Alec's Dream (Gemini Group Book 4)

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Alec's Dream (Gemini Group Book 4) Page 12

by Riley Edwards

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “I know you’re not but you still need to eat something.”


  Macy was too damn skinny as it was, she couldn’t afford to miss a meal. Yet he didn’t push.

  “Did you get ahold of Becky?”

  “Yeah. She’s picking up Caleb after school. He’s gonna be bummed he’s missing football practice but I don’t want him at the park without me.”

  Alec agreed and made a mental note to get the boy’s schedule and check into his coaches. Depending on how long it took to find Malone and Spencer, he’d rearrange his schedule to make sure he could be at the kid’s practices so he didn’t have to miss out on something he enjoyed. Enough had been stolen from this family, he wouldn’t let anything else be taken if he could help it.

  “Good call,” he told her and went back to the kitchen to get Rory’s soup ready.

  He shuffled around Macy’s kitchen, noting how well-organized everything was—clean, uncluttered. Macy’s house was warm and inviting—a family lived there. Suddenly, visions of Macy making his big lonely house a home filled his mind. How different would it feel coming home to her, the sound of kids laughing? The solitude of the space filled with something beautiful.

  Alec set the bowl of soup down on the coffee table with a spoon and Macy roused Aurora.

  “Come on, baby girl, Mister Hall brought your soup.”

  “Alec,” he corrected. Macy’s confused gaze came to his and he explained, “Alec. Not Mister Hall.”

  He didn’t like the formality. It was Macy’s way of putting space between him and her children. Which was something he needed to stop. He wasn’t mister anything to them. He wasn’t going to be Uncle Alec like he was to Weston’s son either. He wasn’t sure what he would be to them. Except he knew he was going to be in their lives in a way that didn’t include being called mister.

  “I think—” Macy stopped her rebuttal and looked out the window. Alec’s gaze followed to find Rob Keene’s Expedition parked at the curb.

  “Be right back.”

  “No!” Rory shouted and Alec froze.

  The raw panic on the little girl’s face tore at his insides and the devastation in Macy’s eyes threatened to take him to his knees.

  “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’m going to go talk to Rob and let your brother in,” Alec assured her.

  “You promise?”

  “Yeah, Rory, I promise. I’m going to go outside but I’ll be right back in.”

  Aurora wordlessly went back to slurping her soup but Macy’s frightened eyes stayed glued to his. There was so much emotion communicated in the silence—he didn’t need the words to know the depth of Macy’s pain and fear.

  “It’s gonna be all right. Swear it, Macy, everything is gonna be okay.”

  Her eyes drifted closed and she nodded though he knew she didn’t believe him. How could she? Rory was scared, Macy was battered and bruised, and her son was outside moments away from learning his mother had been attacked. And if all of that wasn’t bad enough, Macy had been brutalized on her own property. A place where she should’ve been safe, where they all should be safe.

  There was so much he wanted to say to Macy but he needed to intercept Caleb before he came into the house.

  Alec made it outside just as Rob, Becky, and Caleb were halfway up the lawn. All three jerked to a halt, surprised to see him, but it was Caleb who’s eyes narrowed. The boy’s confusion turned to something else and Alec was impressed as the kid prepared to battle.

  “Rob. Becky,” Alec greeted, then turned to Macy’s son. “Caleb. I’m Alec. I don’t know if you remember seeing me at the Freeze. I’m a friend of your mom’s. My daughter Jocelyn goes to your mom’s daycare.”

  “Why are you here? Where’s Mom?”

  Alec smiled at the kid, liking the way he asked about his mom.

  “I need a minute with Rob, then I’ll explain. But while I’m doing that, I need you and Becky to wait out here, yeah?”

  “Is mom inside?” Caleb inquired, not giving in to Alec’s request.

  “She is. Rory’s home, too.”

  “I’m going in.” Caleb took a step and Alec remained in place, trying his best to look threatening.

  “Listen, Caleb, I know you wanna check on your mom. But right now, what your mom needs is for you to hang out here with Becky while I talk to Rob. I know it’s asking a lot seeing as you don’t know me, but I need you to trust me just for a few minutes.”

  “Come on, bud.” Becky put her arm around Caleb’s shoulder and steered him back to the Expedition. “Let’s give them a minute.”

  Thankfully, Caleb didn’t argue, leaving him alone with Rob.

  “What happened?” The other man wasted no time getting down to it. Which was good because Alec didn’t have the time nor the disposition for small talk.

  Alec liked and respected Rob—he was a no-bullshit kind of man—so Alec gave it to him straight holding nothing back, knowing he was free to be honest.

  “Motherfucker. I’m gonna ring his goddamn neck,” Rob growled.

  “Back of the line, brother,” Alec muttered, then got to the point of why he’d wanted a word with Rob before they went in. “I need your help. I’m stuck in this fucked-up place where I need to talk to Caleb, warn him what he’s gonna see so he doesn’t get blindsided. But also, and I don’t think I need to tell you, Rory’s a mess. She saw it, she’ll be looking to her brother for cues. Macy’s holding on by a thread. If Caleb goes off, Rory will, too, and Macy will crumble. But the kid doesn’t know me, doesn’t trust me, and already has a man in his life who’s a fucked-up prick. I need this to go smooth so I’m asking you to take my back on this. I need you with me when I talk to Caleb.”

  “There a reason why you’re so worried how smooth this goes between you and Caleb? And while I’m asking that, I’ll also ask this—why are you in her business to begin with? Before you answer, you should know, I heard my woman on the phone squealing like a teenager, talking about Alec Hall this, Alec Hall that with Macy. Then nothing for days. Did you get what you wanted from sweet Macy on Saturday night, then throw her back?”

  Alec leashed his temper and remembered Rob was doing what he was supposed to do and that was protecting Macy. But it pissed him the fuck off that Rob was questioning him.

  “Respect that you’re looking out for Macy. You have my promise I’m not going to hurt her or the kids. But I’m telling you now, I will not explain our relationship or private life with you or anyone else. If Macy wants to share, she will. Straight up, I need this to go smooth for Caleb because he’s twelve and his dad has already fucked him over and I will not be another man to let him down. You can either help clear the way for me, or you can walk into the house and I’ll handle Caleb on my own. Your choice. But I’m not letting that boy walk into the house and suffer the kind of blow that would be delivered seeing his mother with bruises on her face.”

  “You’re serious then? About her? About them?”


  “Fuck.” Rob’s jaw clenched before he continued. “All right. Let’s talk to him. He’s worried.”

  “I’m sure he is. Appreciate you staying.”

  “Beck,” Rob called out.

  Becky and Caleb made their way over. Becky stopped looking at her husband for direction but Caleb’s eyes were on Alec. The kid was freaked the hell out, that much was clear. But he was holding it together in a way that both impressed and worried Alec. This kid was no stranger to bad news. The realization made Alec want to beat the hell out of Dumbass Doug. What kind of man could screw his family over?

  “Go on in,” Rob told Becky. “We’ll be right there.”

  Becky gave Caleb a one-armed squeeze, then she made her way to the house.

  “God, what did he do now?” Caleb grumbled.

  “I assume you’re talking about your dad,” Alec started.

  “It’s always him. He’s always doing something to hurt mom. Just tell me, I
’m used to it.”

  Yeah, Alec was going to find the fucktard and beat him bloody.

  “It’s not your dad.” Not directly anyway, but Alec wasn’t going to explain to the boy that his father’s gambling had once again hurt his mom. “I know this is asking a lot of you, but I figure you can handle it.” The kid jutted out his chin in confirmation. “Today your mom picked Rory up from school early because she’s sick. After they got home, someone knocked on the door and when your mom answered the man he…um…hit her.”

  Caleb’s face went pale and Rob stepped closer. Jealously hit Alec hard but he set it aside and continued. “I’m gonna be honest with you, she has a black eye, there’s a cut on her cheek, and she has another cut on her lip. I didn’t want you walking into the house and get caught off-guard, that’s why I’m telling you. But I also need you to know that she’s okay. Your mom is strong. It’s been reported to the police and your Uncle Jonny’s taking care of it. Rory saw the attack so she’s gonna need her big brother to be strong, too. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I’m asking anyway, they need you to be solid before you go in there. You need to talk about it, you have a word with your mom away from Rory. You can’t talk to her, you call Rob. You need another option, you call me.”

  Caleb looked shell-shocked and Alec wondered if he’d done the right thing.

  “I can be strong,” Caleb mumbled, however, the crack in his voice belied the words.

  “I believe you are strong, Caleb. But this is a lot so I need to know that if it gets to be too much, you’ll reach out. No shame in talking about what’s on your mind. Part of being strong is knowing your limits, knowing when you need to unload.”

  “Okay.” Caleb looked up at Rob and once again ugly and unwarranted envy knotted in his gut. He was undeserving of the boy’s trust, the kid didn’t know him from Adam, yet he wanted Caleb to turn to him.

  “Let’s go in.”

  Rob looked over at Alec and nodded in approval. They were nearly at the door when Caleb stopped. The boy’s swift intake of breath was audible and when he exhaled, his eyes found Alec’s and he frowned.

  “Thanks for telling me. I mean, so I can be strong for Rory and mom.”

  “Come on, your mom’s been waiting for you to get home. I think she’ll feel better once she sees you.”

  They went into the house and found Rory still sitting on the floor on her knees in front of the coffee table dipping crackers into her soup. Her wide eyes on her brother—watching, waiting.

  Becky and Macy were notably absent from the room and before he could ask where they were, Aurora launched in.

  “Hi, Uncle Rob. I came home early because I felt pukey. But after I threw up I felt better and Alec made me soup and bought me ginger ale.”

  “Glad to hear it, short stuff. Soup and ginger ale always makes me feel better.”

  “Where’s Mom?” Caleb asked.

  Rory’s face started to crumble and her mouth twisted in a way that had residual anger roaring through him.

  Good God, this little girl killed him.

  “Rory, sweetheart?” The little girl’s eyes came to his and he forgot what he was going to say when the first tear fell.

  Alec moved on instinct, making his way to Aurora and sweeping her into his arms, not caring if it was the appropriate or the proper thing to do.

  She clung to his neck and sobbed. So much was happening at that moment he wasn’t sure where to start. Macy’s daughter was in his arms and he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about him comforting the girl. But it was more than that, he’d planned on taking his time getting to know both kids, slowly making his way into their lives, then introducing Jocelyn into the equation. Holding the crying Rory felt like hyper-speed.

  “Shh, Rory, everything’s okay.”

  “He hit mama,” she suddenly screeched and reared back to look at him. Tiny hands fisted his shirt and tugged hard. “She was crying!”

  Alec heard Macy’s rushed footsteps as she came into the living room but he didn’t take his eyes from Rory.

  “He did, yes,” Alec gently agreed. “But your mama is safe now, sweetheart. So are you and Caleb.”

  “Did Uncle Jonny catch the bad guy?”

  “Not yet, sweetheart.” A fresh round of tears shook her body and Alec was at a loss for how to console her. “But he cannot hurt you. Uncle Jonny has all of his friends out looking. My friends are helping, too. Your Uncle Rob is here, I’m here, your brother’s here, no one is going to hurt you or your mom.”

  “You promised,” she cried.

  “I did and I promise to keep you safe while we’re looking for the bad guy.”

  “Mama and Caleb, too?”

  “Of course. All three of you will be safe.”

  Rory’s attention went to her brother and Alec’s followed, finding Caleb watching the exchange with a fair amount of anger and a hint of distrust.

  He couldn’t blame the kid—if Alec was in his shoes he wouldn’t trust some asshole he’d just met either, especially not with his mom and sister.

  “Did you hear, Caleb? Alec is going to protect us.”

  “Yeah, I heard,” he grumbled, not believing for one second it was the truth.

  “You ready to sit down and finish eating?”

  “I’m done,” she announced.

  “Then please take your bowl to the sink,” Macy instructed, albeit not very forcefully.

  “I got it, Mom. Rory, lie down on the couch,” Caleb bossed and Alec understood the young man’s play.

  He may’ve only been twelve but he was making a stand—he was the man of the house, he’d take care of his sister and mother.

  Alec set Rory on her feet and locked gazes with Macy. His palms itched to hold her the way he had her daughter, cosset her, wrap her up, comfort her. But deep down he knew it was more than that. Alec Hall wanted Macy on a primal level. Wanted to own every part of her.

  Patience, he reminded himself.


  I had no idea what Alec had said to Caleb outside, but I could guess. My son didn’t look shocked to see my face—horrified, yes, but Alec had to have warned him.

  For that I was grateful. And the fact he’d asked Rob to stay said a lot about Alec. He was perceptive and understanding.

  “Christ on a cracker,” Becky muttered when we were alone in the kitchen.

  Rory and Caleb were in the living room with the men and Becky had followed me in my quest for food. Not that I was hungry, but I still needed to think about dinner for the kids.


  “Girl, not even you can miss the way that man looks at you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I wasn’t sure if I was offended at my friend's insinuation I was an idiot.

  “You know I love you, but you like to pretend you’re not gorgeous and smart and funny and one hell of a good mother.”

  “You only think that because as you said, you love me.”

  Becky leaned back against my counter and I didn’t like the look she was giving me. It was a lot like Alec looked right before he told me the truth about something I didn’t want to hear.

  “I know Doug—”


  “I know what he did to you. I know because I was there. I watched it. I lived it right alongside you, powerless to help you. But Alec Hall is not Doug Spencer. They’re not even in the same stratosphere. Complete opposites. It’s time to open yourself up. Why’d you pull back after dinner?”

  Becky obviously knew about the date, therefore when she’d called bright and early Sunday morning, I told her it wasn’t going to work out and there’d be no more dinners but I didn’t elaborate.

  “Hello?” I motioned to my face. “Don’t you think I have enough to deal with?”

  “Josh fucking Malone didn’t happen Saturday night. Doug fucking up again and gambling all his money away didn’t happen Saturday night. Yet you pulled back.”

  “Because I knew. I freaking knew it was only a matter of t
ime before something like this happened. Not the first time Josh Malone has gotten in my face, just the first time I caught his fist to it. I knew Doug screwing up more than his normal screwing up was inevitable. And let's see, what else…oh yeah, Doug’s playing a game with Rory. Caleb is showing signs he wants nothing to do with his dad. All of that has priority over me getting laid, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, it does. But if you think Alec Hall is sniffing around a single mom with a mountain of shit swirling around her just so he can get laid, then you are crazy. That man is hot, if he wanted a quick piece of ass he’d find it quick, fast, and in a hurry. Hell, he could walk into the Blue Bird and two minutes later walk out with a bitch on each arm.”

  Great, that’s just the image I wanted in my head.

  And how many times had my ex walked into the Blue Bird only to walk out five minutes later with a bitch on each arm willing to fuck a married man? Too many times to count.

  “I can’t deal with this.”

  Becky’s eyes softened and I hated that she was looking at me with pity. Once again I was poor, down-and-out Macy.

  “Jonny’s gonna find Josh Malone, and if Jonny doesn’t do it fast, that man in there’s gonna do it and I have a feeling he’ll rip him apart. Can’t lie, I’m rooting on Alec. I’m just gonna tell you one last thing, because I love you and I want you happy. I see you’ve backed yourself into a corner but Macy, you’re fighting in the wrong one. Alec’s standing across the ring holding out his hand to you, offering you support. Take it.”

  “I have to do this on my own.”

  “That is where you are very wrong, sister. When shit goes sideways and you have family and friends around you who love you—you never do it on your own. You reach out, rally your people and go to battle. You are not a one-person army and trying to be is stupid. We love you, we love those kids, and you pulling away and saying dumb shit like you need to do it by yourself is a kick in the teeth. You are not what Doug said you were. You are not weak. You are not a bad mother. You were never a bad wife. You were never fat. You were never bad in bed. You were—”

  “Stop! I get it,” I whispered.

  “I don’t think you do and it kills me because you are so damn pretty and smart. You’re the best mom I know. The best friend. And it hurts to see you hide away.”


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