telling ass face that.

  “You should be, at the very least, fifteen minutes early at all times to everything. To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late,” he says. Frank is bald, and although he is strong like the rest of the Valkyries, he looks like a middle-aged human going through a midlife crisis. I think that’s what being cooped up here at the leadership council does to people. Dude needs to get laid. Or leave the house for more than five seconds at a time.

  “Whatever, Frank. You gonna let me inside? Announce me?”

  Rolling his eyes, Frank produces a clipboard from thin air and looks over it for a moment, even though he knows I’m on the schedule to meet with the leadership council today. “Ah, here you are,” he says before dramatically dragging his finger across the parchment paper. “Let’s go, shall we? I think I’ll actually sit in on this one. You always have the most interesting meetings.”

  It takes everything I have not to stab his eyes out. By “interesting meetings,” he means I get in trouble often. I struggle to conform to the Valkyrie way of life, and it pisses a lot of people off. Last meeting, they complained that I was getting too close to Hela. Our job as Valkyries is to observe and protect. We’re told from the beginning that there is a balance to everything. The creator made us to maintain that balance, to ensure the gods are protected to do their bidding.

  Down the hallway we travel, Frank keeps looking over his shoulder at me to make sure I’m not messing with anything. And once we arrive at a pair of towering, wooden doors, I suck in a deep breath before waltzing inside.

  The room is large, and a row of fancy wooden bleachers lines the sides. It’s a circular judgement room, and in each seat is a higher Valkyrie, each of them sparkling in their warrior best and staring down their noses at me in my black pants and red tube top.

  Frank does his introductions and bows so low I’m sure his nose is touching the marble floors. Once he’s gone, I look up at the bane of my existence.


  The biggest prick in the Valkyrie community and the person that reports directly to the creator. He’s in charge of us all, and I haven’t gotten close enough to check, but I’m most certain he’s got a stick the size of this building shoved so far up his ass that it’s making it hard for him to think of anything but himself and his big pretentious ego.

  “Val, so good to see you again,” he says in a soft voice. Doesn’t help that the guy has asked me out at least sixteen times. He doesn’t actually like me. Just likes to know he can have whatever he wants whenever he wants.

  “I’d say the same, but you know whenever I’m here, it’s usually not for my stellar performance on the field,” I reply with a quick bow before looking around the room and taking in the various frowns of disapproval surrounding me.

  “On the contrary. We have a job especially suited for your particular skills,” he coos with a smirk that makes me want to jump in the shower and scrub myself clean.

  “Oh? Would this have anything to do with Zeus trying to hurt my charge?” I ask. I hear a few collective gasps. All the Valkyries have a proverbial hard on for the gods. They don’t like to accuse them of being anything but perfect, but I know better. They’re bitter and a bunch of petty bitches.

  “We have not been tasked with finding that information out,” Maximilian quickly says before looking around as if worried that Zeus himself is listening in. “If it is the creator’s will for us to investigate, you will be the first to know.”

  I scoff, “First to know,” my ass. I’ll be investigating on my own. Or Loki will. That’s one determined god.

  “No, we have a matter of the utmost importance to address. With the death of Persephone, there is an unbalance on earth. We need to find the replacement god of love and help them through accepting their god powers. We feel that you would be most suited for tracking him down and bringing him in. He’s a human, again. All gods of love are. It’s somewhat of a requirement, you know.”

  I look up at Maximilian and wonder if he purposefully sits under a large beaming light to look like a god or if it’s positioned there by coincidence. “And why do you think that this is something I’m best suited for? Don’t you think that my time is better spent on my current charge? Her life was threatened, for gods’ sake,” I say with a frown.

  Maximilian leans forward. “I’ve heard the rumors, Val. I’ve heard how you sometimes like to seduce gods. I think we should put your talents to good use. We need to bring the new god of love in, and you are pretty...persuasive.”

  I frown, that’s a dangerous accusation. If anyone thinks that I’m building a relationship with a god, I’ll be stripped of my powers. I’ll be...mortal. “Besides,” he continues while chuckling with the Valkyrie next to him, “you were assigned to Hela before she came into her powers. Now that she’s reunited with her gods and has her powers, she’s more than capable of protecting herself. We’re here to maintain the balance, Val. We let the gods work through their grievances on their own. We observe and step in when the balance is at risk.”

  “Or when it serves your own interests,” I whisper under my breath.

  If Maximilian hears me, he doesn’t say anything. “Just remember, dear, it’s fine to play and tease. We all know that the gods have insatiable appetites,” he begins before licking his lips and looking me up and down. “Just don’t actually do anything. I’d hate to have to strip you of your Valkyrie status. You’re already on your third strike, and I’ve heard whispers that you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with Hercules...”

  More gasps erupt around the room, like just the idea of me mingling with the gods aside from my duties is preposterous. Have none of them actually seen a god? I mean, how can they resist? They’re literal gods—and have bodies to match.

  “So you just want me to seduce, don’t actually fuck the dude. Got it, boss.”

  “You must convince him to accept his god
powers. Free will is something the creator is big on. He won’t become the new god of love unless he agrees to it.” I nod, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Who wouldn’t want to be a god?

  “I’ll have him organizing orgies by morning,” I joke before looking around the room, taking in the unamused expressions of everyone around me.

  “You’re dismissed,” he says with a sigh before waving his hand. I go to step away when he stops me. “Wait, you will need this.” I turn around and hold my hand out, and within seconds, a red stone attached to a chain is resting in my palm. I tilt my head to the side as I stare at the stone, seeing swirls of power inside of it. It’s seductive to even look at. What kind of stone can turn you on?

  “That is the stone of the god or goddess of love. They must accept it and its powers of their own free will. Until then, you are its guard. Now you may leave.” And of course I can’t just walk out the front door. No. The asshole opens a portal and I’m sucked through it again, my legs being swept up from beneath me, and my legs fly around, making my pants rip, thus flashing my black thong to everyone in the room.

  I sure do know how to make an exit.

  Chapter 4

  I blink my eyes open, seeing green grass and hearing the sound of people giggling nearby. There are also footsteps passing on the concrete beside me. “Ouch,” I groan while stretching. Damn portals. I can smell coffee, the decent kind, which makes me suspect that they sent me back to earth. There is also a distant sound of music, faint as we are outside. The breeze is warm against my exposed skin. Shit, am I naked again? Would be something Maximilian would do, portal my clothes somewhere else. I sit up, seeing that I have something that barely resembles a dress on, and that I’ve been portalled to campus...the same campus where Hel was living until she found out she was a goddess. I glare at the two girls giggling next to me. They’ve stopped walking along the path to purposely giggle and point at me. I hate when someone sends me through a portal.

  "What happened to girl power? Helping a fallen friend?" I say, huffing at them as they run away, still laughing. What are they laughing at? I look up as someone places a leather jacket with a soft interior trim over me. Turning, I’m then face to face with a smiling Broc, who helps me stand up as I hold the jacket around my shoulders.

  "You keep portalling away from me,” he says with a playful growl, “and you have a hole in your dress...several actually. I think the entire campus might have just seen you naked," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "And for some odd reason, that makes me want to kill every single one of them."

  "Whoa, you’re the god of pleasure, not killing," I say with a small smirk, and he laughs as I run my eyes over his tight jumper, jeans and the sexy way his hair is styled.

  "You've always made me a little possessive, Val. Maybe even more so now than before. Now close your eyes," he says. I do as I'm told, feeling a wash of power over my skin, and when I open my eyes, I have clothes on. A lot of clothes. Pretty much every inch of skin from the neck down is covered in thick fabric. A long-sleeved silver top, high-waisted black trousers, and pretty sexy knee-high boots. I mean, it doesn't match and isn’t something I would wear, but I'm thankful all the same.

  "Thanks," I say, grinning at him just as I notice the stone on the ground in front of me. I lean down and pick it up, rubbing my thumb over the gemstone, shivering from the contact. “More so now?” I begin, wondering what he means by that.

  “I’m tired of the back and forth. I want something a little more permanent with you,” Broc says before giving me that sultry smile I love.

  “You’ll have to get in line behind Herc,” I reply.

  “You know I love a good competition. The idea of taking turns to see who can fuck you better actually sounds like a damn good time.” I blush and try to ignore how wild my imagination goes at the suggestion. "Is that the stone of love?" Broc asks, stepping closer and resting his hand on my arm as we both look at it. It is mesmerising and seductive. I could stare at it all day. I love the way Broc is resting against me a little too much as well.

  "I have a new mission: find the new god or goddess of love to replace Persephone. Apparently, the world needs the replacement found as soon as possible," I say, before pulling my eyes from the stone. I slide the necklace into my trouser pocket and look around at the campus, frowning at all the heart balloons and pink signs boasting about a Valentine’s Ball tonight. I suddenly realise what day it is.

  "It is Valentine’s Day," I say with a sigh. "My second favorite holiday. Such a shame I have to work," I pout.

  “What’s your first favorite holiday?” Broc asks while lifting my chin to look at him and drawing my attention away from the stone. I shake my head, forcing the seductive powers out of my mind before answering him. “National Chocolate Day, of course,” I reply, like it's the most reasonable answer possible.

  “Of course it is,” Broc, the god of pleasure, answers before waving his hand and producing a large box of luxurious chocolates, lifting the lid so that I can swoon over the vast selection of chocolatey amazingness. Figures the god of pleasure can summon fine desserts on a whim.

  “You make it hard to not fall in love with you, Broc. You know I’m a sucker for chocolate,” I tease, instantly regretting my choice of words as I look up sheepishly at him. I plop a piece of dark chocolate in my mouth, moaning when it touches my tongue and caramel spills out into my mouth. I notice Broc adjust his pants before peering back at me with an unmistakable hunger.

  “I’m going to hand feed you chocolate every day if I’m rewarded with delicious sounds like that,” he replies before looking around and leaning forward.

  “What—” I begin to ask, but he answers me before I can even get the question out, licking the corner of my mouth and savoring the chocolate that was there.

  “You’re fucking delicious, Val,” he says with a sigh before pulling away. Shit. That was too close, the Valkyrie leaders have eyes everywhere.

  "How exactly do they want you to find this new god of love?" Broc asks, likely sensing my unease as I look around, checking for peering eyes. Before I can answer, I hear my name called. I turn to see Hela running up to me then pulling me into a tight hug. I run my eyes over my bestie and charge, seeing that she is much calmer than the last time I saw her. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she’s wearing cute jeans with a tank top and a leather jacket.

  "I was worried you were gone. A Valkyrie turned up and said you aren't looking after me anymore. Am I not going to be allowed to see you? It's my fault for killing Persephone, isn't it?" she rambles on until I pull away and place my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

  "No, my crazy goddess bestie, it is not your fault. I have a new mission, sure, but I’ll still be around. You can't get rid of me that easily," I say, and she chuckles.

  "I guess I should’ve known that one," she says, clearly relieved.

  "Right?" I reply as she lets me go and seems to suddenly notice Broc.

  "Who is this?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

  "Broc, god of pleasure...this is Hela, goddess of death," I introduce them, thankful that Broc doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in how beautiful Hel is. I've never been the jealous type, but the idea of anyone swaying Broc's attention seems to bring that bitchy side right out of the pits of my soul. And she comes out with damn stabby knife vision, too. "Anyway, where are your gods? And how did you get here?"

  "We have been practicing how to open portals. Loki told me to think of someone I'd want to see. I guess he assumed I would go to one of the guys, but I've had you on my mind," she explains. I'm so proud she is figuring out her powers already.

  "I'm one lucky Valkyrie," I say, teasing her as she laughs. Two seconds later, Loki appears next to her, looking annoyed when he sees me and then Broc. Well, more annoyed at Broc.

  "I was worried you ended up in another world, but at least we know you can portal now," Loki mutters. "Planet portalling was going to be lesson five, but we can skip it now and try local portalling i

  "I think it was a fluke accident," Hel says.

  "Nope, it was pure talent," Loki replies, wrapping an arm around her waist and looking to me. "Hello there, Val, I was just thinking of you.”

  “All good things, I hope,” I reply with a smile.

  “Of course. We found Zeus, so you need not worry. Herc came to see us early this morning and told us where to find him. It seems he owed you a favor."

  "He did, but I'm surprised he went out of his way to pay it," I say, thinking of our steamy kiss and wishing I could have had more.

  "I'm not," Broc mutters. I sense the resentment in his tone. Too bad I don’t pick favorites; I want it all.

  "Why are you here then, Val?" Hel asks, looking around campus. "I doubt it is for the Valentine’s Ball."

  Not sure how to answer, I close my eyes, sensing a sort of strange magic I’ve never felt before threading through my chest, connecting me to the necklace. I inhale, trying to focus on where the slow, sensual pull is leading me, then open my eyes to peer at Broc. "I suspect the ball is exactly why I’m here.” I need to find the new god or goddess of love. What better place than a fucking Valentine’s Ball?

  "Can I help?" Hel asks, but Loki whispers something to her. "Ah sorry, I forgot. I need to get back, but promise you’ll come and see me soon?"

  "I promise," I say, pulling her over for a quick hug before letting Loki portal her away. When she fades, I see Herc off by a brick building walking over to us. I’m surprised that I hadn’t noticed him before. He towers over everyone, and the women nearby are tripping over themselves to get to him.

  "Here he comes," Broc mutters, though I don't know why he is moody with him. I look at Herc, smiling a bit at the mortals running into each other while gawking at him. Broc rolls his eyes but is doing no better at keeping a low profile with how he looks. They’re friggin' gods on a college campus full of horny teenagers.

  "I'm here to help," Herc states, stopping in front of me.


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